Die deutschen Republiken, die Wissenschaft, ihre Gegner und eine Geschichte verdrängter Geschichte seit 1870/71 und 1914

Deutscher Parteienstaat nach 1945 mit alten Seilschaften: Politics of Germany

Christian Democratic Union of Germany and Christian Social Union in Bavaria
Since 1949: 2016 'Rosenburg Project' study, covering the period from 1950 to 1973 and conducted by independent experts, highlights how thousands of Germans who committed crimes during Hitler's dictatorship were protected by former NDSAP members holding key positions in the legal system, finding that more than half of all senior officials in Germany's Justice Ministry in the 1950s and 1960s were ex-Nazis who, through inaction or intentional sabotage, systematically protected fellow former members of Hitler's National Socialist party from prosecution and shaped West Germany's legal code for decades
1952 Aufenthaltsort Adolf Eichmanns dem CDU-Adenauerschen BND bekannt: CIA-Akten 2006: Aufenthaltsort Adolf Eichmanns dem CDU-Adenauerschen BND und CIA bereits 1958 bekannt - BND-Akten: Aufenthaltsort Eichmanns sogar schon 1952 bekannt
1953-1963 Nazi-jurist CDU-Globke director of the Federal Chancellory of West Germany: 1953-1963 CDU-member and racist Nazi-jurist Hans Globke director of the Federal Chancellory of West Germany, 1933-1945 high-profile Nazi-jurist in NSDAP-Germany, drafting the law for the 'Protection of the German Blood' and serving as chief legal advisor in the Office for Jewish Affairs in the Ministry of Interior, the section headed by Adolf Eichmann that implemented the Holocaust bureaucratically, knowing 'that the Jews were being put to death en masse' - March 1963: Dr. Hans Maria Globke - facts and documents presented by the association of democratic lawyers Berlin
1958-1962: Wanted Nazi Walter Rauff was German 'Bundesnachrichtendienst' BND spy between 1958-1962
1965: In 1965 'Butcher of Lyon' SS-Hauptsturmführer Klaus Barbie was recruited by the BND, his initial monthly salary of 500 Deutsche Mark was transferred in May 1966 to an account of the Chartered Bank of London in San Francisco in the USA, which recruited him in 1947 as an agent for the USA Army Counter Intelligence Corps CIC, and he made at least 35 reports to the BND headquarters in Pullach
1966-1969 NSDAP/CDU-Kiesinger Kanzler: NSDAP/CDU-Kiesinger Kanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Große Koalition von CDU/CSU und SPD 1966-1969, u.a. mit SA- und NSDAP-Mitglied Karl Schiller als Minister)
1979-1984 SA- und NSDAP-Mitglied Karl Carstens Präsident: SA- und NSDAP-Mitglied Karl Carstens Präsident der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1979-1984
1945-2007 NSDAP/CDU-Filbinger Affäre (nicht abgeschlossen): NSDAP/CDU-Filbinger-Affäre (1945 bis 2007) - Justizmorde als NS-Richter - 'Furchtbare Juristen' (mit dem Untertitel 'Die unbewältigte Vergangenheit unserer Justiz') behandelt die Verbrechen der deutschen Justiz in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und die durch Übernahme von NS-vorbelasteten Juristen in den Staatsdienst der Bundesrepublik Deutschland verhinderte gerichtliche Aufarbeitung ebendieser Verbrechen - 1. September 2009: Österreichs Nationalratspräsidentin Prammer fordert eine 'lückenlose Rehabilitation' der Opfer der NS-Militärjustiz - Opfer der NS-Militärjustiz sind Personen, die von Militärgerichten (einschließlich Feldgerichten und Ersatzgerichten) in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus verurteilt wurden, während des Zweiten Weltkrieges haben Militärrichter etwa 30.000 Todesurteile gefällt
14 January 2013: Youngest 'Schindler's List' survivor Leon Leyson dies in Southern California at 83 - millions didn't survive due to the actions of Hitler, Himmler, Göring, von Richthofen, Goebbels, Kiesinger, Filbinger, Gustav Noske, Helmut Schmidt etc.
24. Oktober 2014: Denkmal für die Verfolgten der NS-Militärjustiz als zentrale österreichische Gedenkstätte für Deserteure des NS-Regimes am Wiener Ballhausplatz von Bundespräsident Heinz Fischer der Öffentlichkeit übergeben
Seit 1975 (nicht abgeschlossen) Flick-Parteispenden-Affäre: Flick-Affäre seit 1975 (nicht abgeschlossen)
21. August 2015: CSU-Politiker Franz Josef Strauß hat während seiner Amtszeiten neuen Recherchen zufolge jahrelang von Unternehmen wie BMW, Bertelsmann und Firmen aus dem Flick-Imperium Schmiergeld über eine Wirtschaftsberatungsgesellschaft kassiert
1982 CDU-Kohl wanted half of Turks out of Germany: 2 August 2013: In 1982 CDU-Chancellor Helmut Kohl wanted to send one-half of the country’s Turkish immigrant population back home
Seit 1989 (nicht abgeschlossen) CDU/CSU-Korruptions-, Spenden- und Schwarzgeldaffäre: CDU/CSU-Korruptions-, Spenden- und Schwarzgeldaffäre seit den 90iger Jahren, nicht abgeschlossen
Zum Beispiel seit 1987 (nicht abgeschlossen): Ludwig-Holger Pfahls - Vorteilsannahme, Steuerhinterziehung und Betrug - 9 November 2011: Former junior defence minister Pfahls (CDU/CSU-Kohl government) once more sentenced to 4 1/2 years for fraud
Zum Beispiel seit den 1980er Jahren (nicht abgeschlossen): Karlheinz Schreiber - Steuerhinterziehung, Bestechung - Vgl. den Artikel: Das "wunderbare Land" und die K-Frage 2009: Kläffende Köter, Carstensens Kieler Karren und nicht nur ein hervorragender "Kopp"
1996: 14. Juni 1996: Die deutsche 'Wehrmacht' in der Realisierung der Welteroberungs- und Versklavungspläne des national-sozialistischen Deutschlands katapultierte das NS-Mordsystem mit Waffengewalt über die deutschen Grenzen hinaus bis nach Stalingrad und Narvik, an den Nordrand der Sahara und die Küste des Atlantiks, ihren territorialen Eroberungen übrigens immer hart auf dem Fuße ein Vernichtungsapparat, dessen Radius stets identisch mit dem Radius der Wehrmachtsfront war, die daher an der physischen Auslöschung der Opfer selbst dann mitverantwortlich und mitschuldig gewesen wäre, wenn die Massen-, Serien- und Völkermorde ohne ihre Beteiligung stattgefunden hätten, in die sie aber tief involviert war (Ralph Giordano in einem offenen Brief an den CDU-Minister Volker Rühe mit der Aufforderung, Erwin Rommel aus der Bundeswehr-Tradition zu entfernen)
Since 2003 Merkel's Iraq War support: In the spring of 2003 CDU's Angela Merkel came out in favour of the USA's and United Kingdom's invasion of Iraq, describing supported war as 'unavoidable' - Casualties of the Iraq War since 2003, beginning with the 2003 USA invasion of Iraq, and the ensuing occupation and insurgency - Casualties of the Iraq War since 2003, beginning with the 2003 USA invasion of Iraq, and the ensuing occupation and insurgency - 6 July 2016: Public inquiry`s report into the British role in the Iraq War since 2003, saying the Iraq War case was not justified - 10 juillet 2016: Ministre du gouvernement de Tony Blair en 2003 John Prescott a déploré dimanche une guerre 'illégale' et regrette amèrement sa décision d'entrer en guerre contre l'Irak et ses conséquences
Since November 2005: 18 June 2017: NSU victims' families sue German governments, including the governments of CDU's Angela Merkel, over investigation errors, as families of two men murdered by a neo-Nazi group are suing for damages due to mistakes made in the probe argueing that authorities could have arrested the trio earlier, preventing further murders, and as the case against the NSU, the neo-Nazi terrorist organization National Socialist Underground that committed ten murders, three bomb attacks, and 15 bank robberies in the years between 1998 and 2011, is an unprecedented example of the close connection between the German secret services and the neo-Nazi movement as well as the structural racism within the German law enforcement authorities, according to NSU-Watch
2008-2011 Weißrußlands Polizei- und Milizschulung: 2008-2011: Schulung von Polizei und Miliz des Innenministeriums Weißrußlands in Deutschland für Einsätze gegen Demonstranten, sog. 'Rädelsführer' etc., auf Veranlassung der Regierung Merkel
2010/2011: Abschlußbericht der Kommission 'Selbstkontrolle der Wissenschaft' der Universität Bayreuth: Der am 1. März 2011 zurückgetretene Verteidigungsminister zu Guttenberg hat bei der Herstellung seiner Dissertation absichtlich getäuscht
2010/2015: 5 October 2010: After police deployed water cannon, batons, teargas and pepper spray against thousands of protesters in Stuttgart on 30 September 2010, images of bloodied protesters and reports of police beating schoolchildren have transformed 'Stuttgart 21' from a central station project into a political disaster for Angela Merkel's CDU - 18 November 2015: Stuttgart police found guilty of brutality when they broke up a protest against Stuttgart's planned train station five years ago, injuring 100 people
2011/2013: Am 19. Juni 2011 de Maizières Belehrung der Nato, daß der Libyeneinsatz, d.h. die Rettungsaktion und Hilfe für die libysche Zivilbevölkerung und die Gaddafi-Gegner 'kurzsichtig' sei - 21 May 2013: Defence Minister de Maizière charged over scrapped drone project after investing around USD 835 million
2011 CDU-Kauderwelsch: November 2011: Europe speaks (of) 'Kauderwelsch' now!
2011/2012 Christian Wulff Kredit- und Medienaffäre: Christian Wulff Kredit- und Medienaffäre seit 2011/2012 - 'Wulff-Affäre' 2011/2012 - 18 February: Germany's president quits over corruption charges - 12 avril 2013: L'ancien président Christian Wulff inculpé pour corruption - 27 August: Ex-German president Wulff to be tried on accepting unfair advantages - 14 November: German ex-President Wulff goes on trial over 'favours'
2012 Ermittlung gegen CDU-Mappus wegen Untreue: 11. Juli 2012: Staatsanwaltliches Ermittlungsverfahren gegen früheren CDU-Ministerpräsidenten Mappus wegen Untreue beim Kauf von EnBW-Aktien - 14. Juli: CDU distanziert sich von Stefan Mappus
2013 Tougher EU emissions rules for cars blocked after large BMW donation: 15 October 2013: Germany blocked the introduction of tougher EU emissions rules for cars shortly after Chancellor Angela Merkel's party received a large donation from three major BMW shareholders
2000/2013 CDU-Politik und Naziterror, bevor der erste NSU-Mord in Nürnberg im September 2000 geschah, war dem damaligen sächsischen CDU-Innenminister Klaus Hardraht die Struktur des Naziterror-Netzwerkes NSU bekannt: 21. Mai 2013: Mit Schreiben vom 28.04.2000 des Präsidenten des Landesamts für Verfassungsschutz an den damaligen sächsischen CDU-Innenminister Klaus Hardraht und mehrere Verantwortliche wurden diese darüber unterrichtet, daß es Zweck der Nazi-Terrorgruppe NSU sei, 'schwere Straftaten gegen die freiheitlich demokratische Grundordnung zu begehen' und daß bei der NSU 'eine deutliche Steigerung der Intensität bis hin zu schwersten Straftaten feststellbar' sei
September 2013: 13. September 2013: Zum 100. Jahrestag der von deutschen Kriegsverbrechern verübten Massaker von Dinant in Belgiens Wallonie erhielt die deutsche CDU-Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel am 13. September 2013 vom Bürgermeister Dinants eine Einladung, die sie ausschlug - August 2013 Ghouta chemical attack in Syria on opposition-controlled areas, where 'significant quantities of sarin were used in a well-planned indiscriminate attack targeting civilian-inhabited areas, causing mass casualties', according to UN
Since 20 May 2014: Since 20 May 2014 German Parliamentary Committee investigating the NSA and BND spying scandal
2014-2018 Erinnerung an den 1. Weltkrieg 1914-1918, hundert Jahre später: First World War centenary 2014-2018 - Commémoration de la Première Guerre mondiale en Belgique - La sélection du Centenaire - Mai 2015 - The Great War Timeline - May 1915 - Erinnerung an die Opfer und den Widerstand in vielen weiteren Ländern und in Deutschland
2014-2020 Erinnerung an den 2. Weltkrieg 1939-1945 75 Jahre später: Aftermath of World War II - 75 years later the British website 'World War II Today' continues to follow the war through to August 1945
2015: 30 April 2015: EU's Jean-Claude Juncker expects that the German CDU/CSU-SPD government gets to the bottom of Brussels spy scandal after Germany reportedly snooped on the EU and France at USA's behest
2015: 7 May 2015: German defense ministry official - ministry led by CDU's Ursula von der Leyen - tried to get MAD intelligence service on the urging of the manufacturer of assault rifles G36 Heckler&Koch to cover up negative reports about this rifles used by the Bundeswehr - Hitler's general Erwin Rommel, commander of Hitler's 'Führerbegleithauptquartier' during the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939, commander during the Nazi invasion of France, Belgium 1940 and North Africa, war crimes in Italy 1943 - since 1961 the biggest West-German military barracks named 'Generalfeldmarschall-Rommel-Kaserne', ongoing - 1940 Execution of prisoners in France by Nazi Germany and by Rommel's 7th Panzer division alongside troops from 5th Panzer division, committing numerous atrocities against French and especially French-African soldiers, Rommel himself ordered the execution of one French officer, who did not have a gun - En juin 1940 les assassins de la 7e division blindée allemande sous les ordres d'Erwin Rommel, qui séparent alors les Africains des Européens, exécutent sommairement le capitaine N'Tchoréré, qui refuse d’être considéré comme un 'Untermensch', un 'sous-homme' - 27. Juli 2009: Der Historiker Raffael Scheck beschreibt anhand von Dokumenten, wie Wehrmachtseinheiten innerhalb nur eines Monats, zwischen dem 24. Mai und dem 24. Juni 1940, kurz nach der Kapitulation Frankreichs, mindestens 3.000 schwarze Soldaten Frankreichs ermordeten, obwohl die sich bereits ergeben hatten oder verwundet waren und nicht mehr im Kampf standen - The_Holocaust in North Africa's 'Italian Libya', prepared since 1938, in Tunisia under Vichy-France rule etc. - Hitler's general Heinz Guderian, commander during the invasion of Poland 1939, commander during the invasion of France and Belgium 1940, commander during the invasion of the Soviet Union since 1941, Chief of Staff of the Army in 1944, after 1945 Nazi general Heinz Guderian advised on the re-establishment of military forces in West-Germany - 23 May 2015: Polish regulation to compensate 20,000 Holocaust survivors in a new pension program providing monthly payments of $130 to Polish-born Jews and non-Jews who suffered hardships under the German Nazis in World War II
2016: 31 January 2016: Visiting Russian regime's Putin in Moscow, CSU's Horst Seehofer is undermining German governments's refugee policy, as the Russian regime and German Neonazi organizations are trying to stoke popular discontent over a German-Russian teen's fabricated rape claim, and the Russian regime, fighting against the Syrian democracy since 2011 and previously, is murdering hundreds of civilians including children in Syria in daily terror attacks using fighter jets
2016: 8 March 2016: Congo-born priest Ndjimbi-Tshiende in Germany's Bavaria quits over death threats he received since speaking out in defence of refugees and after he was fed up with xenophobic utterances from prominent CSU local politicians Sylvia Boher and Johann Haindi
2016: 29. Oktober 2016: EU-Kommissar CDU-Oettinger nennt Chinesen bei Vortrag in Hamburg 'Schlitzaugen' und spricht von 'Kommunisten'-Blockade der Wallonie bei den CETA Verhandlungen zwischen Canada und der EU
May 2017: 15 May 2017: The head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Israel office Efraim Zuroff told 'Newsweek' in a telephone interview that the announced still insufficient move to remove Nazi-era military names from German army barracks 'should have happened years ago', as it 'has to be clear that the Wehrmacht also played a role in crimes against humanity and waging a war against peace, people who were part of that shouldn't be the heroes of the new Germany'
August 2017: Am 4. August 2017 erklärt die bei der Landtagswahl 2013 in Niedersachsen über die Landesliste in den Landtag gewählte Elke Twesten auf einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit CDU-Fraktionschef Björn Thümler ihren Austritt aus Partei und Landtagsfraktion von 'Bündnis 90/Die Grünen' und kündigte den Eintritt in die CDU-Landtagsfraktion an, wodurch die rot-grüne Landesregierung ihre parlamentarische Mehrheit von einer Stimme verliert, die nun die Opposition aus CDU und FDP erhält
March 2018: 29 March 2018: On 21 March 2018 German chancellor Merkel called the Turkish Afrin offensive in Syria 'unacceptable', but that has not stopped her government from selling arms to Turkey, according to German public media
May 2018: 18 May 2018: German chancellor Merkel in Sochi welcomed by war criminal and mass murderer Novichok/Polonium/Sarin-Putin
August 2018: 23 August 2018: Saxony’s CDU-led interior ministry confirmed that a police employee had attended a march by anti-Islam and neo-Nazi linked group Pegida last Saturday and had reported TV journalists covering the rally to police who detained them for 45 minutes
October 2018 CDU Tauber honours Nazi general Rommel: 17 October 2018: Homage to Nazi general Erwin Rommel by CDU's Peter Tauber, a former close ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel
October 2018 arms sales to Saudi Arabia: 19 October 2018: German CDU led government approved half a billion Euros worth of arms sales to Saudi Arabian regime in 2018 - 2 October 2018 disappearance of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, later admitted assassination and international reactions - 20 October 2018: After the death of a Syrian prisoner in a cell fire in the prison Kleve, the opposition demands the resignation of North Rhine-Westphalia Minister of Justice Peter Biesenbach (CDU), saying 'he has misinformed Parliament and the public on a very central question'
November 2018: 22 November 2018: Would-be Merkel successor F. Merz (CDU) questions post-Nazi constitutional guarantee to asylum
February 2019: 9 February 2019: Despite opposition from many countries in eastern and central Europe and particularly Ukraine because it risks increasing Europe's dependence on Russian natural gas CDU-Merkel wishes pact with war criminals
June 2019: 20 June 2019: Downing of MH17 rallied the West against Russian regime, now, not so much, as push to drop European sanctions against murderous regime gains momentum also with Saxony's CDU Michael Kretschmer, who met with Putin in St. Petersburg - 24 June 2019: Merkel’s CDU party debates power sharing with the neo-Nazi linked AfD party, as some CDU politicians push for tie-ups with AfD on a regional level
July 2019 von der Leyen, EU, arms exports and parliamentary investigative commission: 3 July 2019: Lawmakers in the European Parliament and from across Germany's political spectrum slammed a proposal to make German Defense Minister CDU Ursula von der Leyen the next European Commission president, saying her nomination failed to meet pre-electoral promises to respect the lead candidate process and the results of the European elections, calling the nomination a 'classic victory of backroom politics over democracy' and a 'farce' - Since April 2018 von der Leyen promoted CDU-led German government's decisions on arms exports to Saudi Arabia and Turkey - In 2019 a parliamentary investigative commission was installed after the Federal Court of Auditors complained that rules of government procurement had been ignored when giving external consultancies in von Leyen's ministry from 2015 to 2016 and it turned out documents were destroyed to cover this up - 3 July 2019: Von der Leyen faces an investigation into suspected wrongdoing surrounding the use of outside consultants, including accusations that von der Leyen’s office circumvented public procurement rules in granting contracts worth millions of euros to the firms, as testimony from key witnesses appear to confirm suspicions of systematic corruption at the ministry
August 2019 taxpayers pay millions for questionable 'extra tuition': 8 August 2019: Between January and June 2019, the German Defense Ministry and its affiliated institutions spent €155 million on external consultants and support services, almost as much as all 13 other ministries put together, as ministry has long faced scrutiny over equipment deficiencies and why it resorts to consultancy despite having a staff of over 20,000 under CDU's Ursula von der Leyen, now designated president of the European Commission
September 2019 von der Leyen's ‘Protecting the European way of life’: 13 September 2019: CDU von der Leyen's ‘Protecting the European way of life’ from migrants is a gift to the neo-Nazis - 11 September 2019: CDU, AfD find common ground in 18 towns, report says
August/September 2019 assassination of Khangoshvili: 23 August 2019 assassination of Zelimkhan Khangoshvili - 2 September 2019: The murder of Chechen Khangoshvili in Berlin looks like a Russian operation, but the CDU/SPD Merkel government is not making a public fuss about that - 27 September 2019: New evidence links Russian state to Berlin assassination of Chechen Khangoshvili by suspected 'Vadim Andreevich Sokolov', Bellingcat reports
6 January 2020 German CDU-Merkel will visit Russia on 11 January: 6 January 2020: German CDU-Merkel will visit Russia on 11 January at Russian regime's, offering Polonium-tea, Novichok and hundreds of thousands of murdered Syrians and Ukrainians, war criminal Putin's invitation
February 2020 CDU supports neo-Nazi linked AfD and Secretary General denies solution of crisis: 5 February 2020: CDU and FDP politicians 'break taboo' voting with racist AfD and its state leader Björn Höcke, legally termed a fascist, to oust Thuringia premier Bodo Ramelow, defying the national party’s refusal to work with neo-Nazi linked parties - 23 February 2020: After lawmakers in Thuringia agreed on a way to vote in a new state government without the support of neo-Nazi party, avoiding a repeat of a decision earlier this month that caused a political uproar, CDU Secretary General Paul Ziemiak criticized party lawmakers for the way out of the crisis caused by the CDU (the party of NSDAP members Globke, Kiesinger Filbinger etc.), saying 'this is about the credibility of the CDU in general', adding that the party 'rejects all coalitions and similar forms of cooperation'
2 March 2020 CDU and EU von der Leyen's cronyism with Russian, Iranian and Assad regime's war criminals: 2 March 2020: Child drowns at sea off Greece in first fatality of CDU and EU von der Leyen's cronyism with Russian, Iranian and Assad regime's war criminals
15 July 2020 German CDU Merkel supports 'Wirecard' China deal, CSU-Guttenbergs 'Spitzberg Partners': Am 15. Juli 2020 wurde bekannt, dass CSU-Guttenbergs 'Spitzberg Partners' 2019 dem Zahlungsdienstleister Wirecard, der 2020 Insolvenz angemeldet hat, beim Eintritt in das China-Geschäft unterstützt hat, und zugleich bei der Bundesregierung Lobbyarbeit für Wirecard leistete - 15. Juli 2020: Guttenberg warb bei der Bundesregierung für Wirecard und die Beratungsfirma des Ex-Ministers begleitete 2019 den China-Deal des Zahlungsdienstleisters, und suchte und fand bei CDU-Merkel Regierung Unterstützung für das Vorhaben - CDU-Merkel, Richard-Wagner-Festspiele connection, companions and finance providers of anti-Semitic composer in Bayreuth

Social Democratic Party of Germany SPD
5/6 July 1914: 5/6 July 1914 Hoyos Mission and 'Blank cheque' in Berlin
25 July 1914: Austria-Hungarian and Serbian preparations for war since ultimatum of 23 July
Seite 1 des 'Vorwärts', Zentralorgan der SPD, vom 25. Juli 1914: "Eine ernste Stunde ist gekommen, ernster als irgend eine der letzten Jahrzehnte. Gefahr ist im Verzuge! Der Weltkrieg droht! Die herrschenden Klassen, die Euch im Frieden knebeln, verachten, ausnutzen, wollen Euch als Kanonenfutter mißbrauchen. Ueberall muß den Gewalthabern in die Ohren klingen: Wir wollen keinen Krieg! Nieder mit dem Kriege! Hoch die internationale Völkerverbrüderung! Berlin, den 25. Juli 1914. Der Parteivorstand."
25. Juli 1914: Friedenskundgebungen in den folgenden Tagen in großer Zahl, mit zehntausenden Teilnehmern.
28 July 1914: Austro-Hungarian declaration of war on Serbia
28 July 1914: The International Socialist Bureau (permanent secretariat in Brussels) urges the European working population and its organizations, to continue and intensify the battle for peace, for an arbitrational solution of the Austrian-Serbian crisis
1 August 1914: German declarations of war on Russia on 1st August, on France on August 3, on Belgium on August 4, German troops invaded Luxemburg as early as 7:00 pm of August 1st without declaration, first of all occupying the railway station of Ulflingen
August 1914: August 1914: Bei Beginn des Angriffskrieges des Deutschen Reichs 1914 wird die Hälfte der SPD-Mitglieder, bis 1917 sind 75% der SPD-Mitglieder zum Militär eingezogen
Since 1 August 1914: In August 1914, Friedrich Ebert led the 'Social Democratic Party' to vote almost unanimously in favour of war loans - 'Burgfrieden' of the Social Democratic Party of Germany during World War I (1914-1918) - How the poppy tradition began, worn each year in the period around Armistice Day on 11 November
1 August 1914: German declarations of war on Russia on 1st August, on France on August 3, on Belgium on August 4, German troops invaded Luxemburg as early as 7:00 pm of August 1st without declaration, first of all occupying the railway station of Ulflingen
5–16 August 1914 Battle of Liège: 5–16 August 1914 Battle of Liège, the opening German aggression in its invasion of Belgium and the first battle of World War I, the length of the siege of Liège may have delayed the German invasion of France by 4–5 days, railways needed by the German armies in eastern Belgium were closed for the duration of the siege and German murderous troops did not appear in strength before Namur until 20 August - On 6 August 1914 the German Army Zeppelin Z VI bombed the Belgian city of Liège, killing nine civilians, followed by night raids on Antwerp on 25 August and 2 September - Super-heavy howitzer developed by the German armaments manufacturer Krupp were used to destroy the Belgian forts at Liège, Namur, and Antwerp, and the French fort at Maubeuge, applauded by the German press and declared a 'Wunderwaffe' (wonder weapon)
August 1914 German massacres of hundreds of unarmed Belgian civilians in Dinant: On 21/22 August 1914 German infantry and pioneers advanced into Dinant, killing seven civilians and burning 15–20 houses, on 23 August 1914 the Germans massacred 674 unarmed Belgian civilians in Dinant, civilians were lined up against a wall and shot, including men over 70, women or girls, children under 14 and even babies, 1,200 houses were burned down and 400 people were deported to Germany as an area of Dinant was systematically looted and burned down by the Germans, also destroying public and historic buildings, including the collegial church and the town hall - 1914/1915 official report of massacres of peaceable citizens, women and children by the German army and testimony of eye-witnesses - 1915/1917 'Le sac de Dinant et le légendes du livre blanc allemand du 10 mai 1915', par M. Tschoffen, procureur du roi de l'arrondissement de Dinant - 12 May 1915 Bryce Report into German Atrocities in Belgium
1914 Unterstützung der Massaker von Dinant durch die SPD und ihre Presse: 1914 verfassen Adolf Köster, Redakteur des SPD-Zentralorgans Vorwärts sowie des Hamburger Echos, und Gustav Noske, SPD-Abgeordneter im Reichstag, Chefredakteur der Chemnitzer Volksstimme und Wehrexperte der Partei, eine Schrift, die die Massaker von Dinant unterstützt und den Standpunkt des deutschen Heeres teilt
August/September 1914 'Septemberprogramm' 1914, the plan for the territorial expansion of Imperial Germany: The 'Septemberprogramm' 1914, the plan for the territorial expansion of Imperial Germany at the beginning of World War I 1914–1918, showing the true scope of German plans for territorial expansion in two directions, east and west - Buts de guerre des Empires centraux 1914-1918
2. Dezember 1914: 2. Dezember 1914: Selbst nach der Niederlage in der 'Bataille de la Marne 1914' im September, in deren Folge Oberste Heeresleitung bzw. der Kriegsminister der Reichsregierung mitteilt, daß der Krieg für das deutsche Reich verloren sei, und für einen Verhandlungsfrieden plädiert, stimmt die SPD-Fraktion – außer Karl Liebknecht – erneut den Kriegskrediten für den Angriffskrieg des Deutschen Reiches zu
19. Juni 1915: 19. Juni 1915: Nachdem die 'Leipziger Volkszeitung' einen Aufruf 'Das Gebot der Stunde' veröffentlicht hatte, in welchem sich die Verfasser gegen die von zahlreichen Verbänden, darunter dem Zentralverband deutscher Industrieller, geforderten Annexionen und gegen die weitere Bewilligung der Kriegskredite durch die SPD wenden, verurteilt die Generalkommission der SPD 'mit aller Schärfe' diesen 'organisierten Sprengversuch der Einheit der deutschen Arbeiterorganisationen'
24. März 1916: 24. März 1916: Die Mehrheit der SPD-Fraktion stimmt einem neuen Kriegskredit für den mörderischen Krieg des Deutschen Reiches zu. Für die Fraktionsminderheit erklärt Hugo Haase, da die Regierung auf ihrem alten Wege beharre und von einer Neuorientierung nicht die Rede sei, könne sie diesem Etat nicht zustimmen. Als Hugo Haase von der entstandenen Verzweiflung der Völker durch die entfesselte Kriegsfurie spricht, wird ihm auch mit Zustimmung eines Teils der sozialdemokratischen Fraktion das Wort entzogen
5. April 1916: 5. April 1916: Während im Angriffskrieg gegen Frankreich in der Schlacht um Verdun zum erklärten - une bataille d'attrition pour 'saigner à blanc l'Armée française' - Zweck der Ausblutung hunderttausende französischer Bürger durch deutsche Militärs ermordet werden und deutsche Kollegen und SPD-Mitglieder zu hunderttausenden für die größenwahnsinnigen Kriegsziele des Kaiserreichs in seine Mordmaschine und den eigenen elenden Tod gezwungen werden, erklärt der Kriegsverbrecher und SPD-Vorsitzende Friedrich Ebert im Reichstag, 'solange die feindlichen Mächte auf ihren Zerschmetterungsplänen beharrten und keinen Frieden schließen wollten, so lange werde die SPD mit unserem Volk zur Verteidigung unseres Landes zusammenstehen'
27. Oktober 1916: 27. Oktober 1916: Bei der Bewilligung von neuen Kriegskrediten sagt SPD-Kriegsverbrecher Friedrich Ebert, dass die vornehmste Aufgabe sei, die Widerstandskraft unseres Volkes, das Gewaltiges leiste, zu stärken
1916/1917: 1916/1917 erster Hungerwinter im deutschen Reich, in mehreren Städten erneut Unruhen, Demonstrationen und Streiks, nachdem bereits vorher vereinzelt gestreikt worden war, so z.B. anlässlich der Verurteilung von Karl Liebknecht
23. Februar 1917: 23. Februar 1917: Die Fraktion der Mehrheitssozialdemokraten stimmt der 8. Vorlage für Kriegskredite zu und Kriegsverbrecher Friedrich Ebert erklärt, 'solange die Eroberungsziele der Feinde bestehen und Deutschland niedergeschmettert werden soll' bekunde die deutsche Sozialdemokratie erneut ihre feste Entschlossenheit auszuhalten bis zur Erreichung eines die Lebensinteressen des deutschen Volkes sichernden Friedens
6./8. April 1917: 6./8. April 1917: Reichskonferenz der sozialdemokratischen Opposition in Gotha, auf der diese als 'Unabhängige Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands' erklärt, sie stehe in grundsätzlicher Opposition zum herrschenden Regierungssystem, zur Kriegspolitik der Reichsregierung und zu der vom SPD-Parteivorstand im Regierungsfahrwasser geführten Politik
12. November 1917: 12. November 1917: Nach der Oktoberrevolution in Rußland ruft die Parteileitung der USPD ruft zu Massenversammlungen auf, bei denen ein allgemeiner Waffenstillstand und ein auf allen Seiten annexionsloser Frieden gefordert werden sollen
1. Dezember 1917: 1. Dezember 1917: Gegen die Stimmen der USPD und mit den Stimmen der SPD nimmt der Reichstag die neue Kriegskreditvorlage der Reichsregierung an
22. März 1918: 22. März 1918: Der Reichstag nimmt gegen die Stimmen der USPD und mit den Stimmen der SPD die neue Kriegskreditvorlage an und der unbelehrbare Kriegsverbrecher Friedrich Ebert erklärt, daß sich Deutschland gegenüber dem Westen immer noch in der Verteidigung befinde
Juni-September 1918: Juni-September 1918: Zahlreiche deutschlandweite Streiks u.a. wegen der schlechten Lebensmittelversorgung
2. Oktober 1918: 2. Oktober 1918: Die SPD-Reichstagsfraktion stimmt dem Eintritt von Sozialdemokraten in die kaiserliche Reichsregierung zu
November 1918: November 1918: Kieler Matrosen- und Arbeiteraufstand, deutschlandweite Streikbewegung
Aftermath of the First World War: Aftermath of the First World War
Dezember 1918: Dezember 1918: In Berlin finden von der USPD, der SPD und dem Spartakusbund einberufene Massenversammlungen und Kundgebungen statt
15 January 1919: 15. Januar 1919 Ermordung der in Zamosc geborenen Nationalökonomin Rosa Luxemburgs und Karl Liebknechts durch die Garde-Kavallerie-Schützen-Division in Berlin, die von der SPD zur Bekämpfung der sozialdemokratischen Opposition - und vor allem für die Auslöschung der für die deutschen Kriegsverbrecher gefährlichen Kriegsgegner seit 1914 - herangezogen worden war, und die bzw. deren Mitglieder zusammen mit anderen militärischen und paramilitärischen Organisationen die spätere deutsche Revanchepolitik ausführten, seit 1933 unter dem NSDAP-Regime
1937-1939 German 'Special Prosecution Book-Poland': 1937-1939 'Special Prosecution Book-Poland', the proscription list prepared by the Germans immediately before the onset of war, that identified more than 61,000 of Polish people including scientists, activists, intelligentsia, scholars, actors, former officers, and prominent others, who were to be interned or shot on the spot upon their identification following the 1939 invasion, compiled by the 'Zentralstelle IIP Polen' unit of the 'Geheime Staatspolizei' with help from some members of the German minority living in pre-war Poland
1939-1945 German invasion of Poland 1939 and World War II: German invasion of Poland 1939, the beginning of World War II - War crimes in occupied Poland during World War II, called 'Schmutzstrecke' by German war criminals as for instance quartermaster-general Eduard Wagner - 'Germanisation' under Nazi Germany
1939-1945 Wehrmachtsoffizier Helmut Schmidt, 1974-1982 bundesdeutscher Kanzler: 1974-1982 Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt, Wehrmachtsoffizier im Vernichtungskrieg gegen die UdSSR, bis heute mit humorvoller Seilschaft - 'Hunger Plan' developed during the planning phase for the German 'Wehrmacht' invasion of the Soviet Union since 1941, an engineered famine, planned and implemented as a rational act of policy to obtain the food from conquered lands at any cost and causing the deaths of millions of citizens in the German-occupied territories of the Soviet Union - Siege of Leningrad 1941-1944 - World War II casualties of the Soviet Union
1919-1946 SPD Gustav Noske: 1946 sieht SPD Gustav Noske, einer der Wegbereiter des Nationalsozialmus nach 1914-1918, in seinen Memoiren immer noch 'ostjüdischen' Einfluss in der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung, und schreibt 'daß die ostjüdischen ‚Marxisten‘ eine besondere Veranlagung dafür besaßen, den Sozialismus zu einem Dogma auszubilden […] Sie brüteten eine Geheimwissenschaft aus, die den deutschen Arbeitern stets unverständlich geblieben ist'
Since 1998–2005: 18 June 2017: NSU victims' families sue German governments, including the governments of SPD's Gerhard Schröder, over investigation errors, as families of two men murdered by a neo-Nazi group are suing for damages due to mistakes made in the probe argueing that authorities could have arrested the trio earlier, preventing further murders, and as the case against the NSU, the neo-Nazi terrorist organization National Socialist Underground that committed ten murders, three bomb attacks, and 15 bank robberies in the years between 1998 and 2011, is an unprecedented example of the close connection between the German secret services and the neo-Nazi movement as well as the structural racism within the German law enforcement authorities, according to NSU-Watch
Since 2002: Since 2002 Murat Kurnaz torture case and Frank-Walter Steinmeier's responsibility - 2007/2008 Untersuchungsausschüsse des Bundestages, Verantwortung des früheren Chefs des Bundeskanzleramtes und Beauftragten für die Nachrichtendienste Frank-Walter Steinmeier und der Fall des Folteropfers Murat Kurnaz 2002-2006 - 23. Juli 2009: Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat entschieden mit einem Beschluß vom 17. Juni, daß die Bundesregierung und große Koalition mit ihrem restriktiven Vorgehen im BND-Untersuchungsausschuß des Bundestages gegen das Grundgesetz verstoßen hat - 19 March 2017: The difficulty to find a solution of the equation 1 + 1 = x
2010: SPD-Rassismus: Sarrazins verhinderter Parteiausschluß trotz 2010 publizierter rassistischer Ansichten (nicht abgeschlossen)
2013 Peitschen- und Kavallerie-Steinbrück will für die SPD als Kanzlerkandidat (an)treten: SPD-Steinbrück aus der Wilhelmstraße lädt im Mai 2009 nach Berlin ein: "Selbstverständlich werde ich sie zur Nachfolgekonferenz im Juni in Berlin einladen - Luxemburg, Liechtenstein, Schweiz, Österreich, Ouagadougou." - 29. September 2012: Der 2005 gescheiterte nordrhein-westfälische Ministerpräsident Steinbrück will 2013 als Kanzlerkandidat für die SPD (an)treten und verlangt von der SPD 'Beinfreiheit', nach seinen rassistischen Beleidigungen 2009 von Indianern (Beleidigung der Havasupai) und Afrikanern (Burkina Faso und Ouagadougou) - 3. Oktober 2012: Steinbrücks Nebeneinkünfte in der Kritik - z.B. bezahlter Vortrag 2011 bei der Kanzlei Freshfields und deren Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetz für das Finanzministerium unter Peer Steinbrück - 11. November 2012: 2010 zahlte der Züricher Medienkonzern Ringier für ein Referat von Steinbrück 1.500 Euro, die dieser nicht als Nebenverdienst deklarierte
2013 SPD-Priorität Kanzlergehalt und Kanzlerin-Bonus: 30 December 2012: Steinbrück calls for higher pay for the German chancellor and explains that 'Angela Merkel is popular because she gets a women’s bonus'
2014: 11 July 2014: SPD member of the Bundestag Michael Hartmann admits using crystal meth saying he wanted to become more efficient
2014/2015: 7 February 2014: SPD Sebastian Edathy's resignation from parliament over allegations of possession of child pornography in the 'Edathy-Affäre' - 15 February 2014: German CSU minister Hans-Peter Friedrich resigns over child pornography 'probe leak' in the Edathy-Affäre - 17 February 2014: German grand coalition dispute over SPD Edathy's child porn probe as commentators are asking whether Merkel's third government can rule in its current state - Crystal-Meth-Hartmanns Rolle in der Edathy-Affäre - 2 March 2015: Child porn trial halted after German ex-MP Edathy pays 5,000 euros - 11. März 2015: Kinderschutzbund lehnt Annahme von Edathys Zahlung von 5.000,-- Euro zwecks Einstellung seines Verfahrens ab
2014-2018 Erinnerung an den 1. Weltkrieg 1914-1918 hundert Jahre später: First World War centenary 2014-2018 - Erinnerung an die Opfer und den Widerstand in vielen Ländern weltweit und in Deutschland
2014-2020 Erinnerung an den 2. Weltkrieg 1939-1945 75 Jahre später: Aftermath of World War II - 75 years later the British website 'World War II Today' continues to follow the war through to August 1945
April 2015: 17 April 2015: SPD-Steinmeier avoids to say 'genocide' for genocide of Armenians, because his party supported World War I from German beginning to end and as a result the war crimes - Armenian Genocide 1915-1923 - Witnesses and testimonies of the Armenian Genocide - 13 July 1919: Germany confesses in a secret record, printed at Potsdam, her Turkish partner's crimes in Armenia and its attempt to destroy a whole people - 17 February 2007: Germany, Turkey and the Armenian Genocide - a documentary of the Armenian genocide - 21 October 2012: Photograph of 1915 links Germans to 1915 Armenia genocide by the Ottoman Turks during World War I
April 2015: 17 April 2015: SPD-Schulz disassociates himself from European Parliament's resolution recognizing the Armenan Genocide, because his party supported World War I from German beginning to end and hence the war crimes
October 2015: 28 October 2015: Following the Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil War since 30 September 2015, murdering civilians, women and children, German economy minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) visits Moscow, supporting Russia's war criminal Putin
June 2016: 17 June 2016: Germany’s foreign minister SPD-Steinmeier welcomed Iran's Assad ally Javad Zarif for a bilateral meeting in Berlin, seemingly defying Chancellor Angela Merkel’s earlier commitment to not normalize relations with Iranian regime as long as the regime refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist, as German court jails ex-Auschwitz guard Hanning, found guilty on 170,000 counts of accessory to murder, for five years - 18 June 2016: Over 171,000 civilians have been killed since 2011 at the hands of Assad regime forces and their allied Iranian, Russian and Hezbollah militias in 12 areas they besiege across Syria, killed by bombardment and blockades imposed by regime forces, according to SNHR
September 2016: 13 September 2016: German judge von Renesse, who had been accused of causing 'reputational damage of the social jurisprudence' after it emerged that he had questioned the rejection of ghetto pension applications and intervened to help applicants, interviewing more than 120 Holocaust survivors in Israel, evades prosecution by North Rhine-Westphalia's SPD Minister of Justice Kutschaty, and therefore punishment for helping survivors
September-December 2016 Unterstützung von Massakern russischer, iranischer und Assad-Terroristen durch die SPD: 21. September 2016: In Syrien und in Aleppo fallen teils geächtete russische Bomben, töten wahllos Kinder, Zivilisten und gezielt Krankenhäuser, Rettungsdienste und einen UN-Hilfskonvoi, der SPD-Vorsitzende Gabriel besucht den Terroristen, Massenmörder und Kriegsverbrecher Putin in Moskau, der wie alle seine Vorbilder wie z.B. Lawr G. Kornilow der Illusion erliegt, er könne durch Mordaktionen anderen und sogar anderen Ländern dauerhaft seinen Willen aufzwingen und Gefolgschaften aufbauen - 2 October 2016: Iran rejects German demand that it recognize Israel, as German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister SPD Sigmar Gabriel is due to visit Tehran on Sunday as part of Germany’s efforts to renew business ties with the Islamic regime following the last year’s nuclear deal, again encouraging Iranian, Russian and Assad regime to commit more war crimes, as Syrian opposition and democracy fights desperately against annihilation - 18/19 October 2016: Syrian opposition states that EU credibility at stake as Russia’s war crimes continue unchallenged, saying that in addition to the imposition of sanctions on the Assad regime, the EU needs to take restrictive measures against Russian regime, and that 'it is unacceptable that some member nations of the European Union continue to defend Russia against credible action and lighten pressure on it despite their ability to immediately stop the disaster occurring in eastern Aleppo' - 14 December 2016: As tens of thousands of desperate civilians trapped without food, water or medicine under a hail of artillery and airstrikes found themselves once again pawns in a geopolitical struggle, with Iranian-backed militia spearheading the ground assault on eastern Aleppo and carrying out execution-style shootings of civilians, residents say 'we will always remember and never forget how the criminals of the world forced Aleppo’s people to choose between two options, collective death or collective forced displacement', while Iranian regime claims military victory, and Iran’s Rouhani phones Bashar Assad to congratulate him
March 2017: 1. März 2017: Daß Frankreich, Großbritannien und die USA im UN-Sicherheitsrat andauernd Resolutionsentwürfe gegen die syrische Regierung einbrächten und Sanktionen forderten, obwohl Russland dagegen sei, sei nicht zielführend, sagt Gernot Erler von der SPD, nachdem ein von Frankreich, Großbritannien und den USA eingebrachter Resolutionsentwurf gegen Assads verbrecherische Kriegsführung gegen die syrische Bevölkerung unter Einsatz von Chemiewaffen, in Antwort auf eine internationale UN und OPCW Untersuchung, von 9 Ratsmitgliedern unterstützt worden aber am Veto der russischen und chinesischen Regime gescheitert war
April 2017: 11/12 April 2017: G7 foreign ministers seek new push to end Syria war, blaming Assad’s military for a deadly chemical attack last week, as UK's Boris Johnson calls for more sanctions against Russian and Syrian regime, claiming that Putin is 'toxifying' Russia’s image and that he has to choose between withdrawing support for Assad or facing penalties, but France's Ayrault, Germany's Gabriel and Italy's Alfano vetoed the idea of targeting Russian and Syrian military leaders, encouraging war criminals
15/16 May 2017: 15/16 May 2017: Christian Democratic Union of Germany CDU defeat the Social Democratic Party of Germany SPD in North Rhine-Westphalia's state election, convincing 430,000 non-voters to turn up and pinching 310,000 votes from the SPD with its new federal chairman and bearer of hope Martin Schulz, who after that calls politics and parliamentary elections a boxing match (as is generally known with physical injuries), also calling the defeat and his party's failure a liver shot and in the end calling voting citizens and democrats a referee of violent assaults and batteries
17 May 2017: 17 May 2017: As the scandal surrounding an attack plot hatched by Neonazi soldiers has again forced Germany to confront its past of National Socialism, the role of the Nazi Wehrmacht and the war crimes of the Wehrmacht, former SPD defence minister Rudolf Scharping deplores a 'witch hunt'
July 2017: 27 July 2017: Germany's SPD economy minister Brigitte Zypries sides with war criminal Putin, saying that new sanctions against Russian regime being proposed by USA lawmakers could harm German companies and add another difficulty to Germany's relationship with the USA, after SPD's candidate for Chancellor Martin Schulz earlier in this year warned against lifting sanctions imposed against Russia over its role in the Ukraine crisis - 31 July 2017: Remembering the third Battle of Ypres 1917 and the German use of Mustard Gas, killing over 275,000 Commonwealth soldiers in 100 days, Germany's SPD foreign minister Gabriel says that 'failure of diplomacy' bears blame for the horrors of war, in no way the German Empire and real persons, its military, politicians, war profiteers and Gabriel's own political party SPD
January 2018: 1 January 2018: Instead of helping fight anti-Semitism, Gabriel fed the flames, a letter from Malca Goldstein-Wolf says, after German foreign minister Gabriel accused Israel of 'apartheid’
February 2018: 11. Februar 2018: Die SPD-nahe Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung erhielt 2017 170,7 Millionen Euro an staatlichen Zuschüssen, finanziert 'in einem rechtsfreien Raum ... mit Steuergeld', sagt der 'Bund der Steuerzahler', der zusammen mit dem Anti-Korruptions-Verein 'Transparency International' zumindest ein Stiftungsgesetzt fordert - Friedrich Ebert, seit 1913 SPD Vorsitzender, seit 1914 mitverantwortlich für den 1. Weltkrieg 1914-1918 mit Millionen von Toten - 17 février 2018: Le ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères Sigmar Gabriel s'est dit favorable à un allègement des sanctions contre la Russie et a jugé qu'il n'était 'pas réaliste' de réclamer la pleine application des accords de paix de Minsk de 2015 comme condition à un début d'assouplissement des sanctions
March 2018: 15 March 2018: Germany arms sales to Turkey up since Afrin operation, as parliamentarian Nouripour accuses German ministry of having misled the public over the issue - 19 March 2018: 'Finance Minister and Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz imitates Donald Trump and makes the arsonists to the fire department', 'You may as well just let the bankers write the laws', says Left party's Fabio de Masi, following the vocation of Goldman Sachs manager Jörg Kukies in the Federal Ministry of Finance led by SPD-Scholz, also criticized by other MPs
August 2018: 12 August 2018: As Sunday 11 November this year will mark 100 years since the armistice treaty was signed between first world war allies and Germany, bringing to an end four years of war, the British newspaper 'The Guardian' asks to 'share your letters, stories and photographs', as French village of Ors mayor says 'it is important that everyone learns from the mistakes of the past'
September 2018: 10 September 2018: As at the request of the USA Germany’s government is examining possible options for joining USA, British and French forces in any future military action if the Syrian Assad regime again uses chemical weapons, SPD's Nahles rejects any German participation against a renewed rupture of civilisation using chemical weapons, wanting to be friendly with Sarin-Polonium-Novichok Putin, after SPD's Heiko Maas called Russian murderous regime 'an important partner'
August 1914 - November 1918, November 2018: Social Democratic Party of Germany SPD's war opponents against World War I since August 1914 were expelled from the party by its Ebert/Scheidemann (since 1913/1917) leadership - Ab 4. Oktober 1918 Sozialdemokraten in der Regierung des deutschen Kaiserreiches - 11 November 1918/2018: Canadian Pvt. George Price was killed by a German sniper in Belgium's Mons just two minutes before the ceasefire on 11 November 1918, highlighting the folly of a Germam made war, supported by the unteachable SPD from start to finish, claiming some 14 million lives, including 9 million soldiers, sailors and airmen from 28 countries, settling into hellish trench warfare with battles having up to a million casualties, with poison gas coming to epitomize the cruel ruthlessness of a war the likes of which history had never seen - In the November 1918 German revolution, Ebert/Scheidemann SPD leadership sided with the Imperial Army command against war opponents - Since 1925 Friedrich Ebert Foundation, a German political foundation associated with the Social Democratic Party of Germany SPD, the political 'legacy' of Friedrich Ebert, today financed mainly through grants from the federal budget and the budgets of the various Bundesländer - 11 November 2018: As ceremonies in New Zealand, Australia, India, Hong Kong and Myanmar marked the start of the memorial events worldwide for a conflict that involved millions of troops from colonized countries in Asia and Africa, Israeli PM Netanyahu one of around 70 leaders attending French commemoration to mark 100 years since the end of World War I at a time of growing nationalism, diplomatic tensions and brutal wars
January 2019 'ideologischer Giftmüll' in Germany: 100 Jahre nach Rosa Luxemburgs Ermordung am 15. Januar 1919 als einer Folge des von der SPD unterstützten Angriffs- und Weltkriegs, zeigt sich die SPD Parteizeitung unfähig, die Bedeutung der Wissenschaftlerin, Kriegsgegnerin und Demokratin Luxemburg zu erkennen - 'ihr Verhältnis zur SPD war ambivalent', 'Karl Liebknecht war lange vergessen, auch Rosa Luxemburg war nicht deutlich in der historischen Erinnerung verankert', 'Der Romantizismus der 68er Bewegung erweckte den Luxemburg-Kult zu neuem Leben', '... doch wer ist legitimiert, über von Gewalt bestimmte Zeiten zu richten?' - aber die Ermordung der bedeutendsten Sozialdemokratin und die Verantwortung von Noske, Ebert und Scheidemann für diese Ermordung betreffend ist sich die Parteizeitung sicher - 'Die Erklärungen des verantwortlichen Offiziers aus den 1960er Jahren sind jedenfalls keine seriöse Quelle' - und außerdem 'ist nicht anzunehmen, dass Rosa Luxemburg gegen den Anspruch der Leninisten gewonnen und in deren System die „Freiheit der Andersdenkenden“ gegolten hätte'
15 January 2019: 15 January 2019: Democrats in Germany remember Rosa Luxemburg 100 years after her murder committed by SPD-linked 'Freikorps' fascists
February/March 2019 SPD congratulations to the Iranian regime: 21 February 2019: Congratulations to the Iranian regime, that seeks the destruction of the Jewish state, by SPD politicians including Germany's social democratic FM Heiko Maas, who appeared in a photograph shaking hands with Iran's FM Javad Zarif at the weekend Munich Security conference, Germany's deputy FM SPD-Annen, who celebrated Iranian regime's seizure of power in its embassy in Berlin, and German president SPD-Steinmeier, who sends 'congratulations to the most dangerous regime in the world', condemned by Simon Wiesenthal Center's Abraham Cooper according to 'The Jerusalem Post' - 26 February 2019: Germany’s Central Council of Jews joins criticism of German president over Iran telegram, as Josef Schuster says that 'routine diplomacy appears to have overtaken critical thinking', also rejected as 'shocking' by Human Rights Watch’s Wenzel Michalski - 2 March 2019: OPCW investigators say 'toxic chemical’ used in deadly attack on Syrian rebel town of Douma blamed on Assad regime in long-awaited final report by its fact finding mission that investigated the 7 April 2018 attack, as medical workers said at the time that the attack killed more than 40 people and opposition gave up the town days after the attack
March 2019: 8 March 2019: SPD Niels Annen, a minister of state at the German foreign ministry, told German magazine that terror group Hezbollah, allied with Syria's Assad and Iranian regime, is an important element in Lebanon’s society
26 October 2019: 26 October 2019: Turkish regime's Cavusoglu and German foreign minister Heiko Maas shake bloody hands at a joint news conference in Ankara, emphasizing German defense minister's proposal for an international security and safe zone under the UN umbrella on the Turkish-Syrian border, this means a peaceful solution, is 'unrealistic', after Kurds in Germany could speak in German TV, and after journalists on 20 October 2019 discussed Assad's war against the Syrian people and foreign involvements (Hezbollah terrorists, Iran, Russia and Turkey) since 2011 and since 9 October
24 December 2019 federal president SPD Steinmeier's 'Christmas Message' to residents, refugees and migrants in Germany: 24 December 2019: Federal president SPD Steinmeier demands more vigor, decency and solidarity, as residents of northwest Syria flee new murderous Russian and Assad regime offensive, as troops push toward rebel-held town Maaret al-Numan and strategic road it controls, as civilians escape toward Turkish border and as UN warns, again since 2011, of another looming humanitarian crisis in 2019/2020
15 January 2020 murderous alliance of SPD, German TV and Iranian Mullah regime: 15 January 1919 SPD-supported murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in Berlin, 13 January 2020 German TV and SPD support for Iranian regime's denial of its brutal shootdown of a Ukrainian jetliner, as Iranian regime's Rohani warned on 15 January that European soldiers in the Mideast 'could be in danger', as regime's FM acknowledged that Iranians 'were lied to' for days following its brutal shootdown of a Ukrainian jetliner that killed 176 people, and as the state of Israel, founded following the Holocaust committed by Germany, is continuously forced to defend itself against terrorists also in Syria, where Assad is allied with the Russian, the Iranian Mullah regime and Hezbollah terrorists - 15 January 2020: Russian Jew David Dushman, one of the last surviving soldiers to have taken part in the liberation of the Auschwitz camp in January 1945, since 1996 living in southern Germany and still struggling to explain how such a catastrophe could happen, joined the Red Army in 1941 after Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union, today saying 'they were standing there, all of them in (prisoner) uniforms, only eyes, only eyes, very narrow - that was very terrible, very terrible'
July 2020 SPD leader (2009-2017) Sigmar Gabriel paid as a consultant for the meat producer Toennies: 2 July 2020: 2009-2017 SPD leader and former Federal Minister of Economics Sigmar Gabriel paid as a consultant for the meat producer Toennies in Rheda since March 2020, as Gabriel reportedly received a flat fee of € 10,000 per month and an additional four-digit fee for each day of travel for his activity that should last two years
August 2020 anniversary of 'SPD Arbeiterjugendtag in Hamburg' 28-30 August 1920: August 2020 hundredth anniversary of 'SPD Arbeiterjugendtag in Hamburg' 28-30 August 1920 - 1933 'Gelöbnis treuester Gefolgschaft' ('promise of most loyal obedience'), a declaration by 88 German writers and poets of their loyalty to Adolf Hitler printed in the 'Vossische Zeitung' on 26 October 1933, publicised by the 'Prussian Academy of Arts in Berlin' and in German media, such as the 'Frankfurter Zeitung', to widen public awareness of the confidence of the signed poets and writers in Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany

Free Democratic Party of Germany
Seit den 1970er Jahren: Libyen-Affäre - bereits seit den 1970er Jahren Ausbildungshilfe von BND und Spezialeinsatzkommandos für Gaddafis Unterdrückungsapparat
17. März 2011: Deutsche Stimmenthaltung bei UN Libyen-Resolution. "The United Nations Security Council has voted on a resolution authorising a no-fly zone over Libya and 'all necessary measures' to protect citizens. Ten of the council's 15 members voted in favour of the resolution, with Russia, China and Germany the five that abstained. The resolution comes just a few hours after Gaddafi warned residents of Benghazi, that his forces would show 'no mercy' in an impending assault on the city." Zitiert nach: Al Jazeera - Africa News
2011: 31 August 2011: Große Anzahl deutscher Sturmgewehre in Gaddafis Armee
4 September 2011: German spies worked with Gaddafi
2013: Die 2% Wachstumspartei mit den drei Buchstaben F.D.P. - kompetent für Wirtschaft (Briefbogenaffäre des früheren Ministers Möllemann) und Finanzen (25. April 2013: Die FDP muss wegen der Verschleierung von Spenden durch ihren früheren Minister Möllemann mindestens 2 Millionen Euro zahlen)
2014-2018 Erinnerung an den 1. Weltkrieg 1914-1918 hundert Jahre später: First World War centenary 2014-2018 - Erinnerung an die Opfer und den Widerstand in vielen Ländern weltweit und in Deutschland
2014-2020 Erinnerung an den 2. Weltkrieg 1939-1945 75 Jahre später: Aftermath of World War II - 75 years later the British website 'World War II Today' continues to follow the war through to August 1945
August 2017: 5 August 2017: The question of annexation of the Crimea should temporarily be 'sealed' while progress must be made first on other issues of relations with Russian Putin regime, head of the Free Democratic Party of Germany Christian Lindner said in an interview

The Greens (foundation 1980), Party on 7 April 1973 - Fun party 'Alliance '90/The Greens' Party of Germany
Befürwortung von Kindesmißbrauch bei den 'Grünen' in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren - 1975/2001: D. Cohn-Bendit's literarisches Geständnis von mehrfachem Mißbrauch an Kindern im Kindergarten der Frankfurter Universität - Cohn-Bendit am 23. April 1982: 'Wissen Sie, wenn ein kleines fünfjähriges Mädchen beginnt, Sie auszuziehen, ist das großartig. Es ist großartig, weil es ein Spiel ist, ein wahnsinnig erotisches Spiel.'
Andauernder Pädophilie-Skandal von 'Bündnis 90/Die Grünen' seit Gründung 1980 - von Cohn-Bendit über Dieter F. Ullmann und Hermann Meer zu Jürgen Trittin - 14 May 2013: 'Green party' in Germany to investigate backing for paedophiles in 80s - 18 May 2013: Paedophile group that called for legalisation of sex with children were given officially recognised position in the 'Green party' - September 2013: Jürgen Trittin 1981 presserechtlich verantwortlich für pädophile Werbung und Initiative

Left Party of Germany
Since 1963, 2003 and 2007: Stasi informer Lothar Bisky, 'Socialist Unity Party SED' member since 1963, 2003–2007 chairman of the SED successor 'Party of Democratic Socialism PDS', became in June 2007 co-chairman of the 'The Left' party, formed by a merger, and died in 2013
Since 1967-1989, 2005-2015: Gregor Gysi SED member 1967-1989 - 'Socialist Unity Party SED' - 'Ministry for state security' of the 'German Democratic Republic' - Gregor Gysi und Vorwürfe der Mitarbeit bei der Stasi - 2005-2015 Gregor Gysi Parliamentary leader of the 'The Left' party, formed by a merger
Before 1989 and 2017: 17 January 2017: Appointed by the Left party, Andrej Holm, an academic who had hidden the fact he served in the notorious East German secret police Stasi before the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, resigned as Berlin's deputy housing minister
June 2017: 9 June 2017: Russia's Alexei Navalny claims, if he is elected president, he is ready to withdraw Russian troops from the occupied areas of eastern Ukraine and hold a fair referendum in the Russian-annexed Crimea - 10. Juni 2017: 'Die Linke' hat auf ihrem Parteitag russlandkritische Anträge abgelehnt, eine Kritik 'der völkerrechtswidrigen Annexion der Krim durch Russland' und des Krieges in der Ostukraine schaffte es am Samstag ebenso wenig ins Wahlprogramm wie eine ausdrückliche Verurteilung von Menschenverletzungen in Russland und China durch die Partei mit Zuordnungsproblem entsprechend der Kartografie und bei aufrechter Position hiesiger Betrachter
August 2017: 8 August 2017: Drive to side with Russian war criminal Putin by Germany’s Federal Democratic Party's Christian Lindner was praised by so-called 'The Left' party's candidate for the Chancellor post Sahra Wagenknecht

List of political scandals in Germany
1960s HS-30-Skandal: HS-30-Skandal der 1960er Jahre bei der Beschaffung des Schützenpanzers HS 30 für die Bundeswehr, offenbar nur getätigt, weil mit dem Geschäft Schmiergeldzahlungen an mehrere an der Beschaffungsentscheidung beteiligte Personen (u. a. Ministerialbeamte) und illegale Parteienfinanzierung für die CDU verbunden waren
Since the early 1980s Flick Affair: Since the early 1980s Flick Affair, German political scandal relating to donations by the Flick company, a major German conglomerate, to various political parties, Otto Graf Lambsdorff, then federal minister for economic affairs, was forced to resign in 1984 after being accused of accepting bribes from CEO Friedrich Karl Flick
Since 1990s: CDU/CSU-Korruptions-, Spenden- und Schwarzgeldaffäre seit den 90iger Jahren, nicht abgeschlossen - Vgl. 'Das "wunderbare Land" und die K-Frage 2009: Kläffende Köter, Carstensens Kieler Karren und nicht nur ein hervorragender "Kopp"' - CDU/CSU Korruptionsaffäre: Ludwig-Holger Pfahls (nicht abgeschlossen) - 9 November 2011: Former junior defence minister Pfahls (CDU/CSU-Kohl government) once more sentenced to 4 1/2 years for fraud - CDU/CSU Korruptionsaffäre: Karlheinz Schreiber (nicht abgeschlossen) - 14 November 2013: Arms lobbyist Karlheinz Schreiber convicted of tax evasion and sentenced to six-and-a-half years in prison
Since 1990: Leuna-Affäre (seit 1990, nicht abgeschlossen)
Since 1990: Überwachungsaffäre der Deutschen Telekom (seit 1999)
2010/2011: 'Staatstrojaner'-Affäre seit 2010 - 10. Oktober 2011: Chaos-Computerclub erhebt schwere Vorwürfe wegen illegaler staatlicher Überwachungsprogramme mit sog. 'Trojanern' - 10. Oktober 2011: Affäre um 'Staatstrojaner' weitet sich aus - Einsatz in Bayern
2013: 9 October 2013: After the federal 'Verfassungsschutz' had observed German politician Bodo Ramelow for many years, the German Bundesverfassungsgericht rules: 'Die Beobachtung stellt demnach einen Eingriff in das freie Mandat dar.'
2013: 15 October 2013: Germany blocked the introduction of tougher EU emissions rules for cars shortly after CDU-chancellor Angela Merkel's party received a large donation from three major BMW shareholders

Politics of Germany - Political parties in Germany
August 1949 West German federal election: 14 August 1949 West German federal election
September 1953 West German federal election: 6 September 1953 West German federal election
September 1957 West German federal election: 15 September 1957 West German federal election
September 1961 West German federal election: 17 September 1961 West German federal election, as the Social Democratic Party narrowly became the largest individual party in the Bundestag, winning 203 of the 521 seats
September 1965 West German federal election: 19 September 1965 West German federal election, as the Social Democratic Party remained the largest single party in the Bundestag, winning 251 of the 518 seats
1 December 1966 former NSDAP member chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger CDU: On 1 December 1966 upon the resignation of Chancellor Ludwig Erhard a grand coalition of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats had governed West Germany under former NSDAP member chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger CDU with SPD chairman Willy Brandt as vice-chancellor and foreign minister
September 1969 West German federal election: 28 September 1969 West German federal election
21 October 1969 Willy Brandt SPD elected Chancellor of Germany: On 21 October 1969 Willy Brandt was elected Chancellor of Germany, the first SPD chancellor in the postwar period, after the last Social Democrat holding this position had been Hermann Müller from 1928 to 1930, with FDP chairman Walter Scheel succeeding Brandt as vice-chancellor and foreign minister, as several party switches in protest against Brandt's Ostpolitik of FDP and SPD members resulted in the snap election of 1972
2009-2014: German federal election 2009 - 25. Juli 2012: Von der CDU/FDP-Regierung durchgesetzte Reform des Bundestagswahlrechts wegen Verletzung der Grundsätze der Gleichheit und Unmittelbarkeit der Wahl verfassungswidrig - NZZ 10. August 2012: Koalition gegen die Ratifizierung der Uno-Anti-Korruptions-Konvention - German federal election 22 September 2013 - 22 septembre 2013: Les Allemands ont voté en masse dimanche matin pour les élections législatives qui devraient confirmer Angela Merkel - 23 September: Germany's CDU/CSU wins by a landslide but faces tough coalition choices - 23/24 September: 'This morning I stood in front of my wardrobe and I thought red is no good, bright green is no good, blue was yesterday, what are you going to do?' CDU chancellor Merkel said - 17 octobre 2013: Merkel tente un rapprochement avec les sociaux-démocrates - 27 November: CDU/CSU and SPD reach deal on forming a coalition - 14 décembre 2013: Feu vert des sociaux-démocrates à la 'grande coalition' dans un référendum interne - 18 December: Angela Merkel elected to a third term as chancellor in a vote in the German lower house of parliament - 14 February 2014: German minister Friedrich quits over Edathy's suspected involvement in child pornography - 17 February 2014: German grand coalition dispute over SPD lawmaker's child porn probe as commentators are asking whether Merkel's third government can rule in its current state
2015: 7 May 2015: German defense ministry official tried to get MAD intelligence service on the urging of the manufacturer of assault rifles G36 Heckler&Koch to cover up negative reports about this rifles used by the Bundeswehr - 13 October 2015: Anti-refugee protesters create a gallows for Angela Merkel over her open-door refugee policies as housing for those who have fled the Middle East are daubed in racist graffiti - 17 October 2015: Henriette Reker, running for the office of the Mayor of Cologne, was seriously wounded by an assailant with a knife while shouting against refugees - 19 October 2015: Henriette Reker who was stabbed in the neck in an attack over her work with refugees elected the first female mayor of the western city of Cologne - 7 November 2015: Just two days after resolving a coalition row over how to handle the record influx of refugees, row over their status reopened by the CDU/CSU interior minister saying Syrian refugees would receive a modified status and be barred from having family members join them
2016: 13 March 2016: Legislatures in the prosperous southwestern state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, neighboring Rhineland-Palatinate and relatively poor Saxony-Anhalt in the east entered by right-wing AfD with strong gains, that took around a quarter of the vote in Saxony-Anhalt - Since 2015 German automobile industry emissions scandal - 27 August 2016: Viele Autokonzerne haben manipuliert, die Politik hat in der Abgas-Affäre versagt - 1 December 2016: The first time German government admits that Ramstein military base in Rhineland-Palatinate plays a central role in the USA’s illegal drone war missions around the world, killing almost 5,000 people in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia as well as more than 13,000 in the war in Afghanistan, as the large majority of the victims are innocents such as women, children, and old people according to Ramstein campaign - 2 December 2016: Opposition parties accuse the coalition government of overstepping its authority in order to block USA whistleblower Edward Snowden's trip to Germany after the Federal Court of Justice ruled in November that the government must allow a parliamentary committee in Berlin to question Snowden, who in 2013 leaked details of the USA National Security Agency's global surveillance practises
June 2017: 18 June 2017: NSU victims' families sue German government over investigation errors, as families of two men murdered by a neo-Nazi group are suing for damages due to mistakes made in the probe argueing that authorities could have arrested the trio earlier, preventing further murders - 23 June 2017: German lawmakers voted Thursday to cut off public financing for extremist parties, a measure targeting the neo-Nazi NPD party after two failed attempts by parliament to ban it
August 2017: 21 August 2017: German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday she doesn't intend to seek a business post after life in politics and criticised her predecessor SPD-Schröder for joining the board of Russian oil giant Rosneft
September 2017 German federal election: 24 September 2017 German federal election - 24 September 2017: Angela Merkel wins fourth term but neo-Nazi linked AfD surges to third, announcing to 'hunt' Merkel and saying 'we will take our people and our country back'
October 2017: 15 October 2017 Lower Saxony state election - 16 October 2017: Germany’s Social Democrats score victory in regional election
November 2017: 20 November 2017: Raising prospect of new election German coalition talks break down, after the FDP withdrew
January 2018: 23 janvier 2018: L'extrême droite préside la commission sur le budget - 24 January 2018: Newly released figures show Germany's CDU/SPD coalition approved more weapons exports over the past four years, also showing exports to countries outside the EU and NATO rose even more steeply, by 47% to almost 15 billion euros, as photos emerged in recent days allegedly showing Turkey using German-made tanks against Kurds in northern Syria
February 2018: 7 février 2018: Le parti de la chancelière allemande et les sociaux-démocrates sont enfin tombés d'accord pour gouverner, mais quelque 460'000 militants du SPD devront se prononcer lors d'une consultation interne
March 2018: 4. März 2018 Mitgliedervotum der SPD zum Koalitionsvertrag 2018 - 4 March 2018: Social democrats’ vote for 'grand coalition' with conservatives ends months of uncertainty - 9 mars 2018: Le nouveau gouvernement d'Angela Merkel finalisé - 14 March 2018: Angela Merkel voted in for fourth term as German chancellor
April 2018: 22 April 2018: Germany’s Social Democrats have elected Andrea Nahles, a combative and outspoken former labour minister, as the first female leader of the 155-year-old party
July 2018: 12 July 2018: As German neo-Nazi jailed for NSU's killings, relatives of the victims want to know why their father, brother or son had to die, expressing 'hope all other supporters of the NSU are found and convicted', and spotlight falls on treatment of migrants in Germany
August 2018 Neo-Nazism in Russia, Berlin and Vienna: 19 August 2018: Neo-Nazis marched through Berlin on Saturday to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Hitler's aide Rudolf Hess, carrying a banner reading 'I don't regret anything', as Putin and his poodle Merkel had a quiet drink outside Berlin, showing memory and admiration for Russian, Iranian and Assad's assaults on the Syrian people, murdering hundreds of thousands, for the effects of Sarin, BUK-missiles, Polonium-tea and Novichok-perfume, after Putin's dancing arm-in-arm with Austria's neo-Nazi linked FM Karin Kneissl at her wedding on Saturday
8 September 2018: 8 September 2018: Pressure grows on BfV domestic intelligence agency's Maassen, who told the mass-selling daily 'Bild', that he was skeptical about 'media reports on right-wing extremists hunting down people in Chemnitz', adding that a video circulating shows that the happening could have been faked, promoting the neo-Nazi linked AfD party with his untenable and false assertions and aggravating tensions about whether politicians and the authorities are being too complacent in the face of rising xenophobia in Germany, where many thought the lessons of its Nazi history had long been learned
18 September 2018: 18. September 2018: Bundesregierung befördert den Nazis und Neonazis schützenden Präsidenten des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz Maaßen zum Staatssekretär in das Bundesinnenministerium, als der er in die Besoldungsgruppe B 11 (Grundgehalt 14.157,33 €) statt bisher B 9 (Grundgehalt 11.577,13 €) auf Kosten der Steuerzahler vorrückt, auch ein Bonus dafür, daß Maaßen die juristisch geforderte Offenlegung der beim 'Verfassungsschutz' vorhandenen Akten zu dem NS-Kriegsverbrecher Alois Brunner 'erfolgreich' verweigert hat
November 2018: 5 November 2018: German spy chief Maaßen loses out on government role after firebrand speech
May 2019 European Parliament election in Germany: 26 May 2019 European Parliament election in Germany
June 2019 neo-Nazi death threats: 20 June 2019: Several German politicians who have publicly stood up for refugees have received death threats since what police are treating as the politically motivated murder of Walter Lübcke, including death threats against Mayor of Cologne Henriette Reker, the victim of an assassination attempt in 2015
August/September 2019: 30 August 2019: Now 80 years after Germany started off World War II, Germany and some nations grapple with their past, mixing victims in with perpetrators, turning Nazis and collaborators into national heroes, as Germany today honours Nazi general Erwin Rommel and sides with belligerent Iran and Russia, committing war crimes year after year
1 September 2019 neo-Nazi linked German AfD party make big gains: 4 September 2019: Anti-immigration and neo-Nazi linked AfD, the third-biggest party in the 2017 German general election, main opposition, and able to mobilise several hundred thousand people who had never voted before, overtakes German Left, Greens and SPD in Saxony and German CDU, Greens and Left in Brandenburg in state elections
7/8 September 2019 CDU, SPD and FDP elected neo-Nazi to head local authority: 8 September 2019: All representatives, including representatives of the CDU, SPD and FDP, of the Ortsbeirat of Altenstadt-Waldsiedlung had voted neo-Nazi Deputy NPD state chairman Stefan Jagsch as their head
20 September 2019: 21. September 2019: Umwelt- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler haben die Klimaschutz-Vereinbarungen der großen Koalition kritisiert, die sie für zu kleinteilig und in der Wirkungskraft zu begrenzt halten, während am Freitag 1,4 Millionen Menschen laut Fridays For Future in verschiedenen Städten für den Klimaschutz demonstrierten
3 October 2019: 3 October 2019: On 'German Unity Day' animal rescue services in Germany have been criticised for shooting dead a zebra after it escaped from a circus and ran on to a motorway, fired from a distance of about 10 metres and as 'there was no danger', according to a resident
November 2019 commemorating 1938 'Kristallnacht': 8 November 2019: A resolution commemorating 1938 'Kristallnacht', that notes the synagogue shootings in Pittsburgh and Poway, will be introduced by USA democrats, recalling the pogroms that erupted in Germany and Austria and marked the first wide-scale use of violence by the Nazis against Jews, as CDU could 'tear itself apart' after call for AfD coalition in Thuringia, beaten into third place by the openly xenophobic and neo-Nazi linked party - 9 novembre 2019: L'Allemagne et l'Europe célèbrent le 30e anniversaire de la chute du Mur de Berlin qui avait mis fin à la division du continent
15 November 2019 AfD party's Brandner removed from parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee chairmanship: 15 November 2019: AfD party's Brandner removed from parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee's chairmanship by German lawmakers, after he made comments that have been widely condemned as anti-Semitic and racist, and after he was choosen by the same lawmakers
November/December 2019 leadership vote of Social Democrats: 1 December 2019: After Walter-Borjans and Saskia Esken, who are demanding a shift in policies, won a vote for leadership of Social Democrats, several senior conservatives on Sunday ruled out talks to renegotiate a governing agreement
December 2019 parliament urges to ban all activities by Iran-backed Hezbollah in Germany, citing its 'terrorist activities', especially in Syria: 19 December 2019: German parliament on Thursday approved a motion urging Chancellor Angela Merkel's government to ban all activities by the Iran-backed Hezbollah group on German soil, citing its 'terrorist activities', especially in Syria
15 January 1919 - 15 January 2020: 15 January 2020: Russian Jew David Dushman, one of the last surviving soldiers to have taken part in the liberation of the Auschwitz camp in January 1945, since 1996 living in southern Germany and still struggling to explain how such a catastrophe could happen, joined the Red Army in 1941 after Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union, today saying 'they were standing there, all of them in (prisoner) uniforms, only eyes, only eyes, very narrow - that was very terrible, very terrible'
6 February 2020 anti-Semitic AFD party's backing for Thuringia's new elected state premier Kemmerich shocks Germany: 6 February 2020: Anti-Semitic AFD party's backing for Thuringia's FDP politician and new elected state premier Kemmerich shocks Germany, also enjoying support from lawmakers of Chancellor Merkel’s CDU as well as his FDP stablemates, as tacit cooperation between CDU, FDP and AfD condemned by Josef Schuster, saying he was 'horrified' by Wednesday’s vote
6 June 2020 loneliest of D-Day remembrances amid covid-19 as 'Bundeswehr' continues to praise Nazigeneral Rommel: 6 June 2020: The loneliest of D-Day remembrances is marked amid covid-19 pandemic, as small ceremony held a year after tens of thousands came to Normandy beaches to cheer the dwindling number of veterans and celebrate liberation from Nazi oppression, as German 'Bundeswehr' continues to praise and honour the Nazigeneral Rommel
German state elections: Elections in subdivisions of Germany - German state elections
Baden-Württemberg: State elections in Baden-Württemberg
March 2011: March 2011 Baden-Württemberg state election - 11. Juli 2012: Staatsanwaltliches Ermittlungsverfahren gegen früheren CDU-Ministerpräsidenten Mappus wegen Untreue beim Kauf von EnBW-Aktien - 14. Juli 2012: CDU distanziert sich von Stefan Mappus
March 2016: 13. März 2016 Landtagswahl in Baden-Württemberg - 12 May 2016: Green party politician and first Muslim woman Muhterem Aras elected with a large majority as president (speaker) of Baden-Württemberg's state legislature
Bavaria: State elections in Bavaria
September/October 2013: September/October 2013 Bavaria state election - 16 September 2013: Christian Social Union wins in Bavaria
October 2018: 14 October 2018 Bavarian state election - 15 October 2018: After voters delivered the Christian Social Union CSU its worst showing since 1954, Germany’s ruling parties attempt to ride out the fallout from a disastrous regional election, as Green Party ends CSU’s 61-year political dominance in Bavaria
Berlin: Elections in Berlin
2011 Berlin state election: 2011 Berlin state election - Political parties - compare - 18 septembre 2011: Une majorité pour les sociaux-démocrates SPD (28,3%) avec les Verts (17,6%) au scrutin régional à Berlin - le parti libéral FDP (1,8%) est chassé du parlement
September 2016: 18 September 2016 Wahl zum Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin - 19 septembre 2016: Après les élections régionales à Berlin le maire actuel Michael Müller, SPD avec moins de 22% des voix, privilégie une coalition avec les écologistes, crédités de 15% des voix, et le parti 'Die Linke', qui progresse nettement et recueille un score voisin, plus que l'AfD - 17 January 2017: Appointed by the Left party, Andrej Holm, an academic who had hidden the fact he served in the notorious East German secret police Stasi before the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, resigned as deputy housing minister
Brandenburg: Elections in Brandenburg
September 2014 Brandenburg state election: 14 September 2014 Brandenburg state election - 14/15. September: Vorläufiges amtliches Ergebnis der Landtagswahl 2014 in Brandenburg
September 2019 Brandenburg state election: 1 September 2019 Brandenburg state election
Bremen: State elections in Bremen
May 2015: 10 May 2015 Bremen state election - 11 May 2015: Following state elections, Bremen’s mayor resigns despite SPD and Greens could proceed to govern with a slim bulk
May 2019 Bremen state election: 26 May 2019 Bremen state election
Hamburg: Elections in Hamburg
June and December 1982 Hamburg state election, Greens win 7,7%: 6 June 1982 Hamburg state election, Greens party wins 7,7% - 19 December 1982 Hamburg state election
February 2015 Hamburg state election: 15 February 2015 Hamburg state election - 16 February 2015: Conservatives suffer blow in Hamburg state vote but AfD wins seats in its first western regional assembly, turnout about 54%
February 2020 Hamburg state election: 23 February 2020 Hamburg state election - 2020 Hamburg state election opinion polling
24 February 2020 Greens and SPD victorious with 24.2% and 39% in Hamburg: 24 February 2020: Greens and SPD victorious with 24.2% and 39% in Hamburg state elections as crisis in the CDU, FDP and AfD deepens
Hesse: State elections in Hesse
September 2013: 22 September 2013 Hesse state election - 23. September 2013: Vorläufiges Ergebnis der Landtagswahl 2013
October 2018: 28 October 2018 Hessian state election - 29 October 2018: After the CDU slumped to 27% in preliminary results in the state and the SPD tanked to 19.8% in a dead heat with the resurgent Green party for second place, giving the coalition 69 seats of 137, Merkel said national politics had had negative influence on the results in Hesse
Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen): Elections in Lower Saxony
2011 local elections in Lower Saxony: 11. September 2011 Kommunalwahlen Niedersachsen
January 2013: 20 January 2013 Lower Saxony state election - 21 janvier 2013: Obtenant un siège de plus l'alliance des sociaux-démocrates et des verts renverse la coalition des conservateurs et des libéraux en Basse-Saxe
October 2017: 15 October 2017 Lower Saxony state election - 16 October 2017: Germany’s Social Democrats score victory in regional election
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: State elections in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
September 2011: 4 September 2011 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state election - 4. September 2011: SPD-Sieg in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
September 2016: September 2016 Landtagswahl in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - 5 September 2016: Germany’s xenophobic and anti-migrant populists AfD beat Merkel’s party in local vote, obtaining around 21% in its first bid for seats in the regional parliament
North Rhine-Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen): State elections in North Rhine-Westphalia
March 2012: 14. März 2012: Selbstauflösung des NRW-Landesparlaments nach Machtpoker der Opposition
May 2012: 13 May 2012 North Rhine-Westphalia state election - 14 mai 2012: Avec 26,3% des voix le parti d'Angela Merkel CDU enregistre un sérieux revers électoral (SPD 39,1%, Les Verts 11,3%)
May 2017: 14 May 2017 North Rhine-Westphalia state election - Frühjahr 2017 Landtagswahl in Nordrhein-Westfalen - 15/16 May 2017: Christian Democrats CDU defeat the ruling Social Democrats SPD in North Rhine-Westphalia's state election, convincing 430,000 non-voters to turn up and pinching 310,000 votes from the SPD with its new federal chairman and bearer of hope Martin Schulz, who after that calls politics and parliamentary elections a boxing match (as is generally known with physical injuries), also calling the defeat and his party's failure a liver shot and in the end calling voting citizens and democrats a referee of violent assaults and batteries
September 2020 local elections in North Rhine-Westphalia: 13. September 2020 Kommunalwahlen in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Rhineland-Palatinate: Elections in Rhineland-Palatinate
2011 Rhineland-Palatinate state election: March 2011 Rhineland-Palatinate state election
March 2016: 13. März 2016 Landtagswahl in Rheinland-Pfalz
Saarland: Elections in Saarland
March 2012 Saarland state election: 25 March 2012 Saarland state election - 25 March 2012: Provisional official results of the 25 March state poll - CDU 35,2%, SPD 30,6%, Linke 16,1%, Piraten 7,4%, Grüne 5% and the FDP is now the 1,2% party and is kicked out - 9. Mai 2012: Ministerpräsidentin Kramp-Karrenbauer an der Spitze einer CDU/SPD-Koalition im Amt bestätigt
March 2017: 26 March 2017 Saarland state election - 26. März 2017 Landtagswahl im Saarland
Saxony: Elections in Saxony
August 2014 Saxony state election: 31 August 2014 Saxony state election - 31 August 2014: Christian Democrats win nearly 40% of the vote, breakthrough of eurosceptics and right-leaning rival AfD
June 2019 local election in Goerlitz: 17 June 2019: CDU's Octavian Ursu, who came to Germany from Romania in 1990, received 55.1% of the vote in Sunday’s election in Goerlitz, as opponent AfD's Sebastian Wippel received 44.9% according to preliminary results
September 2019 Saxony state election: 1 September 2019 Saxony state election
Saxony-Anhalt: Elections in Saxony-Anhalt
2011 Saxony-Anhalt state election: March 2011 Saxony-Anhalt state election
March 2016 Saxony-Anhalt state election: 13. März 2016 Landtagswahl in Sachsen-Anhalt
Schleswig-Holstein: Elections in Schleswig-Holstein
August 2011: 14. August 2011: Affäre des CDU-Landesvorsitzenden von Boetticher, Rücktritt von Parteivorsitz in Schleswig-Holstein und von Spitzenkandidatur für Landtagswahl in Neunmonatsfrist am 6. Mai 2012
May 2012 Schleswig-Holstein state election: 6 May 2012 Schleswig-Holstein state election - 6. Mai 2012: Grüne, Liberale und Piraten über den Erwartungen, diverse Koalitionsmöglichkeiten - 24 July 2013: Former HSH executive board all on trial over bank's near failure
May 2017: 7 May 2017 Schleswig-Holstein state election - Frühjahr 2017 Landtagswahl in Schleswig-Holstein - 8 May 2017: Reaction on regional election result in German Schleswig-Holstein state
Thuringia: Elections in Thuringia
September 2014 Thuringian state election: 14 September 2014 Thuringian state election - 14. September: Vorläufiges amtliches Ergebnis der Landtagswahl 2014 im Land Thüringen - Die amtierende Landesregierung ist eine rot-rot-grüne Koalition aus den Parteien Die Linke, SPD und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen seit dem 5. Dezember 2014
October 2019 Thuringian state election: 27 October 2019 Thuringian state election - 28 October 2019: Thuringia's 'Die Linke' party won about 31%, Merkel’s Christian Democrats won 21,8%, but far ahead of her coalition partner, the once powerful Social Democrats SPD, who scored only 8,2%, the xenophobic and neo-Nazi linked AfD party scored about 23,4%, more than doubling its 2014 result, after an 9 October attack in Halle, where a suspected neo-Nazi gunman tried and failed to storm a synagogue and then shot dead two people outside
5. Februar 2020 Josef Schuster verurteilt das Bündnis von FDP, AfD und CDU bei der Wahl Thomas Kemmerichs zum Ministerpräsidenten: 5. Februar 2020: Der Präsident des Zentralrats der Juden, Josef Schuster verurteilt das Bündnis von FDP, AfD und CDU bei der Wahl Thomas Kemmerichs zum thüringischen Ministerpräsidenten und erklärt 'damit verlässt die FDP den Konsens der demokratischen Parteien, nicht mit der AfD zusammenzuarbeiten oder auf die Unterstützung der Rechtspopulisten zu zählen'

Subdivisions of Germany: Subdivisions of Germany
History of Germany by state: History of Germany by state - Former German states and territories by current state
Municipalities, cities and towns in Germany: Municipalities of Germany - List of cities and towns in Germany
History of Baden-Württemberg: History of Baden-Württemberg
1848–1849: Baden in the German revolutions of 1848–1849 - 1848/1849 Baden Revolution
Stuttgart Metropolitan Region: Stuttgart Metropolitan Region is a metropolitan region in Germany consisting of the cities of Stuttgart, Heilbronn, Tübingen/Reutlingen
History of Bavaria: History of Bavaria - Munich Metropolitan Region
1848-1849: Bavaria in the German revolutions of 1848–1849
Since 1871 and 1933: Since 1871 Bavaria in the German Empire, since 1918 in the Weimar Republic and during the 1933-1945 Nazi period - 30 October 2017: Adolf Hitler only joined the Nazis after being rejected by the 1919 newly formed German Socialist party, telling him that it did not want him in the party, historian Thomas Weber has learned
Since November 2012 neo-Nazis charged with murders of 11 people mostly immigrants: November 2012: Federal prosecutors charge neo-Nazis with murders of 10 people, mostly immigrants and a police officer
March 2013: 27 March 2013: Munich court sparked angry criticism for failing to guarantee the Turkish media access to cover the upcoming neo-Nazi murder trial in which most of the victims were Turkish
May 2013: 4. Mai 2013: 79 Landtagsabgeordnete haben Verwandte ersten Grades, also Ehepartner, Eltern oder Kinder, angestellt und dafür Gelder vom Landtag kassiert
Since 6 May 2013: Since 6 May 2013 'NSU Trial' against several people in connection with the National Socialist Underground terrorist organization in Germany and the NSU murders in Munich - 'National Socialist Underground' far-right German terrorist group which was uncovered in November 2011
July 2013: 30 juillet 2013: Le président du club de football Bayern Munich, Uli Hoeness, qui avait reconnu avoir caché de l'argent en Suisse, accusé de fraude fiscale
August 2013: Gustl Mollath's persecution and HypoVereinsbank black money scandal since 2003 - 6 August 2013: The OLG Nuremberg orders the reopening of Mollath's case and his immediate release
June 2015: 6./7. Juni 2015: G7-Gipfel auf Schloss Elmau 2015 kostet Bundesrepublik und das Land Bayern über 200 Millionen Euro
2017: 17 May 2017: Six alleged perpetrators all from Munich and Ebersberg ranging in age from 18 to 33 charged with incitement to hate after spewing anti-Semitic abuse at passengers on a Munich city bus packed with some 40 passengers, but only an unmarried couple from Munich attempted to intervene, as Bavaria has seen a rise in anti-Semitic criminality with 176 anti-Jewish crimes reported in the state in 2016
April 2018: 25 April 2018: Bavaria's ruling Christian Social Union CSU has ordered Christian crosses, that are already compulsory in public school classrooms and courtrooms, to be placed in all state buildings, saying that 'the cross is a fundamental symbol of our Bavarian identity and way of life' and a cultural rather than religious symbol, without explicitly mentioning that crucifixion was the capital punishment in the Roman Empire meted out specifically to slaves predominantly acquired through warfare, succeeded by kingdoms and empires, including Francia (Kingdom of the Franks 481–843), the Carolingian Empire, and the 'Holy Roman Empire' 800/962–1806
April 2018 Bavarian Muehldorfer Hart concentration camp memorial: 28 April 2018: Germany inaugurated a memorial at the long-forgotten site of World War II Nazi Muehldorfer Hart concentration camp where forced laborers built an aircraft factory deep inside a Bavarian forest and where at least 2,200 prisoners, many of them Hungarian Jews, died in the miserable conditions at the camp and were buried on-site in a mass grave, after more than 70 years later the state of Bavaria has finally put up a memorial of standing concrete slabs with photographs and text on the site’s grim history, according to the association 'For Remembrance' that fought for 20 years for the memorial to be built
October 2018: 14 October 2018 Bavarian state election - 15 October 2018: After voters delivered the Christian Social Union CSU its worst showing since 1954, Germany’s ruling parties attempt to ride out the fallout from a disastrous regional election, as Green Party ends CSU’s 61-year political dominance in Bavaria
October 2019 Oktoberfest methane emissions: 27 October 2019: Oktoberfest 'produces 10 times as much methane as Boston', as first analysis of environmental impact of Munich festival reveals extent of emissions
3 November 2019 neo-Nazi linked AfD target Indian-German 'Christ Child': 3 November 2019: Benigna Munsi, the daughter of Indian-German parents selected by the city of Nuremberg to play the 'Christ Child' and open its world-famous Christmas market, will speak to the press, days after she was targeted by a racist comment by the neo-Nazi linked AfD
28/29 April 2020 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp: 29 April 2020: Israel Defense Forces and USA Navy bands surprised Israeli Holocaust survivor Abba Naor this week to mark both Israel’s 72nd Independence Day and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp where at the start of Nazi dictatorship Eichmann's battalion of the Deutschland Regiment was quartered in 1934, playing for him a rendition of Israel’s national anthem, Hatikva
May 2020 Thailand's king living in the Bavarian Alps in luxury while his country suffers: 1 May 2020: The king of Thailand is enjoying life at a luxury hotel in the Bavarian Alps in Germany, while his subjects back home are suffering under covid-19, but criticizing the monarchy is outlawed, despite the king's 'embarrassing' behavior, enjoying special permission to reside at Garmisch-Partenkirchen's Hotel Sonnenbichl not open for normal accommodation, as his entourage of 100 includes a harem of at least 20 women and the king jet-setting around Germany in a private Boeing 737, after he reportedly didn't even disembark and took off again directly after landing
July/August 2020 Thailand struggles to cope with crises as king squanders people's product in Germany: 29 July 2020: Thailand struggles to cope with covid-19 crisis, as king is gallivanting miles away in Germany and Thai protesters call for end of monarchy on king's birthday, as Thai PM promises 'we will follow in His Majesty's footsteps' - 31 August 2020: Thai king 'releases his concubine from jail and flies her to Germany to join his harem' a year after she was stripped of royal titles
History of Brandenburg, Prussia and Berlin: History of Prussia - History of Brandenburg
1848-1849: Prussia in the German revolutions of 1848–1849, backlash in Prussia and repression
Since 1871, since 1918 and 1933-1945: Since 1871 Prussia in the German Empire - Since 1918 Prussia in the Weimar Republic, during the 1933-1945 Nazi period and end of Prussia
History and timeline of Berlin: History of Berlin - Timeline of Berlin since foundation in 1163 - Berlin/Brandenburg Metropolitan Region since 1990
History and timeline of Berlin: History of Berlin - Timeline of Berlin since foundation in 1163 - Berlin/Brandenburg Metropolitan Region since 1990
18 January 1871 Berlin becomes capital of the German Empire: Since 18 January 1871 Berlin becomes capital of the newly unified German Empire
1892 'German Peace Society' in Berlin: 1892 'German Peace Society', founded in 1892 in Berlin, still existing and known as the Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen (DFG-VK, German Peace Society - United War Resisters)
15 January 1919 war resisters Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht assassinated: 15 January 1919 war resisters Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht assassinated in Berlin by 'Freikorps' used by SPD leaders
February 1933 Reichstag fire: 27 February 1933 Reichstag fire, an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, precisely four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany - 1955 Testimony of SA-member Hans-Martin Lennings, published in July 2019, more than 80 years after the event
1933/1955/2019: 26/27 July 2019: When witness Hans-Martin Lennings and his colleagues of the Nazis' SA arrived with van der Lubbe at the Reichstag, he noticed 'a strange smell of burning and there were clouds of smoke billowing through the rooms', saying 1955 in an account confirmed by a Hanover court 'we were convinced that van der Lubbe could not possibly have been the arsonist, because according to our observation, the Reichstag had already been burning when we dropped him off there', as Reichstag blaze in Germany was used by Adolf Hitler used to claim a Communist plot and consolidate his influence with a crackdown
Since April 1933 Nazi 'Gestapo' in Berlin: 26 April 1933 Nazi 'Gestapo' (secret police) headquartered in Berlin on Prinz-Albrecht-Straße, preceded by the 'Prussian Secret Police' since 1851
July 1933 Columbia concentration camp in Berlin: Since July 1933 Columbia concentration camp in Berlin established - 1936-1945 Sachsenhausen Nazi concentration camp, used primarily for political prisoners - Since 1936 Berlin-Marzahn concentration camp set up for Romani people by Nazi authorities
Since 30 January 1935 Nazi SS-Hauptamt in Berlin: Since 30 January 1935 Nazi SS-Hauptamt headquartered in Berlin, on Prinz-Albrecht-Straße
January 1940 'Wannsee Conference': 20 January 1940 'Wannsee Conference', a meeting of senior government officials of Nazi Germany and SS leaders to ensure the cooperation of administrative leaders to implement the 'Final solution to the Jewish question', whereby most of the Jews of German-occupied Europe would be deported to occupied Poland and murdered
April 1968 assassination attempt against Rudi Dutschke: 11 April 1968 assassination attempt against the spokesperson of the German student movement of the 1960s Rudi Dutschke, who later died, by Josef Bachmann, who had contact with an active cell of Neonazis in Peine since 1961, participating in shooting practice with them
Since October 1990 German reunification, unified Berlin designated capital: 3 October 1990 German reunification, unified Berlin designated capital of the 'Federal Republic of Germany'
February 2019 BND headquarter in Berlin: 8 February 2019: After taking 12 years and €1bn of taxpayers to build, BND's, and world’s biggest, intelligence headquarters reopens in Berlin
29 August 2020 Berlin protests and planned counter-protests amid covid-19: 29 August 2020: Berlin braces for protest against covid-19 restrictions after court ruling, amid calls for counter-protests saying 'there must be no tolerance towards racists, anti-Semites, right-wing extremists and Nazis’ - 29 August 2020: After mass protest against pandemic restrictions had been allowed to go ahead by German court after a bitter legal battle, Berlin police break up protest against covid-19 restrictionsh by 18,000 coronavirus sceptics because protesters were failing to respect social distancing
Society, ethnic groups and crime in Berlin: Berlin society - Ethnic groups in Berlin - Crime in Berlin - Since 1914 German war crimes promoted and ordered in Berlin
Jews and Judaism in Berlin: Jews and Judaism in Berlin
April 2018 Berlin anti-semitic attack: 17 April 2018 Berlin anti-semitic attack, when two young men wearing Jewish skullcaps were insulted by Arabic-speaking passers-by, and one of the two, an Israeli citizen, was beaten with a belt by a Palestinian attacker
March 2019 anti-Semitic attacks: 2 March 2019: For restaurateur Yorai Feinberg in Berlin, anti-Semitic attacks are routine, after he was taking a break outside his Berlin restaurant in December 2017, when a man screamed at him 'Go back to your gas chambers', filmed by his friend and posted as video on social media that went viral and unleashed a torrent of anti-Semitic hate mail
29 October 2019 Jewish man beaten on the street: 29 October 2019: A 70-year-old Jewish man was beaten on a Berlin street in an apparent anti-Semitic attack, after he was initially insulted by an unknown man as he walked in the Karow neighborhood
History of Hamburg: History of Hamburg - Timeline of Hamburg
1938-1945: 1938-1945 Neuengamme concentration camp near the village of Neuengamme in the Bergedorf district of Hamburg, operated by the SS an estimated 106,000 prisoners were held at Neuengamme and at its subcamps, the verified death toll is 42,900
Since 1945 Hamburg after the Second World War: Hamburg after the Second World War 1939-1945
1946-1948 Hamburg Ravensbrück trials: 1946-1948 Hamburg Ravensbrück trials, a series of seven trials for war crimes against camp officials from the Ravensbrück concentration camp that the British authorities held in their occupation zone in Germany in Hamburg after the end of World War II
June/July 2017: G20 Hamburg summit protests June-July 2017 - 7–8 July 2017 G20 Hamburg summit in the city of Hamburg - 7 July 2017: Protesters reportedly clashed with police, torched patrol cars and blocked roads in the German city of Hamburg on Friday in fresh violence just before the start of the G20 summit - 7 July 2017: New York city mayor Bill De Blasio, one of Trump's sharpest critics, will take part in protests against the G20 summit in Hamburg and will be a keynote speaker on Saturday at a rally for human rights and democracy - 9 July 2017: Two nights of rioting, looting and transport chaos left many residents in Hamburg asking why their government had decided to hold the annual G20 summit with Putin, Xi Jinping, Trump and Erdogan in a densely populated city with such a strong tradition of counter-cultural protest
2018: 1 February 2018: Relatives of some of the thousands of Nazi victims who were tortured and murdered in the Hamburg headquarters of the Gestapo have accused authorities and property developers of insulting their memory following the transformation of the building into a luxury complex with scant reference to its past
History of Hesse: History of Hesse
1848-1849 National Assembly: National Assembly in Frankfurt in the German revolutions of 1848–1849
Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Region and Frankfurt/Main: Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Region - Frankfurt/Main - Geography of Frankfurt/Main, history of Frankfurt/Main and, economy of Frankfurt/Main - Cityscape, 20th-century architecture and 21st-century architecture of Frankfurt/Main
February 2020 Hanau shootings: 19 February 2020 Hanau shootings, targeting two shisha bars/hookah lounges - 20 February 2020: 11 people dead, including suspect, after Hanau attacks at the opening of the actual carnival week starting on 'Fat Thursday', after the beginning of the 'Fifth Season' on 11 November at 11:11 a.m.
21 February 2020 people of Hanau rallied in the wake of racist assault as politicians, judiciary and media not tackling racism with full strength: 21 February 2020: As the people of Hanau rallied together in the wake of a deadly and racist assault on its community, there were not just whispers filled with fear but also cries for help and shouts of anger, as even German Constitutional Court needs 75 years to start probing the Nazi connections of its postwar judges, including long-serving judge NSDAP member Willi Geiger, who served from 1951 to 1977, after during the Nazi regime from 1933 to 1945 Geiger handed down a number of death sentences for minor offenses while presiding over a special court under Adolf Hitler's NSDAP party
24 February 2020 Volkmarsen ramming attack: 24 February 2020 Volkmarsen ramming attack, as a car was driven by a German citizen from the local area into a crowd at a carnival parade in Volkmarsen and more 30 people were injured, seven seriously, and as a third of those injured were children - 24 février 2020: Une voiture a foncé dans un défilé de carnaval à Volkmarsen dans le centre de l'Allemagne, faisant une trentaine de blessés - 25 February 2020: The number of people confirmed as injured after a car ploughed into a carnival crowd in western Germany has risen to 52, as 18 of those hurt in Monday's incident are children
29 March 2020 police suspect finance minister Thomas Schäfer died by suicide: 29 March 2020: Police suspect finance minister for the state of Hesse Thomas Schäfer died by suicide after his body was found on train tracks near Wiesbaden, leaving a note before taking his own life referencing his reasons for his apparent suicide, after he regularly appeared in public in recent days to inform the public about financial assistance during the coronavirus crisis
16 June 2020 Frankfurt court hearing against two neo-Nazis in Walter Luebcke murder case: 16 June 2020: German court in Frankfurt begin hearing the case against two neo-Nazis accused of killing regional politician Walter Luebcke, as Stephan Ernst is accused of murder, attempted murder, serious bodily harm and firearms offenses, and as protesters against anti-immigrant Pegida movement hold a banner reading 'who always wanted to know, how it could happen with the Nazis, lives in the right time' during a demonstration on Monday
9 July 2020 Frankfurt police computer searched for data on politician receiving letters since February signed 'NSU 2.0': 9 July 2020: German police computer in Frankfurt was searched for data on politician Janine Wissler threatened by neo-Nazis, receiving several threatening letters and emails since February, signed 'NSU 2.0', a reference to the German neo-Nazi National Socialist Underground group that committed several racist murders in the 2000s, coming now as the German police and army find themselves under increased scrutiny for neo-Nazi linked and racist views in their ranks, a debate fuelled by the global Black Lives Matter protests
14 July 2020 Idil Baydar also received threatening letters from neo-Nazis: 14 July 2020: Idil Baydar also received threatening letters from neo-Nazi linked extremists, as data were said to have been requested from the Hessian police
History of North Rhine-Westphalia: History of North Rhine-Westphalia
1848-1849: Rhineland in the German revolutions of 1848–1849
Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region: Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region, the largest metropolitan region with over 11 million inhabitants and the only megacity in Germany
History of cities in North Rhine-Westphalia: History of cities in North Rhine-Westphalia
2015 Cologne mayor election: 18 October 2015: German city official Henriette Reker who was stabbed in the neck in an attack over her work with refugees elected the first female mayor of the western city of Cologne
2018 Münster attack: On 7 April 2018, a German man drove a van into people seated outside restaurants in a pedestrianised square in the old part of the German city of Münster, killing two people and injuring about 20 others
September 2020 local elections in North Rhine-Westphalia: 13. September 2020 Kommunalwahlen in Nordrhein-Westfalen
History of Rhineland-Palatinate: History of Rhineland-Palatinate
1848-1849: Palatinate in the German revolutions of 1848–1849
History of Saxony: History of Saxony
1848-1849 Saxony in the German revolutions: Saxony in the German revolutions of 1848–1849
Dresden city: Dresden, the capital city of the German state of Saxony and its second most populous city, after Leipzig - Education in Dresden
Economy of Dresden: Economy of Dresden
Timeline of Dresden: Timeline of Dresden
1206 first documentation of Dresden: 1206 first documentation of Dresden
July 1760 siege of Dresden by Prussian army: July 1760 Siege of Dresden during the Third Silesian War, part of the Seven Years' War, when a Prussian force led by Frederick unsuccessfully besieged the city of Dresden in Saxony
July 1807 Constitution of the Duchy of Warsaw: July 1807 Constitution of the Duchy of Warsaw promulgated by Napoleon in Dresden
August 1813 Battle of Dresden part of Napoleonic Wars: August 1813 Battle of Dresden, a major engagement of the Napoleonic Wars, but the Sixth Coalition felt emboldened in their quest to expel the French from Central Europe, as Napoleon's victory did not lead to the collapse of the coalition, and the lack of effective French cavalry units, caused by a very heavy loss of French soldiers and horses during 1812 French invasion of Russia, precluded a major pursuit, and days after the battle, the Allies surrounded and captured a French corps at the Battle of Kulm
May 1849 Dresden uprising: May 1849 Uprising took place in Dresden, one of the last of the series of events known as the Revolutions of 1848, as from 1849 the German states saw a sharp rise in emigration as thousands deserted their homeland for political reasons, fearing for their lives, many of them artists, writers and other well-educated, prominent members of society, after the revolution had only a slight effect on the political system, in that the nobility lost some of its power in the lower house, but otherwise was a complete failure
February 1945 bombing of Dresden in Nazi Germany's World War II: February 1945 bombing of Dresden in Nazi Germany's World War II - 27 March 1945 last day of German V-2 rocket attacks on London, as one hits Hughes Mansions, Stepney, killing 134 citizens, as the last falls in Orpington with one fatality, and as more than 2,700 people died across London and more than 6,500 people were injured as a result of German rockets in their second World War in the 20th century - March 1945 end of the German V-1 attacks against England and assessment of German Blitz and V-1 attacks
Since April 1946 Sächsische Zeitung: Since April 1946 'Sächsische Zeitung', a regional German daily newspaper published in Dresden
Since 1961 Technical University of Dresden: Since 1961 Technical University of Dresden, as of the 20,620 students from Saxony, 12,351 or 59.9% were from Dresden, and as there were 3,442 international students enrolled at the TU Dresden in 2005/2006, with most of the foreign students coming from Europe 1,527, followed by Asia 1,404, and America 170
1989-1991 Monday demonstrations in Leipzig and East Germany: 1989-1991 Monday demonstrations in East Germany, a series of peaceful political protests against the government of the German Democratic Republic that took place in towns and cities all around the country on various days of the week
1992 Soviet forces withdrawn including KGB's Vladimir Putin: In 1992 Soviet forces withdrawn from Saxony and Dresden, including later Russian war criminal Vladimir Putin, who was stationed in Dresden by the KGB 1985-1990, and is admired and supported by German neo-Nazi linked AfD party since its foundations in 2013
August 2002 Dresden received significant damage amid European floods: August 2002 European floods, as Dresden received significant damage when the Elbe River reached an all-time high of 9.4 meters and Germany was the hardest hit, with over two-thirds of the flood's total losses
Since 2010 Dresden anti-fascist protests: Since 2010 Dresden anti-fascist protests against 'Pegida' movenment and AfD
February 2020 refugee Mozon al-Mleihan fleeing bombing and shelling to Jordan and the UK wins Dresden Peace Prize: 12 February 2020: Mozon al-Mleihan, who fled from the city of Daraa in Syria’s southwest because of the bombing and shelling, arrived with her family arrived in 2013 to the Zaatari camp in Jordan and now lives in the UK, has been awarded the Dresden Peace Prize for her work with children and education, reports Arab-Europe
Leipzig city: Leipzig, the most populous city in the German state of Saxony, with a population of 600,000 inhabitants in 2019 Germany's eighth most populous city - Education in Leipzig
Economy of Leipzig: Economy of Leipzig
Since 1082 timeline of Leipzig: Timeline of Leipzig since 1082
Since 1212 Thomas School in Leipzig: Since 1212 Thomas School in Leipzig, a co-educational and public boarding school founded by the Augustinians in 1212 and one of the oldest schools in the world - Notable alumni of Thomas School in Leipzig
Since 1409 Leipzig University and alumni: Since 1409 Leipzig University - List of Leipzig University people, including scientists, poets, musicians, and politicians - Since 1990 South African politician Jeffrey Thamsanqa 'Jeff' Radebe, born in August 1953, who studied at the University of Zululand and finished in International Law at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig in 1981, and was arrested in 1986 after returning to South Africa, and sentenced to a 10-year imprisonment on Robben Island, but released from prison in 1990 after a successful hunger strike and served as minister first under Nelson Mandela after the 1994 democratic elections and later - CDU's Angela Merkel, born 1954 and Chancellor of Germany since 2005, was educated at Karl Marx University in Leipzig, where she studied physics from 1973 to 1978, and then studied and worked at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry in Berlin-Adlershof from 1978 to 1990 - Student finance of Leipzig University people
Since 1543 Leipzig University Library: Since 1543 Leipzig University Library, the central library of the university and one of the oldest German university libraries
October 1813 Battle of Leipzig, the largest battle in Europe prior to World War I: October 1813 Battle of Leipzig, when coalition armies of Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Russia decisively defeated French Emperor Napoleon I's army, also containing Polish and Italian troops, as well as Germans from the Confederation of the Rhine, involving 500,000 soldiers, 2,200 artillery pieces, the expenditure of hundreds of thousands rounds of artillery ammunition, and causing 127,000 casualties, making it the largest battle in Europe prior to World War I
Since 1837-1839 Leipzig–Dresden railway: Since 1837-1839 Leipzig–Dresden railway
Since 1843 University of Music and Theatre 'Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Leipzig': Since 1843 University of Music and Theatre 'Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Leipzig', a public university in Leipzig, founded in 1843 by Felix Mendelssohn as Conservatory of Music, the oldest university school of music in Germany - 1835-1847 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy in Leipzig, concentrated on developing the town's musical life by working with the orchestra, the opera house, the Thomanerchor, the city's other choral and musical institutions, and founded the Leipzig Conservatory in 1843 - 1850 anti-Semitic composer Richard Wagner, who fled from Dresden, holds that Jews are unable to speak European languages properly and that Jewish speech took the character of an 'intolerably jumbled blabber', a 'creaking, squeaking, buzzing snuffle', incapable of expressing true passion, that debars them from any possibility of creating song or music, stating that Mendelssohn, whom Wagner damns with faint praise, is 'sweet and tinkling without depth', citing 'the redemption of Ahasuerus — Going under'
1855 Leipzig Synagogue built: 1855 Leipzig Synagogue was built by German Jewish architect Otto Simonson who had studied under Gottfried Semper, architect of the Semper Synagogue in Dresden
Since the 1950s 'Museum of Musical Instruments of Leipzig University': Since the 1950s 'Museum of Musical Instruments of Leipzig University', one of the largest music instrument museums in Europe alongside those of Brussels and of Paris including instruments from Europe and beyond, as well as music-related items from the Renaissance, the Baroque, and Bach's Leipzig period
Since 1933 history of Leipzig during Nazi regime: Since 1933 history of Leipzig during Nazi regime
9/10 November 1938 Jews and Jewish institutions suffered in 'Kristallnacht' in Leipzig: 9/10 November 1938 Jews and Jewish institutions suffered from attacks in Leipzig during the events called 'Kristallnacht' as in other German cities, taking its name because of all of the shattered glass from destroyed synagogues, Jewish-owned stores, Jewish-owned homes, schools, and Jewish-owned artifacts, as violence and destruction was carried out by members of the Sturmabteilung SA, Schutzstaffel SS, Gestapo, as well as German civilians, German and Nazi officials, as Jewish property in Leipzig turned to ash, affecting Jewish men, women, and children in Leipzig and other parts of Germany - Torture of Jews, violence against women and children during 'Kristallnacht' and aftermath
1938-1945 The Holocaust in Leipzig: Since 1938, following the 'pogromnacht' when 553 Jewish men were arrested and centers of Jewish communal life were destroyed, Nazi rule in Leipzig led to 'final deportations' until February 1945, when the last 220 Jews were deported to Theresienstadt, and by 1945 there were only 15 Jews remaining in the city
1989-1991 Monday demonstrations in Leipzig: 1989-1991 Monday demonstrations in East Germany and Leipzig, as demonstrations in Leipzig are the most well known and important - Revolutions of 1989 formed part of a revolutionary wave in the late 1980s and early 1990s that resulted in the end of dictatorship in Central and Eastern Europe and beyond
Since 1990s Jewish immigration from the former Soviet Union: In 1989 the Jewish community numbered 30 members in Leipzig, but as a result of the immigration from the former Soviet Union, it began to grow and in 2012 the Jewish community numbered 1,300 members
Chemnitz city: Chemnitz, from 1953 to 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt, the third largest city in Saxony after Leipzig and Dresden, and part of the Central German Metropolitan Region, located in the middle of a string of cities
Economy of Chemnitz: Economy of Chemnitz area, the largest in the Chemnitz-Zwickau urban area and one of the most important economic areas of Germany's new federal states
Since 1136 timeline of Chemnitz: Timeline of Chemnitz since 1136
Since 1836 Königliche Gewerbeschule (later Chemnitz University of Technology): Since 1836 Königliche Gewerbeschule and later Chemnitz University of Technology
Since 1852 Chemnitz Hauptbahnhof: Since 1852 Chemnitz Hauptbahnhof
Since 1918/19 Chemnitz during Weimar Republic: After World War I Chemnitz during Weimar Republic, as the working-class industrial city remained a powerful center of socialist political organization after the criminal war with 1,000 votes to three to break from the SPD and join the Communist Party behind their local leaders, and as in March 1919 the German Communist Party had over 10,000 members in Chemnitz
9 November 1938 'Kristallnacht' antisemitic Nazi violence: 9 November 1938 'Kristallnacht' antisemitic Nazi violence and Chemnitz synagogue destroyed
1939-1945 Chemnitz during World War II: 1939-1945 Chemnitz during World War II, as 41% of the built-up area of Chemnitz were destroyed because the city contained factories that produced military hardware and auto manufacturer Auto Union, relocated after war in Ingolstadt in Bavaria, and when city also had a Flossenbürg forced labor subcamp for Astra-Werke AG, until city was occupied by Soviet troops on 8 May 1945
August/September 2018 neo-Nazi violence targeting immigrants in Chemnitz: 28 August 2018: Neo-Nazi linked mob violence targeting immigrants in the German city of Chemnitz has again cast an ugly spotlight on the country’ ex-communist east as a hotbed of xenophobia, since German-Cuban carpenter Daniel Hillig was stabbed to death in the early hours of Sunday, allegedly by an Iraqi and a Syrian who were arrested Monday - August/September 2018 Chemnitz riots and counter protests
August/September 2018 neo-Nazi attack on Jewish restaurant in Chemnitz: 8 September 2018: The Jewish restaurant 'Shalom' in the German town of Chemnitz was attacked by neo-Nazis on 27 August 2018
August/September 2019 Chemnitz violence on trial in Dresden: 22 août 2019: Un tribunal de Dresden a condamné jeudi à neuf ans et demi de prison un Syrien de 24 ans accusé d'avoir poignardé à mort un homme l'an dernier à Chemnitz, un meurtre qui avait déclenché des violences anti-étrangers - 30 September 2019: 8 alleged neo-Nazis have gone on trial in Dresden accused of plotting terror attacks, as federal prosecutors say the group planned to target immigrants, political opponents and the 'economic establishment'
History of Saxony-Anhalt: History of Saxony-Anhalt
September 2018 neo-Nazi linked demonstrations: 10 September 2018: Germany's Merkel has expressed anger after neo-Nazi linked demonstrators chanted Nazi slogans as they marched over the death of a German man following a fight with two Afghans
October 2019 Halle synagogue neo-Nazi shooting: 9 October 2019 Halle synagogue shooting in Halle, Saxony-Anhalt
15 June 2020 neo-Nazi Stephan Balliet on trial in July: 15 June 2020: German man charged with a deadly anti-Semitic shooting in the eastern city of Halle last year will go on trial on July 21, regional court in Naumburg said Monday, as Stephan Balliet is accused of shooting dead two people in October after he tried and failed to storm the synagogue
21 July 2020 Stephan Balliet on trial for deadly Halle synagogue shooting: 21 July 2020: German Stephan Balliet goes on trial at the eastern German state court in Magdeburg for the Yom Kippur attack and deadly shooting targeting Jews in the city of Halle last year, accused of shooting dead two people after failing to storm Halle synagogue and after publishing documents online that called for the killing of all Jews

Völkermord und ungesühnte Kriegsverbrechen Deutschlands: Bis heute kaum bundesdeutsche Strafverfolgung von Wehrmachtsverbrechen - Verschleppung, Verhinderung, Leugnung und Verharmlosung - Strafvereitelung für verurteilte Massenmörder durch Auslieferungsverweigerung
1952: CIA-Akten 2006: Aufenthaltsort Adolf Eichmanns dem BND und CIA bereits 1958 bekannt - BND-Akten: Aufenthaltsort Eichmanns sogar schon 1952 bekannt
1953-1963: 1953-1963 CDU-member and racist Nazi-jurist Hans Globke director of the Federal Chancellory of West Germany, 1933-1945 high-profile Nazi-jurist in NSDAP-Germany, drafting the law for the 'Protection of the German Blood' and serving as chief legal advisor in the Office for Jewish Affairs in the Ministry of Interior, the section headed by Adolf Eichmann that implemented the Holocaust bureaucratically, knowing 'that the Jews were being put to death en masse'
1958-1962: Wanted Nazi Walter Rauff was German 'Bundesnachrichtendienst' BND spy between 1958-1962
1965: In 1965 'Butcher of Lyon' SS-Hauptsturmführer Klaus Barbie was recruited by the BND, his initial monthly salary of 500 Deutsche Mark was transferred in May 1966 to an account of the Chartered Bank of London in San Francisco in the USA, which recruited him in 1947 as an agent for the USA Army Counter Intelligence Corps CIC, and he made at least 35 reports to the BND headquarters in Pullach
2006: CIA-Akten 2006: Aufenthaltsort Adolf Eichmanns dem BND und CIA bereits 1958 bekannt - BND-Akten: Aufenthaltsort Eichmanns sogar schon 1952 bekannt
2011: 7. Juli 2011: Neun ehemalige Wehrmachtssoldaten wegen Massaker in Italien 1944 im Juli 2011 in Verona zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt - Sant'Anna di Stazzema - Die Täter, wie z.B. Gerhard Sommer, geschützt von der deutschen Justiz in Hamburg und Stuttgart - 26 September 2011: Wanted Nazi Walter Rauff was German 'Bundesnachrichtendienst' spy between 1958-1962 - Walter Rauff: Gas van engineering and mass murder - Word War II: German gas vans in concentration camps, in Poland, Baltic states, Soviet Union, Serbia and North Africa - 27. September 2011: Bislang geheimgehaltene Akten des BND belegen, daß Walter Rauff wegen seiner Tätigkeit im Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Entwicklung und Einsatz von Gaswagen) 1958 vom BND eingestellt wurde - 27. September 2011: Deutscher Verfassungsschutz läßt eigene NS-Vergangenheit untersuchen, schon 2011 - 30 November 2011: Investigators have found that in 2007 the German Intelligence Service BND destroyed files of 250 employees who had been in the Nazi SS or Gestapo
2013: 7 May 2013: Living in Baden-Wuerttemberg since 1983, the alleged former guard at the Nazi death camp Auschwitz Hans Lipschis arrested on charges of complicity in the mass murder of prisoners - 28 June: Germany's Federal Administrative Court blocks full release of Nazi Eichmann files - 23 July 2013: The Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Center launches German poster campaign seeking information on the last perpetrators of the Holocaust still at large nearly 70 years on - 29 July 2013 and its truth: The murderer SS-Priebke and free man in 2013 said, that the victims - from 14 year old boys (today 83) to 75 year old men - were, in his view at the time, terrorists - 26 September: Former Auschwitz guard Hans Lipschis, 93, to be tried as part of drive to round up last surviving members of Nazi regime - 15 October 2013: Angry protests mark funeral of Nazi war criminal SS officer Erich Priebke in Italy
2015: 23. Februar 2015: Ein 94-jähriger ehemaliger SS-Sanitäter im Vernichtungslager Auschwitz-Birkenau soll sich vor dem Landgericht Neubrandenburg wegen Beihilfe zum Mord in mindestens 3.681 Fällen verantworten - 31 March 2015: Following Germany's refusals of extradition to Denmark and protection by German governments and authorities, volunteer in the SS Viking Division and Denmark’s highest-ranking Nazi Soren Kam died a free man last week in Kempten after he fled to CDU/CSU-Germany in 1956 and obtained citizenship, despite conviction in Denmark to have been involved in the murder of Danish anti-Nazi newspaper editor Carl Henrik Clemmensen - 20/21 April 2015: SS 'accountant of Auschwitz' Gröning goes on trial in Germany charged with complicity in the murder of 300,000 Holocaust victims - 15 July: Former SS officer Oskar Groening known as the Bookkeeper of Auschwitz sentenced to four years in prison - 16 July 2015: SS officer Oskar Gröning escaped prosecution in Britain nearly 70 years ago because of the USA’s desire, according to newly discovered UNWCC documents also revealing that the entire judicial process against Germans accused of committing war crimes was closed down after political intervention from above - 1 August 2015: Germany shelves Nazi crimes probe of SS-commander Michael Karkoc now living in USA, who commanded a unit in the SS-led Ukrainian Self Defense Legion accused of burning villages filled with women and children, based on wartime documents, testimony from other members of the unit and Karkoc’s own Ukrainian-language memoir - 22 September 2015: 91-year-old German woman who worked at Auschwitz has been accused of complicity in the murders of at least 260,000 Jews during World War II - 2 November 2015: Former Auschwitz SS guard, charged with 170,000 counts of accessory to murder, declared fit for trial in Germany - 1 December 2015: German appeals court clears the way for the trial of 95-year-old SS sergeant at Auschwitz Hubert Z., accused of being an accessory to the murder of at least 3,681 people at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp, as in Detmold Reinhold H. is accused of being an accessory to the murder of 170,000 people and in Kiel a 91-year-old woman is accused of the same charges in the case of 260,000 people
2016: 18 janvier 2016: L'ex-infirmier d'Auschwitz Hubert Zafke, en poste lorsqu'est arrivé le convoi d'Anne Frank en 1944, sera jugé à partir du 29 février en Allemagne - 29 January 2016: Authorities probe former SS soldiers accused of war crimes, including involvement in a 1944 civilian massacre in France - 10 February 2016: SS men Reinhold Hanning and Hubert Zafke will go on trial this month for their alleged complicity in the murder of thousands of people at Auschwitz, as Holocaust survivor Angela Orosz, born at Auschwitz, will take the witness stand in the Hanning trial - 11 February 2016: Auschwitz survivor Leon Schwarzbaum urges SS-guard on trial to reveal his role at death camp, asking him 'to tell the historical truth', 'the truth about what you and your colleagues did', but the SS-guard remains silent - 12 February 2016: Leon Schwarzbaum, Justin Sonder, Erna de Vries, three Auschwitz survivors describe horrors of Holocaust on the second day of the trial in Detmold - 26 February 2016: Angela Orosz Richt-Bein born inside the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1944 has accused former guard Hanning on trial for being an accessory to the murders of 170,000 Holocaust victims, saying 'You know what happened to all the people, you enabled their murder. Tell us! Tell us!' - 29 February 2016: The trial of former Nazi official Hubert Z., who is thought to have worked as a medic, over his suspected involvement in the deaths of 3,681 people at the Auschwitz concentration camp is set to begin in Germany on Monday - 5 March 2016: Born in Auschwitz in December 1944 and too weak to cry, the true understanding of her origins crept up on her slowly throughout her childhood in Hungary, Angela Orosz says in Detmold's courtroom - 12 March 2016: Canadian Jewish groups are calling on Canada to strip Canadian citizenship of Helmut Oberlander, who was a member of one of the most savage Nazi killing units, responsible for the murder of more than 90,000 Jewish men, women, and children during the Holocaust and who fraudulently gained Canadian citizenship in 1954 - 29 April 2016: Ex-SS Auschwitz guard Hanning tells court in Detmold, ‘I am truly sorry’ - 20 May: German prosecutors seeking six years' imprisonment for 94-year-old former SS guard Hanning on trial for complicity in 170,000 murders at Auschwitz - 17 June 2016: Germany jails ex-Auschwitz guard Hanning, found guilty on 170,000 counts of accessory to murder, for five years - 9 August 2016: Head of Germany’s central office for the investigation of Nazi crimes in Ludwigsburg has identified four men and four women suspected of having served at a concentration camp near Gdansk, and prosecutors will examine if they can be charged as accomplices to murder, as World Jewish Congress' Ronald Lauder says that 'given the vast system of concentration and extermination camps put in place by the Nazis, and the number of personnel needed to run and guard these sites, it comes as no surprise that a few of these perpetrators are still alive, even today' - 28 November 2016: German Federal Court of Justice upholds former Auschwitz guard Groening's conviction on accessory to murder charges, setting an important precedent for prosecutors' efforts to pursue others who were part of the 'machinery of death' even if there is no evidence of involvement in a specific killing
2016/2017: Nazi medic and SS-Unterscharführer Hubert Zafke - 29 February 2016: Trial of Auschwitz medic Hubert Zafke, charged with being an accomplice in the murder of at least 3,681 people and who served at Auschwitz when Anne Frank arrived, postponed in Germany - 7 March 2016: Auschwitz medic Zafke accused of gasing victims deemed unfit to stand trial - 16 October 2016: Trial of Auschwitz medic Hubert Zafke, repeatedly postponed after judges ruled he was unfit, now postponed over claim of biased judges, as prosecutors held up the trial by seeking the removal of several judges - 2 December 2016: Trial of Nazi medic and SS-Unterscharführer Hubert Zafke rescheduled after claim of biased judge dismissed - 14 February 2017: German court bars Jewish brothers Walter and William Plywask from joining the Zafke trial as co-plaintiffs, as allowed under German law for victims' relatives
2017: 25 January 2017: Researchers uncover vast numbers of unknown Nazi killing fields, as the 'Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos' set for completion in 2025, has now documented 42,500 sites of Nazi persecution, over eight times more than predicted - 25 January 2017: After changes in Germany's prosecution policy since 2011 have resulted in more investigations, in 2015/2016 Germany opened investigations against 42 individuals and convicted Oskar Groening, as seven decades after World War II there have been 103 convictions of Nazi war criminals, with Italy and the USA topping the list, according to the annual Simon Wiesenthal Center report, published since 2002 - 24 June 2017: Neubrandenburg state court appointed three new judges after the removing of three judges found to be biased in the often-delayed trial of a former SS medic Hubert Zafke who served at the Auschwitz death camp, as the International Auschwitz Committee has sharply attacked Germany’s handling of the case, saying the court was hurtling 'between sloppy ignorance and complete disinterest' in a resolution - 13 September 2017: Neubrandenburg state court dropped its case against 96-year-old former Auschwitz medic Hubert Zafke, after he was found unfit to stand trial for his role in the murder of more than 3,600 people at the Nazi death camp - 1 October 2017: Germany not prosecuting 8 members of SS death squad, despite knowing their names - 21 October 2017: German public prosecutors have charged a 96-year-old former Nazi death camp guard, accusing him of having guarded prisoners at the death camp in Lublin-Majdanek who were slated to be killed in 1943 and 1944
24 July 2019 former SS soldier Karl Muenter charged: 24 juillet 2019: Suite à la plainte de familles de victimes du massacre de 86 civils à Ascq, commis dans la nuit du 1er au 2 avril 1944 par des SS y compris Karl Münter, ce l'ancien SS, qui a assuré que le chiffre de 6 millions de juifs assassinés par les nazis était exagéré lors d'un entretien à la chaîne publique ARD diffusé le 29 novembre 2018, qui a estimé que les victimes d'Ascq étaient aussi responsables de leur mort, est enfin mis en accusation maintenant pour incitation à la haine, après en mars 2018, le Parquet allemand avait en effet annoncé l'abandon des poursuites parce que le suspect avait déjà été condamné à mort par contumace par un tribunal militaire en France en 1949 et qu'il ne pouvait donc être jugé une seconde fois pour ces mêmes faits
22 July 2020 at Bruno Dey trial in Hamburg witness Marek Dunin-Wasowicz wants to be heard in Germany: 22 July 2020: Still haunted by the pyres of burning bodies, Marek Dunin-Wasowicz, who spent several months at Stutthof camp, initially built to imprison Polish leaders and intelligentsia in September 1939, where war crimes defendant Bruno Dey at trial in Hamburg served, wants to speak out for the more than 60,000 people killed at the camp and for the few survivors who are still alive, also wanting his testimony to be heard in Germany, the country where Nazism originated and at a time of rising neo-Nazism linked rhetoric, politics and crime in Halle, Hanau, Kassel, Frankfurt, Berlin etc. and in Europe, also reporting that Germans came up to his table in the courtroom to meet him, 'to ask forgiveness in the name of their grandfathers, their fathers', 'I was shocked', and also calling Germany’s long delay in bringing Nazi personnel like Dey to justice 'inexcusable'

Bundesdeutsches 'Auswärtiges Amt': Schon 2005-2010 Historikerkommission zur NS-Vergangenheit des Auswärtigen Amts

Bundesdeutsche Fortsetzung der Nazijustiz, ungesühnte Nazijustiz und deren Tradition: Ungesühnte Nazijustiz - Furchtbare Juristen - Justiz und NS-Verbrechen - 1945-2016 German trial judgments concerning national socialist homicidal crimes

Society, demographics, languages, human rights, religion, racism and antisemitism in Germany: German society
Human rights in Germany: Human rights in Germany
Demographics and ethnic groups in Germany: Demographics of Germany - Ethnic groups in Germany - Immigrants to Germany
History of the Jews in Germany since the Early Middle Ages: History of the Jews in Germany since the Early Middle Ages
Jewish German history and antisemitism in Germany: Jewish German history - Antisemitism in Germany
9/10 November 2018: 9 November 2018: In one of numerous events in the capital and across the country students and rabbis in German capital read names of victims, light candles and pray at memorials 80 years after ‘Night of Broken Glass’ with more recent anti-Jewish violence in the USA and elsewhere prevalent in people’s minds - 10 November 2018: In rare move, the Central Council rallied other mainstream Jewish organizations in a statement of opposition to the neo-Nazi linked AfD party and to a new small group calling itself Jews for the AfD - 10 November 2018: Following Germany's 'Kristallnacht' rescued Kindertransport children 80 years on remain determined to resist the resurgence of inhuman movements and the 'hostile environment' towards displaced people, also reporting that a father, who had been German medical officer in World War I, 'for the rest of his life' 'had terrible nightmares that the Gestapo were coming for him'
October 2012 memorial in Berlin to Roma and Sinti victims: 24 October 2012: Long-delayed memorial in Berlin to Roma and Sinti victims of the Nazis
Arabs in Germany: Arabs in Germany
Assyrians/Syriacs in Germany: Assyrians/Syriacs in Germany
Italians in Germany: Italians in Germany
Kurds in Germany: Kurds in Germany
Russians in Germany: Russians in Germany
Spaniards in Germany: Spaniards in Germany
Turks in Germany: Turks in Germany

Immigration and refugees in Germany: Immigration to Germany
Since 2014 International and European refugee and migrant crisis: Since 2014 International and European refugee and migrant crisis
2016: 29 January 2016: Germany tightens refugee policy, announcing to close its border to Algerians, Tunisians and Moroccans and also to prevent migrants from bringing their families to join them for two years, as Finland joins Sweden in deportations - 5 February 2016: Tens of thousands Syrians flee joint Russian-Iranian-Assad offensive on Aleppo as regime forces fully encircle countryside north of major city and Russian airstrikes mount to 250 a day - 6 November 2016: Ahead of 2017 federal elections the German CDU-led interior ministry reportedly wants to stop migrants ever reaching Europe’s Mediterranean coast by picking them up at sea and returning them to Africa - 18 November 2016: Survivors of the SS St. Louis, the trans-Atlantic liner carrying nearly 1,000 Jewish refugees from Germany in 1939, rejected by the USA and Cuba and forced to return to Europe, urge world to treat immigrants 'as family'

Languages and culture in Germany: Culture in Germany
Music in Germany and history: Music in Germany - History of music in Germany
Religion and history of religion in Germany: History of religion in Germany - Religion in Germany
Christianity and antisemitism: Christianity and antisemitism - Medieval antisemitism
Antisemitism in Germany and Europe: Antisemitism in Germany - Antisemitism in Europe
Religious disaffiliation (Kirchenaustritte): Kirchenaustritte in Deutschland
Women and women's rights in Germany: Women in Germany - Women's rights in Germany
2016: 5 janvier 2016: Entre 200 et 300 personnes se sont rassemblées devant la cathédrale de Cologne pour appeler à plus de respect envers les femmes - 2016 New Year's Eve sexual assaults and robbery in Germany - 8 January 2016: German police have identified 18 asylum-seekers among 31 suspects in connection with crimes committed in Cologne at New Year, as government spokesman tells reporters that there are 9 Algerians, 8 Moroccans, 5 Iranians, 4 Syrians, 2 Germans and one person each from Iraq, Serbia and the USA among the suspects - 11 May 2016: Women's rights activists say that while government plans to allow women to compare their salaries against peers were a good start, more still needs to be done - 12 May 2016: Green party politician and first Muslim woman Muhterem Aras elected with a large majority as president (speaker) of Baden-Württemberg's state legislature
Childhood and children's rights in Germany: Childhood in Germany - Children's rights in Germany
History museums in Germany: History museums in Germany
Since 1997 Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma: Since 1997 Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma was established in Heidelberg
Health in Germany: Health in Germany
Medical outbreaks and health disasters in Germany: Medical outbreaks in Germany - Health disasters in Germany - Man-made disasters in Germany
2009 flu pandemic: 2009 flu pandemic in Germany
2011 Germany E. coli O104:H4 outbreak: 2011 Germany E. coli O104:H4 outbreak
Since January 2020 timeline of German government reactions to covid-19: Timeline of German government reactions to the 2020 Chinese coronavirus pandemic spreading in the country
Since 25 February 2020 covid-19 pandemic in North Rhine-Westphalia: Since 25 February 2020 covid-19 pandemic in North Rhine-Westphalia
Since May/June 2020 covid-19 pandemic in Gütersloh district: Juni 2020 covid-19-Ausbruch in Tönnies-Stammwerk in Rheda-Wiedenbrück im Kreis Gütersloh
1933-1945 Nazi healthcare and medical experiments: Health and healthcare in NDSAP-Germany
Drugs in Germany: Drugs in Germany

Ökonomie - Klassengegensätze, Rüstungsindustrien und -exporte: Economy of Germany - main industries include production machinery, vehicles, trains, shipbuilding, space and aircraft, machine tools, electronics, information technology, optical and medical apparatus, iron and steel, coal, cement, mineral fuels, chemicals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, textiles - Economic history of Germany - List of companies in Germany
Engineering companies of Germany: Engineering companies of Germany
Automotive industry in Germany: Automotive industry in Germany
Since 2008 worldwide 'Volkswagen' defeat device and emissions scandal: Volkswagen emissions scandal - in September 2015 'Volkswagen' admitted to illegally using installed software to change emissions test results for 11 million of its diesel engine cars sold between 2009 and 2015 - 20 September 2015: Volkswagen orders external investigation after USA regulators found cars gave inaccurate data on toxic emissions - 22 September 2015: Calling for a 'Europe-wide' investigation in the Volkswagen emissions scandal, France’s finance minister Sapin says, 'what we are dealing with is making sure people avoid being poisoned by pollution' - 2 October: Volkswagen emissions testing scandal is deepening, with the Paris prosecutor announcing a preliminary inquiry - 9 October: Carmaker VW says half of models involved in emissions scandal may need complex, costly repairs such as a new fuel tank - 15 October: Volkswagen is to recall 8.5m diesel cars across the EU after German authorities rejected its proposals for a voluntary scheme in the emissions scandal - 3 November 2015: VW reveals CO2 emissions problem in 800,000 vehicles - 5 November: The deepening crisis at Volkswagen has hit sales hard, with the first signs emerging that the emissions-rigging scandal is putting customers off
Auto parts suppliers and car parts makers of Germany: Auto parts suppliers of Germany - Tire manufacturers of Germany
Chemical industry of Germany: Chemical industry of Germany
Monsanto legal cases: Monsanto legal cases
Since 1914 Germany, weapons of mass destruction and history: Germany, weapons of mass destruction and history - Since 1914 Chemical weapons in World War I
2013: 23 February 2013: German government heavily criticised for allowing its sales of arms and military hardware to Middle Eastern Gulf states to more than double over the past year
Food industry in Germany: Food industry in Germany
Dairy farming in Germany: Dairy farming in Germany
Wolf attacks on livestock and people in Germany:
Foreign trade of Germany: Foreign trade of Germany
Deutsche Bank: Deutsche Bank
Labor in Germany: Labor in Germany
Economic history and economic cycles in Germany: Economic history of Germany since 1945
1932-1939 unemployment rate in Germany: 1932-1939 unemployment rate in Germany
29 April 2020 Germany expects record recession in 2020 due to covid-19 pandemic: 29 April 2020: Germany expects record recession in 2020 due to covid-19 pandemic
Labor and labor relations in Germany: Labor in Germany - German labour law - Trade unions in Germany

German military 'Bundeswehr': German military 'Bundeswehr' - German rearmament during the interwar period 1918-1939 in violation of the Treaty of Versailles - Rearmament and 'Bundeswehr' since 1955 - Cold War military history of Germany - Barracks of German 'Bundeswehr'
Since 1937 'Nordlager', since 1961 Hitler-General 'Generalfeldmarschall-Rommel-Kaserne' in Augustdorf: 'Nordlager' in Augustdorf since 1937, Hitler-General 'Generalfeldmarschall-Rommel-Kaserne' since 1961 - Seit 1965 Rommel-Kaserne der Bundeswehr südlich der baden-württembergischen Gemeinde Dornstadt und eine der Kasernen die den Namen des Hitler-Generals Erwin Rommel tragen - 14. Juni 1996: Die deutsche 'Wehrmacht' in der Realisierung der Welteroberungs- und Versklavungspläne des national-sozialistischen Deutschlands katapultierte das NS-Mordsystem mit Waffengewalt über die deutschen Grenzen hinaus bis nach Stalingrad und Narvik, an den Nordrand der Sahara und die Küste des Atlantiks, ihren territorialen Eroberungen übrigens immer hart auf dem Fuße ein Vernichtungsapparat, dessen Radius stets identisch mit dem Radius der Wehrmachtsfront war, die daher an der physischen Auslöschung der Opfer selbst dann mitverantwortlich und mitschuldig gewesen wäre, wenn die Massen-, Serien- und Völkermorde ohne ihre Beteiligung stattgefunden hätten, in die sie aber tief involviert war (Ralph Giordano in einem offenen Brief an den CDU-Minister Volker Rühe mit der Aufforderung, Erwin Rommel aus der Bundeswehr-Tradition zu entfernen) - 15 May 2017: The head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Israel office Efraim Zuroff told 'Newsweek' in a telephone interview that the announced still insufficient move to remove Nazi-era military names from German army barracks 'should have happened years ago', as it 'has to be clear that the Wehrmacht also played a role in crimes against humanity and waging a war against peace, people who were part of that shouldn't be the heroes of the new Germany'
Since 1955 list of generals of the German 'Bundeswehr', mostly former Nazi 'Wehrmacht' officers: List of generals of the German 'Bundeswehr', mostly former Nazi 'Wehrmacht' officers - 1940-1945 Adolf Heusinger devient chef de la section des opérations ('Operationsabteilung') à l’OKH et participe aux décisions opérationnelles et stratégiques, les crimes de guerre de la Wehrmacht - Heinrich Trettner 1907-2006, rejoint la Légion Condor et sert comme adjudant et officier d'opérations du Generalmajor Hugo Sperrle et Wolfram Freiherr von Richthofen durant la Guerre civile d'Espagne, ensuite un Generalleutnant allemand qui a servi au sein de la Heer dans la Wehrmacht pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de 1964 à 1966 Inspecteur général de la Bundeswehr (Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr)
German military personnel: German military personnel

Nazi tradition of intelligence agencies and list of intelligence agencies in Germany (see also 'crime in Germany', explained further below): List of intelligence agencies of Germany

Military budget of Germany: Military budget of Germany
Taxation in Germany: Taxation in Germany
Federal budget of Germany: Federal budget of Germany

Social movements, criticism and protests: Protests in Germany
16–17 June 1953 uprising in East Germany Uprising of June 1953 in East Germany
2015: 5 January 2015: Thousands take to the streets in Berlin, Stuttgart, Cologne and Dresden to oppose racism and xenophobia - 10 January: Tens of thousands of people rally in Dresden against racism and xenophobia - 12 January: 'Anti-Islamisation' Pegida marchers were outnumbered by tens of thousands counterdemonstrators across the country, with 30,000 people in Leipzig, 20,000 in Munich, in Dresden and other cities - 13 January: Rally to condemn the Paris jihadist attacks and take a stand against Islamophobia draws 10,000 people in Berlin - 19 April: Thousands in Germany protest against Europe-USA trade deal that they fear will erode food, labour and environmental standards - 30 August: Thousands of people took to the streets of Dresden to welcome refugees, following a string of violent anti-refugee protests in the region - 10 October 2015: Hundreds of thousands of people marched in Berlin on Saturday to oppose planned free trade deal TTIP between the EU and the USA that is claimed to be anti-democratic and to threaten food safety and environmental standards - 19 October 2015: Demonstrations in Berlin to protest against Russia’s aggression on Syria
2016: 16 January 2016: Thousands of protesters in Berlin call for organic farming, which is done without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, without the use of antibiotics for livestock and GMO feed, also protesting against corporate agriculture as well as the pending TTIP free trade agreement between the EU and the USA - 11 avril 2016: Environ 45'000 salariés de la sidérurgie ont manifesté pour dire leurs inquiétudes quant à leur avenir, dans un secteur soumis à la concurrence féroce des acteurs chinois - 24 April 2016: Tens of thousands of opponents of a proposed transatlantic trade deal poured onto German streets Saturday on the eve of a visit by USA's Obama - 29 avril 2016: Plusieurs débrayages ont eu lieu dans toute l'Allemagne pour réclamer de meilleures conditions de travail et une augmentation de salaires pour une vaste branche fourre-tout qui recouvre l'automobile, les industries électriques, la métallurgie, et emploie 3,4 millions de personnes - 30 April 2016: German riot police arrested around 400 protesters in Stuttgart trying to block access to the congress of the right-wing populist AfD political party, as clashes broke out between party members and left-wing activists
January 2019 remembrance of the 100th anniversary of the murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht: In January 2019 German democrats commemorated the 100th anniversary of the murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht - 13 January 2019: Jewish-born anti-war and anti-racism activist and scientist Rosa Luxemburg, who was killed in 1919 amid renewed repression following WWI, commemorated Sunday two days before the 100th anniversary of her murder in Berlin, as a whole week of events is planned for the commemoration, although neo-Nazi linked politicians have tried to ban demonstrations honoring 'enemies of democracy and free society' - 13 janvier 2019: Karl Liebknecht, autre personnage majeur contre la guerre 1914-1918, assassiné lui aussi en janvier 1919, a attiré plusieurs milliers de sympathisants dimanche dans le centre de la capitale

Media of Germany: German media - German media by state - Media in Germany by city
Freedom of press and censorship in Germany: Freedom of press in Germany - Censorship in Germany
March 1914 German newspapers beat the war drums: March 1914: German newspapers beat the war drums
5–16 August 1914 Battle of Liège: 5–16 August 1914 Battle of Liège, the opening German aggression in its invasion of Belgium and the first battle of World War I, the length of the siege of Liège may have delayed the German invasion of France by 4–5 days, railways needed by the German armies in eastern Belgium were closed for the duration of the siege and German murderous troops did not appear in strength before Namur until 20 August - On 6 August 1914 the German Army Zeppelin Z VI bombed the Belgian city of Liège, killing nine civilians, followed by night raids on Antwerp on 25 August and 2 September - Super-heavy howitzer developed by the German armaments manufacturer Krupp were used to destroy the Belgian forts at Liège, Namur, and Antwerp, and the French fort at Maubeuge, applauded by the German press and declared a 'Wunderwaffe' (wonder weapon)
'Professional' sports in Germany and 'Bundesliga': 'Professional' sports in Germany and 'Bundesliga'
Sports broadcasting contracts in Germany: Sports broadcasting contracts in Germany
Football hooliganism, riots and racism in Germany: Football hooliganism and riots in Germany
July 2020 Germany’s soccer captain Neuer filmed singing song by pro-Nazi Croatian singer: 13 July 2020: Germany’s soccer captain Neuer filmed singing song by pro-Nazi Croatian singer

Crime in Germany: Crime in Germany

Racism in Germany: Racism in Germany
Since 17th century German colonialism in Africa and worldwide since 19th century: Since 1680 German colonization of Africa - Since 1884 German colonial empire -
Persecution of black people in Nazi Germany: Persecution of black people in Nazi Germany
Since 1850: Richard Wagner's 'Das Judenthum in der Musik', first published in 1850, attacking Jews in general and some composers in particular - 5 May 2009: In his notorious and poisonous essay 'Jewishness in Music' Wagner said that Mendelssohn 'has shown us that a Jew can possess the richest measure of specific talents, the most refined and varied culture ... without even once through all these advantages being able to bring forth in us that profound, heart-and-soul searching effect we expect from music' - 7 May 2017: Wagner, who had earlier enjoyed support from Giacomo Meyerbeer, denounced him in the anti-Semitic essay 'Judaism in Music' as uncreative and cravenly following popular taste - 1882 premiere of Wagner's 'Parsifal' in Bayreuth - Houston Stewart Chamberlain's best-selling work 'The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century' (1899) is a main work of modern antisemitism - H.St. Chamberlain (1855-1927), seeing his ideas begin to bear fruit particularly in Germany, visited NSDAP's Adolf Hitler several times (1926 together with Joseph Goebbels) at the Wagner family's property in Bayreuth
1914-1918: 2 August 1914 Ottoman German Alliance in World War I - On 14 November 1914 Ottoman Empire declares an Islamic holy war on behalf of the Ottoman government, urging his Muslim followers to take up arms against Britain, France, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro in World War I - 1914-1918 German military commanders to the Ottoman Empire during the First World War were Otto Liman von Sanders, Goltz, Kress von Kressenstein, and more, compare the 'League of German Asian Warriors' affiliated to the NSDAP after the Nazi takeover of power in 1933 - 1914-1918 World War I Middle East's combatants were on the one hand the Central Powers, the Ottoman Empire (including Kurds, Persians and some Arab tribes), and on the other hand, the British (with the help of Jews, Greeks, Assyrians and the majority of the Arabs), the Russians and the French from the Allies of World War I, main campaigns include, the Sinai and Palestine Campaign 28 January 1915 – 30 October 1918, the Mesopotamian Campaign 6 November 1914 – 14 November 1918, and the Persian Campaign December 1914 – October 1918
April 1943 - 2013/2018: 21 April 2013: Speaking at 70th anniversary of historic rebellion in Warsaw, one of last three survivors of Ghetto uprising Simcha Rotem says 'we wanted to choose the kind of death we would die' - 18 April 2018: Krystyna Budnicka, the last remaining member of her family, said this week on the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising that she 'lost all six brothers, my sister, my parents, as well as four sisters-in-law', making it her mission to recount how she survived the Warsaw ghetto in order to keep her loved ones’ memory alive - April 2018: Jews who fought Nazis recall the struggle - 23 December 2018: Simcha Rotem, an Israeli Holocaust survivor who was among the last-known Jewish fighters from the 1943 Warsaw ghetto uprising against the Nazis, has died at 94
July 2014: 18 July: Anti-Semitic slogans chanted at Berlin protest against Israel's Gaza operation - 21. Juli: Eine anti-israelische Kundgebung in Berlin von palästinensischen und politischen Gruppen wie dem Hochschulverband der Partei 'Die Linke' ist am Samstag mit antisemitischen Parolen und dem versuchten Angriff auf ein Ehepaar aus Jerusalem eskaliert - 21 July: Germany's Jewish community is shocked by an 'explosion of evil and violent hatred of Jews' shown by protesters at anti-Israel demonstrations across the country chanting 'gas the Jews' and other anti-Semitic slogans during some pro-Gaza protests - 21 July: As wave of anti-Semitic rallies hits cities across Germany and anti-Israel protester chanted in Dortmund and Frankfurt 'Hamas Hamas Juden ins gas', Jewish community braces itself ahead of Friday’s Iranian-sponsored Al Quds Day March
2015: 5 January 2015: A 26-year-old Israeli was beaten by a group of seven men on a Berlin subway car after he filmed them singing an anti-Semitic song and refused to delete the video - 27 January 2015: Auschwitz survivors gather for memorial 70 years after liberation - 17 February: Jewish cemetery in the northern German city of Oldenburg vandalized, targeted over the past few years by right-wing extremists - 28 June 2015: Berlin’s philharmonic’s new conductor met by anti-Semitism in German press, as NDR website calls Russian-born Kirill Petrenko, philharmonic’s first Jewish conductor, 'the tiny gnome, the Jewish caricature' - 16 November 2015: Ursula Haverbeck after calling the Holocaust in a statement broadcast on television outside of the trial of former SS guard Oskar Groening 'the biggest and most sustainable lie in history', sentenced to 10 months in jail
Since 19th century timeline of Nazism and since 1919 NSDAP's rise to power: Since 19th century timeline of Nazism in Germany - Since 1919 Adolf Hitler's rise to power
1914-1918 World War I and German Empire since 1871: World War I 1914-1918 and German Empire since 1871 - German war crimes in World War I
15 January 1919 SPD-linked ordered assassination of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht: 15 January 1919 ordered assassination of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht - German army officer Pabst, who ordered the executions of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg in 1919 as well as summary executions of many other Communist Party of Germany members, was never brought to justice even in the later Federal Republic of Germany, became an industrialist and eventually Director of Rheinmetall Borsig in Berlin, later settled in Switzerland, where he took a post with the arms manufacturer Oerlikon and following World War II, Pabst took some involvement in the activities of the neo-Nazi Bruderschaften, small groups that existed across Europe and which attempted to co-ordinate their political activism, later returned to Germany in 1955, settling in Düsseldorf, and there became involved with neo-Nazis - In 1962 in an interview and in his memoirs, Pabst maintained that he had talked in 1919 on the phone with SPD-Noske in the Chancellery, and that SPD-Noske and SPD-Ebert had approved of his assassination actions, never challenged, especially since neither the Reichstag, the Bundestag nor the courts in Germany until today ever examined the case
1918-1933 Political violence in Germany: 1918-1933 Political violence in Germany
Persecution of black people in Nazi Germany: Persecution of black people in Nazi Germany
German war crimes in World War II, crimes of the Wehrmacht and the Holocaust: German war crimes in World War II - War crimes of the Wehrmacht - The Holocaust

Nazi tradition of intelligence agencies and list of intelligence agencies in Germany: List of intelligence agencies of Germany - Bundesnachrichtendienst BND's Nazi tradition
1946: Gehlen Organization established in June 1946 by USA occupation authorities consisted of members of the 12th Department of the former 'Foreign Armies East', numerous former SS, SD and Wehrmacht officers and carried the name of Wehrmacht Major general Reinhard Gehlen, head of the German military intelligence in the Eastern Front during World War II - Agency 114 of the Bundesnachrichtendienst BND was a main entrance for former Nazis - 26 September 2011: Wanted Nazi Walter Rauff was German 'Bundesnachrichtendienst' spy between 1958-1962 - Walter Rauff: Gas van engineering and mass murder - NZZ 27. September 2011: Bislang geheimgehaltene Akten des BND belegen, daß Walter Rauff wegen seiner Tätigkeit im Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Entwicklung und Einsatz von Gaswagen) 1958 vom BND eingestellt wurde - CIA-Akten 2006: Aufenthaltsort Adolf Eichmanns dem BND und CIA bereits 1958 bekannt - BND-Akten: Aufenthaltsort Eichmanns sogar schon 1952 bekannt

Since 1945 neo-Nazism in Germany: Chauvinism, fascism and neo-Nazism in Germany - Neo-Nazism
Nazi terrorism since 1945, Nazi party 'NPD' and neo-Nazi linked AfD in German parliaments: Todesopfer rechtsextremer Gewalt in Deutschland nach 1945
11. April 1968 Attentat auf Rudi Dutschke: 11. April 1968 Attentat auf Rudi Dutschke in West-Berlin
September 1991 Riot of Hoyerswerda: Riot of Hoyerswerda September 1991
August 1992 Riot of Rostock-Lichtenhagen: Riot of Rostock-Lichtenhagen August 1992
1992 Mordanschlag von Mölln: Mordanschlag von Mölln 1992
1999 Hetzjagd in Guben: Hetzjagd in Guben 1999
Since 1990th to 2011 'National Socialist Underground' terrorist group: 'National Socialist Underground' terrorist group's serial murders - Neonazi-Mordserie bis 2011
2011: 12. November 2011: Mordserie an Ausländern und Polizistin von seit 90er Jahren bekannten Neonazis - 13 November: Police made a second arrest after the discovery of evidence linking a Nazi group to 10 murders - November 2011: Rolle des 'Verfassungsschutzes' und der Polizei bei der vieljährigen neonazistischen Mordserie - 20 November: The German government agrees 'to compensate' families of victims of neo-Nazi group questioning itself how the organization could have slipped under the radar when it was known to the authorities since 15 years - 24. November: Haftbefehl gegen weiteren Neonazi und Produzenten eines Propagandavideos - 29 November: Police - now investigating neo-Nazi organization - arrest another suspect accomplice and former official in the extreme-right NPD party - 30. November: Mehr als 800 Waffenfunde bei Neonazis - Verbindungen auch in die Schweiz - 1 December: German authorities seek public help in neo-Nazi investigation - 9 December: German interior ministers now seek ban on neo-Nazi NPD - 18. Dezember 2011: Gelder des thüringischen 'Verfassungsschutzes' für Neo-Nazi Terrororganisation
2012: 1. Januar 2012: 'Verfassungsschutz' hatte schon 1999 Informationen über den Aufenthaltsort und die Verbrechen der Neonazi-Terroristen, hat aber nicht zugegriffen - Untersuchungsausschuss zur Terrorgruppe Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund seit Januar 2012 - 26. Januar 2012: Offenbarungseid eines verlogenen Staates - deutscher Bundestag setzt Neonazi-Untersuchungsausschuß ein - 27. Januar: Neonazis werden auch in Bayern aggressiver - 1. Februar: Weiterer mutmasslicher Neonazi-Helfer in Düsseldorf festgenommen - 13. März 2012: Zahlreiche Festnahmen bei polizeilicher Aktion gegen die kriminelle Vereinigung 'Aktionsbüro Mittelrhein' und deren 'Braunes Haus' - 27 March 2012: 'Germany's new breed of neo-Nazis pose a threat', British TV report says - 30. Mai: Von fünf mutmasslichen Helfern der Rechtsterroristen sind nur noch zwei in Haft - 15. Juni: Bundesgerichtshof hebt Haftbefehl gegen weiteren mutmaßlichen Helfer der rechtsterroristischen NSU auf - 28. Juni: 'Verfassungsschutz' vernichtete im November 2011 Akten über seine Verbindung zu Naziterroristen nach Aufforderung zu deren Übermittlung - 2 July: German domestic intelligence agency chief H. Fromm quits over murders - 4. Juli: Hinterbliebene von Opfern der Zwickauer Neonazi-Zelle haben Strafanzeige gegen Mitarbeiter des 'Verfassungsschutzes' eingereicht - 11 Juli: Die sogenannten Ermittlungspannen bei der Mordserie der Zwickauer Neonazi-Zelle kosten nach H. Fromm, Th. Sippel ('Verfassungsschutz'-Chef in Thüringen) einen dritten 'Verfassungsschutz'-Chef (R. Boos in Sachsen) den Posten - 15. Juli: Staatlicher Offenbarungseid auf Raten - weitere Einzelheiten zum 'Verfassungsschutz' - 23. Juli: Verhaftung nach Hausdurchsuchung wegen Betriebs eines rechtsextremen Internetradios - 23. August: NRW verbietet drei Neonazi-'Kameradschaften' in Dortmund, Hamm und Aachen - Beschlagnahme von Waffen, Datenträgern und Propagandamaterial auch der NPD - 11 September: Military intelligence agency MAD says it knew of the murder suspect’s Mundlos far-right links years before he joined the neo-Nazi terror cell - 14. September 2012: Polizei im Zwielicht - Nazimord-Helfer und Sprengstoffbeschaffer als 'Informant' und 'Vertrauensperson' von 2000-2011 in Diensten des Berliner Landeskriminalamts - der Name des Amts verpflichtet - 23. September: Der langjährige V-Mann der Berliner Polizei Thomas S. gibt Sprengstoffbeschaffung für die Neonazi-Terrorzelle zu - 17. Oktober: Im Bundesamt für 'Verfassungsschutz' sind nach Enttarnung der Neonazi-Terrorzelle NSU neben den bereits publik gewordenen Fällen weitere 284 Akten vernichtet worden - 22. Oktober: Edathy legt dem BDK-Vorsitzenden Schulz wegen dessen Beleidigung des parlamentarischen Ausschusses Rücktritt nahe - 1. November: Kenan Kolat fordert eine Debatte darüber, wie es zu der Mordserie der Naziterroristen kommen konnte - 8 November: Federal prosecutors charge neo-Nazis with murders of 10 people, mostly immigrants and a police officer - 14. November 2012: Beim Berliner 'Verfassungsschutz' schon 2010 rechtswidrige Vernichtung von Akten zum Rechtsextremismus - weiterer Rücktritt, diesmal einer 'Verfassungsschutz'-Chefin in der zuvorkommenden Hauptstadt - 22. November 2012: NRW-Innenminister SPD-Behrens schließt 2004 entgegen den Ermittlungen rechtsterroristische Täterschaft aus - 23. November 2012: Bundespräsident Gauck lehnt Treffen mit den Opferfamilien der NSU-Morde ab und schlägt Bitte der Türkischen Gemeinde für ein persönliches Treffen zum Jahrestag der Aufdeckung der NSU-Mordserie aus
April 2013: 2. April 2013: 50 'Verfassungsschutz' V-Leute im NSU-Umfeld identifiziert, schwerste Straftaten, hohe Honorare des Staates (fünf- bis sechsstellig) und oftmals ohne Strafverfolgung - 2. April: Celal Özcan erklärt. daß 'Hürriyet' immer wieder beim OLG München angerufen und um eine Vorabinformation gebeten habe, wann die Akkreditierungsfrist beginnen würde - 'die Verfahrensweise ist ungerecht und nicht akzeptabel' - 2. April: Statt das Anliegen, die Teilnahme türkischer Medien und der Botschaft am NSU-Prozeß vor dem Münchner OLG zu gewährleisten, als Vorsitzender des Auswärtigen Ausschusses nach Kräften zu unterstützen, maßt sich CDU-Polenz von der Kiesinger/Filbinger/Globke-CDU an, die 'türkische Politik' 'dringend zu warnen' - vor dem Zustand eines Landes, dessen Behörden den Naziterror sogar finanziell gefördert haben (ein Grund, sich zu schämen, zu entschuldigen und aufzuräumen), und welchen auch dieser CDU/CSU-Politiker mit herbeigeführt hat und nun selbst offenbart - 4 April: A Turkish newspaper complains to Germany's highest court over German neo-Nazi trial access - 12 avril: La Cour constitutionnelle allemande a ordonné au tribunal de Munich d'accorder des places supplémentaires aux médias étrangers pour couvrir le procès de néonazis jugés à partir de mercredi pour des meurtres racistes - 14 April: Neo-Nazi trial forces to confront painful truths of a country that believed it had learned the lessons of its past - 15 avril: Le procès de néo-nazis allemands accusés de meurtres racistes est reporté au 6 mai - 25 April: The German lower house, the Bundestag, refuses to back a ban of the neo-nazi party NPD
May 2013: NSU-Prozess vor dem 6. Strafsenat des Oberlandesgerichts München - Kontroverse um Journalisten-Akkreditierung (Platzvergabe, Prozeßverschiebung) beim NSU-Prozess 2013 - 21. Mai 2013: Mit Schreiben vom 28.04.2000 des Präsidenten des Landesamts für Verfassungsschutz an den damaligen sächsischen CDU-Innenminister Klaus Hardraht und mehrere Verantwortliche wurden diese darüber unterrichtet, daß es Zweck der Nazi-Terrorgruppe NSU sei, 'schwere Straftaten gegen die freiheitlich demokratische Grundordnung zu begehen' und daß bei der NSU 'eine deutliche Steigerung der Intensität bis hin zu schwersten Straftaten feststellbar' sei
2015: 21 January 2015: The leader of far-right and anti-Muslim movement Pegida resigned after a photo of him posing as Hitler and reports that he called refugees 'scumbags' - 11 February 2015: German refugee centres face drastic rise in extremist attacks - 23 Februar 2015: Bachmann wieder im Pegida-Vorstand - 9 March 2015: Village of Tröglitz mayor Markus Nierth quits over neo-Nazi protest after neo-Nazis were given permission to demonstrate outside his home over his support of asylum seekers - 29. März 2015: Zeugin und Ex-Freundin von Florian H. tot, der im Herbst 2013 im Auto verbrannte bevor er im NSU-Ausschuß aussagen konnte - 4 April 2015: Asylum seekers' accommodation set on fire in suspected far-right arson attack in village of Tröglitz - 22 April 2015: Germany grapples with attitudes to asylum seekers - 6 May 2015: Police detained four people suspected of setting up a right-wing extremist group that was planning bomb attacks on Muslims and refugees, as a separate investigation began into arsonists who damaged a shelter for asylum-seekers - 30 July 2015: A worrying rise of fire bombings and violent attacks on asylum-seekers has marred German attempts to integrate desperate refugees from Syria, Eritrea and also people from the Balkans, as in the past 25 years in Germany 75 people have been murdered in rightwing extremist attacks - 13 August 2015: In northern German village Jamel a barn belonging to opponents of local neo-Nazis has burned down in a supposed case of arson - 23 August 2015: The outbreak of violence by right-wing radicals against refugees followed a demonstration of some 1,000 people in Heidenau, near Dresden against the roughly 250 refugees - 26 August: Two new attacks hit refugee centres in Leipzig and Parchim - 17 October 2015: Mayoral candidate Henriette Reker, responsible for taking charge of refugees in her city, stabbed in Cologne in a racist attack wounding four other people and linked to migrants policy - 19 October 2015: At the anniversary of the Pegida rallies in Dresden on 19 October 2015 keynote speaker Pirinçci tries to stir up hatred against refugees in Europe and Germany saying 'KZs sind ja leider derzeit außer Betrieb' - 22 October 2015: In the first three quarters of 2015 there were a total of 461 attacks across Germany against asylum seekers’ homes believed to have been driven by xenophobic motives, including scores of arson attacks - 7 December: Germany's constitutional court to hear case on banning neo-Nazi NPD in March 2016 - 22 December 2015: A German town council member of the National Democratic party has been given only a suspended sentence over a tattoo bearing a notorious Nazi concentration camp slogan and a rendering of Auschwitz
2016: 11 January 2016: Two Pakistanis and a Syrian man were injured in attacks by gangs of people in Cologne, German police said late on Sunday - 11 January 2016: Gangs attacked groups of foreigners in four separate incidents on Sunday in Cologne, after attackers reportedly arranged via Facebook to go on 'manhunt' of foreigners after assaults on women on New Year’s Eve - 12 January: Over 200 masked anti-refugee supporters, carrying placards with racist overtones, went on a rampage in the German city of Leipzig on Monday night, throwing fireworks, breaking windows and vandalising buildings, police says - 20 February 2016: A video showing a mob of people in Saxony chanting hate slogans at a bus full of visibly shaken refugees has sparked outrage among German social media users - 20 février: Tollé après la diffusion de vidéos montrant en Saxe des policiers évacuant brutalement un bus de demandeurs d'asile qui refusent de gagner leur foyer, effrayés par des manifestants anti-réfugié - 21 February: A fire that destroyed a hotel being converted into a shelter for refugees in Saxony's city of Bautzen was cheered and celebrated by onlookers, police say treating the incident as suspected arson - 8 March 2016: Congo-born priest Ndjimbi-Tshiende in Germany's Bavaria quits over death threats he received since speaking out in defence of refugees and after he was fed up with xenophobic utterances from prominent CSU local politicians Sylvia Boher and Johann Haindi - 19 avril 2016: Déjà condamné pour braquages, violences et trafic de cocaïne, la justice se penchait mardi sur le sort de Lutz Bachmann, le fondateur de Pegida, qui avait traité les réfugiés de 'bétail' - 19 April 2016: In diesem Jahr sind in Deutschland bereits mehr als 300 Straftaten gegen Asylunterkünfte verübt worden - 11. Mai 2016: Mobiltelefon des mittlerweile toten Neonazis 'Corelli', V-Mann des sogenannten 'Verfassungsschutzes', aufgetaucht, welches 2012 (!) bei der Aufnahme in ein 'Zeugenschutzprogramm' der NSU-Untersuchung übergeben wurde und auf dem sich zahlreiche Bild-Dateien und Kontakte befinden - 6 July 2016: Anti-immigration party AfD plunged into a leadership crisis over Holocaust denial and antisemitic views expressed by one of its MPs - 13 July 2016: A group of young men left a black man bloodied and unconscious after he tried to stop them harassing some Somalis in Munich - 16 August 2016: Berlin authorities must cancel contracts with Pewobe company that runs nine homes for asylum seekers after leaked emails showed managers including a former DVU member joking about executing refugees, suggesting to invest a €5,000 donation from BMW in 'a small guillotine for children' and joking that disposing of the bodies would require a 'large-volume crematorium' - 27 September 2016: Police suspect a 'xenophobic motive’ after two improvised explosive devices detonated outside a mosque and congress centre in Dresden on Monday - 7 October: A group of young people in eastern Germany's Sebnitz threatened three Syrian refugee children with a knife and hit them before chanting right-wing slogans, police said - 19 octobre 2016: Quatre policiers ont été blessés, certains gravement, près de Nuremberg par un membre des 'citoyens du Reich', un mouvement antirépublicain lié à l'extrême droite, qui a ouvert le feu lors d'une perquisition - 20 October 2016: Police officer dies from injuries after being shot by Neo-Nazi 'Reichsbürger' extremist - 23 October 2016: As police and fire officers tried to persuade a Somali boy not to jump, onlookers were spending a long time, watching and calling on the migrant teen to leap from an apartment block in German town of Schmoelln and to suffer fatal injuries - 31 October 2016: Two weeks after a 'Reichsbürger' Neo-Nazi killed an officer during a police raid, German police are investigating within their own ranks for links to the extremist movement with the largest number of cases in Bavaria and Saxony-Anhalt - 15 December 2016: As German ministry of the interior counted around 14,000 far-right-related crimes in 2015, about 30% more than in the previous year, as German police by April 2016 counted three attacks per day against housing facilities for asylum seekers, as the savage anti-immigrant climate of the 1990s is making a return, new pressure from Merkel’s government would be necessary to force BfV operatives to cooperate as witnesses in the NSU murder trial in Munich
January/February 2018: 2 janvier 2018: La responsable du parti Alternative pour l'Allemagne a vu son tweet retiré des réseaux sociaux après avoir comparé les réfugiés à des 'hordes de barbares' - 22 February 2018: Germany's AfD set to embrace anti-Islam and neonazi-linked Pegida, as latest INSA poll this week showed the AfD on 16%, overtaking the SPD for the first time - 22 February 2018: A German-Russian dual national has been arrested and accused of 'politically motivated' attempted murder after he attacked three asylum seekers with a knife in Heilbronn - 27 February 2018: In a vote on Monday night, the local council in southwestern Germany's Herxheim near Heidelberg decided by 10 votes to 3 that a Nazi-era bell, complete with the inscription 'Everything for the Fatherland - Adolf Hitler', should continue to hang in the local church, as councilors said the bell, which also bears a swastika, should serve as a force for reconciliation and a memorial against violence and injustice
June 2019 murder of pro-refugee German politician Walter Lübcke: 2. Juni 2019 gewaltsamer Tod des Regierungspräsidenten des Regierungsbezirks Kassel Walter Lübcke - 9 June 2019: After neo-Nazi linked accounts on social media celebrated Lübcke’s death, drawing condemnation from across the political spectrum, detectives investigating the death of German politician Walter Lübcke have questioned a man in connection to the suspected murder - 17 June 2019: Identified only as Stephan E, with links to neo-Nazi groups, who once planted a pipe bomb outside a home for asylum seekers, is a suspect in the murder of German politician Lübcke, according to security sources - 26 June 2019: Stephan Ernst, a 45-year-old German man with a string of convictions for violent anti-migrant crime, has confessed to murdering a pro-refugee German politician Walter Lübcke

Terrorism in Germany: Terrorism in Germany
In the wake of the hostage-taking, public criticism of the Olympic Committee's decision to continue the games, but about 80,000 people who filled Munich's Olympic Stadium for a West German football match carried noisemakers, waved flags, and when several spectators unfurled a banner reading '17 dead, already forgotten?' security officers removed the sign and expelled those responsible from the grounds, the remaining members of the Israeli team withdrew from the Games and left Munich after a memorial service with the notorious Brundage - Accusation of German foreknowledge of the attack, revealed since 2012 - 1 December 2015: In 1992 the lawyer Mr. Zeltzer and Ms. Spitzer, the widow of the fencing coach Andre Spitzer, pressured the German government into releasing the file, which included the photographs 1972 Munich Olympic massacre's victims - 2 December 2015: Horrific new details emerge about the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre, as Israeli athletes were beaten until their bones snapped and one man was castrated by Palestinian terrorists
May 1993 Solingen arson attack: 28 May 1993 Solingen arson attack
22 July 2016 Munich shooting: 22 July 2016 Munich shooting - 22 July 2016: Munich police warned people to avoid public places as they hunted for the shooter who opened fire at a shopping mall, killing at least eight people and wounding others - 23 July: 18-year-old German-Iranian from Munich kills 9 people then himself in Munich terror rampage - 23 July: Munich attack reports, live updated by British newspaper - 24 July: 18-year-old Ali Sonboly from Munich, who killed nine people mostly teenagers including three children from Turkey, three ethnic Albanians from Kosovo and at least one Greek teenager, was reportedly obsessed with mass killings, played computer shooting games and was interested in the Neo-Nazi terrorist Anders Breivik, who murdered 77 mostly young people on 22 July 2011 targeting an AUF camp, and whose face was used by Sonboly as his profile picture on the WhatsApp messaging service - 24 July: Police arrest a 16-year-old Afghan youth on suspicion of a connection to the killing of nine people by Sonboly, as authorities confirmed that the gunman had written a manifesto before the attack without revealing any details about its content, and that he spent more than a year planning the attack and was able to buy a handgun on the dark web - 27. Juli 2016: Der Münchner Todesschütze Sonboly hat es Presseberichten zufolge als 'Auszeichnung' empfunden, am einem 20. April wie Adolf Hitler geboren worden zu sein, war als Deutsch-Iraner stolz darauf Arier zu sein, habe Araber und Türken gehasst und ihnen gegenüber 'Höherwertigkeitsgefühle' gehegt - 27 July: Police investigate Sonboly's targeting of people of foreign origin, saying the gunman was racist and a rightwing extremist
Political violence in Germany: Political violence in Germany
June 2019 murder of pro-refugee German politician Walter Lübcke: 2. Juni 2019 gewaltsamer Tod des Regierungspräsidenten des Regierungsbezirks Kassel Walter Lübcke - 9 June 2019: After neo-Nazi linked accounts on social media celebrated Lübcke’s death, drawing condemnation from across the political spectrum, detectives investigating the death of German politician Walter Lübcke have questioned a man in connection to the suspected murder - 17 June 2019: Identified only as Stephan E, with links to neo-Nazi groups, who once planted a pipe bomb outside a home for asylum seekers, is a suspect in the murder of German politician Lübcke, according to security sources - 26 June 2019: Stephan Ernst, a 45-year-old German man with a string of convictions for violent anti-migrant crime, has confessed to murdering a pro-refugee German politician Walter Lübcke
Murder victims in Germany: Murder victims in Germany
Human trafficking in Germany: Human trafficking in Germany
Violence against women in Germany: Violence against women in Germany
Rape in Germany: Rape in/a> Germany
October 2018 Freiburg gang rape, aftermath and trial: Oktober 2018 Gruppenvergewaltigung in Freiburg
Catholic Church sexual abuse scandals in Germany: Catholic Church sexual abuse scandals in Germany

Corruption in Germany: Corruption in Germany
Political corruption and crimes:
Since 1975 Flick corruption scandal: Flick-Affäre seit 1975 (nicht abgeschlossen)
Since 1990 'CDU/CSU-Korruptions-, Spenden- und Schwarzgeldaffäre' (not finished): - CDU/CSU-Korruptions-, Spenden- und Schwarzgeldaffäre seit den 90iger Jahren, nicht abgeschlossen
Since 1999 Telekom Überwachungsaffäre: Überwachungsaffäre der Deutschen Telekom (seit 1999)
2007 Polizistenmord von Heilbronn: Polizistenmord von Heilbronn 25. April 2007
Since 2010 'Staatstrojaner'-Affäre: 'Staatstrojaner'-Affäre seit 2010
Computer crime, cyber spying and industrial espionage: Computer crime - Cyber spying - Industrial espionage - Cyber-attacks - Computer security
White collar crime and scandals in Germany: Wirtschaftskriminalität
Arson in Germany: Arson in Germany

Law in Germany: Law of Germany - Legal history of Germany
Since 1945 Holocaust trials: Since 1945 Holocaust trials
1942 - April 2017: 18 April 2017: The once-inaccessible archive of the UN war crimes commission, that was closed in the late 1940s and its use of the records was effectively suppressed, as West Germany was transformed into a pivotal ally at the start of the cold war and as many convicted Nazis were granted early release after the anti-communist USA senator Joseph McCarthy lobbied to end war crimes trials, is being opened by the Wiener Library in London with a catalogue that can be searched online - 23 April 2017: Citing recently released UN documents that show the Allies were aware of the scale of the Holocaust in 1942, Israeli PM Netanyahu says in a speech marking Holocaust Remembrance Day that this new research assumed the 'terrible significance' that 'the powers knew and did not act', adding that global indifference persisted and is persisting, as evidenced by the horrors in Biafra, Cambodia, Rwanda, Sudan and Syria
Judiciary and courts in Germany: Judiciary of Germany
Courts in Germany: Courts in Germany

Law enforcement agencies in Germany: Law enforcement in Germany - Law enforcement agencies in Germany
Nazi tradition of intelligence agencies and list of intelligence agencies in Germany: List of intelligence agencies of Germany - Bundesnachrichtendienst BND's Nazi tradition
1946: Gehlen Organization established in June 1946 by USA occupation authorities consisted of members of the 12th Department of the former 'Foreign Armies East', numerous former SS, SD and Wehrmacht officers and carried the name of Wehrmacht Major general Reinhard Gehlen, head of the German military intelligence in the Eastern Front during World War II - Agency 114 of the Bundesnachrichtendienst BND was a main entrance for former Nazis - 26 September 2011: Wanted Nazi Walter Rauff was German 'Bundesnachrichtendienst' spy between 1958-1962 - Walter Rauff: Gas van engineering and mass murder - In 1965 'Butcher of Lyon' SS-Hauptsturmführer Klaus Barbie was recruited by the BND, his initial monthly salary of 500 Deutsche Mark was transferred in May 1966 to an account of the Chartered Bank of London in San Francisco in the USA, which recruited him in 1947 as an agent for the USA Army Counter Intelligence Corps CIC, and he made at least 35 reports to the BND headquarters in Pullach - NZZ 27. September 2011: Bislang geheimgehaltene Akten des BND belegen, daß Walter Rauff wegen seiner Tätigkeit im Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Entwicklung und Einsatz von Gaswagen) 1958 vom BND eingestellt wurde - CIA-Akten 2006: Aufenthaltsort Adolf Eichmanns dem BND und CIA bereits 1958 bekannt - BND-Akten: Aufenthaltsort Eichmanns sogar schon 1952 bekannt

Environment of Germany: Environment of Germany - Natural history of Germany - Climate of Germany
Air pollution in Germany: Air pollution in Germany
Water supply and sanitation in Germany: Water supply and sanitation in Germany

Natural disasters in Germany: Natural disasters in Germany
Floods in Germany: Floods in Germany
2002 European floods: 2002 European floods
Weather events and storms in Germany: Weather events and storms in Germany
2003 European heat wave: 2003 European heat wave
Wildfires in Germany: Wildfires in Germany

Die bürgerliche Gesellschaft - die Wissenschaft und ihre Gegner

Seit 1867 - dem Erscheinungsjahr von "Das Kapital" - hat sich das Austragen sozialer Gegensätze verändert. Zunächst: Mit der ökonomischen Krise von 1825 tritt die große Industrie aus ihrem Kindheitsalter und eröffnet den periodischen Kreislauf ihres modernen Lebens. Mit der politischen Krise des Jahres 1830 erobern die bürgerlichen Klassen Frankreichs und Englands politische Macht. "Von da an gewann der Klassenkampf, praktisch und theoretisch, mehr und mehr ausgesprochne und drohende Formen. Er läutete die Totenglocke der wissenschaftlichen bürgerlichen Ökonomie. Es handelte sich jetzt nicht mehr darum, ob dies oder jenes Theorem wahr sei, sondern ob es dem Kapital nützlich oder schädlich, bequem oder unbequem, ob polizeiwidrig oder nicht. ...an die Stelle unbefangener wissenschaftlicher Untersuchung trat das böse Gewissen und die schlechte Absicht der Apologetik." ( Karl Marx, Das Kapital, S.21)

Seit 1867 bewegt sich nicht nur wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit sondern alle Politik in dem Spannungsfeld, welches durch systematische theoretische Darstellung (und dadurch Kritik) des Gegenstandes auf eine neue Stufe gehoben ist. Das Naturgesetz läßt es ganz unberührt, ob über es nachgedacht wird oder nicht. Nicht so das Bewegungsgesetz der Gesellschaft. Die faschistischen Bewegungen und Regime haben zum Inhalt, was Hitler 1924 vor Gericht (nach gescheitertem Staatsstreichversuch mit Geiselnahmen, etlichen Toten etc.) als sein Programm der Vernichtung des Marxismus ausspricht. "Was mir vor Augen stand, das war vom ersten Tage an tausendmal mehr, als Minister zu werden. Ich wollte der Zerbrecher des Marxismus werden. Ich werde diese Aufgabe lösen ..." (Zitiert nach Alan Bullock, Hitler - Eine Studie über Tyrannei, 1953.) Unter dieser Parole versammelt er die Anhängerschaft keinesweg nur der NSDAP (bis hin zum "Opus Dei"), wird zunächst weiter protegiert, noch im selben Jahr 1924 nach einer Haft von kaum neun Monaten entlassen und kann die verbrecherische Politik, bald auch wieder mit den alten Organisationen, fortsetzen.

Vorausgegangen war in den Jahrzehnten bis 1914, basierend auf enormer ökonomischer, technischer etc. Entwicklung, der Entwicklung des kapitalistischen Weltmarkts in die Breite und Tiefe, ebenfalls ein Aufschwung sozialdemokratischer Organisationen und Parteien, auf internationaler Ebene. Diese Parteien, seit dem 100. Jahrestag der französischen Revolution von 1789, also seit 1889 in der Sozialistischen Internationale verbunden, hatten seit Gründung die menschliche Anwendung von Gewalt, insbesondere die Frage von Krieg und Frieden, thematisiert. Seit dem Stuttgarter Kongreß 1907 (bestätigt in Kopenhagen 1910 und Basel 1912) gehörten folgende Sätze zu den Beschlüssen der Sozialistischen Internationale: "Droht der Ausbruch eines Krieges, so sind die arbeitenden Klassen und deren parlamentarische Vertreter in den beteiligten Ländern verpflichtet, unterstützt durch die zusammenfassende Tätigkeit des Internationalen Sozialistischen Büros, alles aufzubieten, um durch die Anwendung der ihnen am wirksamsten erscheinenden Mittel den Ausbruch des Krieges zu verhindern, die sich je nach der Verschärfung des Klassenkampfes und der allgemeinen politischen Situation naturgemäß ändern. Falls der Krieg dennoch ausbrechen sollte, sind sie verpflichtet, für dessen rasche Beendigung einzutreten und mit allen Kräften dahin zu streben, die durch den Krieg herbeigeführte wirtschaftliche und politische Krise zur Aufrüttelung des Volkes auszunutzen und dadurch die Beseitigung der kapitalistischen Klassenherrschaft zu beschleunigen."

Die so eindeutig und einmütig seit dem Stuttgarter Kongreß 1907 beständig auf größter Bühne (selbstverständlich auch Berichterstattung in der Parteipresse etc.) erklärte Absicht und Politik, sich einem Krieg der entsprechenden Staaten mit vereinten Kräften zu widersetzen und ihn nach Möglichkeit schon im Entstehen (mittels Generalstreik etc.) zu verhindern, zerplatzte in den ersten Tagen der beginnenden Katastrophe im Juli/August 1914 wie eine Seifenblase (vgl. Rosa Luxemburg, Junius-Broschüre - "Junius" ist ihr Pseudonym aus dem Gefängnis). Konsequente Anwendung fanden die Beschlüsse nur bei den Sozialdemokraten Rußlands, der SDAPR (Bolschewiki). Kein Mensch auf unserer Welt, für alle Zukunft, wird bezweifeln können, daß die Bolschewiki richtig analysiert und gehandelt haben. Die Geschichte hat ihr Urteil gesprochen.

Der 4. August 1914 sieht eine SPD, die mit ihrer Zustimmung im Reichstag zu den geforderten Kriegskrediten ihren vollständigen intellektuellen und politischen Bankrott erklärt. Aus dem Angriffskrieg der Mittelmächte - die deutschen Heere sind bereits in Luxemburg und Belgien einmarschiert und die SPD weiß es - macht die Partei der Arbeiterbewegung einen Verteidigungskrieg gegen eine fremde Invasion, um die Existenz des Vaterlandes, um Kultur und einen Freiheitskrieg gegen den russischen Despotismus.

Die Tatsachen sind:

Am 6.07.1914 hat die deutsche Reichsregierung Österreich-Ungarn eine "Blankovollmacht" unbedingter Bündnistreue gegeben.

Am 23.07.1914 stellt Österreich-Ungarn Serbien ein - wegen geforderter Preisgabe serbischer Souveränitätsrechte - unannehmbares Ultimatum.

Am 28.07.1914 erklärt Österreich-Ungarn Serbien den Krieg, nach erfolglosen Vermittlungsversuchen (Vorschlag einer Botschafterkonferenz und direkter Verhandlungen zwischen Rußland und Österreich-Ungarn). Der deutsche Generalstab drängt Österreich-Ungarn zur Generalmobilmachung und rät seinerseits von Vermittlungsversuchen ab.

Am 1.08.1914 erklärt Deutschland Rußland den Krieg.

Am 3.08.1914 erklärt Deutschland Frankreich den Krieg.

Ab 3.08.1914 Einmarsch deutscher Truppen in Belgien und Luxemburg. Neutrale Länder (militärisch schwächer, weshalb man daher meint, das mit ihnen machen zu können) werden überfallen und das Verbrechen wird am 4.08.1914 - "Unrecht" ist seine Bezeichnung - vom Reichskanzler Bethmann Hollweg "offen" zugegeben: "Unsere Truppen haben Luxemburg besetzt, vielleicht schon belgisches Gebiet betreten. Meine Herren, das widerspricht den Geboten des Völkerrechts. Das Unrecht - ich spreche offen -, das Unrecht, das wir damit tun, werden wir wieder gutzumachen suchen, sobald unser militärisches Ziel erreicht ist." (Zitiert nach: Wikipedia, Die Kriegsschuldfrage - Causes of World War I)

Die SPD widerspricht dem kaiserlichen Kanzler. Für die SPD ist es ein Verteidigungskrieg.

Was ein Deutsches Reich unter Wiedergutmachung versteht, zeigen folgende Vorgänge :

"Im ersten Weltkrieg wurde Stinnes, auch durch die umfangreiche Munitionsproduktion der Dortmunder Union, zu einem der wichtigsten Kriegslieferanten für das deutsche Heer. In Zusammenarbeit mit deutschen Militärstellen wie der Kriegsrohstoffabteilung expandierte er in der Energie- und Metallherstellung, sowie der chemischen und der Metall verarbeitenden Industrie, beispielsweise durch Gründung des Erftwerkes und durch Erschließung von Rohstoffvorkommen der befreundeten Mittelmächte Rumänien und der Türkei, aber auch durch die aggressive "Germanisierung" der belgischen Rohstoffvorkommen. Zusammen mit anderen deutschen Industriellen wie Walter Rathenau und Carl Duisberg forderte er schließlich die deutsche Regierung auf, nicht nur Rohstoffe und Maschinen gewaltsam aus Belgien zu beschaffen, sondern auch die dringend benötigten Arbeitskräfte. Dies führte zur Deportation zehntausender belgischer Zivilisten, die zur Zwangsarbeit in Industrie und Bergbau nach Deutschland verschleppt wurden." (zitiert nach: Wikipedia, Hugo Stinnes - Stand 23.03.2008)

Für die SPD ist es ein Verteidigungskrieg.

Wie oben schon bemerkt, waren Anfang August 1914 deutsche Truppen völkerrechtswidrig und ohne Kriegserklärung in das neutrale Belgien einmarschiert. Das Dorf Battice gelangte gleich zu Beginn dieser "Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln" traurige Berühmtheit, als die gesamte Siedlung von deutschen Truppen niedergebrannt wurde. Aus dem Dorf war gegen den Überfall und die deutsche Besetzung Gegenwehr gekommen. Nach der gewaltsamen Einnahme des Dorfes beschuldigte das deutsche Militär die Zivilbevölkerung, als Partisanen am Widerstand teilgenommen zu haben und machte als Strafe das gesamte Dorf dem Erdboden gleich, während ein Teil der Bevölkerung massakriert wurde.

"Auch in anderen Städten Belgiens und dem Norden Frankreichs wurden derartige Massaker verübt." (Wikipedia, German war crimes in Aarschot, Andenne, Dinant, Leuven, Liège, Tamines etc., 1. Weltkrieg) Wehe, wenn sich gegen deutsche Verbrechen gewehrt wird.

Für die SPD ist es ein Verteidigungskrieg.

Der "Courier", das Organ des Transportarbeiterverbandes (der Gewerkschaft der Transportarbeiter) schreibt nach der Einnahme Antwerpens 1914: "Heute weht die deutsche Flagge auf den Türmen Antwerpens, hoffentlich für immer." (Courier, 25. Oktober 1914)

Für die SPD ist es ein Verteidigungskrieg.

Den amtlich registrierten Zahlen von 670.000 toten und 1.641.000 verwundeten Soldaten in den ersten Kriegsmonaten 1914 bis Februar 1916 stehen Gewinnsteigerungen (im gleichen Zeitraum) des Krupp-Konzerns, der Vereinigten Köln-Rottweiler-Pulverfabriken, der AEG etc. nach eigenen Statistiken von z.T. mehreren hundert Prozent gegenüber. Deutsche Firmen verdienen auch an den Lieferungen von Rüstungsmaterial und Lizenzen für das Ausland. Über neutrale Länder wird während des Kriegs Zink an englische Rüstungskonzerne verkauft. Die Engländer revanchieren sich mit rüstungswichtigem Kupfer. Über die Schweiz liefern deutsche Stahlindustrielle Stabeisen und Grobbleche an französische Rüstungsfirmen. Der Krupp-Konzern hatte vor dem Krieg das Patent eines Handgranatenzünders an den englischen Konzern Vickers&Armstrong verkauft. Millionen von englischen Handgranaten mit dem Kruppschen Zünder brachten den Soldaten Tod und Verstümmelung, dem Krupp-Konzern und seinem englischen Lizenznehmer Riesengewinne.

Für die SPD ist es ein Verteidigungskrieg.

Über eine Unterredung sozialdemokratischer Fraktionskollegen (Gustav Bauer, Max Cohen, Paul Göhre, Philipp Scheidemann, Robert Schmidt, Georg Schöpflin) gibt es Aufzeichnungen des Abgeordneten Eduard David vom 15. August 1914: "Man vertritt die Auffassung, daß die deutsche Regierung den Krieg gewollt habe als Präventivkrieg. Scheidemann ist davon überzeugt und scheint besondere Anhaltspunkte dafür zu haben." Der Abgeordnete Albert Südekum hatte am 29. Juli 1914 den Reichskanzler vorab informiert, daß der SPD-Parteivorstand im Krieg (der gar nicht begonnen hatte, der erst am 1. August mit der Kriegserklärung Deutschlands an Rußland beginnen sollte) keinerlei Klassenkampfaktionen einleiten und sich auch "mißverständlicher" Äußerungen in der Presse enthalten werde. Der Abgeordnete Südekum blickte staunenswert zuversichtlich in die Zukunft der Arbeiterbewegung.

Kriegsgegner können ihre Einsichten und Überzeugungen ab Kriegsbeginn - Kriegsrecht, "Burgfrieden", Parteidisziplin (s. oben), Pressezensur - nur illegal verbreiten, riskieren hohe Strafen bis hin zur Todesstrafe. Die wissenschaftlich gebildeten, von denen schon seit der Jahrhundertwende klare Einsichten und Orientierung ausgegangen waren, werden ins Gefängnis oder ins Zuchthaus - wie z.B. Rosa Luxemburg - geworfen. Viele Kriegsgegner beugen sich lange der Fraktionsdisziplin. Es zeigt sich im Kriegsverlauf, wie die Ebert-Kriegsfraktion diese - im Interesse der Einigkeit der Partei mit großen Skrupeln geschehene - Selbstverleugnung honoriert.

Pazifistisch orientierte Kriegsgegner, die es können und auch wollen, emigrieren vor allem in die Schweiz. Dort kann während des Krieges die Debatte auf literarischer Bühne weitergeführt werden (z.B. von Ernst Bloch, Carl von Ossietzky etc.), die keineswegs weggedrängt und abgehoben bleibt, sondern seit dem 14-Punkte-Programm von Wilson (dem US-Präsidenten) mit dem Konzept eines Völkerbunds und den darauf folgenden Erörterungen und politischen Reaktionen eine epochemachend neue, tiefgreifende Diskussion vorzeichnet.

Für die Ebert-SPD gilt im Kriegsverlauf, die ungebrochenen, kritischen und auch zur wissenschaftlichen Diskussion fähigen Mitglieder aus der Partei herauszudrängen und dann auszuschließen, ihre Lüge vom Verteidigungskrieg, ihre Kriegsunterstützung und den Betrug an Partei und Bevölkerung mit Zwangsmaßnahmen zu zementieren. Der Weg der Gewalt hat sein eigenes Gesetz. Es gibt kein zurück vor den August 1914. Die Ebert-Fraktion ist Gefangene ihres Verrates und ihrer Lüge, weil der Weg der Gewalt für die Opfer keine Umkehr kennt. Und nun die Gewalt und die Opfer dieses Krieges, die nach Millionen gezählt werden, und eines nicht zu gewinnenden Krieges.

Der Verrat von 1914 - wenn schon der Angriffskrieg für einen Verteidigungskrieg ausgegeben wurde - enthielt wenigstens die Erwartung eines Sieges, des Erfolges. Die Realität straft die Mehrheits-SPD der Lüge, unerbittlich, unwiderruflich für alle Zeiten und vor aller Augen. Die Geschichte gibt ihr Urteil ab. Die Notwehr, die angebliche Verteidigung wird statt eines Erfolges die bitterste Niederlage, eben weil sie tatsächlich ein verbrecherischer Angriff ist. Auch für den Täter, den Mörder gibt es keine Umkehr. Er kann daher nicht im Dialog zur Einsicht und zur Änderung seines Verhaltens gebracht werden. Wenn die Tat, ihre Umstände und ihre Beweggründe nicht herausgefunden, schonungslos aufgedeckt werden und der Täter nicht zur Rechenschaft gezogen wird, droht der Rückfall in die Barbarei ein Fall ins Bodenlose, der dauerhafte Verlust aller menschlichen Errungenschaften zu werden. Es ist nach 1914 lebenswichtig, das wahre Ausmaß der Katastrophe zu erkennen. Es ist nicht weniger im Jahr 2008 lebenswichtig geblieben. 1914 hat es gegeben.

Die Vorgänge und Triebkräfte, die zum 1. August 1914 geführt hatten, waren kein Geheimnis. Die Entwicklung des Weltmarkts, die Konkurrenz und Expansion des Kapitals, die Kolonialpolitik waren kein Geheimnis. Die expansive Rüstungsindustrie (z.B. "Welt-Kriegs-Konzern Krupp", Klaus Tenfelde in seiner Chronik des Hauses Krupp) war kein Geheimnis. Die wilhelminische Innen- und Außenpolitik war kein Geheimnis. Die internationalen Krisen (Balkankrisen und -kriege, Marokkokrisen etc.) waren kein Geheimnis. Der Weltkrieg wurde seit Jahrzehnten vorbereitet, in breitester Öffentlichkeit und auch die sozialdemokratische Presse berichtete, zeigte Zusammenhänge und kommentierte. Die Rhetorik überdeckte das nationale Vorurteil. Wie wenig - seit 1867 - die neuen Gedanken und die Wissenschaft (die Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie) in die Tiefe gedrungen waren, bewies im Juli/August 1914 die - im Ausland grandios überschätzte - SPD mit ihrer völligen Unterwerfung unter die Politik der kaiserlichen Regierung. (Schon 1913 war die Nachfolge im Parteivorsitz, Ebert statt Bebel, ein unübersehbares Signal gewesen. Die Bedenken, die Bebel gegen Ebert gehabt hatte, waren nur zu berechtigt.) Die internationale Aktion und Verhinderung der Katastrophe wurde durch die SPD zur puren Illusion, die Partei hatte ihr Herz für Tatsachen entdeckt, die chauvinistische Tat-Sache des Krieges.

Nach Beginn macht die Ebert-Fraktion aus dem Krieg eine vorgegebene Tatsache. (Genauso wie für Angela Merkel im Jahr 2003 der Irakkrieg der USA "nun" eine Realität ist, vgl. den Artikel zum Irakkrieg vom 6.04.2003 auf dieser Internetseite.) Ebert im Rückblick: "Der Krieg mit Rußland und Frankreich war zur Tatsache geworden. England lag auf der Lauer, um unter irgendeinem Vorwand (?) ebenfalls (?) loszuschlagen. Italien macht nicht mit (?), und Österreich ist eben Österreich (?). Die Gefahr ist groß, auch unsere Leute standen unter diesem Eindruck." (Zitiert nach Wikipedia, Ebert) Eberts Beschreibung, vom ersten bis zum letzten Wort falsch, ist absichtsvolle Fälschung der historischen Tatsachen. Der deutsche Überfall auf Belgien: alles andere als ein Vorwand. Das Ebenfallslosschlagen: Rußland und Frankreich haben nicht losgeschlagen. Daß die Gefahr groß ist wegen des Militarismus des eigenen Landes, des Angriffskrieges der Reichsregierung und der eigenen Unfähigkeit, nein zu sagen (in der Reihenfolge der Begründung), überfordert die Einsichtsfähigkeit eines SPD Parteivorsitzenden in der Nachfolge August Bebels. Derart sehen die analytischen Fähigkeiten eines Vorsitzenden aus in einer geschichtlichen Situation, in der es genauestens darauf ankommt. Daß der Krieg ein Produkt ist, an welchem die Partei selbst mitwirkt, überfordert bei näherem Hinsehen allerdings weniger den Scharfsinn als die Redlichkeit ihres Vorsitzenden. Das Ausweichen vor der Analyse, vor der Wahrheit geschieht nur teils aus Unvermögen. Es geschieht vor allem aus Feigheit resp. Korruptheit. Der ganz simple Beweis diesbezüglich (der in der begonnenen Krise bestätigt wird bis zum bittersten Ende): Das eigene Unvermögen wäre schon lange zu kompensieren gewesen durch die einfache Lektüre der Produkte anderer, gründlich und kontinuierlich arbeitender besserer Analysten (z.B. Rosa Luxemburg ab 1893 in der "Sprawa Robotnicza", in der "Sächsischen Arbeiterzeitung", in der "Leipziger Volkszeitung", in "Die Neue Zeit", im "Vorwärts" etc.).

Weil die Parteifunktionäre, auf Kosten der Parteimitglieder eingestellt, gut besoldet und sicher versorgt, nichts gründlicher gelernt und begriffen hatten als eben diesen Aufstieg, weil die allgemeine Korruption, Staatsparasitentum, Postenjagd im prosperierenden, expandierenden und doch angeblich zu kurz gekommenen wilhelminischen Reich ebensolche wilhelminischen Charakterdarsteller en masse erzeugt hatte (der 1. und 4. August 1914, die Kriegsbegeisterung großer Bevölkerungsteile zu Beginn waren hierfür der unbezweifelbare Beweis), wurden die gesellschaftlichen Klassen, die nicht von fremder Arbeit leben (sei es in Frankreich, sei es in Deutschland etc.), gegeneinander in die Schlacht, in das Blutbad, in die Giftgasschwaden gezwungen und getrieben. Weil Gier, deutsch-österreichischer Dünkel, Chauvinismus und Größenwahn Sieger waren und Kaiser, kaiserliche Regierung, Militär und Kapital tun konnten, was sie wollten. Ein Aufschrei hätte kommen müssen: Bis hierher und nicht weiter, niemals. Die SPD kroch, dankte ab und übertraf den kaiserlichen Kanzler noch mit dem Betrug und der frechsten Lüge, das deutsche Reich müsse sich gegen einen Überfall wehren.

Von diesem Zeitpunkt ab wäre einer doch so bitter notwendigen Einsicht der Kriegsfraktion, einer Selbstkritik und Umkehr eine alsbaldige Auswechslung des Führungspersonals gefolgt. Der SPD-Parteivorstand nutzt daher die Dunkelheit des Kriegsrechts und ersetzt 1916 die mehrheitlich links stehende Redaktion des "Vorwärts" durch eigene Leute. Am 16. März 1916 werden die Kriegsgegner aus der gemeinsamen Fraktion, im Januar 1917 auch aus der Partei ausgeschlossen. Das Handeln wider besseres Wissen, der Verrat und Betrug vom 4. August 1914 gegenüber der (internationalen) Arbeiterbewegung, der deutschen Bevölkerung, der Welt, gegenüber dem Gewissen und aller Zivilisation wird ergänzt mit skrupellosem Verrat an der eigenen Partei und den eigenen Gefolgsleuten, die sich (auch wider besseres Wissen aber mit Skrupeln) lange der Parteidisziplin gebeugt hatten. Die Ebert-SPD ist Gefangene ihrer Doktrin und ihrer Taten, die sie - nachdem der Weg der Gewalt und des Mordens beschritten ist - zu weiteren Taten zwingen.

Im Kriegsverlauf verändert sich diese Gefangenschaft des 4. August, es kommt ein verheißungsvoller Umstand hinzu. Dem Wissen um die eigene Lüge, die man in den ersten Tagen und vielleicht Wochen des Kriegs (bis zur Marneschlacht) noch am ehesten mit der Hoffnung auf einen Sieg, also mit Illusion und Selbsttäuschung beiseitedrängen oder herunterspielen konnte, muß Schritt für Schritt Rechnung getragen werden. Nur wie? Die zynische Kalkulation wird nun, den geschichtlichen Fehlgriff (alias Verbrechen) von Militär und Regierung, einen aussichtslosen Krieg dieses Ausmaßes begonnen zu haben, für die eigenen Zwecke skrupellos auszunutzen. Früher oder später wird die Entwicklung, die wachsende Überlegenheit der Entente und der entsprechende Kriegsverlauf Militär und Regierung dermaßen in die Enge treiben, daß das verratene, ausgeblutete, ausgehungerte und verelendete Volk ihren Sturz verlangt. Die SPD-Kriegsfraktion muß nur eng genug an der Seite der Regierung, in einer wohlerwogenen und -dosierten Nähe und Distanz zu Militär und Kaiser bleiben, damit diese abzusehende Entwicklung ihr selbst die desillusionierten Opfer zutreibt. Was sie dann diesen Teilen der Bevölkerung anbieten muß, um sie einzufangen, ist ihr ureigenes, professionelles, bestens bekanntes, langtrainiertes Betätigungsfeld. Der Krieg wurde vielversprechend, jetzt mehr und mehr für diese Fraktion der "Daheimkrieger".

Selten haben Parteiführer mehr Ekel und Abscheu erregt.

Die Lehrstätte des Grauens und der gegenseitigen Vernichtung, die elendigste Schule zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie: mit welchem Lernprozeß? 1918 sah ganz andere Menschen als die, die 1914 die Lehrstätte betreten hatten und betreten mußten. Keineswegs alle Überlebenden und Davongekommenen wurden zu Kriegsgegnern. Es gab offenbar Menschen, deren große Leidenschaft Stahlhelme - nach ihrer Einführung für die Frontsoldaten 1916, und auch hier war Deutschland technisch versiert - wurden, und deren Herz höher schlug, wenn sie z.B. als Meldegänger vor ihrem Leutnant stramm stehen durften, in der Todesmaschinerie gebraucht, mitunter vielleicht auch gelobt und mit gestanztem Blech vor der Herzregion kenntlich gemacht. Statt Hundemarke ein "Eisernes Kreuz".

Der Rückfall sprengte alle bisherigen Kenntnisse und Vorstellungen über Leben und Tod, über unzerbrechliche und zerbrechende menschliche Existenzen, über körperliche und seelische Krüppel. Das Kapital, Krupp, Stinnes etc. hatten gut vorgesorgt, mit Maschinengewehren, Kanonen, Panzerkreuzern, U-Booten, Flugzeugen und - Giftgas. Der Krieg dauerte, die Dividenden stiegen, die Proletarier fielen. Mit Hindenburg und Ludendorff ging es richtig nach oben, besonders für die Krupp AG (vgl. Norbert F. Pötzl, "Spiegel-Spezial" vom März 2004). Der verlorene Krieg, 1914 mit imperialen Zielen, Täuschung, Irreführung und sozialdemokratischem Betrug und Verrat begonnen und geführt, entließ Heerscharen von deklassierten, entwurzelten und demoralisierten Existenzen, für die es - obwohl nicht hingemordet - jedenfalls keine einfache Umkehr gab.

Die Revolutionen zum Ende der Katastrophe 1917/1918 waren gekennzeichnet vom Elend in umfassendster Weise, von schroffsten Gegensätzen (Kriegsgewinnler-Kriegsverlierer), Gegnerschaften, Leidenschaften, politischen Fraktionierungen, Kämpfen und Haß und von Hilflosigkeiten, Unzulänglichkeiten, Versäumnissen, Halbheiten, Irrtümern der Akteure auch auf der Seite der Klassen, die die Opfer geworden waren. Marx' Diagnose und Prognose von 1867, inwiefern die Wissenschaft Privatinteressen berührt, Leidenschaften hervorruft und welche Privatinteressen und mit welchen Mitteln überhaupt verfolgt werden, zeichnete noch idyllische Zustände vergangener Tage. Er konnte nicht wissen, wie die bürgerlichen Klassen und "Eliten" sich noch inspirieren und beflügeln ließen, weil die technische Entwicklung in schließlich produzierter Gestalt nicht Voraussehbares geschaffen hatte.

Als Stinnes 1924 starb, war sein Familienunternehmen mit über 600.000 Beschäftigten der größte "Arbeitgeber" der Welt. Das Familienunternehmen hatte eben auf todsichere Geschäfte gesetzt und gewonnen. Unter diesen Umständen kann auch einmal großzügig gehandelt werden und etwas abgegeben werden: Den Bedürftigen der Anti-bolschewistischen Liga des Eduard Stadtler (vgl. das Fortsetzungskapitel).

Die Fortsetzung des vorliegenden Kapitels wird die Darlegung des Zusammenhangs bis zur Gegenwart fortführen.

- Oktoberrevolution 1917 in Rußland

- Novemberrevolution 1918 in Deutschland, der Untergang der Weimarer Republik und die Fortsetzung des Weltkrieges

- Das geteilte Deutschland, eine Geschichte verdrängter Geschichte:

Foreign relations of Germany: Foreign relations of Germany

Immigration to Germany: Immigration to Germany
Since 2014 International and European refugee and migrant crisis: Since 2014 International and European refugee and migrant crisis
2016: 29 January 2016: Germany tightens refugee policy, announcing to close its border to Algerians, Tunisians and Moroccans and also to prevent migrants from bringing their families to join them for two years, as Finland joins Sweden in deportations - 5 February 2016: Tens of thousands Syrians flee joint Russian-Iranian-Assad offensive on Aleppo as regime forces fully encircle countryside north of major city and Russian airstrikes mount to 250 a day - 6 November 2016: Ahead of 2017 federal elections the German CDU-led interior ministry reportedly wants to stop migrants ever reaching Europe’s Mediterranean coast by picking them up at sea and returning them to Africa - 18 November 2016: Survivors of the SS St. Louis, the trans-Atlantic liner carrying nearly 1,000 Jewish refugees from Germany in 1939, rejected by the USA and Cuba and forced to return to Europe, urge world to treat immigrants 'as family'

Colonial empire until 1918: German colonial empire until 1918 - Scramble for Africa
German West Africa
German New Guinea
German Samoa
Jiaozhou Bay concession (China)

Immigration to Germany: Immigration to Germany
Since 2014 International and European refugee and migrant crisis: Since 2014 International and European refugee and migrant crisis
2016: 29 January 2016: Germany tightens refugee policy, announcing to close its border to Algerians, Tunisians and Moroccans and also to prevent migrants from bringing their families to join them for two years, as Finland joins Sweden in deportations - 5 February 2016: Tens of thousands Syrians flee joint Russian-Iranian-Assad offensive on Aleppo as regime forces fully encircle countryside north of major city and Russian airstrikes mount to 250 a day - 6 November 2016: Ahead of 2017 federal elections the German CDU-led interior ministry reportedly wants to stop migrants ever reaching Europe’s Mediterranean coast by picking them up at sea and returning them to Africa - 18 November 2016: Survivors of the SS St. Louis, the trans-Atlantic liner carrying nearly 1,000 Jewish refugees from Germany in 1939, rejected by the USA and Cuba and forced to return to Europe, urge world to treat immigrants 'as family'

Germany and the European Union: Germany and the European Union

Germany/United Nations relations: Germany and the United Nations
January 2020 Mary Robinson and Ban Ki-moon today joined atomic experts marking 75th anniversary of the UN and atomic bombings: 23 January 2020: Mary Robinson and Ban Ki-moon today joined experts from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists for the unveiling of the Doomsday Clock in Washington DC, an annual assessment of the existential risks faced by humanity, taking into account the precarious state of nuclear arms controls, the growing threat of climate disaster, and how these can be compounded by disruptive new technologies - 6 and 9 August 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as USA detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities with the consent of the United Kingdom, as required by the Quebec Agreement, remaining the only uses of nuclear weapons in armed conflict - Japan surrendered on 15 August 1945, followed by a debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, after the used weapons needed to be developed against attackers in a war never been there, and the killed children and innocent victims also in Japan were killed by Japanese, German, Italian and allied war criminals, in a looming age of ultimately indivisible responsibility

Foreign relations of Germany by continent and bilateral relations: Foreign relations of Germany by continent and countries - Bilateral relations of Germany
Germany/Afghanistan relations: Germany/Afghanistan relations
Germany/Africa relations: Germany/Africa relations
Germany/Albania relations: Germany/Albania relations
Germany/Algeria relations: Germany/Algeria relations
Germany/Argentina relations: Germany/Argentina relations
Germany/Armenia relations: Germany/Armenia relations
April 2015: 15 April 2015: Armenian genocide should be called what it was and the German government has a special responsibility, because German officers were among the accessories and accomplices, the Central Council of Jews in Germany says - 17 April 2015: Turkey has never accepted the term genocide for its war crime against Armenians, even though historians have demolished its denial of responsibility for up to 1.5 million deaths - 17 April 2015: SPD-Steinmeier avoids to say 'genocide' for genocide of Armenians, because his party supported World War I from German beginning to end and as a result the war crimes - 17 April 2015: SPD-Schulz disassociates himself from European Parliament's resolution recognizing the Armenan Genocide, because his party supported World War I from German beginning to end and hence the war crimes
Germany/Austria relations: Germany/Austria relations
Germany/Bangladesh relations: Germany/Bangladesh relations
Germany/Belarus relations: Germany/Belarus relations
Belarusian resistance during World War II: Belarusian resistance during World War II
Germany/Belgium relations: Germany/Belgium relations
5–16 August 1914 Battle of Liège: 5–16 August 1914 Battle of Liège, the opening German aggression in its invasion of Belgium and the first battle of World War I, the length of the siege of Liège may have delayed the German invasion of France by 4–5 days, railways needed by the German armies in eastern Belgium were closed for the duration of the siege and German murderous troops did not appear in strength before Namur until 20 August - On 6 August 1914 the German Army Zeppelin Z VI bombed the Belgian city of Liège, killing nine civilians, followed by night raids on Antwerp on 25 August and 2 September - Super-heavy howitzer developed by the German armaments manufacturer Krupp were used to destroy the Belgian forts at Liège, Namur, and Antwerp, and the French fort at Maubeuge, applauded by the German press and declared a 'Wunderwaffe' (wonder weapon)
2014-2018: First World War centenary 2014-2018 - World War I memorials - 9 May 2014: Children to mark WWI's 'Christmas Truce' mainly in Flanders 1914, commemorating in UK's schools fraternisation between British, French and German troops in no man's land, seeing weapons set aside, greetings, gifts exchanged and even football matches played - In 1914/1915 events of 'Christmas Truce' were friendly reported in British papers but strongly criticized in Germany - 3 August: Mons prepares to mark centenary at place where first and last British soldiers fell - 4 August 2014: Government leaders will gather in Liege on Monday August 4 to mark the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I with the German invasion of neutral Belgium in August 1914 - 28 October 2014: Representatives from World War I enemies in Nieuwpoort to mark the centenary of the first big battle on Flanders Fields and four years of death of hundreds of thousands
Germany/Bosnia and Herzegovina relations: Germany/Bosnia and Herzegovina relations
Germany/Bosnia and Herzegovina relations: Germany/Bosnia and Herzegovina relations
2014-2018 First World War centenary: First World War centenary 2014-2018
28/29 June 2014 Sarajevo marks 100 years since Franz Ferdinand was assassinated following Austro-Hungarian annexation: 28/29 June 2014: Sarajevo marks 100 years since Franz Ferdinand was assassinated following Austro-Hungarian annexation, as divisions still run deep
Germany/Brazil relations: Germany/Brazil relations
Germany/Bulgaria relations: Germany/Bulgaria relations
1939-1945 World War II and Anti-Comintern Pact: World War II and Anti-Comintern Pact
Germany/Burundi relations: Germany/Burundi relations
1939-1945 Burundi and German empire's World War II: Ruzagayura famine during World War II
1972 and 1993 Burundi genocide: Burundi genocide 1972 and 1993
1993-2005 Burundian Civil War: Burundian Civil War 1993-2005
Germany/Cameroon relations:
1911-1916 'Neukamerun': a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neukamerun">1911-1916 'Neukamerun' was the name of Central African territories ceded by France to Germany in 1911
Germany/Canada relations: Germany/Canada relations
Germany/Chile relations: Germany/Chile relations
Germany/PR of China relations: Germany/PR of China relations
1899-1901 Boxer rebellion: 1899-1901 Boxer rebellion
Germany/Czech Republic relations: Germany/Czech Republic relations
1938-1945 German occupation of Czechoslovakia: German occupation of Czechoslovakia 1938-1945 - Lidice - Theresienstadt concentration camp - Theresienstadt use as propaganda tool - Hodonin concentration camp - Lety concentration camp - 'Aryanization' - History of the Jews in Czechoslovakia - History of the Jews in Prague
Germany/Denmark relations: Germany/Denmark relations
1943-1945 arrests and deportations of Danish Jews: Arrests and deportations of Danish Jews 1943-1945
Germany/Egypt relations: Germany/Egypt relations
Germany/Eritrea relations: Germany/Eritrea relations
Germany/Ethiopia relations: Germany/Ethiopia relations
Germany/Finland relations: Germany/Finland relations
April 1918 Battle of Helsinki, German invasion and starvation as a weapon in warfare: April 1918 Battle of Helsinki, as the German empire invaded Helsinki despite the opposition of Finnish White Army leader Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim who wanted to attack the capital city with his own troops, but the Germans including their Ebert/Scheidemann supporters had their own interest in taking Helsinki as quickly as possible and then moving further east towards the Russian border - April-May 1918 Battle of Lahti - Baltic Sea Division comprising two army brigades from the German Eastern Front, as Germany aimed in 1918 to establish a chain of satellite states in eastern Europe in order to provide raw materials for German industry and food products - Hunger as A Weapon of War in Eastern Europe during the period of World War I - Detachment Brandenstein, unit assigned to cut the railway between Helsinki and Viipuri
1939-1945 Finland's cooperation with Nazi Germany and military history of Finland during World War II: Finland sided with Nazi Germany - World War II and Anti-Comintern Pact - Military history of Finland during World War II 1939-1945
Germany/France relations: Germany/France relations
Februar-December 1916: The Battle of Verdun from 21 February – 18 December 1916 was one of the largest battles of World War I, after the German 5th Army attacked the defences of the Région Fortifiée de Verdun and those of the Second Army garrisons on the right bank of the Meuse, intending to rapidly capture the Côtes de Meuse - In 1916 the German strategy was to inflict mass casualties on the French, to weaken the French Army to the point of collapse, therefore the Germans planned to use a large number of heavy and super-heavy guns to inflict a greater number of casualties than French artillery - In 1980, J. Terraine gave 750,000 Franco-German casualties in 299 days of Verdun battle, E.R. Dupuy and T.N. Dupuy gave 542,000 French casualties in 1993, H. Heer and K. Naumann calculated 377,231 French and 337,000 German casualties
May/June 1940 German invasion of France during World War II and war crimes: German invasion of France May/June 1940 during World War II - Hitler's general Erwin Rommel and Nazi invasion of France and Belgium 1940, in 1961 the biggest German military barracks named 'Generalfeldmarschall-Rommel-Kaserne' - Hitler's general Heinz Guderian and Nazi invasion of France and Belgium 1940, after 1945 he advised on the re-establishment of military forces in West Germany - Hitler's quartermaster general of the German 'Wehrmacht' 1939-1944 - Allied casualties of the second German assault and war crime within 26 years include 85,310 French soldiers murdered (including 5,400 Maghrebis), 12,000 missing, 120,000 wounded and 1,540,000 prisoners (including 67,400 Maghrebis) - German Military Administration in France 1940-1944 - Vichy France 1940-1944 - German war crimes World War II - Oradour-sur-Glane in Nazi occupied France was destroyed on 10 June 1944, when 642 of its inhabitants, including women and children, were massacred by a German Waffen-SS company - French World War II casualties
Since July 1945 Place de la Bataille-de-Stalingrad in Paris: Depuis 7 juillet 1945 Place de la Bataille-de-Stalingrad située dans les 10e et 19e arrondissements de Paris, qui commémore la ville de Russie où les armées soviétiques remportèrent une victoire décisive sur l'armée allemande du 17 juillet 1942 au 2 février 1943, commandée par 'Generalfeldmarschall' Paulus et 'Generalfeldmarschall' Manstein, après la guerre accusé et jugé coupable de crimes de guerre et contre les civils, y compris son commandement à ses troupes de participer aux opérations d'épuration à Simferopol en novembre 1941, aidant au massacre de 11 000 civils Juifs, mais en 1955 le criminel de guerre devient conseiller pour la nouvelle Armée de l'Allemagne de l'Ouest, la Bundeswehr - 'Generalfeldmarschall' Manstein's war crimes, involvement in the Holocaust, and 1949 trial in Hamburg
1914-1918/2014-2018: First World War centenary 2014-2018 - World War I memorials - 12 octobre 2013: Les commémorations du centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale, qui devraient se prolonger sur cinq ans, ont été partiellement dévoilées à Blois - 17 octobre 2013: A moins de huit mois du 70e anniversaire de la Libération, en Normandie un bunker allemand 'au coeur du Débarquement' 1944 s'ouvre au public - 3 November 2013: From fertiliser to Zyklon B - 100 years of the scientific discovery of Fritz Haber - 7 novembre 2013: Le 7 novembre les commémorations du centenaire de la Grande Guerre seront placées sous le signe des 430 000 soldats des colonies françaises 'qui ont pris part à une guerre qui avait pu ne pas être la leur' - 11 November 2013: France remembers the Armistice that marked the end of World War I in 1918 after four years of bloody conflict that cost millions of lives - 12 November 2013: French police detained about 70 people at an Armistice Day memorial ceremony on Monday after protesters whom the government said were linked to the far right booed President Hollande - 9 May 2014: Children to mark WWI's 'Christmas Truce' mainly in Flanders 1914, commemorating in UK's schools fraternisation between British, French and German troops in no man's land, seeing weapons set aside, greetings, gifts exchanged and even football matches played - In 1914/1915 events of 'Christmas Truce' were friendly reported in British papers but strongly criticized in Germany - 29 mai 2016: Les africains, qui se sont battus dans les tranchées, et le centenaire de la bataille de Verdun de la première guerre mondiale déclarée par l'Allemagne - 29 mai 2016: Bayeux a commémoré le centenaire de la bataille de Verdun - 29 mai 2016: Cannes commémore le centenaire de la bataille de Verdun, la plus terrible bataille que l'humanité ait connue - 29 mai 2016: Cent ans après l'enfer de Verdun, François Hollande et Angela Merkel commémoraient la bataille de Verdun, une journée placée sous le signe de l'Europe dans un contexte difficile - 1 July 2016: Battle of the Somme centenary commemorations in France and in the United Kingdom - 1 juillet 2016: Près de 600 enfants - 300 Britanniques et 300 Français - doivent participer à la célébration à Thiepval pour célébrer le centenaire de la bataille de la Somme, la plus meurtrière de la Grande Guerre
Germany/Gabon relations: Germany/Gabon relations
June 1940: Le 7 juin 1940 les assassins de la 7e division blindée allemande sous les ordres d'Erwin Rommel, qui séparent alors les Africains des Européens, exécutent sommairement le capitaine N'Tchoréré, qui refuse d’être considéré comme un 'Untermensch', un 'sous-homme' - 1940 Execution of prisoners in France by Nazi Germany and by Rommel's 7th Panzer division alongside troops from 5th Panzer division, committing numerous atrocities against French and especially French-African soldiers, Rommel himself ordered the execution of one French officer, who did not have a gun - 27. Juli 2009: Die 'Wehrmacht' des nationalsozialistischen Deutschlands verletzte systematisch - in Deutschland jahrzehntelang geleugnet und verdrängt - die Genfer Kriegskonvention und verübte z.B. 1940 aus rassistischen Motiven Kriegsverbrechen, die der Historiker Raffael Scheck anhand von Dokumenten beschreibt, die belegen wie Wehrmachtseinheiten innerhalb nur eines Monats, zwischen dem 24. Mai und dem 24. Juni 1940 mindestens 3.000 schwarze Soldaten Frankreichs ermordeten, obwohl die sich bereits ergeben hatten oder verwundet waren und nicht mehr im Kampf standen
Germany/Georgia relations: Germany/Georgia relations
2014: 4. Januar 2014: Griechische Waffenkäufer bei Firmen aus Deutschland, Russland, den USA und anderen Ländern legen Schmiergeld in der Schweiz an - 11 April 2014: Under azure blue skies Greek governmemt welcomes A. Merkel while protesters demand 'Merkel go home'
Germany/Hungary relations: Germany/Hungary relations
Since 1936 Anti-Comintern Pact and World War II 1939-1945: World War II and Anti-Comintern Pact
Military history of fascist Kingdom of Hungary 1920–46 during World War II: Military history of fascist Kingdom of Hungary 1920–46 during World War II
Hungarian resistance movement of World War II: Hungarian resistance movement of World War II
Jewish ghettos in Nazi-occupied Hungary: Jewish ghettos in Nazi-occupied Hungary
Germany/Indonesia relations: Germany/Indonesia relations
Trade and investment: Trade and investment
February 2019 SPD congratulations to the Iranian regime: 21 February 2019: Congratulations to the Iranian regime, that seeks the destruction of the Jewish state, by SPD politicians including Germany's social democratic FM Heiko Maas, who appeared in a photograph shaking hands with Iran's FM Javad Zarif at the weekend Munich Security conference, Germany's deputy FM SPD-Annen, who celebrated Iranian regime's seizure of power in its embassy in Berlin, and German president SPD-Steinmeier, who sends 'congratulations to the most dangerous regime in the world', condemned by Simon Wiesenthal Center's Abraham Cooper according to 'The Jerusalem Post' - 26 February 2019: Germany’s Central Council of Jews joins criticism of German president over Iran telegram, as Josef Schuster says that 'routine diplomacy appears to have overtaken critical thinking', also rejected as 'shocking' by Human Rights Watch’s Wenzel Michalski
Germany/Iraq relations: Germany/Iraq relations
Germany/Israel relations: Germany/Israel relations
History of the Jews in Germany: History of the Jews in Germany
Since 1882 Aliyah (immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the land of Israel): Aliyah - immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the land of Israel since 1882
1914-1918: 2 August 1914 Ottoman German Alliance in SPD supported World War I - On 14 November 1914 Ottoman Empire declares an Islamic holy war on behalf of the Ottoman government, urging his Muslim followers to take up arms against Britain, France, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro in World War I - 1914-1918 German military commanders to the Ottoman Empire during the First World War were Otto Liman von Sanders, Goltz, Kress von Kressenstein, and more, compare the 'League of German Asian Warriors' affiliated to the NSDAP after the Nazi takeover of power in 1933 - 1914-1918 World War I Middle East's combatants were on the one hand the Central Powers, the Ottoman Empire (including Kurds, Persians and some Arab tribes), and on the other hand, the British (with the help of Jews, Greeks, Assyrians and the majority of the Arabs), the Russians and the French from the Allies of World War I, main campaigns include, the Sinai and Palestine Campaign 28 January 1915 – 30 October 1918, the Mesopotamian Campaign 6 November 1914 – 14 November 1918, and the Persian Campaign December 1914 – October 1918
2014: 28 March 2014: Palestinian students visit Auschwitz in first organized visit in a program, that aims to teach Israeli and Palestinian students about the other side's suffering in effort to study how empathy could facilitate reconciliation - Yom HaShoah 28 April 2014 - 13 July: About 1,000 demonstrators, most of them Palestinian, hold unregistered march protesting Israel's Operation Protective Edge - 16 July: Following its German sister company’s lead, the Dutch branch of Europe’s TUI travel giant has called off all tours of Israel due to the rocket fire there - 18 July: Anti-Semitic slogans chanted at Berlin protest against Israel's Gaza operation - 21. Juli: Eine anti-israelische Kundgebung in Berlin von palästinensischen und politischen Gruppen wie dem Hochschulverband der Partei 'Die Linke' ist am Samstag mit antisemitischen Parolen und dem versuchten Angriff auf ein Ehepaar aus Jerusalem eskaliert - 21 July: Germany's Jewish community is shocked by an 'explosion of evil and violent hatred of Jews' shown by protesters at anti-Israel demonstrations across the country chanting 'gas the Jews' and other anti-Semitic slogans during some pro-Gaza protests - 21 July: As wave of anti-Semitic rallies hits cities across Germany and anti-Israel protester chanted in Dortmund and Frankfurt 'Hamas Hamas Juden ins gas', Jewish community braces itself ahead of Friday’s Iranian-sponsored Al Quds Day March - 24 July: As death toll in the Gaza/Israel conflict rises, officials indicate that ceasefire may take time - 24 July 2014: Parents in Gaza and Israel do not want their children to grow up to kill or be killed in a senseless war that has no end - 30 July: In Israel, 79-year-old Holocaust survivor worries about her Gazan daughter - 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict in video games
2015: 27 January: Holocaust survivors from around the world and visitors marking the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland - 24 March 2015 Germanwings Airbus 320 Flight 9525 crashed in the French Alps - 30 March: Along with helping local search teams at Germanwings crash site, Israeli volunteers will be tasked with recovering and returning for a Jewish burial in Israel the remains of Israeli passenger Eyal Baum - 13 April: At Yad Vashem, 'Stars Without A Heaven' exhibition highlights the lives of the 1.5 million Jewish children murdered during World War II - 10 May 2015: Veterans living in Israel march through Jerusalem to mark World War II victory - 7 June 2015: Israel's PM Netanyahu chides world over silence after new Gaza rocket attacks in 2015, saying 'I have not heard a single international figure condemn the violence, not even at the United Nations' - 28 June 2015: The world’s Jewish population has grown to be nearly as large (16.5 million) as it was on the eve of the second world war before the Holocaust, Jewish People Policy Institute says in its annual report
2017: 18 February 2017: After Israel’s defense minister said he was relishing the chance to denounce Iran’s aggression in the presence of its foreign minister, organizers of the Munich Security Conference cancel joint session - 19 February 2017: Speaking after Iranian foreign minister at the Munich conference, Israeli defense minister Liberman called for 'moderate' states, including Saudi Arabia, to stand together with Israel in opposing Tehran, and warned of Iran’s threat to the Middle East, saying that Iran violates the nuclear agreement with ballistic missile tests, smuggles weapons, gives funding to terror groups around the world, fights proxy wars in Yemen and Syria that destabilize the region, is committed to destroying the Jewish people, trumpeting Holocaust denial and writing 'Israel must be wiped out' on its ballistic missiles
2017: 25 April 2017: Visiting Israel German FM Sigmar Gabriel says that it would be 'regrettable' if PM Benjamin Netanyahu were to refuse to meet him due to his planned meeting with groups critical of the Israeli army, but insists that he will not change his plans - 26 April 2017: German FM Gabriel met with groups after defying to cancel the meeting, shortly after the meeting one of the groups, B’Tselem co-funded by the FordFoundation, called on the international community to punish Israel for the continued occupation of the West Bank - 10 July 2017: Six people including a number of former senior public officials, suspected of corruption in the potentially fraudulent purchase of naval vessels, questioned as part of the ongoing investigation into the 'submarine affair', in which PM Netanyahu’s personal lawyer David Shimron is suspected of attempting to sway multi-billion-shekel deals in favor of the German shipbuilder ThyssenKrupp, which he represented in Israel
15 January 2020 murderous alliance of SPD, German TV and Iranian Mullah regime: 15 January 1919 SPD-supported murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in Berlin, 13 January 2020 German TV and SPD support for Iranian regime's denial of its brutal shootdown of a Ukrainian jetliner, as Iranian regime's Rohani warned on 15 January that European soldiers in the Mideast 'could be in danger', as regime's FM acknowledged that Iranians 'were lied to' for days following its brutal shootdown of a Ukrainian jetliner that killed 176 people, and as the state of Israel, founded following the Holocaust committed by Germany, is continuously forced to defend itself against terrorists also in Syria, where Assad is allied with the Russian, the Iranian Mullah regime and Hezbollah terrorists - 15 January 2020: Russian Jew David Dushman, one of the last surviving soldiers to have taken part in the liberation of the Auschwitz camp in January 1945, since 1996 living in southern Germany and still struggling to explain how such a catastrophe could happen, joined the Red Army in 1941 after Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union, today saying 'they were standing there, all of them in (prisoner) uniforms, only eyes, only eyes, very narrow - that was very terrible, very terrible'
20 January 2020 Rachel Hanan's son says Holocaust forum should have been honoring survivors first and foremost: 20 January 2020: Many leaders and even war criminal Putin - allied with the Iranian Mullah regime, Assad and Hezbollah terrorists - and German president, but few actual survivors invited to landmark Holocaust event, as Yaron Hanan, son of former Auschwitz prisoner Rachel Hanan, who was not among 30 given tickets to event, says forum should have been honoring survivors first and foremost, adding 'I think they’re no less essential to representing what took place there than anything else this ceremony is intended to achieve', and as Environmental Protection Minister Ze’ev Elkin says he would hand over his invitation to a survivor who wished to attend but was not invited, and called on his fellow ministers to do the same
Germany/Italy relations: Germany/Italy relations
1936/1937 Anti-Comintern Pact and 1939-1945 World War II: 1936/1937 Anti-Comintern Pact and 1939-1945 World War II
29 June 1944 Civitella massacre of 244 civilians by german soldiers of the 'Wehrmacht', never charged in Germany: 29 June 1944 massacre of 244 civilians in Civitella was done by german soldiers of the 'Wehrmacht', never charged in Germany
Since 1945 'Schrank der Schande', 'Armadio della vergogna', 'LA MEMORIA': - LA MEMORIA - Armadio della vergogna - Schrank der Schande (staatlich versteckte Akten über deutsche Kriegsverbrechen)
2012/2013 report by Italian and German historians on German war crimes against Italians and reactions: 19 December 2012: At the presentation of a report by Italian and German historians on German war crimes against Italians, Italy presses Germany on conviction of former Nazis - 29 July 2013 and its truth: The murderer SS-Priebke and free man in 2013 said, that the victims - from 14 year old boys (today 83) to 75 year old men - were, in his view at the time, terrorists - 15 October 2013: Angry protests mark funeral of Nazi war criminal SS officer Erich Priebke in Italy - 16 October: Italy marked the 70th anniversary of the round-up and deportation of Jews from Rome's ghetto on Wednesday, amid turmoil over the burial of Nazi war criminal Erich Priebke and his Holocaust-denying final statement - 18 October: 90-year-old former Nazi soldier Alfred Stork sentenced in absentia by a military court in Rome which found him guilty of taking part in the execution of at least 117 Italian officers on the Greek island of Cephalonia - 19 October 2013: Nazi war criminal Priebke to be buried in 'secret location' in Italy
15 August 2020 after 76 years victims of 1944 Nazi Fosse Ardeatine massacre identified: 15 August 2020: After 76 years, victims of 1944 Fosse Ardeatine massacre, in which civilians were killed by Nazi German occupation soldiers in reprisal for a partisan attack on an SS regiment in Italy, identified through DNA testing, as two of those who died can now finally be honored by families, and as David Reicher's father Marian, a Polish Jew who fled to Italy during WWII, was among the 335 civilians murdered in the indiscriminate mass killings, which targeted Jews and Gentiles of all ages, from all professions, and socioeconomic groups, during the German led massacre period following the overthrow of Mussolini, as Nazi Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel became commander of German Army Group B in Italy since July 1943, to force Italy to continue Nazi's war after the overthrow of the war criminal Mussolini, as EU's present-day president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen calls Erwin Rommel a resistance fighter
Germany/Japan relations: Germany/Japan relations
Germany–Korea relations: Germany–Korea relations
Germany/North Korea relations: Germany/North Korea relations
February 2018 North Korea acquiring equipment and technology for its nuclear and weapons programmes through its Berlin embassy: 4 February 2018: North Korea has been acquiring equipment and technology for its nuclear and weapons programmes through its Berlin embassy, according to Germany’s domestic intelligence BfV
Germany/South Korea relations: Germany/South Korea relations
Germany/Kuwait relations: Germany/Kuwait relations
Germany/Lebanon relations: Germany/Lebanon relations
Germany/Libya relations: Germany/Libya relations
1936-1945 and German invasion of North Africa 1941: World War II North African campaign 1940-1943 and German invasion
Germany/Lithuania relations: Germany/Lithuania relations
Resistance in Lithuania during World War II: Resistance in Lithuania during World War II
Germany/Luxembourg relations: Germany/Luxembourg relations
1959 Germany/Luxembourg Compensation Agreement for Victims of the Nazi Regime on paying DM 18 million: 1959 Germany/Luxembourg 'Bilateral Compensation Agreement for Victims of the Nazi Regime' on paying DM 18 million
Germany/Luxembourg economic and financial relations: Business in Luxembourg - Economy, finance and companies of Luxembourg
Germany/Malta relations: Germany/Malta relations
Since January 1941 German intervention: Since January 1941 German intervention
Germany/Middle East relations: Germany/Middle East relations
1871-1945 Germany and the Middle East: 2004: Germany and the Middle East, 1871-1945
1939-1945 submarine warfare in German, Italian and Japanese empires' World War II: Submarine warfare in World War II
Germany/Mozambique relations: Germany/Mozambique relations
Germany/Namibia relations: Germany/Namibia relations
Germany/Netherlands relations: Germany/Netherlands relations
1918 Wilhelm's flight, 1920-1941 exile for war criminal Wilhelm II in the Netherland against the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, expressly providing in article 227 for the prosecution of Wilhelm for war crimes: 10 November 1918 flight and 1920-1941 exile and asylum for last German emperor and war criminal Wilhelm II in the Netherlands' 'Huis Doorn' was based on monarchist and family ties with Netherlands' Queen Wilhelmina, in return Germany invaded the Netherlands on 10 May 1940, committing war crimes not yet seen and Wilhelm went undisturbed by the German 'Wehrmacht' - 1919 Peace Treaty of Versailles, Articles 227-230: 'The Allied and Associated Powers publicly arraign William II of Hohenzollern, formerly German Emperor, for a supreme offence against international morality and the sanctity of treaties. A special tribunal will be constituted to try the accused, thereby assuring him the guarantees essential to the right of defence.'
Germany/Norway relations: Germany/Norway relations
German occupation and the Holocaust in Norway: Jewish deportees from Norway during World War II - The Holocaust in Norway
1945-2007 NSDAP/CDU-Filbinger scandal: NSDAP/CDU-Filbinger-Affäre (1945 bis 2007) - Justizmorde als NS-Richter - 'Furchtbare Juristen' (mit dem Untertitel 'Die unbewältigte Vergangenheit unserer Justiz') behandelt die Verbrechen der deutschen Justiz in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und die durch Übernahme von NS-vorbelasteten Juristen in den Staatsdienst der Bundesrepublik Deutschland verhinderte gerichtliche Aufarbeitung ebendieser Verbrechen - 1. September 2009: Österreichs Nationalratspräsidentin Prammer fordert eine 'lückenlose Rehabilitation' der Opfer der NS-Militärjustiz - Opfer der NS-Militärjustiz sind Personen, die von Militärgerichten (einschließlich Feldgerichten und Ersatzgerichten) in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus verurteilt wurden, während des Zweiten Weltkrieges haben Militärrichter etwa 30.000 Todesurteile gefällt
Germany/Palestinian territories relations: World War I 1914-1918 started by the German and Austrian empires - Defeat and dissolution of the Ottoman Empire 1908-1922 - World War II 1939-1945 - The Holocaust, from 1941 to 1945, Jews were targeted and methodically murdered in a genocide by the German Empire
Germany/Papua New Guinea relations: Germany/Papua New Guinea relations
1884-1919 'Kaiser-Wilhelmsland': 'Kaiser-Wilhelmsland' 1884-1919
Germany/Peru relations: Germany/Peru relations
Germany/Poland relations: Germany/Poland relations
Since 1772 Prussian Partition: Since 1772 Prussian Partition
Since 1885 mass deportation of Poles by the German Empire: Since 1885 mass deportation of Poles from territories controlled by the German Empire
Aftermath of the First World War: Aftermath of the First World War
6-8 September 1939 Battle of Lódz during the German invasion of ill prepared Poland after French and British pressure not to mobilize: 6-8 September 1939 Battle of Lódz during the German invasion of Poland, fought between the armies of Poland and Nazi Germany in World War II, after reason for Poland's late and insufficient mobilization was pressure from the French and the British not to mobilize, and as since 29 August 1939, when the Poles re—started the mobilization against advice from Paris and London, it was too late - Since 1938 'Western betrayal' (and earlier) concerning the fact that France, the United Kingdom, and sometimes the USA failed to meet their legal, diplomatic, military, and moral obligations with respect to the Czechoslovak and Polish states during the prelude to and aftermath of World War II, also sometimes referring to the treatment of other Central and Eastern European states at the time, enabling World War II that lasted from 1939 to 1945, the Holocaust by Nazi Germany and in German-occupied Europe, and the August 1945 atomic bombings forcing Japanese war criminals to surrender
1940 German mass murder 'Außerordentliche Befriedungsaktion' in Poland: 1940 German 'Außerordentliche Befriedungsaktion' in Poland, a second stage of the Nazi German campaign of violence and mass murder during World War II aimed to eliminate the intellectuals and the upper classes of Polish society across the territories slated for eventual annexation, as most of the killings were arranged in a form of mass disappearances from multiple cities and towns upon the German arrival, and in the spring and summer of 1940, more than 30,000 Poles were arrested by the Nazi authorities in German-occupied central Poland, about 7,000 of them including community leaders, professors, teachers and priests were subsequently massacred secretly at various locations including at the Palmiry forest, the others were sent to German concentration camps
January/February 2018: 27 January 2018: Amid escalating tensions between Israel and Poland over a new bill passed in the lower house of Poland’s parliament, which would outlaw blaming Poles for crimes of the Holocaust, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center Yad Vashem said that 'while the term 'Polish death camps' is a historical misrepresentation', new Polish legislation may 'blur historical truths' on the help Germans received from Poles in Holocaust - 18 February 2018: Netanyahu slams Holocaust remark by Polish PM in Munich, who said - questioned by journalist Ronen Bergman who told of his mother's narrow escape from the Gestapo in Poland after learning that neighbours were planning to denounce them - that the Holocaust had involved 'Jewish perpetrators' as well as Polish, as the audience at the Munich Security Conference stayed quiet, according to Haaretz correspondent Noa Landau - 18 February 2018: Polish PM Morawiecki drew fresh criticism for paying his respects at the grave of Polish fighters who collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II, hours after sparking outrage for claiming that Jews were involved in perpetrating the Holocaust
27 January 2020 Holocaust survivors gather at the former German Auschwitz death camp: 27 January 2020: 75 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, Holocaust survivors gather at the former German Nazi death camp to honor its over 1.1 million mostly Jewish victims and to share their testimony as a stark warning amid a recent surge of anti-Semitic attacks on both sides of the Atlantic and especially fresh concerns over anti-Semitism in Europe, after war criminal Novichok-Putin, falsely accusing Poland of colluding with German Nazi dictator Hitler and contributing to the outbreak of World War II, spoke in Jerusalem on 23 January, and as Germany since 1961 refuses to rename Nazi general Erwin Rommel barracks in Augustdorf, continuing Nazi propaganda, misleading and indoctrinating young people and generations, as neo-Nazis and AfD since 2015 got stronger in Germany and elsewhere
Germany/Portugal relations: Germany/Portugal relations
Germany/Romania relations: Germany/Romania relations
History of the Jews in Romania and the Holocaust: History of the Jews in Romania and the Holocaust in Romania - June 1941 Iasi pogrom
Germany/Russia relations: Germany/Russia relations
17 July 1944: 17 July 1944 Red Army reaches the Russian border, as some of the 57,000 German PoWs march through the streets of Moscow to demonstrate the success of the Red Army, amongst those captured 19 German Hitler-generals, before symbolically cleaning the streets afterwards - July 1944 Field Marshal von Rundstedt, at the time Commander-in-Chief in the West, had told Fuhrer HQ that it was 'time to make peace’ and Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, injured on the 17th July thanks to resistance against Nazi-Germany, sent his last report on the battle in France - Since 1941 German war crimes in the East under Field Marshal von Rundstedt's command, as Army Group South actively participated in the policies outlined in the Hunger Plan, the Nazi racial starvation policy, by 'living off the land', denying food supplies to Soviet prisoners of war and civilians, and as Rundstedt shared the general German Army prejudice against the 'Ostjuden', and killings took place with the knowledge and support of the German Army
Resistance movement against the Axis occupation of the Soviet Union during World War II: Soviet partisans, resistance movement that fought a guerrilla war against the Axis occupation of the Soviet Union during World War II
2014: 14 March: Germany warns Putin regime of further EU sanctions if it doesn't step back in its intervention in Ukraine - 14 April 2014: Senior French and German officials have warned that the surge in nationalism fueling the crisis in Ukraine, where separatists in the East are seeking to join Russia, echoes the ideas that led to World War I - 27 April: A German-led eight-member group of OSCE military observers accused of being NATO spies by Ponomarev, the self-proclaimed 'people's mayor' of Slovyansk, remains in captivity - 28 April 2014: Violating international law, Russian television shows three captured Ukrainian security guards bloodied, blindfolded, stripped of their trousers and shoes, their arms bound with packing tape in Slovyansk, where OSCE observers are also being held - 29 April: The German government has sought to distance itself from the country's former chancellor Gerhard Schroeder after he was reported to have partied with Russia's Putin despite tension over the crisis in Ukraine - 13 October 2014: Chancellor Merkel refuses to meet with Putin 'given the escalation of the crisis in Ukraine', after a number of non-governmental organizations called on the German government to give up its participation in consultations with Putin
2015: 9 May 2015: The international boycott of the parade on 9 May in Russia has occurred due to the world support of Ukraine, against which Russia started an undeclared war, Ukraine's Poroshenko says, as Russian regime shows its military equipment in Moscow - 11/12 May 2015: 'We need to seek to secure Ukraine's territorial integrity', German PM Angela Merkel says in Moscow, adding that local elections in Donbas should help Kyiv restore control over border, urging Russian regime and Russian-backed separatists to let Ukrainian aid in Donbas, and explaining that 'due to the criminal and illegal, under international law, annexation of Crimea and the military conflicts in eastern Ukraine' cooperation between NATO and Russia has suffered a serious setback - 12 May: German PM Merkel's remark on Russian 'criminal' annexation of Crimea omitted in Russian translation in Moscow
2016: 24 April: Nearly half of Germans in favour of sanctions against Russia and 64% of respondents of a survey say 'Putin's Russia is no longer a 'trusted partner' - 16 June 2016: Mob of Russian 'ultras' put Spanish football fan in hospital in Germany, punching and kicking two tourists and their friends in an 'extremely aggressive and brutal' way - 22/23 June 2016: 75 years after Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, Ukraine's intelligence reports dozens of flights of Russian assault and reconnaissance drones, as Russian-backed separatist forces launched 46 attacks on Ukrainian troops in eastern Ukraine killing one Ukrainian soldier and injuring eleven overnight - 30 August 2016: As Russian regime's brutality in Syria and Ukraine continues and escalates, Germany's Merkel says 'I'm interested in lifting sanctions from Russia' - 20 October 2016: As French president Hollande uses the phrase 'war crimes', France and Germany allege to press Russian Putin regime to extend a pause in air strikes in Syria and halt the 'criminal' bombardment of civilians, Reuters reports
2014-2018 First World War centenary: First World War centenary 2014-2018 - World War I memorials
Since August 2019 assassination of Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in Berlin and search for assassins: 23 August 2019 assassination of Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in Berlin and international search for Khangoshvili's assassins - 30 August 2019: Similar to the Skripal case, suspected assassin 'Vadim Andreevich Sokolov' in the Berlin killing of Zelimkhan Khangoshvili used fake identity documents, a valid Moscow-issued passport and cover identity, created very recently and most likely custom-made for the specific operation in Berlin, leading to the possibilities that he may have been assassinated in an operation led by either of the FSB, the GRU or even Ramzan Kadyrov’s apparatus, Bellingcat says - 3 September 2019: Suspected assassin 'Vadim Sokolov' visited by Russian diplomats - 4 September 2019: Protesters demonstrate outside the Russian embassy in Berlin against the suspected assassination of Chechen Khangoshvili, as British historian and specialist in Russian Intelligence Services Mark Galeotti sees parallels between this case and the attack on Skripal in the UK, saying that the new case is 'probably an assassination choreographed by state elements in Russia'
Germany/Saudi-Arabia relations: Germany/Saudi-Arabia relations
Germany/Senegal relations: Germany/Senegal relations
June 1940: Le 7 juin 1940 les assassins de la 7e division blindée allemande sous les ordres d'Erwin Rommel, qui séparent alors les Africains des Européens, exécutent sommairement le capitaine N'Tchoréré, qui refuse d’être considéré comme un 'Untermensch', un 'sous-homme' - 27. Juli 2009: Der Historiker Raffael Scheck beschreibt anhand von Dokumenten, wie Wehrmachtseinheiten innerhalb nur eines Monats, zwischen dem 24. Mai und dem 24. Juni 1940, kurz nach der Kapitulation Frankreichs, mindestens 3.000 schwarze Soldaten Frankreichs ermordeten, obwohl die sich bereits ergeben hatten oder verwundet waren und nicht mehr im Kampf standen - 1940 Execution of prisoners in France by Nazi Germany and by Rommel's 7th Panzer division alongside troops from 5th Panzer division, committing numerous atrocities against French and especially French-African soldiers, Rommel himself ordered the execution of one French officer, who did not have a gun
Since 1940: On 20 June 1940 Senegalese poet, politician, and cultural theorist Léopold Sédar Senghor was taken prisoner by the Germans in la Charité-sur-Loire and finally interned at Front Stalag 230 reserved for colonial troops, German soldiers wanted to execute him and the others the same day they were captured, but they escaped this fate by yelling Vive la France, vive l'Afrique noire!, and after French officer told the soldiers that executing the African prisoners would dishonour the Aryan race - 16 juin 2011: Le poète sénégalais Léopold Sédar Senghor raconte dans un rapport son internement au sein des camps de troupes coloniales de 1940 à 1942 - 21 juin 2011: Le sort des tirailleurs sénégalais pendant la campagne de France en mai-juin 1940, et leur massacre par l'armée régulière allemande
Germany/Slovakia relations: Germany/Slovakia relations
1939-1945 Resistance in German-occupied Czechoslovakia: Resistance in German-occupied Czechoslovakia
History of the Jews in Slovakia, the Slovak Republic 1939-1945 and the Holocaust: History of the Jews in Slovakia - The Slovak Republic and the Holocaust
1944-1946 anti-Jewish violence in Slovakia and Eastern Europe: Anti-Jewish violence in Slovakia and Eastern Europe 1944–46
August-October 1944 Slovak National Uprising: August-October 1944 Slovak National Uprising
Germany/Somalia relations:
Germany/Spain relations: Germany/Spain relations
1936-1939: 1936-1939 German involvement in the Spanish Civil War following the military coup of July 1936 against the Spanish democracy, with German dictator Hitler immediately sending in powerful air and armored units to assist General Franco and fascist Spain
1915 Neutral Swedish ship torpedoed without warning by German submarine: 13 March 1915: First neutral ship Swedish S.S. 'Hanna' torpedoed without warning and sunk by German submarine
Humanitarian efforts during World War II: Sweden's humanitarian efforts during World War II
2011/2012 tax evasion amnesty: 22. September 2011: Amnestie für Steuerbetrüger - neu ausgehandeltes Steuerabkommen mit der Schweiz auf anonymer Grundlage - 30. März 2012: SPD-geführte Bundesländer verweigern die Zustimmung zum Steuerabkommen zwischen Deutschland und der Schweiz - 31 March: Swiss authorities issue arrest warrants for 3 German tax inspectors doing their duty to chase German tax cheats - 1. April: Scharfe Kritik an Schweizer Justizbehörde und ihrer Haftbefehle gegen bundesdeutsche Steuerfahnder wegen deren Einsatz gegen Wirtschaftskriminalität - auch CDU-Finanzminister Schäuble in der Kritik - 11 July: France, Germany tax evasion inquiries target Swiss bank (Credit Suisse and UBS) clients - 11 August: Accusations that Swiss banks (UBS etc.) are helping German citizens dodge taxes grow - 12. August: Vorwurf organisierter Kriminalität Schweizer Banken - 25 September: Efforts by German inspectors to trace tax evader's money in Switzerland are causing tensions between the two nations - 23 November 2012: Germany's upper house rejects deal with Switzerland to tax German assets held in Swiss bank accounts - 12 December 2012: The Swiss-German tax deal designed to regularise the estimated €200bn of undeclared German assets hidden in Swiss bank accounts has finally collapsed
Germany/Syria relations: Germany/Syria relations - Chemical warfare since World War I - Nerve agent 'Sarin' discovered 1938 in Germany by IG Farben
2013: 24 August 2013: Initial Western intelligence finds Assad forces used chemical weapons - 4/5 September: A Hezbollah official has said Bashar al-Assad ordered poison gas attack near Damascus on August 21, according to German spy agency - 17 September: The UN has confirmed that the chemical used in Damascus last month was sarin, one of the most murderous weapons in modern warfare with a deadly history - 18 September 2013: Germany exported 111 tons of chemicals to Syria between 2002 and 2006 that could be used in the production of sarin gas, according to a government document - 1 October: Germany delivered 350 tons of "dual-use" chemicals until 2011 to Syria - 27 December: Three months after the sarin chemical attack on al-Ghouta, in which some 1,500 people died, Dr Ali Abu Emad recalls the day
2015: 23 January: German companies reportedly helped the Syrian Assad regime (father and son Bashar) and Iraqi Saddam regime produce chemical weapons programs - 10 March 2015: A delegation of Syrian women attended the World Conference for Women held in Berlin and organized by the Iranian opposition - 8 June 2015: Despite Western sanctions, Assad's military forces and militias in possession of munitions from Germany, China, Egypt, Russia and USA (including cluster munitions used against many Syrian cities), leaked report claims - 19 June 2015: A hundred years since WW I 70 countries across the planet united in a letter, organized by Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, to express outrage over the Syrian regime's systematic use of barrel bombs and to demand an end to the deadly, indiscriminate attacks - 20 August 2015: Syrian Coalition calls for sit-in in Berlin on 2nd anniversary of Ghouta chemical massacre, to show solidarity with August 2015 Douma massacre victims, to pay homage to the victims of the 2013 Ghouta massacre and to all victims of Assad’s war on the Syrian people, and to decry the international silence and passiveness - 14 September: First Syrians halted minutes after German checks begin enforcing again asylum rules, that had been relaxed for those fleeing brutal civil war - 10 October: Syrian Coalition and the Syrian community in Germany call to join the demonstration in Berlin on 17 October to protest against the Russian invasion of Syria and Putin’s support for the dictator Assad - 19 October 2015: Demonstrations in Berlin to protest against Russia’s aggression on Syria - 3 December 2015: Evidence of oil and food transactions, including items imported from Russia, between the Assad regime and Islamic State terrorists reported by German Foreign Ministry and Syrian officer - 4 December: German parliament backs plan to join USA-led anti-Isis military campaign and to provide support staff and reconnaissance jets, but Germans will not actively engage in combat
2016: 8 February 2016: Germany's Angela Merkel 'horrified' by suffering under Russian airstrikes, deploring casualties as Russia-backed regime advances on Aleppo in what Turkey PM calls 'inhumane attack’ - 13 February 2016: While Western leaders are not criminally responsible for the deaths of 470,000 Syrians so far murdered by the Assad regime since 2011, his helpers from Iran and Hezbollah and the Russian fighter jets bombing from high, it has happened on their watch and to a large degree through their inaction, Israeli newspaper 'Haaretz' says - 23 February 2016: About 4,500 people including 366 civilians were killed over 17 months since the beginning of USA-led coalition airstrikes on Syria - 2 April 2016: Syrian Coalition’s representative to Germany Bassam al-Abdullah calls upon the Friends of the Syrian People Group and sponsors of the political process to deter the Assad regime’s repeated breaches of the ceasefire agreement, especially after the horrible massacre regime forces committed in Deir al-Assafir - 19 April 2016: 'Children of Syria’ traces family from war-torn Aleppo to refuge in Germany
Germany/Tanzania relations: Germany/Tanzania relations
Germany/Thailand relations: Germany/Thailand relations
1939-1945 Axis powers World War II and Thailand's military alliance: 1939-1945 Axis powers World War II and Thailand's military alliance with Japan 1941–1945
Germany/Togo relations:
Germany/Tunisia relations: Tunisia/Germany relations
Germany/Turkey relations: Germany/Turkey relations
Since 2 August 1914 Ottoman–German alliance: Since 2 August 1914 Ottoman–German alliance
On 14 November 1914 Ottoman Empire declares an Islamic holy war on behalf of the Ottoman government, urging his Muslim followers to take up arms against Britain, France, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro in World War I - 1914-1918 German military commanders to the Ottoman Empire during the First World War were Otto Liman von Sanders, Goltz, Kress von Kressenstein, and more, compare the 'League of German Asian Warriors' affiliated to the NSDAP after the Nazi takeover of power in 1933 - 1914-1918 World War I Middle East's combatants were on the one hand the Central Powers, the Ottoman Empire (including Kurds, Persians and some Arab tribes), and on the other hand, the British (with the help of Jews, Greeks, Assyrians and the majority of the Arabs), the Russians and the French from the Allies of World War I, there were five main campaigns, the Sinai and Palestine Campaign 28 January 1915 – 30 October 1918, the Mesopotamian Campaign 6 November 1914 – 14 November 1918, the Caucasus Campaign 24 October 1914 – 30 October 1918, the Persian Campaign December 1914 – October 1918, and the Gallipoli Campaign 25 April 1915 – 9 January 1916
Germany/Ukraine relations: Germany/Ukraine relations
Ukrainian resistance movement, Soviet partisans and Insurgent Army: Soviet partisans in Ukraine - Ukrainian Insurgent Army
2015: 21 March 2015: At least 100 Germans reported fighting alonside Russian-backed militants in east Ukraine - 9 April 2015: Ukrainian Parliament declares May 8 as Remembrance and Reconciliation Day, passing the law on perpetuation of victory over fascism in the WWII of 1939-1945 - 27 April 2015: German government reportedly knew Ukraine flight dangers before MH17 crash in July 2014 - 8 May 2015: Ukrainian PM Arseniy Yatseniuk reminded aggressors about a lesson of the World War II, which ended with Hitler's regime brought before a military tribunal - 8 May 2015: UN's Ban Ki-moon and Ukraine's Poroshenko lay flowers at World War II memorial in Kyiv - 11 May 2015: 'We need to seek to secure Ukraine's territorial integrity', German PM Angela Merkel says in Moscow, adding that local elections in Donbas should help Kyiv restore control over border and urging Russian-backed separatists to let Ukrainian aid in Donbas - 22 June 2015: Ukrainian President Poroshenko lays wreath in Kyiv to mark anniversary of Nazi invasion and in memory of World War II victims - 1 August 2015: Germany shelves Nazi crimes probe of SS-commander Michael Karkoc now living in USA, who commanded a unit in the SS-led Ukrainian Self Defense Legion accused of burning villages filled with women and children, based on wartime documents, testimony from other members of the unit and Karkoc’s own Ukrainian-language memoir - 12 August 2015: Researchers open 'neglected chapter' of Ukraine's Holocaust history, as investigation led by Patrick Desbois reveals that killings in western Ukraine were not carried out using the industrialised methods of Auschwitz and other death camps, but instead Jews were rounded up and shot, one by one, sometimes kicked or beaten to death, and no records were kept - 29 September 2015: Ukraine Babyn Yar massacre anniversary ceremony held near Kyiv, remembering over 100,000 Jews, Roma, Ukrainians and Soviet prisoners of war massacred by German Nazi invaders - 28 October 2015: War veterans and officials mark the expulsion of German Nazi-occupiers on October 28 1944
25/26 June 2019 European corruption: 25 June 2019: Ukrainian president Zelensky is disappointed by PACE's decision to reinstate the voting rights of the Russian regime, saying he 'tried to convince Mr. Macron and Mrs. Merkel that the return of the Russian delegation to the PACE is possible only after Russia fulfills the Assembly's fundamental requirements. It is a pity that our European partners haven't heard us' - 26 June 2019: Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe PACE is reportedly set to lift remaining sanctions from the murderous Russian regime after it became known that PACE committees had considered the question of the powers of Russia's delegation and recommended they should be reinstated with simultaneous cancellation of the remaining restrictions left after the Assembly passed a respective resolution, in order to get regime's contribution to the council’s annual budget, as Ukraine's Iryna Herashchenko said 'money turned out [to be] more important than principles'
Germany/United Kingdom relations: Germany/United Kingdom relations
2014-2018: First World War centenary 2014-2018 - 14 January 2014: Diaries from British soldiers describing life on the frontline during World War I are being published online by the British National Archives - 9 May 2014: Children to mark WWI's 'Christmas Truce' mainly in Flanders 1914, commemorating in UK's schools fraternisation between British, French and German troops in no man's land, seeing weapons set aside, greetings, gifts exchanged and even football matches played - In 1914/1915 events of 'Christmas Truce' were friendly reported in British papers but strongly criticized in Germany - 4 August 2014: Lights across the UK will be extinguished Monday to mark the centenary of the first world war at the end of a day of commemorations for the millions who fell during four years of warfare in Europe
May/June 2019 D-day anniversary: 31 May 2019: As the 75th anniversary of D-day approaches, some of Britain’s handful of surviving Normandy veterans are making their way to France to commemorate the landings, in which 156,000 allied troops launched an audacious attack on the Normandy beaches liberating Europe from Nazism, in June 1944 leaded by Nazi Germany's Gerd von Rundstedt, Erwin Rommel, Leo Geyr von Schweppenburg, Friedrich Dollmann, Hans von Salmuth, Wilhelm Falley - 3 June 2019: Thousands of people are preparing to mark the 75th anniversary of the D-day landings at commemoration events in the UK and France this week, as hundreds of veterans will attend ceremonies to mark one of the main turning points of the second world war and as stories of those who were there on 6 June 1944 are reported by 'The Guardian'
11 July 2020 'the most terrible camp' called Sylt on UK soil constructed by Nazi Germany after June 1940: 11 July 2020: 'The most terrible camp', as after 80 years cruelty of SS site Lager Sylt on UK soil constructed on Alderney after the island was occupied in June 1940 revealed, and as archaeologists publish in-depth survey highlighting the historical importance of the oft-overlooked Lager Sylt, as well as the physical and psychological torture of its inmates, mostly East Europeans and a large contingent of French Jews, as French prisoners dubbed Alderney 'le rocher maudit' underlining the brutality of the wind-swept, sea-beaten and remote island with a prewar civilian population of 1,400 people evacuated by Britain when, deeming them too difficult to defend, it pulled out of the Channel Islands after the fall of France in June 1940 - Since June 1940 history of Alderney during World War II and German occupation - Since January 1942 'Lager Sylt' Nazi concentration camp on Alderney on the British Channel Islands, built along with three other labour camps by the Organisation Todt, as the control of Lager Sylt changed since 1943 when it was run by the Schutzstaffel SS-Baubrigade 1 becoming a subcamp of the Neuengamme concentration camp located in Hamburg - 'Lager Norderney' Nazi concentration camp on Alderney, in the Channel Islands, named after the East Frisian island of Norderney, housing European (usually Eastern but including Republican Spaniards) and Russian enforced labourers, as prisoners in Lager Sylt were also slave labourers
Germany/USA relations: Germany/USA relations
1933/1998/2007: From 1931 to 1945 in the Brown House in Munich, funds for renovation of this NSDAP party headquarters provided by industrialist Fritz Thyssen, Hitler kept a life-size portrait of Henry Ford next to his desk, since Ford and Adolf Hitler admired each other's achievements - In July 1938 Henry Ford received the highest medal Nazi Germany could bestow on a foreigner, and James D. Mooney, vice-president of overseas operations for General Motors, received a similar medal - 30 November 1998: Major USA car companies Ford and General Motors scrutinized for alleged Nazi collaboration over their business dealings with Nazi Germany, embroiled in a debate that 'GM was an integral part of the German war effort' - 30 November 2006: How General Motors helped jump-start the Third Reich’s military machine - 5 May 2007: Hitler’s carmaker - the inside story of how General Motors helped mobilize the Third Reich
2013: 19 June 2013: Obama's arrival in Berlin, calling in his speech at Brandenburg Gate for a one-third reduction of the United States' and Russia's nuclear stockpiles - 17 July 2013: German military reportedly knew about US surveillance programme - 21 July: Germany's two main intelligence services reportedly used NSA programme to spy on citizens - 3 August: German intelligence agency BND providing the National Security Agency of the USA with vast amounts of data about the telecommunications information it has obtained - 17 October: The US Federal Reserve orders German Commerzbank to fix money-laundering measures - 23 October: Obama tells Merkel US is not monitoring her communications but did not deny reports that US intelligence in the past have listened to calls of Angela Merkel - 25 October 2013: Action wanted from US President Barack Obama, not just apologetic words, Angela Merkel says after EU talks dominated by allegations that the NSA had accessed tens of thousands of French phone records and monitored Angela Merkel's mobile phone - 27 October 2013: Since 2002 War-Merkel's phone reportedly tracked by US - 31 October: German MP Hans-Christian Stroebele meets Edward Snowden in Moscow and says, he is willing to come to Germany to assist investigations into US surveillance
2014: 19 June 2014: Suspected SS guard J. Breyer arrested in the USA for the alleged murders of hundreds of thousands of Jewish men, women and children during World War II - 4 July: An employee of Germany's BND arrested on suspicion of spying for the USA - 4 July: Germany summons USA ambassador over spy allegations - 6 July: Former NSA employee Thomas Drake described the German spy agency BND as an 'appendage' of the NSA - 10 July: Germany told the CIA station chief in Berlin to leave country - 16 August: German BND spied on John Kerry and Hillary Clinton - 3. Oktober: BND leitete jahrelang Daten auch deutscher Staatsbürger an NSA weiter, nach Unterlagen zwischen 2004-2008
2015: 3 May 2015: German PM Merkel joins Holocaust survivors to mark the liberation of Nazi concentration camp in Dachau by USA soldiers 70 years ago, thanking the camp's survivors for their work in telling their eyewitness stories of the horrors they experienced - 27. Januar 2012: Um als Zeitzeuge bei Schulbesuchen über seine persönliche Erinnerung an die NS-Zeit zu berichten, reist Abba Naor jedes Jahr nach Deutschland, da er - nachdem er in München auf der Polizeiwache in der Ettstraße einen deutschen Polizisten wiedererkannt hatte, der als Wachmann im Ghetto Kaunas Juden Flaschen auf die Köpfe gestellt hatte, um sie herunterzuschießen - heute in Israel lebt - 4 May 2015: German PM Merkel defends German intelligence cooperation with USA spy agency, also claiming once more that it is not acceptable for friendly nations to spy on each other and promising that her office will provide 'full details' about intelligence cooperation - 7 May 2015: German secret service BND reduces cooperation with NSA after NSA fails to provide clear reasons for each request for surveillance of individuals or organisations - 27 May 2015: Hundreds attend interfaith service at pork-desecrated Holocaust memorial in Boston - 31 May 2015: Nazis collected over $20m in social security benefits from USA, official report says - 2 July: Germany summons USA ambassador after WikiLeaks publishes what it says is evidence of NSA eavesdropping on ministers - 8. Juli 2015: NSA hörte laut Wiki-Leaks Regierungsumfeld von Kohl bis Merkel schon seit den 1990er-Jahren ab - 16 July 2015: SS officer Oskar Gröning escaped prosecution in Britain nearly 70 years ago because of the USA’s desire, according to newly discovered UNWCC documents also revealing that the entire judicial process against Germans accused of committing war crimes was closed down after political intervention from above
Germany/Vietnam relations: Germany/Vietnam relations

Vgl. Revolutionen (und Befreiungsbewegungen) von 1917, 1918 und folgende u.a. in: Spanien, Cuba, Chile, in China, Korea, Vietnam etc.

In der sog. DDR mit ihrer Gründung im "Kalten Krieg" (und 1953), in Ungarn (und 1956), in der Tschechoslowakei (und 1968), in Polen etc.

Weiter zum Kapitel: Oktoberrevolution 1917 in Rußland, Novemberrevolution 1918 in Deutschland

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Weiter zum Artikel: Der Gazakrieg 2008/2009 ist eine Krise Europas und Deutschlands

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