Since 1970 Russia supporting Assad's dictatorship (father and son): Russia/Syria relations - since 1971 military, economic and political cooperation and support, Russia became Syria's main arms supplier - April 1981 Hama massacre - February 1982 Hama massacre, 10,000–40,000 Syrian citizens murdered by the Assad regime - Russian involvement in the Assad regime's war against the Syrian people since 2011 - 19. März 2012: Stark gestiegene Waffenimporte aus Rußland - 10 June 2012: Russia will continue to oppose attempts by the UN Security Council to sanction military intervention in Syria, FM Lavrov says - 11 July 2012: Russia sends a large flotilla of 11 warships to Syria in show of support to Assad - 24 August 2012: Russian regime says Assad regime has guaranteed it will not deploy its arsenal of chemical weapons - 13 février 2013: La Russie continuera de livrer des armes à la Syrie - 17 May 2013: USA general Dempsey says the new Russian shipment of modern Yakhont missiles to Assad will prolong the conflict, as rights group finds new evidence of arbitrary detention and torture by Assad's forces

Since 2011 Iranian support for Assad regime's war against the Syrian people: Since 2011 Iranian support for Assad regime's war against the Syrian people perpetuating the dictatorship

Since 2011 Hezbollah's involvement in the Assad regime's war against the Syrian people Terrorist organization Hezbollah's involvement in the Assad regime's war against the Syrian people since 2011

January–April 2011: January–April 2011 timeline of Assad's war against the Syrian people, after protests began in Syria as early as 26 January 2011, erupted on 15 March 2011 with a 'Day of Rage' protest and after Assad regime's reaction to the protests became violent on 16 March and deadly on 18 March, when unarmed protesters were killed in Daraa - Background of Assad's war against the Syrian people since March 2011
15 March 2011 demonstrations across Syria calling for democratic reforms, the beginning of the 'Syrian revolution' in Daraa: On Tuesday 15 March 2011 - dubbed 'day of rage' by activists - hundreds staged protests in Damascus and Aleppo, calling for democratic reforms. Simultaneous demonstrations took place in major cities across Syria. Thousands of protestors gathered in al-Hasakah, Daraa, Deir ez-Zor, and Hama. There were some clashes with security, according to reports from dissident groups. In Damascus, a smaller group of 200 men grew spontaneously to about 1,500 men. Damascus has not seen such uprising since the 1980s. The official Facebook page called 'Syrian Revolution 2011' showed pictures of supportive demonstrations in Cairo, Nicosia, Helsinki, Istanbul, Berlin, and a reportedly storming of the Syrian Embassy in Paris. Recently released Suhair Atassi, became an unofficial spokesperson for the 'Syrian revolution', when she was interviewed by dozens of Arab and international media channels regarding the uprising. There were reports of 6 arrested in Damascus. Atassi paid tribute to 'the Syrian people who took the initiative ahead of the opposition', recalling the popular uprisings that shook Tunisia and Egypt, as after the first day of the uprising there were reports about approximately 3000 arrests and a few 'martyrs', but there are no official figures on the number of deaths - 10 June 2011: Al-Balad neighborhood in the historic district of Dara'a has become the ghetto of death. Since the end of March, it's been on permanent lockdown, surrounded by the Syrian army. From rooftops and balconies, soldiers shoot those who try to get into or out of the neighborhood. Dara'a is the hotbed of the Syrian uprising, al-Balad its core. It was in this poor neighborhood that the 'Syrian spring' came to life on March 16. People rose out of indignation and anger after the military police tortured a dozen teenagers caught painting graffiti imitating the Egyptian revolution that read 'The people want the regime to fall'.
18 March 2011 deadly protest in Daraa city: 18. März 2011: Assads Polizei hat in der im Süden gelegenen Stadt Daraa auf friedliche Demonstranten gefeuert, fünf getötet und Hunderte verwundet, von denen viele von Assads Schergen wieder aus dem Krankenhaus geholt und an einen unbekannten Ort gebracht wurden
15/16 March 2011: 15 March 2011: Pro-democracy protests in Syria appear to have started as a group of 200 mostly young protesters gathered in the Syrian capital Damascus to demand reforms and the ouster of Bashar al-Assad, as social media garner thousands of supporters, and after an independent Syrian MP from Aleppo on 11 March called for review of harsh emergency laws - 16. März 2011: Menschenrechts-Demonstration von Verwandten politischer Häftlinge in Damaskus mit Gewalt aufgelöst
18 March 2011: 18. März 2011: Assads Polizei hat in der im Süden gelegenen Stadt Daraa auf friedliche Demonstranten gefeuert, fünf getötet und Hunderte verwundet, von denen viele von Assads Schergen wieder aus dem Krankenhaus geholt und an einen unbekannten Ort gebracht wurden
28 April 2011: 28. April 2011: UN uneins gegen Assad
May-August 2011: May-August 2011 timeline of Assad's war against the Syrian people
6 May 2011 – 9 May 2014: Siege of Homs, a series of military operations being conducted by Assad's military 6 May 2011 – 9 May 2014
4 June 2011: 4. Juni 2011: Blutbad im syrischen Hama
9 June 2011: 9 June 2011: European nations demand UN resolution condemning Syria's violent actions
3 July 2011 – 4 August 2011: Siege of Hama 3 July 2011 – 4 August 2011
3 August 2011: 3. August 2011: Keine UN-Resolution zu Syrien - China, Indien und Rußland blockieren
Since 2011: List of vetoed UN Security Council resolutions on Syria, vetoed by Russia and China since 2011
Since 2011: 7 February 2017: Syrian Assad regime killed at least 13,000 people since the start of the 2011 uprising in mass hangings at Saydnaya prison north of Damascus known to detainees as 'the slaughterhouse', according to Amnesty International, saying in a report that 20-50 people killed each week in 2011-2015 under authorization of senior Syrian officials as part of an extermination policy
September-December 2011: September-December 2011 timeline of Assad's war against the Syrian people
4 September 2011: 4 September 2011: Syrian pro-democracy activists say at least 13 people have been killed in anti-government protests, as Assad forces surrounded hospitals 'to prevent the wounded from being brought in for treatment, according to the LCC
8 September 2011: 8 September 2011: At least 34 people, mainly in Homs were killed Wednesday in Assad's swoops, as at least three defectors from the Syrian Army were killed and two others detained by Assad forces in the north-eastern region of Jabal al-Zawiya
9 September 2011: 9 September 2011: More deaths reported as Syrian demonstrators call for international protection
11 September 2011: 11 September 2011: Assad forces stepped up raids across the country to arrest activists on Sunday after one of the bloodiest weeks in the six-month uprising against his dictatorship
January-April 2012: January-April 2012 timeline of Assad's war against the Syrian people
19 March 2012: 19 March 2012: Secret papers prepared for Assad by intelligence and security chiefs throw light on his strategy to quell protests - 19 March 2012: Syrian survivors tell of Idlib massacre after their wounded were shot and their dead defiled
May-August 2012: May-August 2012 timeline of Assad's war against the Syrian people
25 May 2012: Houla massacre 25 May 2012 - 27 May 2012: The UN Security Council condemns the killings, confirmed by United Nations observers, of dozens of men, women and children and the wounding of hundreds more in the village of El-Houleh in attacks that involved a series of government artillery and tank shellings on a residential neighbourhood - 1 June 2012: Journalists reconstruct the events of 25 May in interviews with survivors of the Houla massacre, which reveal the full story of the bloody horror that left more than 100 Syrians dead
6 June 2012: Al-Qubeir massacre in the small village of Al-Qubeir near Hama on 6 June 2012
September-December 2012: September-December 2012 timeline of Assad's war against the Syrian people
6 September 2012: 6. September 2012: Ban Ki Moon kritisiert den Sicherheitsrat der UN wegen Untätigkeit und Versagen im Syrien-Konflikt
27 September 2012: 27 September 2012: UN Assembly remains divided over Syria - ongoing support of Assad's crimes by Russia
17 October 2012 - March 2015: Since 17 October 2012 use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Civil War, many attacks confirmed by the United Nations
January-April 2013: January-April 2013 timeline of Assad's war against the Syrian people
2 January 2013: 2 January 2013: At least 30 people killed as Assad warplanes bomb gas station near Damascus
May-December 2013: May-December 2013 timeline of Assad's war against the Syrian people
16 May 2013: 16 May 2013: USA President Obama says the US has seen evidence of chemical weapons being used in Syria, after talks with Turkey's PM Erdogan
27 May 2013: 27 May 2013: 'Extremely concerned' over Lebanese terror group’s role in Qusair fighting UN's Ban Ki-moon condemns Hezbollah over Syria involvement
14 June 2013: 14 June 2013: USA says the Assad regime has used lethal nerve gas Sarin against opposition forces
22 August 2013: 22 August 2013: UN holds emergency meeting on Syria chemical attack outside Damascus, confirmed by videos, witness accounts and testimonies by emergency medics
25 August 2013: 25 August 2013: Medecins Sans Frontieres says around 3,600 patients displaying 'neurotoxic symptoms' had flooded into three Syrian hospitals on the day of the attacks, and 355 of them died
30 August 2013: 30 August 2013: At least ten teenagers have been killed by an incendiary bomb dropped by a fighter jet on a school playground in northern Syria - 30 August 2013: Secretary of State John Kerry said there is 'clear' and 'compelling' evidence that the Assad regime used poison gas against its citizens, adding that more than 1,400 people were killed, including more than 400 children
4/5 September 2013: 4/5 September 2013: A Hezbollah official has said Bashar al-Assad ordered poison gas attack near Damascus on August 21, according to German spy agency
16 September 2013: UN report on the use of chemical weapons in the Ghouta Area of Damascus on 21 August 2013
18/30 September 2013: 18 September 2013: Germany exported 111 tons of chemicals to Syria between 2002 and 2006 that could be used in the production of sarin gas, according to a government document - 30 September 2013: Germany delivered 350 tons of "dual-use" chemicals until 2011 to Syria
26 September 2013: 26 September 2013: Poor and desperate, Syrian refugees beg on Yemen's streets
3 December 2013: 3 December 2013: Evidence has been uncovered in Syria that implicates Bashar al-Assad and his administration in war crimes and crimes against humanity, UN human rights official says
January–July 2014: January–July 2014 timeline of Assad's war against the Syrian people
9 January 2014: 9 January 2014: Russia blocked a British-drafted UN Security Council statement condemning the Assad regime attacks on the city of Aleppo and the use of missiles and barrel bombs, that killed hundreds of people
17 January 2014: 17 January 2014: Assad regime’s helicopters dropped barrel bombs on the Palestinian refugee camp Yarmouk, reportedly killing at least 9 people and wounding many
8 February 2014: 8 February 2014: New aerial bombardment from Assad's explosives-packed barrel bombs in Aleppo killed at least 20 people on Saturday
1 April 2014: 1 April 2014: At least 1,50,000 people have been killed in Syria's three-year-old civil war, one third of them being civilians, SOHR says
14 April 2014: 14 April 2014: After Assad's war in three years has left 5.5 million children in need of urgent support, Unicef says that Syria's children need guaranteed funding to prevent a 'lost generation'
12 July 2014: 12 July 2014: Follow all the latest updates on Israel's efforts to extinguish rocket fire from the Gaza Strip and Lebanon
24/25 July 2014: 24 July 2014: Two civilians killed in air strikes on Barada Valley rural Damascus, more victims in similar attacks on Douma and on Sarghaiya road - 24 July 2014: Seven civilians, including three children, killed by barrel bomb attacks on Jassem, Dara’a - 25 July 2014: A seven-member family were killed in barrel bomb attacks on Al Bab in rural Aleppo, while four children were killed in similar attacks on Deir hafer
1 August 2014: 1 August 2014: At least 17 civilians killed and dozens injured in Assad’s artillery shelling on Douma near Damascus, while regime forces launched an arrest campaign in Rankous in rural Damascus
2 August 2014: 2 August 2014: Syrian Coalition demands the release of 150,000 detainees in Assad’s prisons
4/5 August 2014: 4 August 2014: Regime forces carried out artillery shelling on Duma near Damascus, killing and injuring a number of civilians, as five civilians reportedly killed in air raids on the town of Taiyanna in rural Deir Ezzor
10 August 2014: 10 August 2014: At least 13 civilians killed in Aleppo yesterday, including women and children, as Assad regime continues its brutal barrel bomb campaign - 10 August 2014: Opposition forces reportedly advance on Damascus airport - 10 August 2014: First batch of UN relief aid enters Dara’a
10 August 2014: 10 August 2014: Israeli government says no negotiations under fire as rocket fire on Israel continues, as Hamas says it will quit Cairo and Gazans in addition to hundreds of victims, destruction and unemployment struggle with rising prices
12 August 2014: 12 August 2014: Intensified Assad air raids on Mleiha, East Ghouta and ongoing barrel bombs carnage in Aleppo
13 August 2014: 13 August 2014: Rebels clashed with regime forces near Aydoun in rural Hama, alongside tank shelling on the villages of Tilool al-Humr, Nizazah and Aydoun and Assad air raids on Al Zwar and Kafr Zeita northwest of Hama
15 August 2014: 15 August 2014: Twenty civilians killed in Assad air raid on Deir al-Asafir near Damascus, two children killed in artillery shelling on Samad in Rural Dara’a
19 August 2014: 19 August 2014: Three civilians killed in Assad artillery shelling on Douma near Damascus, more deadly barrel bomb attacks and air raids reported
8 September 2014: 8 September 2014: Children killed, many others injured in Assad air raids on Deir Ezzor and on Sbeikhan and more civilians killed in barrel bomb attacks on Taybet al-Imam, Hama
10/11 September 2014: 10 September 2014: 18 civilians, mostly women and children, killed and dozens injured in air raids on Douma in rural Damascus and four civilians killed and many others injured in air raids on rural Idlib - 11 September 2014: 19 civilians reportedly killed and dozens wounded in Assad's aerial bombardment on eastern rural Aleppo, the Syrian Interim Government condemns the regime forces’ bombing of Al Taqwa Hospital in the district of Al Hajar al-Aswad in Damascus
13/14 September 2014: 13 September 2014: Death toll of Assad air raids on Douma rises to 70, civilians killed in a rocket attack on Ain Tarma, in air raids on rural Idlib, in artillery shelling on Baftamoun, in aerial shelling on Al Bab northeast of Aleppo - 14 September 2014: Nine civilians killed and dozens injured on air raids on the district of Douma, alongside air strikes on Ain Tarma and East Ghouta
16/17 September 2014: 16 September 2014: Aerial shelling on rural Hama displace 6,000 people, killing seven civilians in rural Deir Ezzor and six children and a woman in rural Latakia - 17 September 2014: 11 civilians killed in a barrel bomb attack on Aleppo and 16 civilians killed and dozens wounded in a barrel bomb attack on Talbeesah north of Homs
19/20/21 September 2014: 19 September 2014: More attacks and ongoing massacres in Douma by Assad’s air force, pro-Assad militants committed a new massacre using knives against 13 civilians in Dimo west of Hama, while 22 others were injured, including women and children - 20 September 2014: The death toll resulting from the barrel bomb attacks on a bakery in Al Bab northeast of Aleppo has risen to 51 killed and more than 80 wounded - 21 September 2014: Five civilians killed in barrel bomb attacks on the district of Ard al-Hamra in Aleppo and dozens killed in aerial shelling on rural Idlib
23/24/25 September 2014: 23 September 2014: Five civilians killed, including three children, and many others wounded in mortar attack on Al Sabeel in Dara’a, barrel bomb attacks on the demilitarized zone in Quneitra - 24 September 2014: 10 civilians killed and 15 others wounded in Assad's air raids in rural Idlib, 10 civilians killed and many more wounded, mostly children and women, in air raids on Hammouriya in East Ghouta - 25 September 2014: The Syrian Coalition condemns the Assad regime’s use of toxic gases in Adra near Damascus, reiterating calls on the international coalition to conduct military strikes against the Assad regime’s strongholds and ISIS alike
28/29 September 2014: 28 September 2014: Seven civilians killed and many others wounded in barrel bomb attacks on Rastan north of Homs - 29 September 2014: Assad forces reportedly targeted the Takaya Street in Deir Ezzor with the toxic chlorine gas alongside intense deadly artillery shelling on the outskirts of the city and on Juneina, renewed barrel bomb attacks on Daraya - 29 September 2014: Assad's army bombs areas in Aleppo province with barrel bombs and other projectiles and has carried out air strikes in Hama
1 October 2014: 1 October 2014: Intensified shelling on Ayn al-Arab/Kobani by ISIS terrorists, who are besieging the town from three sides while Turkish forces are watching
2 October 2014: 2 October 2014: 20 people, including 10 children, reportedly killed and 40 more injured in a double car bomb explosion near a school in Homs - 2 October: Fighting intensifies near Kurdish town of Kobane in Syria as ISIS terrorists advance
3 October 2014: 3 October 2014: Syrian Kurds plea for help defending Kobani from Isis advance
4 October 2014: 4 October 2014: 115 Syrians killed under torture in Assad’s jails in September - 4 October 2014: Syrian Coalition warns of war crimes in Ayn al-Arab/Kobani by 'Islamic State' terrorists, using the same tactics applied by the Assad regime to storm the towns and villages after heavy random bombardment
7 October 2014: 7 October 2014: Rights group says it has documented 25 massacres committed by Assad regime forces backed by sectarian militias such as Hezbollah and Abou El Fadl Abbas militias against civilians in September
11 October 2014: 11 October 2014: At least 18 civilians reportedly killed and dozens wounded in Assad barrel bomb attacks and rocket shelling on Al Harra in rural Dara’a and approximately 500 civilians, mostly women and children, arrested by regime forces in the village of Sefat north of Aleppo
12 October 2014: 12 October 2014: Rights group says, it had documented at least 83 attacks carried by regime forces using cluster munitions between January and September 2014
13 October 2014: 13 October 2014: Syria's Assad air force ramps up strikes in west, taking advantage of USA strikes in the east
16 October 2014: 16 October 2014: Syrian Coalition calls on international anti-IS forces to direct strikes against regime's targets after new state terrorism attacks
17 October 2014: 17 October 2014: Chemical attack on Jobar buoyed by the world’s silence, Syrian Coalition says
22 October 2014: 22 October 2014: As USA attacks Islamic State terrorists, Assad regime steps up assaults on opposition forces
23 October 2014: 23 October 2014: 22 civilians killed in Assad's air raids on Naseeb and Jiza in rural Dara’a
24 October 2014: 24 October 2014: Syrian Network for Human Rights says that it had documented 5,307 civilians shot by snipers of the Assad regime and Hezbollah militias
26 October 2014: 26 October 2014: As Assad forces carry out air raids on Handarat and Bashkwi, killing civilians in aerial bombardment on Al Haidariya, FSA fights against attempts to encircle Aleppo - 26 October 2014: Assad air strikes in the central province of Homs killed at least 25 civilians, 11 of them children, 16 members of a single family were among 18 people killed in raids on Talbisseh
27 October 2014: 27 October 2014: Assad forces’ escalating attacks and indiscriminate shelling on Aleppo and its countryside cause mass displacement of the civilian population - 27 October 2014: Assad’s air force steps up barrel bomb attacks on Dara’a alongside aerial shelling and barrel bomb attacks on Sheikh Misqin, Tafas, Kafr Nasij, Muzeireeb, Yadodeh Um al-Maiazen, Al Taybeh and Kahil
29 October 2014: 29 October 2014: Many reported dead after Assad army drops barrel bombs on displaced persons camp in the northern province of Idlib
30 October 2014: 30 October 2014: UN warns that some of Syria's neighbors are at their 'breaking point', caught between a sense of duty to keep their borders open to refugees and a responsibility to their own citizens
1 November 2014: 1 November 2014: Assad regime committed at least 14 massacre in besieged East Ghouta in September and October that claimed the lives of 274 civilians, including 71 children and 40 women, in addition to leaving 1,150 civilians injured, rights group says
26 November 2014: 26 November 2014: An estimated 12.2 million Syrians need assistance because of increasing violence and deteriorating conditions, UN says
28 November 2014: 28 November 2014: More than 500 people have been killed in 2,000 air strikes across Syria by regime forces over the past 40 days, rights group says - 28 November 2014: The world’s shameful silence emboldens Assad to commit more massacres, Syrian Coalition says after the death of more than 150 civilians in the bombing of Raqqa
30 November 2014: 30 November 2014: Seven civilians reportedly killed and dozens wounded in Assad air raids on Nawa west of Dara’a, six more killed in raids on Inkhil and a child in Dael
1 December 2014: 1 December 2014: 30 civilians killed and nearly 100 wounded in brutal aerial and artillery shelling on a market in the opposition-held town of Jassim - 1 December 2014: More than 1.7 million Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt face food crisis as UN funds dry up
2 December 2014: 2 December 2014: Nazi war criminal Brunner, the unrepentant 'right-hand man' of Adolf Eichmann and wanted for deporting tens of thousands of Jews to death camps, is 'almost certain' to have died in Syria, where he was protected by successive regimes, four years ago, Simon Wiesenthal Centre says - 2 December 2014: Medic Umm Abdu has lost her husband and a son to the war in Syria, but the pistol-wearing woman refuses to abandon her embattled city Aleppo saying 'hell is never far away'
3 December 2014: 3 December 2014: Rights group documents 31 massacres committed by pro-Assad forces in November 2014
18 December 2014: 18 December 2014: Infuriated by losses in Idlib, the Assad regime has escalated indiscriminate shelling in rural Idlib and near Homs - 18 December 2014: Assad’s air force targets two hospitals in the provinces of Deir Ezzor and Idlib, killing dozens of people
17/19 December 2014: 17/19 December 2014: Syrian regime detained at least 215,000 Syrians since the beginning of the uprising against Assad, now in its fourth year, according to Syrian Network for Human Rights, which is urging the ICC to mount prosecutions for crimes against humanity
19 December 2014: 19 December 2014: SOHR documented 2973 air strikes by regime warplanes and helicopters since 20 October 2014 targeting areas in Damascus, Dar’aa Aleppo, Idlib, Reef Dimashq, al-Quneitra, Homs, Hama, Der-Ezzor, Lattakia, al-Hasakah
24 December 2014: 24 December 2014: An Assad's warplane targeted a civilian bus near Saraqib in rural Idlib, killing four children and injuring ten more
25 December 2014: 25 December 2014: Assad’s air force carried out air raids on the city of Al Raqqa, targeting mosques and schools and killing at least 26 people, including many children
26 December 2014: 26 December: At least 45 civilians killed and some 175 wounded when Assad's war planes dropped barrel bombs on residential and industrial areas in the city of al Bab and neighboring Qabaseen, northeast of Aleppo
31 December 2014: 31 December 2014: Regime forces launch new chlorine gas attack on Jobar
1 January 2015: 1 January 2015: Syrian Coalition's Nora Al-Ameer observes hunger strike in solidarity with prisoners in Homs
1 January 2015: 1 January 2015: Syria's war killed 76,021 people in 2014, 33,278 of them civilians, SOHR says
15 January 2015: 15 January 2015: Monitoring groups say that 36 Syrians, including 24 children, died during the past week as a result of the snowstorm hitting the region
16 January 2015: 16 January 2015: Residents of besieged Yarmouk camp send a distress call to the international community to take action
21 January 2015: 21/22 January 2015: At least 27 people were killed and dozens wounded by an Assad regime air raid on the main livestock market in Khansaa as several thousand Bedouin Arab traders and customers had gathered
23 January 2015: 23 January 2015: An Assad air strike on Hamoria, a district in the Eastern Ghouta area near Damascus, killed more than 30 people on Friday
25 January 2015: 25 January 2015: Assad’s air force has stepped up aerial bombardment of areas in Hammouriya in East Ghouta, Douma, in rural Homs, and in rural Aleppo
30 January 2015: 30 January 2015: USA Holocaust Museum displays images of Assad regime mass killings
6 February 2015: 6 February 2015: Assad's air force strikes kill at least 70 people in an opposition district outside Damascus following rocket attack - 6 February 2015: Assad's air force targeted residential areas especially in Douma, Kafr Batna, Arbin, Ain Tarma, Sakba and Zamalka - 6 February 2015: At least 45 civilians, including five children and a paramedic, were killed when an Assad barrel bomb hit a civilian bus in Baedeen district in Aleppo
10 February 2015: 10 February 2015: Russian-backed Assad regime kills over 100 civilians and injures hundreds in a series of brutal attacks on the district of Douma
18 February 2015: Battle of Debaltseve and intensified attacks and seizure by Russian-backed militants after Minsk II ceasefire agreement on 12 February 2015
20 February 2015: 20 February 2015: Assad's warplanes carry out raids on villages in the countryside of Hama and the eastern countryside of Aleppo
23 February 2015: 23 February 2015: Captive regime officers killed and injured in Assad air raids on Douma that targeted their place of detention - 23 February 2015: Assad’s air force has dropped over 5,150 barrel bombs between October 2012 and February 2015, killing about 12,000 people, half of them women and children, according to rights group
24 February 2015: 24 February 2015: Assad’s air force escalated air raids on towns and villages in rural Hama, dropping barrel bombs on Lataminah, Kafr Zeita, Zakat and on the outskirts of Morek, also shelling rural Homs and targeting Um Sharshouh and Ezzedine
25 February 2015: 25 February 2015: Rights group says it has identified nearly 1,500 sites where the Assad regime has carried out indiscriminate air attacks over the past year using barrel bombs and other weapons that have killed or injured thousands of people, the 'key cause of the displacement crisis in Syria'
3 March 2015: 3 March 2015: 74 people, including students and a child, killed under torture in Assad’s prisons in February 2015, rights group says - 3 March 2015: Assad’s helicopters reportedly dropped barrel bombs on the towns of Kafr Zeita, Khan Shaykhun, Al Najiya and Ibtaa’, killing and injuring dozens of civilians
4 March 2015: 4 March 2015: Aleppo’s explosion and the clashes followed it leave 35 deaths, and the shells launched by rebel battalions kill 9 people
8 March 2015: 8 March 2015: Assad regime forces carry out raids on villages in Hama, and seize a village in Homs - 8 March 2015: Assad airstrikes kill at least 10 people near Damascus
9 March 2015: 9 March 2015: Two fighters killed in Homs and two men from Daraa al- Balad tortured to death inside the regime jails after they were arrested about 3 years ago
11 March 2015: 11 March 2015: Three men from al-Zabadani tortured to death inside Assad's jails and barrel bombs dropped on the town of Sayda
12 March 2015: 12 March 2015: Twelve men reportedly killed inside the regime jails in Daraa, and shelling of places in Salma area and clashes in Lattakia kill 50 people
13 March 2015: 13 March 2015: At least four civilians killed by a rocket launched by the regime forces north of Aleppo as fighting in and around Aleppo continues
14 March 2015: 14 March 2015: Nearly 13,000 Syrians tortured to death by Assad regime, 20,000 vanished since beginning of war, according to Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
19 March 2015: 19 March 2015: At least 20 people including women from Daraa and Damascus killed inside Assad's jails as his helicopters drop more barrel bombs on areas in Daraa and Rif Dimashq Provinces - 19 March 2015: UN High Commissioner for Refugees says seven million Syrians are internally displaced as a result of Assad's war against Syrian people, 2.2 million from Rural Damascus, 1.7 million from Aleppo, 1.1 million from Homs, 390,000 from Deir Ezzor, 300,000 from Latakia, 245,000 from Dara’a, 235,000 from Hama and 520,000 from Idlib, Damascus, and Al-Hasakah
20 March 2015: 20 March 2015: At least 15 people were killed and dozens were wounded when Assad regime air forces targeted the mosque of Muntif during Friday prayers in the northern province of Idlib
21 March 2015: 21 March 2015: Regime’s bombardment kills three civilians in Otaya town, warplanes carried out 2 raids on areas of Idlib Province killing five women and a child and wounding dozens, seven people from Deir Ezzor and Daraa tortured to death inside regime jails - 21 March 2015: Regime forces shell Bostan al-Qaser, killing a man, his wife and their 2 children while other people were wounded
23 March 2015: 23 March 2015: Assad's helicopters dropped barrel bombs on places in the town of Ma’raba - 23 March 2015: Assad regime forces reportedly behead two fighters and publish photos of the two heads on WhatsApp - 23 March 2015: A defected member of Assad’s forces has recounted more horrifying testimonies of the Assad regime’s killing of detainees by torture - 23 March 2015: Assad's warplanes attacked areas in Al-Hasakah Province, warplanes carried out a raid on the public square in Deir Ezzor and helicopters dropped barrel bombs on places in the Covered Market, al-Baath Bridge and the Municipal Complex in the city of Deir Ezzor - 23 March 2015: Assad's warplanes strike areas in the countryside of Hama - 23 March 2015: Assad's barrel bombs kill five brothers children in the town of Tafas in Daraa
25 March 2015: 25 March 2015: Regime forces shelled places in Deir Ezzor - 25 March 2015: Regime forces shelled places in the east of Hama, warplanes carried out a raid and helicopters dropped barrel bombs in the eastern countryside of Hama - 25 March 2015: Assad regime's helicopters drop barrel bombs loaded with chlorine gas on Binnish near Idlib, and conducted seven attacks using chlorine gas in less than 20 days since the adoption of UN Security Council resolution 2209 without any prosecution by UN Security Council, Syrian Coalition says
26/27 March 2015: 26/27 March 2015: Assad regime forces attacked Sarmin in rural Idlib with poisonous chlorine gas again, committed a massacre in Dara’a where at least 15 civilians were killed and dozens wounded in aerial shelling and dropped more barrel bombs in Daraa Province
27 March 2015: 27 March 2015: OPCW to investigate Assad’s chlorine gas attack on Sarmin that killed six and wounded dozens earlier this month
28 March 2015: 28 March 2015: Assad regime forces bombarded areas and his helicopters dropped barrel bombs on places in Daraa Province
31 March 2015: 31 March 2015: Heavy damage inflicted on Idlib civilian hospital by Assad regime bombing, killing four people, after rebels take the province of Idlib - 31 March 2015: Following the defeat of Assad regime in Idlib by opposition groups, regime forces retaliated in Idlib and Dara’a, killing over 50 civilians by indiscriminate shelling
2 April 2015: 2 April 2015: Assad's helicopters dropped barrel bombs on neighborhoods in Aleppo, on areas and places in the province of Idlib and in the province of Daraa - 2 April 2015: Although widely supported amongst the Syrian Christian community prior to the revolution, Assad regime forces purportedly tortured Christians inside security facilities, rights group says - 2 April 2015: The Syrian Human Rights Committee confirmed three Palestinian sisters died under torture at the hands of Assad regime's intelligence inside Branch 235 - 2 April 2015: Regime attacks destroy Idleb's National Hospital
5 April 2015: 5 April 2015: Assad's helicopters drop barrel bombs on areas in Aleppo, Idlib on the Yarmouk camp, and regime forces shell areas in Daraa and Hama
14 April 2015: 14 April 2015: Assad regime aircrafts and helicopters attack towns and villages in Idlib province and kill another four children and three women in Aleppo province
20 April 2015: 20 April 2015: Assad's forces, warplanes and helicopters drop barrel bombs on places in Hama, Homs, and Lattakia province, kill more civilians in Daraa province, drop barrel bombs in Aleppo province, drop more barrel bombs in Daraa and Rif Dimashq province, carry out raids in Deir Ezzor province, and drop more barrel bombs in Rif Dimashq province - 20 April 2015: Syrian Network for Human Rights says it has recorded 87 violations of the UN Security Council resolution 2118 by the Assad regime, 59 of which occurred in 2014, and 28 in 2015, also reporting 15 violations of UN resolution 2209 by the Assad regime - 20 April 2015: Syrian Coalition regrets the ongoing failure of the international community to find a solution for the problem of displaced Syrians who are drowning in the Mediterranean Sea while trying to seek refuge in Europe
30 April 2015: 30 April 2015: Assad regime's helicopters reportedly dropped at least 2 barrel bombs containing chlorine on town of Saraqeb, triggering cases of suffocation - 30 April 2015: Assad's barrel bombs destroy sections of Red Cross hospital in the Aleppo neighborhood of al-Sakhour, wounding four people, as his air forces also targeted the neighborhood of Bustan al-Qasr and Tal Refaat in the northern countryside, killing one - 30 April 2015: Assad's military dropped barrel bombs and shelled areas in Damascus and Rif Dimashq province, in Aleppo and Idlib province, and in Hama and Homs province - 30 April/1 May 2015: 44 civilians including children, 25 rebels, 18 Non-Syrian Islamic fighters, 27 Regular forces, 22 NDF, 7 IS , 9 unknown rebels, 3 non-Syrian militants are the victims of Assad's war on 30 April 2015
20 May 2015: 20 May 2015: Britain says Syrian video footage exposes Assad's lies on barrel bombs, showing the casual and indiscriminate way in which the regime forces are dropping these horrific weapons out of helicopters onto civilians below - 20 May 2015: Assad's helicopters dropped more barrel bombs on villages and towns in Hama province as the number of people who died due to Assad's dropping of a barrel bomb on the neighborhood of al-Qattanah in old Aleppo has risen to seven people from the same family, including three children and two women - 20 May 2015: A footage shows searching for missing under the rubble after dropping a barrel bombs on the neighborhood of al-Qattan in old Aleppo - 20 May 2015: Assad's helicopters dropped explosive barrels on the neighborhoods in Deir-ez-Zor province, a single air raid killed eight civilians, including six children and a woman from the same family, in the town of Buamro - 20 May 2015: Over 270,000 cases of permanent disability have been recorded due to Assad's Syrian war, with victims' suffering compounded by international disregard for the Syrian tragedy
17 June 2015: 17 June 2015: 163 people killed yesterday (16 June 2015) including 106 civilians, 14 children and 7 women in Aleppo
1 August 2015: 1 August 2015: Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids and drop more barrel bombs on areas in Rif Dimashq province, in Daraa and Homs province
4 September 2015: 4 September 2015: 15 people, including six women and four children, are the recent victims of the Assad regime’s air raids on Eastern Ghouta and on the embattled city of Douma northeast of Damascus - 4 September 2015: SNHR documents the killing of 19 members of the medical staff in August 2015, 18 of whom were killed by regime forces and one by Islamic State - 4 September 2015: Assad regime forces torture people to death, shell places, carry out raids and drop more barrel bombs on areas in Rif Dimashq province, in Damascus and Homs province, in Aleppo province, in Daraa province, torturing a man from the city of al-Bokamal to death in security prisons, after being detained for nearly three years in Deir Ezzor province, in al-Quneitra and Lattakia province, and in Hama and Idlib province
20 September 2015: 20 September 2015: Aleppo medics deliver baby wounded in the womb, after her mother was caught in a missile strike that also injured the woman’s three other children, reportedly carried out by Assad's forces - 20 September 2015: Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids and drop more barrel bombs on areas in Idlib province, in Damascus, targeting places in al-Yarmouk camp, and in Rif Dimashq province, in Deir Ezzor province, in Homs and Lattakia province, in Hama province, in Aleppo province, in al-Quneitra and in Daraa province, again in Damascus and in Rif Dimashq province, again in Hama and in Homs province, again in Aleppo city, in al-Raqqa province, again in Hama and in Rif Dimashq province, again in Deir Ezzor and Lattakia province, again in Homs and in Rif Dimashq province, again in Homs and Idlib province, again in al-Quneitra and in Rif Dimashq province, again in Lattakia province, and in Aleppo province and city, again in Rif Dimashq province, rising to 32 the number of barrel bombs dropped by Assad's helicopters on areas in the city of Darayya since Sunday morning
21 September 2015: 21 September 2015: Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids and drop more barrel bombs on areas in Lattakia province and Rif Dimashq province, dropping more barrel bombs on places in Beit Jenn and on areas in the city of Darayya, carrying out more than 50 airstrikes, and also bombing places with warplanes in al-Marj area in the Eastern Ghouta, in Aleppo province and city, in Homs province, in al-Hasakah and in Deir Ezzor province, in Hama and Idlib province, and in al-Quneitra and in Daraa province - 21 September 2015: After pro-regime forces launched a rocket attack on a market popularly in the neighborhood of Al-Shaa’r in Aleppo, killing 33 civilians, most of them women and children, Syrian Coalition condemns Russia and Iran as partners in Assad’s massacres
22 September 2015: 22 September 2015: Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation revealed that 600,000 Syrian orphans currently reside inside Turkey, prompting a group of Turkish writers and journalists to push Ankara to move to foster the children - 22 September 2015: Three Syrian refugees, who were among 71 people found dead last month in a truck in Austria, had dreamed of a better life in Germany with a smuggler having promised to get them there by car, a relative says - 22 September 2015: Assad regime forces torture people to death, shell places, carry out raids and drop more barrel bombs on areas in Rif Dimashq province, in Hama and Idlib province, in Aleppo province, again in Rif Dimashq province, in Idlib and in Hama province, where also five civilians from Soran and Khattab town were tortured to death in regime prisons, again in Rif Dimashq province, again in Idlib and Homs province, again in Aleppo and in Daraa province, again in Rif Dimashq province, in Damascus and again in Idlib province, again in Aleppo and in Daraa province, again in Homs province, and again in Rif Dimashq province - 22 September 2015: Syrian cartoonist Akram Raslan reported killed under torture in Assad prisons
30 September 2015: 30 September 2015: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime’s helicopters target Darayya in Rif Dimashq province by at least 39 barrel bombs since morning, while the regime forces also bomb areas in the city of Erbeen in the Eastern al-Ghouta accompanied by other attacks - 30 September: Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids and drop more barrel bombs on areas in Homs province, where more children and other people died due to airstrikes and missile bombings by the regime forces, in Aleppo province, in Daraa province, where Assad's helicopters drop several barrel bombs on places in the area Tal Antar north of Kafr Shams town, followed by shelling by the regime forces on places in Tal Antar area and bombings in Daraa al-Balad, in al-Quneitra and in Hama province
Since September/October 2015 Russian military intervention in Syria and air raids against the Syrian people: Since 30 September 2015 Russian military intervention in Assad's war against the Syrian people, first attacking areas in Latakia, Homs, and Hama province and murdering 36 civilians, including five children, and wounding Free Syrian Army members - Since 2015 Reports of Russian war crimes and attacks on civilians in Syria - 30 September 2015: Russian warplanes target the countryside of Hama and Homs and directly participate in the Syrian people killing, also targeting areas controlled by opposition forces who are working to establish a democratic Syria - 30 September 2015: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids and drop more barrel bombs on areas in Daraa and in Rif Dimashq province, in Hama and in Homs province
2 October 2015: 2 October 2015: Russian warplanes carried out several airstrikes on areas in Idlib province, killing many civilians including women and children and injuring other citizens - 2 October: Russian warplanes target the factions’ positions in Hama province and villages and cities in Idlib province - 2 October: Russian warplanes targeted a field hospital in the town of al-Latamnah in Hama province and more villages in Idlib province - 2 October: Warplanes believed to be Russian carried out airstrikes on several areas in Jabal al-Akrad and Jabal al-Turkman in Latakia province, amid bombing by the regime forces at areas in the northern countryside of Latakia - 2 October: Warplanes believed to be Russian carried out airstrikes on areas in the northwestern countryside of Hama - 2 October: Russian warplanes carried out airstrikes on several places at the town of al-Ghadqa in the eastern countryside of Idlib, injuring several people, including paramedics from civil defense
5 October 2015: 5 October 2015: More than 100 people were killed in air strikes by Syrian regime and Russian jets targeting Aleppo, activists said, after Russian fighter jets have mounted a wave of strikes in the provinces of Idleb, Hama and Aleppo - 5 October 2015: Warplanes believed to be Russian bombed areas in Idlib province - 5 October 2015: Russian fighter jets target farm on the outskirts of Ihsim in Idlib province, killing nine members of one family - 5 October 2015: Suspected Russian warplanes carried out several strikes on the towns and villages in Hama province - 5 October 2015: Warplanes, believed to be Russian, attacked places in Aleppo province killing and wounding people, as Assad's helicopters dropped more barrel bombs - 5 October 2015: Suspected Russian warplanes carried out several strikes on places in al-Raqqa province, as Assad's helicopters dropped barrel bombs in the northern countryside of Hama
22 October 2015: 22 October 2015: Warplanes believed to be Russian carried out more airstrikes in Homs province - 22 October 2015: Warplanes believed to be Russian carried out more airstrikes in Deir Ezzor province, while a man from the town of al-Bo Omar in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor died under torture in Assad's prisons, after being detained for nearly two years - 22 October: At least three Syrian hospitals bombed since Russian airstrikes began, doctors say, as the latest attack kills at least 12 people at Sarmin hospital in Idlib province and as at least three of the victims are believed to be medical staff - 22 October 2015: The Russian airstrikes on several areas in Syria have led to a new wave of displacement, with approximately 1000 refugees arrived alone in Turkey over the past week
23 November 2015: 23 November 2015: At least 30 civilians have been killed across Deir-ez-Zor province as Russian and Assad regime warplanes target Mayadin, Al-Bukamal, Al-Mohassan and areas surrounding Deir-ez-Zor military air base - 23 November 2015: Russian warplanes and warplanes believed to be Russian carry out more airstrikes in Aleppo province, in al-Raqqa and Idlib province - 23 November 2015: In yet new intensification of its aggression on Syria, the Russian air force bombed the headquarters of Free Aleppo University, the Faculty of Education, and the Faculty of Science in northern rural Aleppo - 23 November 2015: Russian air strikes on Deir Ezzor have caused dozens of civilian casualties, including women and children, Syrian Coalition's Khoja says stressing that instead of targeting ISIS headquarters, the Russian aggression has targeted civilians in Deir Ezzor who have made immense sacrifices on road to freedom
27 November 2015: 27 November 2015: Russia renewed its air strikes on aid vehicles near the Turkish border, targeting a convoy in Sarmada in Idlib province - 26 November 2015: A report by the 'Independent' suggests that the deadly chemical weapon know as white phosphorous is being used in airstrikes in Raqqa, as both Russian and French fighter jets have been bombarding Raqqa with airstrikes in an ongoing campaign - 27 November 2015: 12 casualties and about half of them children killed in bombing by warplanes on areas in Al-Raqqah city - 27 November 2015: Russian warplanes and warplanes believed to be Russian carry out more airstrikes in Lattakia province, in Homs province, in Aleppo province, and in Idlib province - 27 November: Russian warplanes bombarded areas in Hama and Lattakia province
28 November 2015: 28 November 2015: The Russian air force has intensified aerial attacks on areas in the provinces of Aleppo, Idlib and Latakia, targeting relief convoys, vital civilians facilities, a marketplace in Awijil, and a bus station Al-Dana, leaving dozens of civilian casualties - 28 November 2015: A man was killed by Russian airstrikes on Wadi al-Ahmar in Homs province - 28 November 2015: Russian warplanes and warplanes believed to be Russian carry out more airstrikes in Homs province - 28 November 2015: Russian terror warplanes raid areas of al-Taman’a, al-Maghara, Benech, and Ma’ra al-Nu’man in Idlib province, killing 3 people and wounding 6 in Ma’ra al-Nu’man - 28 November 2015: Russian terror warplanes target Der al-Asafir in Rif Damashq province, wounding a number of civilians
27 January 2016: 27 January 2016: Russian warplanes and warplanes believed to be Russian carry out more airstrikes in Deir Ezzor province - 27 January 2016: A total of 30 civilians, including women and children, killed and many more wounded in Russian airstrikes on rebel-held areas across Idlib province, targeting a public market in the town of Ariha, a residential area in the town of Jarjanaz, the town of Tarmanin and the towns of Saraqib, Tamana’a and Al-Najiya - 27 January 2016: Dozens of civilians reportedly killed and injured in Russian airstrikes on the town of Mheimidah in western rural Deir Ezzor, as the Russian air force also bombed the towns of Al-Mayadin, Abu Hamam and Al-Shuheil in rural Deir ezzor, causing civilian casualties - 27 January 2016: SOHR was able to document the death of 471 civilians including 127 children and 56 women, since the beginning of January 2016 until last night January 27th, they were all killed by Russian airstrikes targeted different Syrian provinces
14 February 2016: 14 February 2016: Russian warplanes have carried out at least 600 air strikes on Turkmen-dominated villages in the southern countryside of Hama province in the past month, displacing 10,000 people to the northern countryside of Homs, a FSA commander says, as activists and displaced Turkmen families witness heavy aerial bombardment by Russian jets
30 April 2016: 30 April 2016: Despite carnage, Syria’s Aleppo excluded from so-called fighting 'freeze’, as shelling and Assad regime's air raids in the city over past week have killed over 230 civilians, showing 'monstrous disregard' for civilian lives, according to UN, and pushing February 27 ceasefire to verge of collapse - 30 April 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces torture people to death, shell places, carry out raids and drop more barrel bombs on areas in Hama province, in Idlib and Deir Ezzor province - 30 April 2016: Fighting continues and more casualties reported in Aleppo - 30 avril 2016: Après le bombardement d'un hôpital d'Alep mercredi 27 avril, le docteur et pédiatre Maaz vient s'ajouter à la liste de ceux qui ont donné leurs vies pour sauver celle des autres, 'resté dans l'enfer' pour sauver les enfants - 30 April 2016: The ferocity and cruelty of the bombing of Aleppo by Bashar al-Assad’s air force has shocked even those familiar with the worst, as bombs and guns seek out civilian targets and the regime has launched more than 260 airstrikes, 110 artillery strikes and 18 missiles, and has dropped 68 bombs, according to a civil defence organisation
18 May 2016: 18 May 2016: At least 13 people, including women and children, were killed in airstrikes by regime forces on the town of Alrastan north of Homs as towns of Hama, Homs province and rural Damascus were struck with 60 airstrikes and barrel bombs, while Russia is stepping up airstrikes and Iran and the Assad regime have amassed around 11,000 troops around Aleppo and Idlib, according to the opposition’s negotiation delegation in Geneva - 18 May: Aerial bombardment targets Aleppo city - 18 May: 5 civilians were killed while no less than 20 others were wounded by aerial bombardment targeted al-Takaia street in al-Hamidian neighborhood in Deir-Ezzor - 18 May: Areas of Khan al-Shekh in Rif-Damashq province were exposed to bombardment by explosive barrels, what rose the number of airstrikes on the area to 48
2 June 2016: 2 June 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids on areas in Rif Damashq province, in Damascus province, in Idlib and Lattakia province, and in Aleppo province, dropping barrel bombs
13 June 2016: 13 June 2016: At least 20 civilians, including women and children, were killed when Russian war planes target a local marketplace in the northern city of Idlib, medics say, and two more people also killed in a Russian vacuum missile attack on the Masjed al-Masri neighborhood in Marat al-Numanb, as 41 casualties in two massacres carried out by the regime’s warplanes in the cities of Idlib and Maarrat al-Nu’man reported by SOHR - 13 June 2016: Russian-made hoses containing highly explosive material and shrapnel dropped by Assad regime on residential neighborhoods in Aleppo, as continuous air and artillery strikes on Aleppo, its outskirts and countryside reported by SOHR - 13 June 2016: Syrian regime helicopters on Sunday dropped 12 barrel bombs on the besieged town of Daraya, southern Damascus suburbs
17 July 2016: 17 July 2016: Assad's troops besiege rebel-held parts of the city of Aleppo, which is now completely besieged - 17 July 2016: 300,000 people face death or starvation in Aleppo, USA doctor Dr. Samer Attar, who is treating the horrific injuries suffered by Syrian civilians, warns - 17 July 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids on areas in Rif Damashq province, dropping more barrel bombs on Daraya today amid aerial bombardment and regime’s bombardment on the city - 17 July 2016: Human losses after aerial bombardment and shells on Aleppo city - 17 July 2016: The USA led coalition warplanes bombarded areas of Menbej city what killed 6 civilians including a woman with 4 of her children and an old man - 17 July 2016: Assad regime forces backed by non-Syrian militants and Hezbollah reportedly were able to reach the Castello road and take control on it, besieging the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city
19 July 2016: 19 July 2016: Russian airstrikes disrupt last remaining ambulance service in rural Aleppo - 19 juillet 2016: Près de 60 civils, dont 11 enfants, morts et des dizaines de blessés mardi dans des raids de la coalition menée par les Etats-Unis près du village d'al-Toukhar tenu par Daech dans la province d'Alep, selon l'OSDH - 19 July 2016: Assad regime forces bombarded al-Zabdani in Rif Damashq province, its explosive barrels targeted Daraya, the number of civilians who were killed by aerial bombardment on Duma and Harasta rose to 12 including 4 women and a child - 19 July 2016: As at least 500 civilians were killed in aerial attacks by the Assad regime and Russia forces on Aleppo and its countryside between 11-19 July mainly directed on the rebel-held areas, Syrian Coalition's Yahya says that the Syrian people lost confidence in the international community as more get killed every day
15 August 2016: 15 August 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids on areas in Aleppo city and province - 15 August 2016: Assad regime and Russian warplanes launched 40 air raids with vacuum bombs and over half-ton bombs on Tayir Malaa village and the cities of Talbiyse and al-Rastan in Homs province, killing civilians and injuring scores, mostly women and children
15 August 2016: 15 August 2016: Russian air strikes that hit Idlib destroying a large part of the Church of the Virgin Mary, the only church in the city, in addition to destroying much of the Christian district in a repeated assault - 15 August 2016: Russian warplanes hit Kafarnaha, Qabtan al-Jebel, and Howr in the western Aleppo countryside, simultaneously with artillery bombardment on Andan in the northern countryside, leaving dozens killed and wounded
12 September 2016: 12 September 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids on areas in Rif Damashq and in Daraa province, also dropping barrel bombs on places in the town of Tal Antar, in Deir Ezzor and in Homs province, in Aleppo province, also dropping more barrel bombs, in Idlib and in Lattakia province, as it rose to 13 including 3 from one family, and 4 others from another family, the number of civilians who were killed by aerial bombardment on Maara Masrin in the northern countryside of Idlib, and again in Rif Damashq province - 12 September 2016: Rose to 31 including a child and 4 women the number of civilians who were killed by 2 massacres in the eastern Ghouta and Idlib northern countryside and in bombardment on Om Sharshouh and al-Farhania, and by shells targeted Aleppo city in the first day of Eid - 12 September 2016: Bombardment targets several areas of Syria after announcing the cease fire
19 September 2016: 19 September 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids on areas in Deir Ezzor province, massive bombardment by Russian and Syria warplanes witnessed, also torturing a man to death in regime prisons after detaining him for months, in Damascus province, in Homs province, also dropping barrel bombs in the northern countryside, in Hama province, also dropping barrel bombs, in Aleppo province, again in Deir Ezzor province, in Daraa and in Rif Damashq province, and again in Hama province - 19 September 2016: At least 32 casualties and tens of injuries in Aleppo and its countryside as a result of the intensive airstrikes shortly after Russian and Assad regimes officially end truce
20 September 2016: 20 September 2016: About 40 were killed by bombardment on Aleppo city, including women and children - 20 September 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province, as it rose to 5 the number of rebels who were killed by a landmine in Idlib province - 20 September 2016: USA blames Russia after UN aid convoy in Syria targeted by air attack and UN official says 'inexplicable' attack could amount to a war crime if bombing which killed aid workers proved to be deliberate - 20 September 2016: Red Cross president says attack on UN and Red Crescent convoy delivering supplies is unacceptable violation of international law and UN suspends all aid convoy movements in Syria after airstrike - 20 September 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province, also dropping 27 explosive barrels on the neighborhoods of Bustan al-Qaser, al-Ansari, Bab al-Nasir, Bab al-Neirab, al-Maisar, Karam al-Tarab, and Jesr al-Haj, in Daraa and in Rif Damashq province, in al-Quneitra province, in Deir Ezzor province, and in Homs province, also dropping barrel bombs
21 September 2016: 21 September 2016: At least three people killed and 15 others wounded in the northern countryside of Homs as the Assad regime extends its aerial bombing campaign - 21 September 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids on areas in Rif Damashq province, in Daraa and in Lattakia province, in Homs province, in Aleppo province, where another 13 people including 9 rebels and 4 members of the Medical crew of Osom International organization are killed by aerial bombardment on Khan Toman area, as more than 3,000 Russian soldiers reportedly arrive in Aleppo province to support regime forces - 21 September 2016: 7 people confirmed to be dead including 3 children and 1 rebel, killed by aerial bombardment on Khan Shekhon city in Idlib province - 21 September 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids on areas in Hama province, also dropping barrel bombs
22 September 2016: 22 September 2016: Russian warplanes carried out an air raid on a medical point in the town of Khan Touman in the southern Aleppo countryside, killing five people and injuring a number of others also killing nine rebel fighters, UOSSM and SOHR say - 22 September 2016: Dozens of Syrians are killed overnight in rebel-held districts of Aleppo during murderous airstrikes, as by midnight doctors and activists have identified 49 people, including children, killed in Aleppo province since noon that day in dozens of airstrikes, as USA's John Kerry calls for all Syrian planes to be stopped from flying over combat zones where humanitarian aid is delivered, and as Russian murderous regime announces its only aircraft carrier would be sent to the Syrian coast - 22 September 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province
23 September 2016: 23 September 'What's happening now is annihilation', local aid worker Ammar al Selmo says as Assad regime warplanes backed by Russian forces target rebel-held areas of eastern Aleppo in the heaviest murderous airstrikes in months, and as 'Alternative Nobel' honors Middle East activists including Syrian civil defense group, also in Aleppo - 23 September 2016: Assad regime helicopters resume dropping barrel bombs on a number of besieged districts inside Aleppo city, resulting in a number of deaths and injuries among civilians amid bombardment from Russian warplanes on opposition positions south of the city - 23 September 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places, carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province, also dropping more barrel bombs and forcing civilians to migrate from the eastern section of Aleppo, in Hama province
23 September 2016: 23 September 2016: Residents of rebel-held east Aleppo describe scenes of devastation, with activists claiming that both Syrian and Russian warplanes have attacked the city hours after the announcement of a major new offensive - 23 September 2016: The Syria Civil Defense service says three of its four facilities in the east of Aleppo were 'deliberately targeted' in a wave of Assad and Russian bombings, 15 victims have been reported since midnight, also meaning that ambulances are now unable to reach dozens trapped under the rubble - 23 September 2016: Many of the victims are children, 'they lose their limbs and become disabled for life and their only sin is that they are the children of Syria', Russian and Assad criminals 'have burned their childhood and their innocence and made them homeless in their country and all we get in return are words and promises from outside', Bara’a, a nurse in Aleppo, says
1 October 2016: 1 October 2016: Assad regime’s offensive to recapture the whole of Aleppo again bolstered by its Russian ally’s rejection of international demands for a halt to its murderous bombing campaign in support of the advancing troops, as Doctors Without Borders describe the impact of Syrian and Russian bombardment as a 'bloodbath' - 1 October 2016: As the Russian aggression on Syria entered its second year, thousands of Syrians on Friday took to the streets in many towns and villages across Syria to protest against the ongoing aggression and to show solidarity with Aleppo - 1 October 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out murderous raids on areas in Aleppo province and city, in Homs province, in Idlib province, in Hama province, in Rif Damasha province, dropping more barrel bombs
17 October 2016: 17 October 2016: At least 40 civilians were killed and many more wounded in Russian airstrikes on Aleppo city and its countryside on Monday, according to activists saying that 'bunker-buster bombs' were used causing massive damage to residential buildings - 17 October 2016: Syrian Coalition says that the FSA’s liberation of the town of Dabiq form Islamic State terrorists is the beginning of the end for the group, representing a turning point in the fight to cleanse all of Syria’s territory from these terrorists - 17 October 2016: According to a SNHR report on Sunday, Russian and Assad forces have killed 361 civilians, including 96 children and 55 women, since their ending of the ceasefire on 18 September, recording that Russian forces carried out 13 massacres and 22 acts of aggression against civilian centers, using incendiary weapons in six attacks
22 October 2016: 22 October 2016: International inquiry has found Syrian Assad regime forces responsible for a third toxic gas attack in Qmenas in Idlib governorate on 16 March 2015, according to a fourth report submitted to the UN Security Council, after the third report by the inquiry in August blamed Assad for two chlorine attacks in Talmenes on 21 April 2014 and Sarmin on 16 March 2015, following Ghouta chemical attacks in August 2013 on opposition-controlled areas in the suburbs around Damascus using chemical agent sarin, and after in September 2013 the USA Senate filed a resolution to authorize use of military force against Assad's military in response, averted when the murderous regime accepted a USA–Russian negotiated deal to turn over 'every single bit' of its chemical weapons stockpiles for destruction, but has in reality encouraged Assad to escalate his war against the Syrian people, to invite the Russian regime and its murderous military to join Assad's terrorism and to annihilate the Syrian democracy and any opposition against dictatorship - 22 October 2016: After intensified Russian and Syrian bombing of besieged opposition-held parts of Aleppo in the past weeks has hit hospitals, bakeries and water pumping stations, and killed hundreds of civilians, United Nations criticises unilateral ceasefires after long sieges, saying they can be helpful only if combined with humanitarian access for those who do not want to leave
26 October 2016: 26 October 2016: Airstrikes by Russian and the Assad regime air forces using high-explosive parachute-retarded bombs hit a schools complex and a public market in the town of Hass in rural Idlib, killing at least 26 civilians and wounding dozens more, mostly schoolchildren and teachers - 26 October 2016: Rose to 76 including 38 children and women, the number of civilians who were killed by Russian and Assad's aerial bombardments targeting areas of Idlib countryside since the 20th of October until today, while no less than 150 others were wounded and seriously wounded including women and children - 26 October 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama, in Idlib and in Lattakia province, in Rif Damashq province, in Idlib province, in Homs and in al-Quneitra province, and in Aleppo province
28 October 2016: 28 October 2016: SOHR condemns the massacres committed by the Russian and Syrian warplanes against the Syrian citizens in Syria and in Idlib's Has, murdering in the recent school attack at least 37 civilians including 15 students, 4 teachers, 3 females, and a doctor, who died wounded after the aerial bombardment, as the USA directly accuses either Syria or Russia of being behind airstrikes that destroyed the school complex in Idlib province, as rescue workers describe details of the attack that levelled much of the area, killing almost 40 people, and as a doctor who treated many of the wounded says most of the dead were children aged six to 15 as well as female teachers, putting the number of injured at more than 100 and describing that many of the children who had arrived at the hospital had lost limbs - 28 October 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province, in Homs and in Lattakia province, in Rif Dimashq province, also targeting Duma city with aerial bombardment, murdering a pregnant woman and her unborn child, while many others were wounded
29 October 2016: 29 October 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Damascus and in Rif Damashq province, again in Rif Damashq province, as regime forces shell places in the city of Zabadani, while helicopters are dropping barrel bombs on areas at the outskirts of Khan al-Shih camp in the Western Ghouta, again in Rif Damashq province, in Hama province, in Daraa and in Idlib province, also dropping more barrel bombs amid aerial bombardment targeting Maara Masrin, Benesh and other areas of the northern countryside, al-Bara town in the Zawiya mount and in Aleppo province, targeting Hreitan and al-Bab city, in Homs province, again in Homs province, and in Aleppo province, while Russian and regime’s warplanes renewed the raids on the front stretching from the outskirts of Jam’eyyat al-Zahra’a neighborhood west of Aleppo city, to the southern and southwestern outskirts of the city - 29 October 2016: Assad terrorist forces launched a counteroffensive Saturday under the cover of airstrikes in an attempt to regain control of areas they had lost to insurgents the day before in Aleppo
31 October 2016: 31 October 2016: Clashes continue between regime forces and rebels amid aerial bombardment, regime forces bombard al-Rashdin, rebels target regime bastions of Jamiaa al-zahraa, a child was killed by bombardment by regime forces on al-Ferdous neighborhood, a woman and a man were killed by aerial bombardment on Shekh Ali village in Aleppo's western countryside - 31 October 2016: Opposition infiltrates regime-held Western Aleppo, killing Assad forces - 31 October 2016: Regime forces ambush and kill 35 rebels in Daraa countryside - 31 October 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province and in Hama province, as explosive bullets target Maharda town and regime forces bombard areas of Taiba al-Imam and its surroundings - 31 October 2016: Islamic State terrorists expel Deir-ez-Zor residents to receive families of fighters fleeing Mosul - 1 November 2016: SOHR documents death of 4,527 persons in October 2016, including 1,343 civilians, 317 children under the age of eighteen, and 182 female citizens over the age of 18
1 November 2016: 1 November 2016: Media activist and cameraman Abdel Salam Kanaan was covering events in the town of Zafarana in the northern Homs countryside when he was hit by an air raid that killed a number of civilians and wounded others - 1 November 2016: Assad regime moves to implement Daraya model in Waer, as residents refuse - 1 November 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province, as aerial bombardments target Kafar Naha, Orom al-Kobra and Kafar Dael, as more casualties are reported in Aleppo city, in Hama province, where regime forces bombard the western countryside of Salamia, and in Homs province amid aerial bombardment, in Daraa and Rif Damashq province - 1 November 2016: At least 1,106 people, including 791 civilians, were killed in attacks by the Assad regime and Russian forces across Syria in October 2016, SNHR says
15 November 2016: 15 November 2016: Assad regime and Russian warplanes have destroyed three hospitals and a medical complex in Aleppo and Idlib provinces over the past week, putting them out of service and causing dozens of casualties - 15 November 2016: Tens of casualties and injuries in new massacres by warplanes and Assad's helicopters on the eastern section of Aleppo city and more casualties in al-Bab city
20 November 2016: 20 November 2016: Video shows the moment a paediatric hospital in eastern Aleppo was struck in an Assad/Russian airstrike on Friday, as doctors and nurses at the children’s hospital scrambled to evacuate babies to safety after the facility was bombed for the second time this week and all hospitals in eastern Aleppo are now out of service - 20 November 2016: About 180 casualties in Aleppo and its countryside during 5 days of bombing escalation, hundreds of wounded are in a catastrophic situation - 20 November 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo province, in Deir-Ezzor and in Idlib province, again in Aleppo, as about 55 civilians are killed by massive bombardment on eastern Aleppo during the past 24 hours, also dropping barrel bombs, again in Idlib and in Lattakia province, and in Rif Damashq province
7 December 2016: 7 December 2016: Assad regime warplanes carried out dozens of air raids using vacuum bombs on the towns and villages of the Idlib countryside, killing six civilians and wounding 15, some of them seriously, as schools in Idlib province have suspended teaching after the regime and Russia’s deadly aerial campaign killed around 70 people, including many children, over the past four days - 7 December 2016: 72 hours of bombardment escalation by warplanes of the regimes of Putin and Assad on Idlib province kills 121 civilians and wounds tens of others - 7 December 2016: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Lattakia province, in Hama and in Homs province, in Rif Damashq province, in Damascus province, again in Idlib and in Rif Damashq province, in Daraa province, again in Hama province, and in Aleppo, as dozens of corpses are still in the streets from Shaar neighborhood, because the ambulances and rescue teams are not able to pull the corpses due to the murderous Russian and Assad's military operations
13 December 2016: 13 December 2016: OPCW seriously concerned about claims that at least 105 civilians, mostly women and children, were killed by a gas attack in central Syria when airstrikes hit a cluster of five villages, as up to 300 people were injured as a result of the intense airstrikes and attacks by Sarin nerve agent by Assad regime and Russian air forces on several villages in eastern rural Hama - 13 December 2016: At least 82 civilians, including 11 women and 13 children, in four different neighborhoods of eastern Aleppo have been killed by Assad regime troops and allied Iraqi militia, 'being shot in the street trying to flee and shot in their homes', UN says - 13 December 2016: Interior Minister Aryeh Deri says that he had asked PM Netanyahu to officially request an emergency UN Security Council session on the worsening humanitarian situation in Syria, asserting that, 'as Jews, we cannot ignore these atrocities'
30 December 2016: 30 December 2016: Reports shows a wave of purchases by Iranian traders involving a large amount of Syrian real estate in a number of cities including Damascus and Homs - 30 December 2016: Disgruntled Alawite group claims responsibility for assassination of Alaa Makhlouf, personal bodyguard to Asmaa Assad - 30 December 2016: No records of death in the first night of a Turkish-Russian ceasefire agreement, as Assad regime forces target Taiba al-Imam and Batish in the northern countryside of Hama, areas in Daraa province, also dropping barrel bombs, in Aleppo, Idlib and in Lattakia province, again in Daraa province - 30 December 2016: A demonstration took place in Duma city, demanding the unit of rebels, amid ongoing aerial bombardments, in Aleppo province, where a man and a child were killed and others wounded by Assad regime's bombardment targeting al-Karamil village - 30 December 2016: Thousands of Syrians took to the streets in several towns and cities in Syria to demonstrate against the Assad regime a few hours after a nationwide ceasefire took effect on Thursday midnight
10 February 2017: 10 février 2017: L'état-major turc a réfuté la version russe des circonstances de la mort de trois soldats turcs dans un bombardement russe en Syrie, affirmant que les coordonnées indiquant l'emplacement de ses hommes avaient été fournies à plusieurs reprises à la partie russe et 'nos unités touchées par l'avion (russe) le 9 février se trouvaient au même emplacement depuis environ 10 jours' - 10 February 2017: Seven airstrikes by Assad regime forces hit the district on Friday, killing six people and injuring dozens more, activists in Alwaer district say - 10 February 2017: At least 162 rescue workers have so far lost their lives while performing their humanitarian duty in search and rescue operations among the rubble of buildings destroyed by the Assad regime and Russian forces in 2016, according to the Syrian Civil Defense's 3rd Annual Conference
14/15 March 2017: 14 March 2017: Syria a 'torture-chamber', a 'place of savage horror and absolute injustice', UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein told the 'Geneva Forum' in call for Assad to release prisoners and for torturers to be brought to court, as the Assad regime did not attend and a Russian envoy, its main ally, called the Geneva event a 'waste of valuable time' - 14 March 2017: Assad's air force deliberately bombed water sources in December 2016, a war crime that cut off water for 5.5 million people in and around the capital Damascus, the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria says, adding that the attack was one of several war crimes including the use of lethal chlorine gas and the bombing of shools and medical facilities committed by Assad's forces - 15 March 2017: The 'weaponisation' of healthcare in Syria, involving the targeted destruction of medical facilities and the killing of hundreds of healthcare workers, including torture and executions, is unprecedented and has profound and dangerous implications for medical neutrality in conflict zones, according to a Lancet study, also criticising UN agencies and the international community for failing to hold the aggressors, who are breaking international conventions, to account
5 April 2017: 5 April 2017: At least 60 people have been killed in Idlib province after being exposed to a toxic gas that survivors said was dropped from warplanes, and at least another 100 people were being treated in hospitals, as hours after the attack a hospital treating the injured was also hit, and as CBRN's Hamish de Bretton Gordon says Russian claim to protect their allies that an al-Qaida or rebel stockpile of sarin has been blown up in an explosion was 'completely untrue' because Sarin would be destroyed if blown up - 5 April 2017: Warplanes thought to be Russian carried out heavy and concentrated airstrikes on rescue centers and medical facilities which were treating victims of the chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun, Civil Defense in Idlib countryside says - 5 April 2017: Warplanes carried out Wednesday morning 5 strikes at least on areas in Khan Shaykhun city south of Idlib province
10 April 2017: 10 April 2017: Russian airstrikes targeted the main hospital of Dael in southern Daraa, killing and wounding medics and patients and forcing services to stop, local activists say - 10 April 2017: Civilians voice concern over increased air campaigns against residential areas, as witnesses report white phosphorus attacks in the hours after the USA cruise missile strike on Syrian air base - 10 April 2017: At least 21 civilians were killed when Russian jets struck the northern Idleb province with cluster bombs, as Russia’s jets also hit towns of Maerherma and Basamis with white phosphorous - 10 April 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Damascus province, as escalated Assad missile strikes target neighborhoods of the capital, in Aleppo province, in Hama province, also dropping barrel bombs, in Deir Ezzor and in Idlib province
26 April 2017: 26 April 2017: French intelligence has concluded that Assad forces carried out a sarin nerve gas attack on 4 April in northern Syria and that Assad or members of his inner circle ordered the strike - 26 April 2017: Assad regime or Russian warplanes kill 12 people wounding others in Kafr Takharim in the rebel-held Idleb countryside after striking a hospital with a number of air raids, victims include doctors and nurses, alongside a number of patients receiving treatment at the time of the raids - 26 April 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province dropping barrel bombs, amid aerial bombardements and as warplanes believed to be Russian carried out another massacre, in Aleppo province, in Damascus and in Daraa province, in Homs province, and in Rif Damashq province
15 May 2017: 15 May 2017: Assad’s victims given voice in haunting new film by former BBC producers Sara Afshar and Nicola Cutcher, methodically documenting the brutality of the Assad government, its crackdown on democratic protests sinc 2011 and its jailing of activists including gripping firsthand testimony from some of the victims - 15 May 2017: There are fears of a looming disaster in Syria's last opposition stronghold of Idlib, with up to 2 million civilians trapped in the region vulnerable to attack from Russian and Assad forces, at the mercy of a jihadist group arresting FSA fighters, as Turkey has officially closed its border so unless civilians are able to pay a bribe - 15 May 2017: Syrian activists say an airstrike on a village held by the Islamic State group in northern Syria has killed several civilians
11 October 2017: 11 October 2017: 95,000 people were displaced due to airstrikes on Deir Ezzor between 1-8 October, according to UN - 11 October 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province
25 December 2017: 25 December 2017: Three civilians were killed and dozens more were injured in intensifying aerial attacks by the Russian and Assad regime airstrikes targeting residential areas in rural Idlib on Christmas, as local activists say that a woman and a child were killed and another child was injured in barrel bomb attacks by Assad’s helicopters on the village of Tal Ammara - 25 December 2017: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and in Idlib province, amid an escalation of aerial bombardments, also dropping explosive barrels, killing and injuring more than 40 persons within hours, in Homs province, in al-Quneitra province, in Rif Damashq province, again in Hama province, in Aleppo province, amid aerial bombardments, and in Idlib province
5 January 2018: 5 January 2018: At least 42 journalists and media activists were killed in Syria in 2017, according to SNHR, noting that regime forces and their allies were responsible for the majority of deaths of journalists and media workers and that 47 journalists were injured while doing their work, 37 of whom were injured in bombardment by the Russian and Assad regime air forces - 5 January 2018: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Rif Damashq province, amid aerial bombardments, in Idlib province, also dropping explosive barrels, in Aleppo and in Daraa province, and in Homs province
6 January 2018: 6 January 2018: During 2017 129 massacres were committed by Assad regime forces, 83 by the Russian forces, and 113 by the international coalition forces, according to SNHR, calling on the UN to refer the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court and stop blocking the UN resolutions - 6 January 2018: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Homs and in Idlib province, amid ongoing aerial bombardments, in Rif Damashq province, amid ongoing aerial bombardments, in Hama province, amid ongoing aerial bombardments, in Aleppo and Daraa province, amid ongoing aerial bombardments, in Lattakia and in al-Quneitra Province - 6 January 2018: The 9th day of aerial and artillery shelling escalation in the Eastern Ghouta witnesses the death and injury of about 80 civilians in several cities and towns, according to SOHR
21 January 2018: 21 January 2018: SOHR documented the death of 6 citizens including a child under the age of 8, because of the aerial bombardment by the Turkish warplanes, which targeted today areas in Afrin city and its countryside, as Turkey bring more military reinforcements amid continued aerial and missile shelling on the area, and as UN officials underscore the obligation on all parties to the conflict in Syria and the international community, to protect civilians from atrocity crimes, as dozens of people in eastern Ghouta and Idlib province have been killed in recent airstrikes, and schools and hospitals are being deliberately destroyed by the Assad regime and its allies - 21 January 2018: 21 civilian casualties killed by Assad's artillery and aerial bombardment on the eastern Ghouta in 48 hours - 22 January 2018: At least 5 civilians killed in Ghouta as regime forces step up aerial raids, as fighting and displacements in northers Syria continue
29 January 2018: 29 January 2018: Russian and Syrian warplanes escalated their airstrikes on the towns and cities of the Idlib countryside on Sunday, as civilian displacements continue - 29 January 2018: At least five civilians were killed on Sunday as regime forces stepped up aerial and ground bombardment on the besieged Eastern Ghouta suburbs, according to local activists - 29 January 2018: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, in Rif Damashq province, amid aerial bombardments
29 January 2018: 29 January 2018: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa and Homs province, in Aleppo and in Hama province, in Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments, again in Homs province, again in Rif Damashq province, again in Aleppo and in Hama province, amid aerial bombardments, again in Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments targeting cities, towns and villages of Khan Shaykhon, Jirjenaz Saraqeb, Abu Dhuhur, Ma’ret Harma, Qatra, Al-Barsa, Frawn, Heesh and the vicinity of Jobas village and Sheikh Idris, Mardikh, Al-Ghadka, with more than 90 air strikes to date, killing 21 people including women and children, as Idlib civil defense reports that Assad's or Russian jets struck a vegetable market north of Saraqib on Monday, adding that 'directly after, the hospital where the wounded were transferred was targeted', resulting in at least five deaths, including a child, and injuries to at least six people, according to Doctors Without Borders (MSF), and as the Assad regime, Iranian, Russian and Turkish murderers gather in Sochi, paid a courtesy visit by United Nations officials
2 February 2018: 2 February 2018: Russia and the Assad regime air forces have expanded their bombing campaign on civilian areas, targeting new areas in Aleppo and Hama provinces and claiming the lives of dozens of civilians, including many children and women - 2 February 2018: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Rif Damashq province, amid aerial bombardments, in Hama and Homs province, in Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments, in Aleppo province, amid murderous aerial bombardments, in Daraa province, and again in Rif Damshq province
3 February 2018: 3 February 2018: Airstrikes and barrel bomb attacks by the Assad regime and suspected Russian jets targeted convoys carrying civilians fleeing southern rural Aleppo on Friday, killing 20 civilians and injuring dozens more, as airstrikes also targeted villages in southern rural Aleppo - 3 February 2018: Activists in eastern Ghouta said that they had documented the deaths of 361 civilians in attacks by the Assad regime forces on the area in the past month
4 February 2018: 4 February 2018: After a Russian warplane was shot down on Saturday in Idlib province, that has seen since years and sees today heavy air strikes and attacks on the ground by Assad regime's forces backed by Russia and Iran, Russia's Putin regime kills more than 30 people in Idlib in a revenge attack - 4 February 2018: On Saturday seven Turkish soldiers have been killed in their murderous offensive against Kurds in Syria, including five who died in a single attack by defenders on a tank, Turkey’s 'Olive Branch' army says - 4 February 2018: Turkish army continues to target civilian population as it fails to advance against Syrian Democratic Forces SDF in Afrin, as victims of Turkish bombing in Xalaka village say that they were deliberately targeted by the Turkish army and more than 150 civilians were killed and hundreds were wounded in Turkish airstrikes and artillery bombing since 20 January
5 February 2018: 5 February 2018: At least 14 civilians were killed and dozens more were wounded in Russian airstrikes on Khan al-Sibl and Maasaran following the downing of a Russian jet, as seven more people were killed by the regime and Russia carrying out more than 25 raids and heavy airstrikes on Saraqeb since early morning Sunday, as 30 people were killed in Saraqeb and the town of Ariha in recent days, and as seven displaced people burned to death in deadly airstrikes targeting their vehicle as they fled regime bombardment on the village of Tel Adhiya - 5 February 2018: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments, also using helicopters, in Hama province, in Aleppo and Homs province, and in Rif Damashq province
25 February 2018: 25 February 2018: New regime strikes hit Eastern Ghouta on Sunday despite UN Security Council demand for a ceasefire, as residents doubt Security Council resolution will be implemented, while UN diplomats say it was 'watered down' to avoid Russia veto - 25 February 2018: Iranian and Syrian Assad regime will continue attacks on Damascus suburbs despite February 2018 UN resolution demanding a 30-day truce across Syria - 25 February 2018: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province and in Hama province, amid aerial bombardments, in Daraa province, and in Rif Damashq province and eastern Ghouta - 25 February 2018: Intense aerial and ground shelling and bombardments by warplanes and helicopters in Jendires Township and other places in Afrin area by Turkish military
26 February 2018: 26 February 2018: Assad regime forces as well as their allied Iranian militias and Russian forces killed at least 12,763 civilians in the Damascus suburb eastern Ghouta between March 2011 and February 2018, reportedly including 1,463 children and 1,127 women, as the siege has so far led to the deaths of no fewer than 427 people, including 221 children, and 72 women due to lack of food and medicine, as about 6,583 people from eastern Ghouta are still detained by the Assad regime, the majority of whom are now forcibly disappeared as nothing is known about their fate, according to SNHR, also recording at least 46 chemical weapons attacks on villages and towns of eastern Ghouta to terrorize the civilian population - 26 February 2018: Many civilians killed as relentless bombardment of Eastern Ghouta continues, also by Russian jets carrying out multiple airstrikes on Douma on Monday and killing at least 10 civilians - 26 Feburary 2018: About 45 Assad raids, missiles and barrel bombs target 4 cities and towns in eastern Ghouta, according to SOHR
27 February 2018: 27 February 2018: The OPCW opened an investigation on Sunday into reports of the repeated use of chlorine bombs on villages and towns of eastern Ghouta this month - 27 February 2018: Despite the Security Council resolution, Turkey continue their operation in Afrin and kill more civilians raising to about 700 those who were killed in 39 days of Erdogan's aggression - 27 February 2018: Air strikes hit two towns in the eastern Ghouta enclave on Tuesday despite a Russian-ordered truce, as helicopters dropped two bombs on the town of Shifouniyeh and a warplane struck the town of Aftaris, according to SOHR - 27 February 2018: Continuing Russian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa and Hama province, in Homs and in Idlib province, again in Daraa province, again in Idlib province, again in Hama and Homs province, also dropping barrel bombs - 27 February 2018: More than 268 land and air strikes target the besieged Ghouta throughout the day and 21 persons join the convoy of civilian casualties, during and after the 'truce'
28 February 2018: 28 February 2018: With intensive aerial and ground support the regime forces backed by militiamen advance in Hosh Al-Dawahira in Rif Damashq province and warplanes target Douma - 28 February 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, as 67 casualties at least including more than 30 children and women since the resolution of the Security Council in eastern Ghouta reported and deadly aerial bombardments continue, again in Hama province, amid aerial bombardments, in Daraa province, in Homs and again in Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments - 28 February 2018: Russia 'on wrong side of history' over Syria chemical weapons, USA disarmament official says after reports of a chlorine attack in the besieged enclave of eastern Ghouta, a further OPCW investigation into the latest reports of chemical attacks and the leaking of a UN report into the supply of related items from North Korea
1 March 2018: 1 March 2018: As hundreds of people have been killed in eastern Ghouta over the last eight days, as Syrian Civil Defence volunteers are killed in what are known as 'double-tap' strikes, in which a plane bombs an area and then returns to attack it again after rescue workers have arrived, as 'the screens show everything (that is happening here) but unfortunately nobody is helping', a rescue worker adds 'I cannot say anything except damn the whole world' - 1 March 2018: Speaking at a monthly Security Council meeting devoted to the Syrian conflict, UN under secretary general for humanitarian affairs Mark Lowcock says there has been no access for humanitarian convoys, nor authorization by the regime to go into the besieged areas, nor medical evacuations, on the contrary, the bombings have continued, and deaths and wounded have mounted, since the Security Council resolution was passed - 1 March 2018: The death of more civilians raises the death toll to about 620 in 12 consecutive days of shelling in Ghouta, according to SOHR - 1 March 2018: Turkish airstrikes renewed on Maabatli countryside and more casualties in the continuous clashes and renewed shelling
3 March 2018: 3 March 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Rif Damashq province, amid aerial bombardments, and in Idlib province, in Hama province, again in Rif Damashq province, amid aerial bombardments, killing more citizens, also in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province, in Daraa province
16 March 2018: 16 March 2018: Tens of Russian airstrikes target the southern section of the Eastern Ghouta leaving 10 casualties and tens of wounded in Saqba - 16 March 2018: Assad regime forces late on Wednesday attacked Eastern Ghouta suburbs with chlorine gas and barrel bombs, killing 13 people including four children and two women in Hammouriyah, according to local activists and the Syrian Civil Defense - 16 March 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Rif Damashq province, in Daraa and Hama province - 16 March 2018: More than 200 persons of the displaced people of south Damascus arrive to Qal’aat al-Madiq - 16 mars 2018: Environ 20'000 civils ont fui jeudi la partie rebelle de la Ghouta orientale, après avoir été soumis depuis près d'un mois à des bombardements et avoir subi pendant cinq ans un siège des forces d'Assad - 16 March 2018: More than 2,500 people displaced during the past few hours from Afrin city amid ongoing shelling by the Turkish forces and warplanes and in conjunction with the continuation of the tragic conditions witnessed in the city
17 March 2018: 17 March 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, amid aerial bombardments, in Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments, killing children and citizen women, in Daraa and again in Hama province, in Rif Damashq province, amid aerial bombardments, again in Daraa and Hama province, again in Hama and Homs province - 17 March 2018: As vital medicines and supplies are fast running out across the Eastern Ghouta, a Syrian doctor in a damaged hospital, who tries to treat wounded children arriving with penetrating shrapnel wounds, missing limbs, severe burns, or sometimes with no visible injuries at all, and yet lifeless, with a lingering smell of gas on their bodies, says that many 'need specialist surgeons and seven or 14 days in intensive care', 'many could be saved ..., in Ghouta we cannot do anything'
26 March 2018: 26 March 2018: Syrian Coalition's Mohammed Yahya Maktabi said that the mass forced displacement taking place in the Damascus suburb of eastern Ghouta is a 'war crime' as he condemned Russian’s major role in these crimes, adding that regime forces, the Iranian militias, and Russian air force are killing civilians, targeting popular markets, residential areas and public facilities and bombing hospitals, medical centers, and rescue workers - 26 March 2018: The UN has come under fire for sharing the coordinates of hospitals in the Damascus suburb of eastern Ghouta with Russia, only for one of them to be bombed days later killing at least one patient by what medics suspected to be a 'bunker-buster' bomb, according to 'The Telegraph' - 26 March 2018: 871 civilians killed in eastern Ghouta since adoption of UN-security council resolution 2401, according to SNHR
31 March 2018: 31 March 2018: 1,797 citizens including 668 children and women killed in the Eastern Ghouta of Damascus during the past 2 months of bombardment, as Russian warplanes killed about 7,700 citizens in 30 months, about 60% of the total number of people killed by the regime’s bombardment on the Syrian territory in 42 months, according to SOHR - 31 March 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib and Lattakia province, amid aerial bombardments, again in Idlib province, where SOHR documented the death of 12 persons including children and women killed by warplanes targeting the countryside on the eve of the 'Dominica Resurrectionis' ('Pâques' or 'Eastern') and the injury of a large number of others, in Hama province, amid aerial bombardments, and in Daraa province - 31 March 2018: Medical workers in Hama and Idlib provinces recorded dozens of cases of severe burns while treating the people who are arriving after they were displaced from eastern Ghouta, pointing out that these burns resulted from exposure to inflammable napalm which the Assad regime and Russian forces are using
8 April 2018: 8 April 2018: Aid workers and local medics have described apocalyptic scenes in the besieged city of Douma, the site of a chemical attack that has killed at least 42 people, as they scrambled to save the survivors of the latest atrocity in Syria, as Haaretz' Anshel Pfeffer describes how the West failed to prevent one Syrian chemical attack after another, saying that in the history of war, no war crime has been so well documented and so predictable to those who had it in their power to prevent it from recurring - 8 April 2018: 'What’s happening in Syria is genocide of women and children in its cruelest form, using weapons of mass destruction', Israeli chief rabbi Yitzhak Yosef says in a statement, adding that 'we have a moral obligation not to keep quiet and to try and stop this massacre'
5 June 2018: 5 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Daraa province, in Deir Ezzor province, in Lattakia province, and in Hama province - 5 June 2018: Iranian terrorist groups have returned to southern Syria under cover by the Assad regime, with reports about the arrival of Assad regime military reinforcements in the provinces of Daraa and Quneitra - 5 June 2018: 3,766 Palestinian-Syrians have been killed in Syria since March 2011, including 477 women, AGPS says - 5 June 2018: Tartous province has seen demonstrations against the Assad regime’s recruitment of the young people over the past two days, with protesters saying they are no longer willing to fight for Assad in the battles raging in various areas across Syria
16 June 2018: 16 June 2018: According to SOHR, about 220 civilians were killed in the 8th Ramadan since the beginning of the Syrian revolution, as the number of casualties in Ramadan months in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 have reached 10,569 citizens, including 1,823 children and 1,178 women, and as the criminals do not have any sanctity for this month - 16 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama province, in Aleppo and Lattakia province, in Daraa province, again in Hama province, in Idlib and again in Lattakia province, again in Hama province, including areas in Al-Lataminah town, Al-Zakah village and Kafr Zita town, again in Lattakia province, again in Daraa province, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia
28 June 2018: 28 June 2018: The massacre of Al-Tayba town raises the number of casualties to 24 civilian casualties of those who were killed today out of more than 70 casualties due to Assad's and Russian aerial and ground shelling in 9 successive days of escalation - 28 June 2018: The military campaign launched by Assad's regime against the opposition in the south continues for a fourth day, with Russian air support and intense shelling in the towns and villages of the eastern countryside of Daraa - 28 June 2018: About 55 Assad and Russian raids target 4 towns and villages in the countryside of Daraa with renewed shelling ground and barrel bombs drop amid continuous attempts by the regime to control al-Hrak town - 28 June 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo and Hama province - 28 June 2018: The regime forces carry out raids, arrests and thefts in Douma city and in the eastern neighborhoods of the capital Damascus, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia
29 June 2018: 29 June 2018: Assad regime sends lists confirming deaths of hundreds under torture, claiming that the detainees died of heart attacks, despite the bodies showing signs of torture, according to Alsouria Net - 29 June 2018: Ground shelling on Daraa city and air raids on a town east of it break Daraa province’s calm, according to SOHR - 29 June 2018: Assad regime forces target Kafr Hamrah town north-west of Aleppo city - 29 June 2018: Despite the continued negotiations about Daraa and the towns of its eastern countryside Assad's and Russian aerial and artillery shelling renews targeting the city and its countryside - 29 June 2018: Assad and Russian airstrikes pounded rebel-held areas in southwestern Syria on Thursday, killing at least 17 civilians in an underground shelter and driving thousands more from their homes, as displaced people protest near the Israeli border demanding international protection, as soccer mob roars 'goal' in Russia
17 July 2018: 17/18 July 2018: A Russian airstrike hit a school in the town of Ayn al-Tineh, which was hosting tens of displaced families who fled the bombing on the southern Daraa province, as 30 more civilians were wounded in the Russian attack - 17 July 2018: Syrian refugees fled toward the Israeli border as a Russian airstrike on a nearby school being used as a shelter killed at least 10 civilians, according to a search and rescue team, but Israeli soldiers were seen calling for the approaching Syrians to move away from the border in their apparent effort to reach out to the Jewish state for assistance - 17 July 2018: The Syrian Coalition mourned the death of Palestinian-Syrian photographer Nairaz Saied who died under torture in the prisons of the Assad regime after three years of detention
8 August 2018: 8 August 2018: Health agencies warn that Idlib offensive, where an influx of displaced people has roughly doubled the population to around 2.5 million, could uproot hundreds of thousands - 8 August 2018: SNHR said in a report that there were 4,360 incidents of attacks hitting 1,356 schools in Syria since 2011, which caused about half of them to go out of service, documenting the deaths of 528 civilians as a result of attacks on schools and educational institutions, as the Assad regime attacked 996 schools, the Russian forces are responsible for attacking 169 schools and the international coalition forces are responsible for attaching 87 schools - 8 August 2018: Assad’s forces and its allied militias continued for a fourth day in a row their campaign of raids accompanied by widespread arrests in the city of Lajat in the northeastern Daraa countryside in southern Syria
11 August 2018: 11 August 2018: A massacre took place in Urum al-Kubrah in the western countryside of Aleppo, where tens were killed, injured and missed, as a result of successive strikes carried out by warplanes, coinciding with bombardment escalation on southern Idlib province and northern Hama province - 11 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province, in Lattakia province, in Hama province, amid aerial bombardments by warplanes and helicopters, again in Lattakia province, as the number of casualties of the Urem al-Kubra massacre raises to 34 including 12 children and women - 11 août 2018: Au moins 53 civils, dont 28 enfants, ont été tués en Syrie dans les raids aériens ayant visé vendredi soir plusieurs territoires rebelles du nord du pays, selon OSDH
18 August 2018: 18 August 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province, and again in Hama province - 18 August 2018: In a joint letter to the UN signed by Qatar and Liechtenstein on behalf of 41 countries, including the USA, the UK, Spain, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Morocco, Mexico, Austria, Italy, Turkey, France, Canada, and the Netherlands, about the Assad regime’s recent issuance of thousands of death notices for detainees who died under torture in its prisons, condemning the Assad regime's systematic violations, torture and execution of detainee - 18 August 2018: Syrian Civil Defense's Raed Al-Saleh said that Russia must stop lying about the situation in Syria, stressing that jets of the Assad regime and Russia were targeting civilians as well as healthcare facilities and other vital civilian centers
22 August 2018: 22 August 2018: Russian regime's military have been key to propping up Syrian Assad regime and helping him reclaim key ground, as Russian ministry said Wednesday that over 63,000 Russian troops, including 434 generals, have fought in Syria and about 90% of Russian combat pilots have flown in Syria, using the operation to test some of its most advanced weapons, including the latest jets and cruise missiles, helping turn the tide of war in Assad’s favor and the Assad regime in August 2018 five years after the Ghouta chemical attack controls nearly two thirds of the country, compared to just one third back in 2014 - 22 August 2018: Assad regime forces carry out a campaign of searching and raids on the houses of citizens in Yarmouk Basin in Daraa province, under the pretext of searching for weapons and former members in the civil defense and the Russian military police have entered Al-Shajara town, according to SOHR
10 September 2018: 10 September 2018: Syrian dictator Assad reportedly authorized his forces to use chlorine gas in the assault on Idlib province, as regime's and Russian aircraft are pounding the province - 10 September 2018: The Assad regime and Russian air forces have further intensified the bombing campaign in Idlib and Hama provinces, killing more than 30 people, including women and children, as a number of towns and villages are declared disaster areas as a result of the widespread destruction - 10 September 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib province, amid aerial bombardments and shelling by warplanes and helicopters, also dropping about 20 barrel bombs targeting areas in the villages of Abdeen, al-Hbit and Lahaya in the southern countryside of Idlib
2 October 2018: 2 October 2018: Russian forces have killed no fewer than 6,239 civilians since the start of its direct military intervention in Syria on 30 September 2015, according to SNHR, citing testimonies and eyewitness accounts confirming that Russia committed war crimes alongside the Assad regime forces, also saying that since the conflict began in 2011, Russia has used its veto power 12 times on the UN Security Council, including six times to block draft resolutions on the use of chemical weapons - 2 October 2018: Over 8 million people in Syria exposed to explosive hazards, according to UN - 2 October 2018: Assad regime imposes more punitive measures against civilians in Daraa province - 2 October 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Idlib province
12 December 2018: 12 December 2018: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas in Hama and Idlib province
17 February 2019: 17 February 2019: New report shows there were at least 336 chemical attacks over the course of Assad's war in Syria, with 98% of them carried out by Bashar Assad’s regime, the remaining 2% attributed to the Islamic State terrorist group, and with approximately 90% of all confirmed attacks occurring after the infamous 'red line' war crime of August 2013, according to the 'Global Public Policy Institute', calling on the international community to target the military formations responsible for attacks including regime’s helicopter fleet, to prevent delivery of chemical munitions - 17 February 2019: Assad regime forces continue their heavy shelling within the demilitarized zone and target the sectors of Aleppo, Hama and Idlib using shells and missiles - 17 February 2019: Assad's rocket shelling continues leaving more human losses and raising the number of civilian casualties including children and women
1 March 2019: 1 March 2019: SNHR said that no fewer than 108 civilians, including 31 children and 17 women, were killed and hundreds more injured in the intensifying bombing campaign by the Assad regime on rural Idlib and rural Hamas in February - 1 March 2019: Daraa told by Assad's regime to 'forget' prisoners taken before 2014 - 1 March 2019: Assad regime’s operations in the Eastern Ghouta result in the arrests of 12 citizens as the regime continues to clamp down on people of the area - 1 March 2019: As a part of the aerial escalation, warplanes return to bomb Idlib and target major cities and towns along with ground shelling on several areas in the countryside of the province and Sahl Al-Ghab - 1 March 2019: Continuing Russian and Iranian-backed terror attacks, Assad regime forces shell places and carry out raids on areas Hama and Idlib province, also targeting Khan Shaykhun city
23/24 March 2019: 23 March 2019: Russian airstrikes killed at least 15 people, including four children and two women, and injured 27 others in at least 11 attacks on residential areas in rural Idlib including the town of Kfariya - 24 March 2019: Areas of the Russian-Turkish 'truce' in the 4 provinces and 'demilitarized areas' witness renewed escalation through shelling by Assad regime forces, amid the flight of warplanes - 24 March 2019: Turkish authorities continue to enter their columns into Syria in conjunction with the escalation by the Russians and the Assad regime in the northern provinces - 24 March 2019: Despite the announcement of victory in the battle of Baghuz Fawqani by SDF, Islamic State terrorist group continues to be present in an enclave about 40% the size of Lebanon, with acceptance and silence from the Assad regime, Russians, and Iranians and in the form of sleeper and active cells, SOHR says
17/18 May 2019: 18 May 2019: 'Despite our warnings our worst fears are now coming true', UN emergency relief coordinator Lowcock told the UN Security Council, saying that the Assad regime and its Russian ally have intensified attacks against Idlib province, bombing hospitals with the WHO reporting 20 attacks on 18 facilities in the past three weeks, repeating some key questions put to his office in recent weeks by Member States, NGOs, doctors and families, including 'Who is bombing all these hospitals?', 'Is the information being provided about the locations of hospitals in fact being used not to protect hospitals but to target them?', 'What is your advice to parents of children who live in the de-escalation zone?', 'Hasn’t the Security Council passed a resolution reinforcing that countries shouldn’t bomb hospitals?', 'What is the point of the Security Council passing resolutions like that if States are not going to comply with them?'
29 May 2019: 29 May 2019: SNHR issued a new report detailing attacks by the Assad regime and Russian forces on healthcare facilities in northwestern Syria, as Syrian Coalition said that these attacks are aimed at putting more pressure on civilians and forcing them to flee - 29 May 2019: As Assad regime and Russian forces have further escalated the bombing campaign against towns and villages in Idlib, Aleppo and Hama provinces, targeting mainly populated areas, public markets and hospitals, UN warns more Idlib military action will overwhelm aid needs - 29 May 2019: Assad's continued assault on Idleb has killed a further 18 people in Idleb, including women and children, according to Alsouria Net, as SOHR documented about 500 air and ground strikes during the 30th day of Assad's and Russian escalation - 29 May 2019: Syrian civil defense on Tuesday said that Russia and the Assad regime are deliberately bombing agricultural land as part of their fierce onslaught on northwestern Syria
10/11 June 2019: 10 June 2019: The Assad regime and Russian bombing campaign in Idlib and Hama provinces killed around 700 people, including 203 children and displaced tens of thousands more over the past month, aid group says - 10 June 2019: SNHR confirmed that the Assad regime has further stepped up its military operations during the holy month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, killing around 19,000 people and destroying hundreds of mosques during the months of Ramadan over the past nine years - 10 June 2019: Regime’s warplanes carry out a horrific massacre in the southern countryside of Idlib and raise the death toll of today to 19 civilians - 11 June 2019: About 390 civilians including 175 children and women were killed in air and ground strikes in 41 days of the heaviest escalation, SOHR says
27 June 2019: 27 June 2019: At least 63 schools were hit by Assad's and Russian murderous regime's bombardment in the province of Idlib in the first half of 2019, as their bombing campaign in northwestern Syria have knocked out dozens of healthcare and educational facilities, destroying the infrastructure in the province, killing hundreds of unarmed civilians and forcing hundreds of thousands more out of their homes - 27 June 2019: Two member of the Civil Defense were killed and others were wounded during an airstrike that hit the team in the city of Khan Sheikhoun in the Idleb countryside, as 'Double Tap' strikes, hitting the same target twice, has been a common tactic of the regime and Russia, which aims to increase causalities - 27 June 2019: Iran-backed militias reportedly loot antiquities from the historic cities of Aleppo and Palmyra
13 July 2019: 13 July 2019: After they killed 2 families, the Russian warplanes renew their bombardment on the countryside of Hama and Idlib, and bombardment by the regime’s warplanes on a village east of Idlib leaves about 11 casualties and wounded - 13 July 2019: It rose to 14, the number of casualties documented by SOHR following a massacre carried out by Russian warplanes targeting agricultural lands in the vicinity of Khan Shaykhun, as aerial and ground bombardment by regime’s forces south of Aleppo continues - 13 July 2019: Two months of intensive airstrikes by Syrian government forces and their Russian allies, coupled with a fierce ground assault on rebel-controlled Idlib province, have killed hundreds of people and caused massive displacement while achieving little to no gain for Assad's and Putin's murderous regime
20 July 2019: 20 July 2019: Russian and Assad regime's warplanes escalate their airstrikes and target by about 70 strikes and barrel bombs the 'de-escalation' area - 20 July 2019: For the second day in a row, hundreds of ground and airstrikes target Khan Shaykhun city south of Idlib causing massive destruction in the city - 20 July 2019: Two journalists were killed across Syria in June while three others were killed in the months of February, March and April, as Assad regime came at the top of the list of those responsible for the death of journalists in 2019, with the Russian forces coming second, according a report by Syrian journalists - 20 July 2019: n upsurge in aerial bombardment by the Assad regime and Russian air forces on the town of Jisr al-Shughour in rural Idlib has caused a mass exodus of civilians towards the border with Turkey in the past 48 hours
24 July 2019: 24 July 2019: At least 2 civilians (a woman and a child) killed as Assad regime warplanes fired several missiles on Ariha city in Idlib governorate - 24 July 2019: An explosion at offices belonging to the Qaterji Group in Aleppo, linked to Iranian regime’s militias, that controls a large part of commercial and industrial work in Aleppo, killed more than seven people and set fires in the areas, reportedly an action by businessmen loyal to Russian militias, and part of the Iranian-Russian competition in Aleppo through proxies - 24 July 2019: Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces Assad supporters out of checkpoint in Deir Ezzor - 24 July 2019: Former opposition fighters, who agreed to settlements with the regime, have been subjected to arrests in the towns south of Damascus reports Sowt Al-Asma - 24 July 2019: The death of a civilian due to torture in a Syrian regime’s detention center in Damascus city on 20 July confirmed
8 August 2019: 8 August 2019: Assad regime forces advance at the administrative border of Idlib Province with intensive land and also Russian air support, targeting Hama and Idlib countrysides, approaching al-Hbit town, as death toll of today’s violent clashes is 25 of both parties, according to SOHR - 8 August 2019: The humanitarian adviser Najat Rochdi to UN Special Envoy for Syria on Thursday regretted the collapse of a ceasefire in the northwest, saying that fresh violence threatens the lives of millions after more than 500 civilians were killed since late April, as UN's Panos Moumtzis said thr offensive had triggered 'total panic', adding 'these people don't know where to go' - 8 August 2019: Bullets of the Turkish Jandarma continue to target Syrians and injure a displaced child from Deir Ezzor at the border with Iskenderun
22 August 2019: 22 August 2019: About 100 airstrikes carried out by Assad's and Russian warplanes mostly on the eastern countryside of Maarrat al-Nu’man, killing and injuring more than 15 civilians, while helicopters dropped barrel bombs on towns and villages in Idlib and Lattakia province - 22 August 2019: Rebels thwart regime attack in Lattakia - 22 August 2019: Following the capture of Khan Sheikhoun by regime forces, Turkey is questioning the future of its observation posts, established as part of an agreement between Turkey and Russian regime - 22 August 2019: More than 80,000 civilians forced by the ground and air strikes of the Russians and the regime to displace from the eastern countryside of Maarrat al-Nu’man within 72 hours, including tens of thousands of displaced people of Hama and Idlib countryside
29 August 2019: 29 août 2019: Seize civils ont été tués mercredi par des frappes aériennes russes et du régime d'Assad, rapporte l'OSDH - 29 August 2019: Russian jets bombed the Miyassar Al-Hamdo Hospital in Al-Ghadfa in rural Idlib, wounding several civilians and destroying the facility, one week after Russian airstrikes destroyed Al-Rahma Hospital in Tal Minnes in southern rural Idlib - 29 August 2019: Stressing the need for the world to put an end to the disaster the Assad regime and its allies are inflicting on the Syrian people, the Syrian National Coalition condemned the continued brutal onslaught the Assad regime and its allies have launched against northern rural Hama and various parts of Idlib province for months, saying the United Nations and the international community, most notably the group of major actors, are capable and have an obligation to put an immediate end to these attacks and crimes - 29 August 2019: 35 people were killed as about 900 Russian and Assad ground and airstrikes target northern Syria
7 September 2019: 7 September 2019: Assad regime forces renew their breaches to the ceasefire agreement through targeting areas south of Idlib by rocket shells - 7 September 2019: 'The Economist' highlights the 'legacy of Assad’s ruthlessness', citing his release of hundreds of jihadists from prison in 2011 with the hope they would taint the once-peaceful uprising which involved the various segments of the Syrian society, as 'now the regime is bombing them, along with civilians and hospitals ... [and bloody Idlib] offensive will take time'
11 October 2019: 11 October 2019: Turkish forces shell areas of control of the Kurdish Forces north of Aleppo in conjunction with exchange of shelling and targeting in areas west of Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) - 11 October 2019: The SDF regain control of a village in Tal Abyad area and kill 7 members of the Turkish forces and Syrian factions loyal to them - 11 October 2019: Turkey control 10 villages, SDF regain control on two villages, and the displaced rise to 75 thousand while the death toll rises to 41 of SDF, 34 of Turkish forces - 11 October 2019: As Turkey continues its assault on northern Syria, the UNHCR has highlighted the number of children who are displaced, saying tens of thousands of civilians in Syria are on the move to escape the fighting and seek safety - 11 October 2019: Turkish forces kill 7 civilians as they try to escape their fire, and continue their attacks on Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ayn with heavy land and air support
14 October 2019: 14 October 2019: Russian warplanes continue their airstrikes on areas south of Idlib city in conjunction with ground shelling by Assad regime forces, also renewing their helicopter bombardments by barrel bombs - 14 October 2019: Assad regime's cluster-bombs kill a woman and her child in Jabal al-Zawiyah in conjunction with renewed Russian airstrikes targeting south of Idlib - 14 October 2019: Turkish forces and factions fail to achieve any advancement in Ras al-Ayn amid continuous clashes against SDF south Tal Abyad - 14 October 2019: Syrian dictator Assad's troops have begun sweeping into Kurdish-held territory on a collision course with Turkish forces and their allies, a day after the beleaguered Kurds agreed to hand over key cities to Assad regime in exchange for protection
18 October 2019: 18 octobre 2019: Au moins cinq civils ont été tués vendredi dans le nord de la Syrie dans un raid aérien de la Turquie visant un village près de la localité frontalière de Ras al-Aïn - 18 October 2019: Journalists witnessed continued fighting Friday morning in Kurdish-held northeast Syrian town of Ras al-Ayn at the center of the fight between Turkish aggressors and Kurdish forces, despite a USA-brokered ceasefire that went into effect hours earlier, and as Kurds say town besieged and shelled by Turkey despite cease-fire - 18 October 2019: Turkish and allied forces attack SDF in Ras al-Ayn (Sari Kani) city in conjunction with targeting the medical convoys, including Kurdish Red Crescent convoy and an American humanitarian organization, that try to enter the city to evacuate the wounded and injured
26 October 2019: 26 October 2019: Assad regime forces continue their attacks on positions of jihadi groups in Kabani hills for the third day in a row, with ground and air cover by Russian warplanes and the regime’s helicopters in addition to hundreds of missile shells, and about 35 people have been killed of both parties in the past 48 hours - 26 October 2019: SOHR reveals medical reports confirming Turkey’s use of internationally prohibited weapons in northern Syria, calling on the international community to investigate and hold officials accountable - 26 October 2019: Despite announcement of a ceasefire in northeastern Syria, the practical reality confirms that Turkish Forces and their loyal factions did not stop firing for a moment, they even besieged Ras al-Ayn city and prevented SDF from withdrawing from it, and prevented the evacuation of the injured and the evacuation of bodies
3 November 2019: 3 November 2019: Assad regime’s helicopters take turns targeting Jabal al-Akrad with barrel bombs, in conjunction with using rocket shells, as Russian airstrikes renew south of Idlib - 3 November 2019: Assad regime’s cellars continue to claim more Syrian lives, 2 citizens of Rif Dimashq die in prisons, as SOHR’s statistics show the rise of the number of casualties who were killed under torture by the regime - 3 November 2019: Turkish attacks against Kurdish forces in the northern countryside of Aleppo - 3 November 2019: Syria Democratic Forces regained control over 8 new villages, including Al-Daoudiyah, Al-Said, Rayhanah, Al-Suwaidiyah, Kanbahar, Abboush, Um Sha’ifah and Faysaliyah - 3 November 2019: 'Turkey is responsible for civilian casualties in the region it controls', says SDF-spokesman, after a car bomb killed at least 13 people in Turkish-held northeast Syria border town Tal Abyad, one of several once Kurdish-controlled towns seized by Turkey's occupation forces in its deadly cross-border offensive, as thousands of Kurds in the wider region protested against the Turkish occupation
4 November 2019: 4 November 2019: For the first time in 52 days, Assad regime’s warplanes bomb again 'Putin-Erdogan' area through raids targeting areas in Sahl al-Ghab and the western countryside of Idlib - 4 November 2019: 7 casualties and injuries of one family including 4 women killed in bombing by regime’s warplanes on the southern outskirts of Jesr al-Shughur city - 4 November 2019: Security chaos continues to reign in the southern province in Daraa, with assassinations, kidnappings and regime arrests commonplace - 4 November 2019: Fierce clashes between SDF and the Turkey-loyal factions after an attack of the latter on villages in the vicinity of Ayn Issa - 4 November 2019: Kurdish commander Mazloum Abdi has expressed his distrust of both Russia and the Syrian regime, but has agreed to continue to search for peace
6 November 2019: 6 November 2019: Russian regime's airstrikes on Idlib countryside kill 3 children of the same family, who displaced from Al-Lataminah city in Hama countryside a month ago, due to bombardment by the Russian warplanes on the residential neighborhoods in Al-Dar al-Kabirah village in the southern countryside of Idlib - 6 November 2019: Russian warplanes bombard Idlib countryside along with tens of ground strikes that targeted the eastern countryside of Idlib - 6 November 2019: As airstrikes return to escalate in 'Putin-Erdogan' area, the murderous Russian warplanes target children’s hospital in Jabal al-Zawiyah and leave casualties of the medical staff - 6 November 2019: Casualty and 7 injuries in airstrikes by Assad regime’s warplanes on Jisr al-Shughur city - 6 November 2019: Pelted with stones and shoes, Turkish-Russian military launched a cross-border incursion against Syria near Kobani, liberated by Kurdish forces defeating Islamic State terrorists in one of the fiercest battles in 2014/2015 - 6 November 2019: Due to Erdogan's illegal invasion, a number of Islamic State terrorist attacks across Deir ez-Zor has left 15 pro-Syrian regime and Kurdish fighters dead
10 November 2019: 10 November 2019: Clashes and ground shelling in the western Aleppo countryside, including artillery shelling by Assad regime forces that targeted the perimeter of Khan al-Asal, Kafarnaha and al-Shamico area west of Aleppo
14 November 2019: 14 November 2019: Russia has begun setting up a helicopter base at a former civilian airport in the north-eastern Syrian city of Qamishli, showing footage of helicopter gunships arriving there - 14 November 2019: Assad'*s barrel bombs target Latakia countryside in conjunction with 90 airstrikes on Idlib and Latakia countryside, as warplanes target Kabani area in jabal Al-Akrad with 13 airstrikes - 14 November 2019: 3 brothers killed in Idlib countryside in conjunction with more than 40 explosive barrels and navy mines dropped by Assad's helicopters on the same countryside as regime’s ground forces shelled areas in more countrysides - 14 November 2019: Tel Tamr and Abou Rasin have witnessed clashes between the Turkish backed SNA and Kurdish forces, as Turkish artillery rocked the sites and as at least 198 SNA soldiers have been killed for Erdogan since October
17 November 2019: 17 November 2019: Russian warplanes carried out several raids on Sunday morning targeting Jabal al-Akrad while Assad regime forces shelled the countrysides of Idlib and Hama - 17 November 2019: Assad's/Russian airstrikes on the village of Mallaja in Idlib province killed five people, as Syrian Civil Defense and SOHR said three women were among the victims - 17 November 2019: Russian warplanes carried out raids on al-Ftirah and the outskirts of Arinbeh in the southern countryside of Idlib, while Assad's helicopters dropped barrel bombs on Kafr Nubl and Bsaqla south of Idlib city - 17 November 2019: SOHR reveals the identity of a former member of ISIS and the Turkish-backed 'National Army' accused of carrying out the terrorist attack in al-Bab yesterday morning, killing 19 people including at least 13 civilians
19 November 2019: 19 November 2019: Russian warplanes continue their bombardment on towns in Idlib countryside - 19 November 2019: Russian warplanes renew bombardment and carry out 10 raids on Kafr Nubl south of Idlib - 19 November 2019: Despite the reconciliations, dozens of people have been arrested by Assad regime's forces and have now ended up in the notorious Sednaya prison - 19 November 2019: Russian-Turkish patrol pelted with Molotov cocktails in Syria, as videos appeared showing young people hurling rocks at passing armored vehicles near the Syrian border town of Kobani, also setting a Russian-flagged Typhoon mine-resistant vehicle on fire with the makeshift explosive - 19 November 2019: International and local media turn a blind eye to killers of the Civil Defense members in Afrin - 19 November 2019: Assyrian Christians, who escaped the occupation by Islamic State terrorists in 2015 and did not choose to emigrate, now anxiously watch the advance of Turkish forces towards their villages in the south of Hasakeh province, fearing being ‘pushed into exile’ once again since 100 years
28/29 November 2019: 28 November 2019: Newly released drone footage shows the destruction caused to towns and cities during Assad's nearly 9-year civil war, provided by the International Committee of the Red Cross, and showing the extent of the damage to buildings, homes and streets in Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor and rural Damascus - 29 November 2019: Assad's forces, backed by Russian war criminals and Iranian regime's militias, are pushing their assault on Idleb, reportedly killing a number of people in a missile attack on Jisr al-Shughour, as two more civilians were killed in Russian airstrikes on the towns of Kafr Nabl and Kafar Roma Tuesday night - 29 November 2019: Russian warplanes take turns in deadly bombarding the outskirts of Jisr Al-Shughur, also bombarding Kabani area and Kafr Nubl town, raising the number of their raids, as regime’s helicopters dropped barrel bombs
3 December 2019: 3 December 2019: With intense support by Russian warplanes, Assad regime forces regain control of a village east of Maarrat Al-Nu’man and continue their attacks to recover more villages in the area - 3 December 2019: At least 12 children killed in Syria in one day in Assad regime's and Turkish attacks, as regime airstrike on busy market described as ‘massacre’ by rescue workers attempting to pull bodies from rubble - 3 December 2019: Nearly 10 citizens killed or injured in shelling by the Kurdish forces on Azaz city north of Aleppo in conjunction with Turkish artillery shelling on Shirawa Township - 3 December 2019: Daraa witnesses a demonstration and writings on walls demanding the release of detainees and exit of Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists and Iranians from the area
18 December 2019: 18 December 2019: 24 civilians were killed by Russian and Assad regime's air strikes and artillery fire in the opposition-held Syrian province of Idlib on Tuesday, as 9 people, including three children, died when warplanes bombed the town of Talmenes, as the wife and three children of a Civil Defense volunteer were among 6 members of a family killed when shells hit Badama village, and as an air strike on Maasaran reportedly killed another six people - 18 December 2019: The civilian death toll continues to rise with Russian and Assad regime's attacks on towns and villages and a convoy of displaced people being hit on the Aleppo-Damascus highway - 18 December 2019: As a part of the mounting aerial bombardment on Idlib, about 40 barrel bombs and air strikes target Marrat Al-Nu’man and Idlib province since morning, witnessing heavy aerial bombardment by Russian and Assad's warplanes - 18 December 2019: 3 civilians were shot dead by Turkish border forces while trying to cross the Syrian-Turkish border - 18 December 2019: SOHR monitored heavy shelling by the Turkish forces today morning on positions of Syria Democratic Forces in the vicinity of Shirkirak area north of Al-Raqqah city, for years Islamic State terrorists' capital
22 December 2019: 22 December 2019: Russian and Assad's jets have stepped up strikes on villages and towns around Maarat al-Numan, from which thousands of people have fled to a fallacious safety of the Turkish border, as Russian jets reportedly hit a convoy of civilian cars fleeing the city, killing at least eight people including three women and two children, after Russian jets hit a busy marketplace in Saraqeb city on Saturday, leaving at least eight dead and scores injured - 22 December 2019: SOHR documented the death of two men in a Russian air strike on Telmans town - 22 December 2019: Assad regime forces try to reach the largest town in Maarrat Al-Nu’man countryside, as more than 80,000 people have been displaced since early this month, called 'Advent', backed by Assad and Russian regime's intensive aerial and ground bombardment, as 26 casualties were documented in less than 12 hours - 22 December 2019: Backed by the International Coalition aircraft, SDF arrest several people suspected of belonging to IS terrorists after storming two towns east of Deir Ezzor
24 December 2019: 24 December 2019: At least 8 people, including 5 children, were killed Tuesday in Russian air strikes on a school in northwest Syria's Jubas village at the outskirts of Saraqib east of Idlib sheltering displaced civilians, according to SOHR - 24 December 2019: With dozens of intensive air and ground strikes, Assad regime forces try to reach Damascus-Aleppo international highway amid bombing on the area by Russian warplanes - 24 December 2019: Assad regime intelligence raided Sayda and Al-Gharya Al-Sharqiyah towns in Daraa countryside, arresting a number of people after storming their houses, according to SOHR - 24 December 2019: Residents of northwest Syria flee new murderous Russian and Assad regime offensive, as troops push toward rebel-held town Maaret al-Numan and strategic road it controls, civilians escape toward Turkish border and UN warns, again since 2011, of another looming humanitarian crisis, after mendacious UN's Guterres became an Assad regime supporter in 2018
26 December 2019: 26 December 2019: Assad regime forces unleash new attack on Bernan and Farawan renewing the fierce battles in both eastern and south-eastern countryside of Idlib, later advancing again raising the number of areas captured against forces without warplanes, helicopters and tanks - 26 December 2019: Hezbollah terrorists and Assad regime services raid Assal Al-Ward in the Western Qalamoun against backdrop of killing member of regime intelligence - 26 December 2019: Russian forces have taken the International Coalition former base in Tal Samn area, between Ain Issa town and Al-Raqqah city, to be their new military base in the area - 26 décembre 2019: Le président des Etats-Unis a exhorté la Russie, la Syrie et l'Iran à cesser de tuer des civils et à stopper le 'carnage' dans la province d'Idleb en Syrie qui a fait près de 80 victimes civiles en dix jours
28 December 2019: 28 December 2019: Putin's drones dropped cluster bombs on the outskirts of Qastun town in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Idlib countryside, as his murderous warplanes renewed bombardment on residential neighborhoods in Maarrat Al-Nu’man city and Khan Al-Sabil town, as Assad's warplanes targeted the M4 and Babilla village and his murderous helicopters dropped barrel bombs on Tal Mannas and Al-Hamidyah - 28 December 2019: Russian warplanes carried out several air strikes on areas in Maarrat Al-Nu’man and Maasaran south of Idlib, and Maarshorin, Deir Sharqi and frontline areas in the south-eastern countryside of Idlib, as other countrysides came under intensive rocket shelling by the regime forces - 28 December 2019: Tens of thousands of displaced Syrians in their own country suffer from deteriorating humanitarian conditions amid bad weather in Idlib
4 January 2020: 4 January 2020: Five children and four adults have been killed by an Assad missile that hit a school and a camp for displaced people in Syria’s Idlib region, and 19 people were injured, including a teacher who is in a critical condition, the latest attack on civilian infrastructure in opposition held areas, as spokesman for the civil defence office in the town of Sarmin Mustafa Al Rashid said 'fortunately, most students had left only 10 minutes before the bombing, but there were some still playing in front of the school' - 4 January 2020: SOHR documented young man's death injured by murderous Russian warplanes on Khan Al-Sabil, as regime's ground shelling continues on Maarrat Al-Nu’man - 4 January 2020: Maar shorin, Maar shamsheh, Talmens, Maarat al-Numan, Babila, Khan al-Subul and the surroundings of Maar dibseh were subjected to rocket fire carried out by Assad regime forces
6 January 2020: 6 January 2020: The Assad regime continues its brutal assault in Idleb, bombarding the town of Ariha, killing several civilians and wounding dozens more - 6 January 2020: Ariha’s death toll reached 14 civilians, including one woman and 3 children, as new Russian air strikes target the outskirts of the village of Deir Sharqi in rural Maarat al-Numan with air raids - 6 January 2020: Assad regime's brutal 'security' agencies arrested 56 Palestinian children in the town of Yelda south of Damascus after a picture of dictator Assad was torn up during classes at al-Jermaq School - 6 January 2020: 14 people were slaughtered with knives at the hands of unidentified assailants in the Maadan area in the northern Raqqa countryside, which is under the control of Awssad regime forces and allied militias - 6 January 2020: Iranian regime's 'Iran’s Revolutionary Guard' continues to seize civilian homes in Al-Mayadeen city
9 January 2020: 9 January 2020: Russian warplanes intensively bombard Maarrat Al-Nu’man city and countryside, coming after a meeting between the Russian regime's Putin and his Turkish counterpart Erdogan - 9 January 2020: A humanitarian conference has called on the UN to act in Idleb and secure the safety of those who are fleeing Russian and regime bombardment - 9 January 2020: Assad regime security services arrest young people in Al-Mayadin city to be sent for conscription to join Russian, Iranian and Assad's crimes - 8 January 2020: Iran-supported militias move their heavy weapons from al-Bokamal neighborhoods, spread in the green belt area - 9 January 2020: The education sector continues to be most damaged from Assad's and Russian shelling and displacement, where the children make up the largest group of hundreds of thousands of the displaced people in Idlib province, and now they either skip school or suffer badly in order to pursue education
11 January 2020: 11 January 2020: Assad regime warplanes carried out air strikes with several vacuum missiles targeting a popular outdoors market in Bannish city east of Idlib province, which caused a new massacre leaving 7 civilians dead including four females and three children, also injuring 15 others - 11 January 2020: Assad's warplanes carried out several raids targeting the vicinity of the Cultural Center in Idlib city center, which killed 2 civilians and injured 10 others - 11 January 2020: Assad's forces target a Turkish observation post in Aleppo and the Turks respond - 11 January 2020: Assad regime and Russian forces in Tal Tamr countryside prevented USA armored vehicles from continuing their way towards the M4 which leads to Alyah Silos in the north-western countryside of Al-Raqqah - 11 January 2020: Warplanes bombard the 'de-escalation' area again and 18 civilians killed in the aerial bombardment on Idlib - 11 janvier 2020: Parmi les 18 civils tués samedi dans des frappes du régime syrien sur la province d'Idleb, trois enfants ont été tués à Benniche, deux à Al-Nayrab et un à Idleb, selon l'OSDH
18 January 2020: 18 January 2020: At least 18 people have been killed and 15 others were wounded in airstrikes by the Syrian regime and Russia in the western countryside of Aleppo on Saturday, SOHR reported - 18 January 2020: SOHR sources reported that a new massacre carried out by Russian warplanes targeted Bala village of Anjara area in western rural Aleppo, a man, his wife and their two children were killed in the bombardment that took place on Saturday morning, as the perpetrator Putin heads to Berlin, to be protected by German police and welcomed by a cast of quirky characters - 18 January 2020: Putin's warplanes carry out raids since morning on areas in the western countryside of Aleppo, targeting places in Kafr Naha, Al-Muhandiseen, Shamiko, Al-Zerbah, Al-Mansurah and Kafr Jum, killing and injuring civilians
23 January 2020: 23 January 2020: 3 children among a family of five killed in a massacre by Russian jets on Saraqib, as Assad regime forces carry out intensive raids since morning also using helicopters and barrel bombs - 23 January 2020: Russian fascists renew deadly bombardment in Jabal al-Zawiya - 23 January 2020: HRW has accused the Syrian Assad regime of using banned cluster munitions in a missile attack that hit a school and killed five children - 23 January 2020: Aleppo countryside has been rocked by a relentless barrage of regime and Russian airstrikes that have caused widespread damage across the province - 23 January 2020: 208 people from Daraa killed in 2019, as the southern province saw multiple assassination and arrests of former opposition fighters, despite the settlement agreements - 23 January 2020: Russian fascists hide their crimes against Syrians civilians by releasing false statistics, also underestimating regime losses
29 January 2020: 29 January 2020: Russian forces killed civilians from the same family in Sarja village in Idlib on 27 January, the day of Liberation of Auschwitz, 75 years on - 29 January 2020: Russian forces reportedly killed a girl in Einjara village in Aleppo on 28 January - 29 January 2020: Syrian Assad regime bombed Ali al Khatib Primary School in al Maghara village in Idlib on 28 January 28, dropping barrel bomb - 29 January 2020: Assad regime forces bomb south and west of Aleppo with hundreds of missiles and rockets as battles continue in the city’s western outskirts, as regime forces tried to advance after midnight in Tall Mostif in east Idlib countryside, repelled by opposition forces - 29 January 2020: Syria's Maaret al-Numan was a protest hub, before increased regime bombardment reduced it - without air defense - to a graffiti-daubed ghost town - 29 January 2020: Nearly 75,000 flee rural Idlib in less than five days as regime and Russia intensify military operations - 29 January 2020: News agency close to the Iranian military has revealed that its police were involved in the repression of Syrian protesters who went out in 2011 as part of the revolution against the Syrian regime, in a report coming days after the Syrian Assad regime confirmed that the Iranian terrorist Qassem Soleimani was involved in the first battle against rebels in Homs city
30 January 2020: 30 January 2020: Air strikes by Russia's Putin regime hit near a bakery and a medical clinic in the town of Ariha in Syria’s opposition-held Idlib region early on Thursday, killing 10 civilians including at least five women, bringing the total number of civilians killed by Putin's air strikes in Idlib over the past 24 hours to 21, war monitor SOHR said, reporting that the wailing of women and children rang out as rescue workers searched for corpses beneath the rubble, as Russian warplanes also bombarded towns and villages in Idlib countryside, in the northwestern countryside of Hama, and Assad's helicopters dropped barrel bombs on the southern countryside of Aleppo - 30 January 2020: Accompanied with intensive airstrikes by Assad regime’s helicopters and jets as well as Russian jets, along with intensive ground bombardment, 6 fighters killed among pro-Iranian foreign militias in the international highway M5’s battles
3 February 2020: 3 February 2020: Over 220 Assad regime and Russian airstrikes pound Aleppo and Idlib countryside since early morning, as SOHR documented a spike in the number of civilians who were killed today as a result of aerial bombardment on Aleppo countryside, and as 4 children and 3 females among 9 civilians were killed after targeting by regime jets to a vehicle carrying displaced people in Jam’eyyat Al-Rahal - 3 February 2020: Turkish, Assad regime troops killed as regime forces face off in Idlib, and as Erdogan says initial information shows some 30 Assad regime soldiers 'neutralized in operation' involving F-16 warplanes on some 40 targets in Hama, Latakia and Idlib province - 3 February 2020: Turkish soldiers killed as battle for control of Idlib escalates, amid Russian airstrikes, which have already driven 700,000 civilians to the Turkish border
6 February 2020: 6 February 2020: The number of civilians who have been killed in Russian and Assad's aerial and ground bombardment on Idlib and Aleppo, documented by SOHR since yesterday, rose to 13, including children and women - 6 February 2020: Assad regime jets bombarded Taftanaz military airbase east of Idlib, targeting Turkish troops just hours after installing a new military post there, also executing several raids targeting other areas of Idlib and in Aleppo countryside, as regime helicopters dropped barrel bombs - 6 February 2020: With intensive Turkish artillery support, factions carried out a violent attack on Al-Nayrab town, which was recently brought under Assad regime forces control in eastern rural Idlib, as Turkish troops set up a new post at Taftanaz military airbase, east of Idlib
10 February 2020: 10 February 2020: Russian air strikes Monday killed at least five civilians in the last major opposition bastion in northwestern Syria - 10 February 2020: Death toll of Russian jets’ massacre rises to 9 in Abyan, west of Aleppo, including 6 children, 2 women and a man, including displaced persons, while Russian raids left at least 20 people injured, including 7 children and 2 women - 10 February 2020: With full Turkish support, Turkish-backed factions and Turkish troops begin intensive rocket attack on Assad regime forces positions, east of Idlib, as Turkish forces also targeted with heavy artillery Jab al-Ramlah airstrip in Hama countryside, and as intensive aerial bombardment continued by Assad's and Russian jets and helicopters in western and southwestern rural Aleppo
11 February 2020: 11 February 2020: Russian jets bombard Idlib and Aleppo intensively, while regime forces attempt to advance further into north-east Idlib - 11 February 2020: Assad regime and Russian murderous forces escalate air and ground bombardment on Aleppo and Idlib forcing civilians to flee - 11 February 2020: Turkey-backed rebels downed an Assad regime helicopter in northwest Syria's Nairab, Turkey's state broadcaster reports, as on Monday Turkish forces hit 115 Assad regime targets and destroyed 101 of them in retaliation for an attack that killed five Turkish soldiers in Syria's rebel-held northwest, the Turkish Defense Ministry said - 11 February 2020: Syrians scramble for refuge against harsh winter as Russian and Assad's attacks on Idlib fuel crisis and almost half of the 700,000 uprooted since December are children, according to UN - 11 February 2020: Turkey sends new military reinforcement to Syria
15 February 2020: 15 February 2020: Amid Assad's and Russian deadly attacks against northern Syria, claiming the lives of 8 civilians on Friday, another terrorist helicopter successfully shot down - 15 February 2020: Russian jets bomb the western countryside of Aleppo, launching intensive airstrikes on the vicinity of Atareb, Tqad, Jam’eyyat Al-Sallum, Jam’eyyat Al-Rahal, Al-Saharah - 15 February 2020: Assad's and Russian regime's offensive on opposition-controlled region of northwestern Syria has created one of the worst catastrophes for civilians in Assad's long-running war, sending hundreds of thousands of people fleeing, many of them sleeping in open fields and under trees in freezing temperatures, causing deaths, as French Macron in Munich defends closer dialogue with Russia, allied with Russian war criminal Putin also in Haftar's Libyan war against the UN-recognised government - 15 February 2020: Four people were killed and a civil defense volunteer was injured in a Russian airstrike that hit the town of Sahara in western rural Aleppo on Saturday, according to civil defense corps
25 February 2020: 25 February 2020: Airstrikes carried out today by Assad regime and Russian jets rose to more than 150 raids, as SOHR documented more civilian fatalities as a result of rocket attacks on several schools in Idlib city - 25 February 2020: SOHR documented the death of two schoolgirls and a teacher as a result of cluster rocket attacks targeted a school in Idlib city, as Russian and regime jets continue their bombardment on Idlib countryside - 25 February 2020: Assad regime forces attempt to recapture Al-Nayrab from rebels, and Turkish artillery responds to regime fire - 25 February 2020: Advancing Assad regime forces have conducted summary executions of civilians that refused to leave their homes, reports Zaman Al Wasl - 25 February 2020: A Syrian man who was displaced with his family has offered to sell his kidney, in exchange for enough money to buy a tent
27 February 2020: 27 February 2020: Assad regime forces carry out rocket attack on Idlib city, leaving a family, including two children dead, after SOHR documented the death of four civilians, including a woman as a result of Russian airstrikes on Arnabeh village south of Idlib city - 27 February 2020: Turkey-backed Syrian forces say they regained key Syrian town of Saraqeb from 'Assad's gangs', as allied Russian regime's source denied the claim that rebels retook the strategic town, which the opposition lost in a Russian- and Iranian-backed offensive, displacing a million Syrians, but SOHR confirms that Saraqeb city is completely regained - 27 February 2020: Syrian civil defence service has released footage showing the rescue operation after airstrikes by the Syrian and Russian war criminals on Tuesday, as 8 school facilities were bombed in Idlib province, killing more than 20 people
28 February 2020: 28 February 2020: Dozens of Turkish soldiers have been killed in an airstrike in Idlib province after Turkish convoy and soldiers had taken cover in Balioun, basing themselves in the local council building, in a dramatic escalation of Assad's and Russian offensive for control of Syria's last opposition stronghold, as several sources in Idlib and unverified footage of the nighttime strike suggested it had been carried out by Russian regime's air force, as USA condemns attack and NATO holds emergency meeting at the request of Turkey - 28 February 2020: SOHR documented the death of a man, his wife and two of their children as a result of an airstrike carried out by Russian jets on Billion in Jabal al-Zawiya on Friday morning, as Russian and Assad's jets carried out raids on other areas, and as despite Russian airpower Turkish forces impede Assad regime advance in Saraqeb with intensive rocket fire in heavy and violent battles on Saraqeb frontline - 28 February 2020: 4 persons from Daraa killed under torture in Assad's prisons
29 February 2020: 29 February 2020: Turkish strikes on Friday killed nine Hezbollah members and wounded 30 others, according to the Iran-backed terrorists, saying that Turkish strikes targeted Hezbollah headquarters near Saraqeb in Idlib, using smart missiles and drones - 29 February 2020: As Russian and Assad regime's warplanes continue air strikes on Saturday on the strategic city of Saraqeb, Turkish ground and air strikes on regime's forces and their allies in Idlib province have killed 48 regime's soldiers in the past 24 hours, according to SOHR - 29 February 2020: While Russian airstrikes renew on Aleppo and Idlib, Assad regime and Turkish forces exchange fire - 29 février 2020: La Turquie affirme avoir annihilé une 'installation d'armes chimiques' au sud d'Alep, ainsi que d'autres cibles du régime - 29 February 2020: Idlib and Aleppo countryside under ongoing Turkish fire as Erdogan’s deadline on Idlib ends
1 March 2020: 1 March 2020: Turkish news agency reported an Assad regime plane has been downed in Idlib Sunday morning, as dictator Assad declared the airspace over northwest Syria closed to planes and drones, pledging to down any aircraft that violates it - 1 March 2020: Turkey says military operation against Syrian regime underway - 1 March 2020: Assad regime forces renew attacks on Saraqeb amid normal Turkish shelling on rural Idlib - 1 March 2020: Fierce clashes erupt in Al-Sanamayn in Daraa province as Assad regime forces storm the city using heavy weapons - 1 March 2020: 8,622 civilians among nearly 20,000 persons killed by Russian jets since the start of Russia’s military operation in Syria, according to SOHR - 1 March 2020: Turkish president Erdogan said he had asked Putin for Russia to stand aside in Syria and let Turkey fight Assad regime forces alone, after 34 Turkish soldiers were killed this week
11 March 2020: 11 March 2020: 4 children were injured due to indiscriminate gunfire by Assad regime soldiers in Al-Keswa city, according to SOHR - 11 March 2020: Turkey's Erdogan said his country will not shy away from even stronger military action in Syria's Idlib region if last week's truce is broken, as Russian delegation arrived in Ankara for talks on details of the two sides' agreement, while the ceasefire meets Turkey's most pressing concern to stop further influx of refugees from Idlib, but cements recent Assad regime advances and allows Russian regime to move further north than they have been able to before - 11 March 2020: Turkey wants to rebuild Syria with the country's oil income, Erdogan says - 11 March 2020: Syrian regime has been holding 110 Palestinian women in secret detention throughout its vast prison network, with 34 of them tortured to death, a human rights organisation has found - 11 March 2020: Assad regime intelligence launch new security campaigns in Eastern Ghouta arresting 20 young people - 11 March 2020: German court of Koblenz announced world’s first criminal torture trial by suspected agents of Assad’s regime will begin on 23 April, saying it will apply the principle of universal jurisdiction, in a move that is sending an important signal to survivors and those affected by Assad regime’s system of mass oppression of citizens
12 June 2020: 12 June 2020: SOHR documented the death of a woman of injuries sustained in airstrikes by Russian jets a few days ago, on Ballion area in Jabal al-Zawiya, as Assad regime forces shell areas south of Idlib with heavy artillery, targeting Fleifel frontline, and trade fire in southern Idlib - 12 June 2020: SOHR documented the death of a university student from Al-Bab city in north eastern Aleppo, who died under torture in Assad’s prisons after being arrested in Aleppo 7 years ago, as killing under torture of thousands documented by names continues in regime’s prisons, more cases were documented, and regime acknowledged killings of prisoners, sometimes informed their families, after contact with these prisoners has been lost for months or years - 12 June 2020: Syrian protesters call for Assad's downfall as economic crisis deepens and marches held on streets of Sweida amid soaring food prices and disillusion with corruption - 12 June 2020: Syria's currency has plunged by 70% since April, more than half its people face food scarcity, hopes of rebuilding a country shattered by war continue to ebb, and the country seems barely able to absorb new shocks, as new USA sanctions that take effect next week, could devastate what is left
29 July 2020 newly inducted members of the Fifth Legion chant for the fall of Assad's regime in Daraa: 29 July 2020: Hundreds of newly inducted members of the Fifth Legion chanted for the fall of the regime in Daraa today, as a Baladi News correspondent said that the Eighth Brigade had graduated a 900-fighter military cohort as part of a military formation in Busra al-Harir east of Daraa, adding that the military parade was held in the presence of officers of the Russian military police, military leaders in addition to a number of notable figures from Daraa, and at the end of the military parade, the graduating fighters chanted against the Assad regime, for the removal of Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah from all Syrian regions, while the fighters continued to raise the regime flag and wearing its official uniform
10/11 October 2020: 10 October 2020: SOHR activists have documented the death of a woman and the injury of others in Assad regime artillery fire on Al-Bara town in in rural Idlib, as regime forces also shelled rebel positions in Balyoun village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib and Qastoun in SahlAl-Ghab in north-western Hama - 11 October 2020: Assad regime forces renewed their rocket attacks on towns and villages in Jabal al-Zawiya - 11 October 2020: Protesters closed the streets in al-Nuaima town east of Daraa and set rubber tyres on fire, responding to the arbitrary arrests by the regime forces and demanding the release of the detainees - 11 October 2020: SOHR documented the death of 3 civilians and the injury of 4 others, as a landmine exploded while they were trying to cross the Syrian border into Turkey from the countryside of Al-Malikia city in north-eastern Syria - 11 October 2020: After deadöy blast in Syrian northwest town of Al-Bab, killing at least 11 people, USA says rise in attacks troubling
14 November 2020: 14 November 2020: Assad regime forces renewed their rocket attacks on the southern countryside of Idlib, after Russian fighter jets yesterday executed four airstrikes using high-explosive missiles, targeting the western bushes of Idlib city, a few minutes after targeting the same area with a surface-to-surface missile fired by the Russian base of Hmeimim in Latakia countryside, after Assad regime in the morning renewed rocket attacks on towns and villages in the Idlib countryside - 14 November 2020: 6 people killed in attack on positions of Iranian forces and allied militias on the outskirts of Albu Kamal, as it is not known to date whether the attack was caused by Israeli airstrikes or surface-to-surface missiles fired by the International Coalition bases - 14 November 2020: Landmine explosion leaves four casualties in western Aleppo - 14 November 2020: SOHR has documented the death of a resident, who was working as a civil servant in the local council, from the city of al-Rastan in the northern countryside of Homs, under torture inside the regime security prisons after the arrest of nearly two years, while his body was handed over to his relatives on Friday
12 December 2020: 12 December 2020: SOHR monitored Russian jets executing airstrikes on Kabana frontlines in northern countryside of Latakia province, coinciding with the flight of Russian reconnaissance drones over the area of Jabal al-Zawiya, south of Idlib - 12 December 2020: 4 years after poison gas massacre in Aqirbat which killed 53 people, including 16 children and 12 women, Assad regime forces and Iranian-backed militias wreak havoc and destruction in eastern Hama as well as forcing the remaining people to flee, as SOHR has documented several massacres against them and the theft of their livestock - 12 December 2020: Militias loyal to Lebanese Hezbollah and Iran reinforce their presence along eastern line of international road M5 in Idlib province, bringing in new military reinforcement
6 March 2021: 6 March 2021: After attacks with surface-to-surface missiles fired by Russian warships and Assad regime forces stationed in military barracks in Aleppo on an oil market and oil refineries in Tarhin and Al-Hamaran in areas under the control of Turkish forces and their proxy factions, nearly 30 people killed and wounded, while fire brigades still extinguishing blazes - 6 March 2021: Assad regime forces renew shelling areas in Idlib and Hama and rocket attacks targeting positions in Kansafrah, Al-Faterah, the surrounding areas of Al-Bara, Bayanin and Al-Ruwayha in southern Idlib, as Russian reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the 'de-escalation zone' - 6 March 2021: SOHR documented the death of a displaced Syrian woman in the Al-Hawl camp in Al-Hasakah countryside, after being shot by unknown gunmen believed to be of ISIS cells
1 May 2021: 1 May 2021: Assad regime forces fire several rockets on Um Batna town near the Golan in the middle countryside of al-Quneitra under the pretext that yesterday’s attack on Jaba checkpoint was launched from Um Batna town, while residents flee from the town - 1 May 2021: Assad regime forces surround town in al-Quneitra countryside, amid negotiations between officers and dignitaries - 1 May 2021: In areas controlled by Iranian forces in west Euphrates region, SOHR has learnt that Iranian-backed militias have established rocket launchpads in the past few hours, where the missiles have been oriented to areas under the control of SDF and the International Coalition in eastern Euphrates - 1 May 2021: Russian and Asayish Forces tour Tayy neighbourhood - 1 May 2021: Intensive bombardment paves the way to Turkish-backed factions’ attack on Kurdish positions - 1 May 2021: Turkish-backed military police arrest several civilians in Sheikh Hadid - 1 May 2021: SOHR has learnt that the water pumps in Ma’adan Atiq, Ghanim al-Ali in eastern al-Raqqah, and Dabsi Affan in western al-Raqqah have been put out of service due to the ongoing drop in water level in the Euphrates river in al-Raqqha countryside, which is under control of regime forces, as Turkey continues retaining water running through its dams to Syria
24 May 2021: 24 May 2021: Assad regime forces renew rocket fire on five villages and cities in the southern countryside of Idlib and in the north-western countryside of Hama - 24 May 2021: Iran-backed militia bring arms to new base on the opposite side of SDF and international coalition eastern Aleppo, as Iranian movements via its proxies and militia have continued to deepen the expansion in different Syrian territories - 24 May 2021: SOHR reported an explosion in Jerabuls city under control of the National Army factions and the Turkish forces in eastern Aleppo, as the accident that was caused by bombing a motorbike near al-Shariya Mosque, murdering three civilians and wounding other seven including serious injuries - 24 May 2021: Autonomous Administration of north and east Syria decides shut its crossings with Syrian regime
10 June 2021: 10 June 2021: 15 Russian airstrikes and Assad regime 150 rocket fire caused eight killed and wounded people including a civilian and her kid in southern Idlib, as SOHR activists have reported death of at least 8 fighters by regime forces in southern Idlib countryside, and as rocket fire has targeted a civilian car in Ibleen, and as some factions fighters who have arrived to the site of attack have been also targeted by another rocket causing casualties, and as Russian airstrikes targeted areas in eastern Idlib countryside, with jets still hovering over the region - 10 June 2021: Deaths rise to 10 including three civilians amid large wave of displacement in Jabal al-Zawiyah - 10 June 2021: After 8 people killed and wounded including HTS officials, Turkish forces and factions heavily bombard Assad regime bases in Idlib countryside
13 June 2021: 13 juin 2021: Au moins 18 personnes, dont 14 civils, ont été tuées samedi en Syrie dans des tirs d’artillerie sur la ville d’Afrine, où un hôpital a notamment été touché par les bombardements dans ce secteur tenu par des rebelles proturcs, tandis que un médecin, trois employées du personnel hospitalier, deux femmes et deux enfants au moins, mais aussi un commandant rebelle, figurent parmi les victimes des bombardements ayant touché l’hôpital al-Chifaa, a précisé, 'Syrian Observatory for Human Rights' in London - 13 June 2021: SOHR activists reported rocket attacks by Assad regime forces on frontlines in Jabal al-Turkman in the northern countryside of Latakia as well as several towns and villages in Jabal al-Zawiyahin southern Idlib - 13 June 2021: Death toll update, as 21 people, mostly civilians, killed in Afrin massacre
3 July 2021: 3 July 2021: Assad regime's shelling kills 8 citizens, mostly children, including shelling of Ibleen village in southern Idlib province targeting the home of Subhi al-Assi, killing him, his wife and three of his children, also destroying a civil defense center and a water station, 'Washington Post' reports - 3 July 2021: Nearly 25 civilians, mostly children, killed and injured in Assad regime bombardment on southern Idlib - 3 July 2021: SOHR documented 4 strikes by a Russian fighter jet on Sheikh Youssef area on the western outskirts of Idlib city, as the Russian airstrikes coincided with flight by another Russian jet over the 'de-escalation zone' - 3 July 2021: SOHR documented the death of a child due to the explosion of an old landmine in Um al-Tanabeer village in the eastern countryside of Homs, while he was grazing sheep, as SOHR documented the death of 548 people, including 77 women and 181 children, by mines, IED explosions and collapse of cracked residential buildings in several Syrian areas since 2019
22 July 2021: 22 July 2021: Assad regime's artillery shells struck the village of Ibleen in southern Idlib province on Thursday, killing seven members of the same family, including four children, their mother the children’s grandfather and uncle, as the father was injured, rescue workers and a war monitor said, as shelling is part of regime's and allies' ongoing military escalation in the area in northwestern Syria, which had been under a 'ceasefire' sponsored by Russian regime and Turkey since last year, as SOHR also records 21 people, including 11 children and six women, have been killed in government attacks on the rebel enclave since Saturday - 22 July 2021: Russian warplanes bombarded Jabal al-Zawiyah in south Idlib after massacre killed seven of same family - 22 July 2021: For third time since beginning of 2021 Al-Jaisah gas pipeline exploded in northwest Deir Ezzor, as unknown gunmen have used IED
29 July 2021: 29 July 2021: Bashar al-Assad's regime has attacked a former opposition stronghold with missiles and artillery shelling in an attempt to crush a simmering insurrection, in an unprecedented development in Syria’s decade-long war, as Deraa al-Balad and its surrounds, a district of Deraa city in the southern province of the same name, was targeted with heavy weaponry in tandem with a ground push on three axes from two Syrian army divisions and allied Iran-backed militias early on Thursday morning, in a large offensive which continued throughout the day - 29 July 2021: SOHR activists have documented a spike in the death toll of the massacre committed by regime forces in al-Yadoudah town in Daraa countryside, as five civilians, a woman and her little son and three other children, were killed in rocket fire by regime forces on the town, near Daraa city - 29 July 2021: SOHR activists have documented the death of eight civilians due to regime rocket fire on populated residential neighbourhoods in Daraa province. - 29 July 2021: Russian fighter jets renewed their airstrikes this afternoon, targeting positions in Ihsim and Mar’ian in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib with over 5 airstrikes, which resulted in the injury of at least one man and caused material damage
21/22 August 2021: 21 August 2021: 15 children and one woman among 18 civilians killed in 11 days, amid military escalation by Russian and Assad regime forces, as SOHR documented the death of a little girl affected by the injury she had in yesterday’s bombardment by regime forces on Kafr Nuran town, as the girl’s little brothers had been also injured in that bombardment, as the kids were visiting their father’s grave - 22 August 2021: SOHR that Russian fighter jets have executed several airstrikes with high-explosive missiles on the outskirts of Kansafra, Mar’yan and al-Mawzarah towns in the southern countryside of Idlib, as airstrikes coincided with frequent flights by Russian reconnaissance drones, and as Assad regime forces shelled, with heavy artillery, the villages of Kherbet al-Naqous, al-Sarmaniya, Qulaydeen, al-Qaherah, al-Ankawi, al-Daqmaq and al-Zaqoum in Sahl al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama
31 August 2021: 31 August 2021: SOHR reported the death of a man and his son due to explosion of an old landmine, while they were picking figs in the outskirts of al-Bara town in Jabal al-Zawiya in the countryside of Idlib - 31 August 2021: SOHR activists reported entry of 12 trucks loaded with WEF aids coming from Assad regime-held areas to HTS areas in Idlib province via Miznar-Ma’arat al-Na’san crossing in northeast Idlib - 31 August 2021: Rockets carried on vegetables trucks, as land-land Iranian-made rockets coming from Iraq arrived in east Deir Ezzor - 31 August 2021: Children among many injured as uncertainty surrounds explosion in Turkish-backed militiaman’s house in Jarabulus - 31 August 2021: SOHR reported death of a young man from Tal Refa’at in Aleppo countryside due to torture in Assad's military Sydanya prison after eight years detention
8 September 2021: 8 September 2021: Several civilians have been killed in a series attacks conducted by the the Assad regime and its allies in rebel-held northwestern Syria, as at least 5 people were killed and several others wounded in the shelling across Idlib province, including Nour el-Din Afair from Idlib University, who was killed in a rocket attack while trying to rescue his son, who had been wounded in a previous rocket attack, Al Jazeera reports - 8 September 2021: SOHR documented the death of a civilian woman and injury of child, as Assad regime forces fired a Krasinball shell this morning, which hit the house of a doctor in Mar’yan village in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as on the other hand, Russian jets executed several airstrikes on the surrounding areas of al-Bara town in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib - 8 septembre 2021: Une femme a été tuée, mercredi, dans un bombardement des forces du régime qui a ciblé un bâtiment comprenant une clinique dans la province d’Idleb (nord-ouest), a indiqué l’Observatoire syrien des droits de l’homme (OSDH)
19 September 2021: 19 September 2021: SOHR reported flights by Russian reconnaissance drones over south Idlib countryside, west Hama countryside and south Aleppo countryside, as Assad regime forces fired several rockets on the villages of al-Fterah, Fulayfil, al-Bara and Kansafra in Jabal al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib, also targeting Sheikh Suleiman frontline in the western countryside of Aleppo with mortars and heavy machineguns - 19 September 2021: Assad regime rocket attacks on Jisr al-Shughur kill child, with ongoing intensive Russian airstrikes on 'de-escalation zone' - 19 September 2021: Russian jets attack positions in south of M4 highway, amid ongoing inaction by Turkey - 19 September 2021: Russian jets target more areas in 'de-escalation zone', bringing the number of today’s airstrikes to 17
19 October 2021: 19 October 2021: SOHR reported renewed airstrikes by Russian jets, as Russian fighter jets executed airstrikes on the perimeter of the Turkish military post in al-Barah in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib, as the Russian missiles hit positions near the Turkish post, and as Assad regime forces bombarded positions in Sarjeh, Quqfin in the southern countryside of Idlin and Kafr Ta’al in the western countryside of Aleppo with Russian-made shells 'Krasinball', killing an opposition fighter and injuring four others in Quqfin - 19 October 2021: SOHR monitored trucks carrying raw materials used for manufacturing explosives arrive in Iranian-backed militias’ headquarters in al-Mayadeen, particularly al-Mazare’ area which is the capital of the Iranians in west Euphrates region
20 October 2021: 20 October 2021: Four children were killed while on their way to school on Wednesday in an attack in the Syrian town of Idlib, UN's children's agency Unicef said in a statement, adding that civilians, among them many children, keep bearing the brunt of a brutal decade-long conflict - 20 October 2021: Assad regime's army shelling kills at least 11 people in Idlib’s Ariha, as several school children are reportedly among the victims of shelling on the city in the rebel-held region of northwestern Syria - 20 octobre 2021: Une attaque à la bombe a visé un bus militaire à Damas, faisant au moins 14 morts et trois blessés selon France24, as 'The Guardian' reports that moments later shelling by Assad regime forces killed 8 people in the Idlib region, which is controlled by groups that have claimed to have carried out such attacks in the past
1 November 2021: 1 November 2021: 157 civilians among 350 people killed across Syria in October 2021, as civilian death toll includes 30 children under the age of 18, 12 women over the age of 18, and they were as follows, as 20 civilians, including six children and four women, were killed in shelling and gunfire by Assad regime forces, as 4 civilians died under torture in regime prison, as 67 civilians, including six women and seven children, were killed in 'honour killings', family and factional rivalries and indiscriminate gunfire , as 21 civilians, including a woman and 13 children, were killed in explosions of IEDs and landmines, as 3 3 people were killed in Turkish bombardment, as a child was killed by the Turkish border guard forces 'Jandarma' - 1 November 2021: Syrian regime forces and Iranian militias pushed massive reinforcements to northeast Aleppo, accompanied by hovering Russian helicopters, as opposition activist Shihabi said regime forces and Iranian militias sent a large military convoy to the front lines on the axes of Tal Rahal, Tal Zwayan, and Daghlbash, in the vicinity of al-Bab city
12 November 2021: 12 November 2021: Areas in Qouliden, al-Ankawy in Sahl al-Ghab in northwest Hama countryside have been bombarded by Assad regime ground forces on Friday, as regime forces also trade attacks with factions in Jabal al-Zawiyah - 12 November 2021: UN's WFP Chief meets families in Syria struggling to survive deepening hunger crises, warning that more Syrians are in the grip of hunger today than at any time during their country’s decade-long conflict, blaming a deadly combination of conflict, climate change, covid and rising food and fuel costs - 12 November 2021: SOHR activists reported death of a child and a man while other two were wounded in a land mine explosion, expected to be part of the war ordnance while they had picked olive in the vicinity of San town in east Idlib countryside
14 November 2021: 14 November 2021: On 13 November the Syrian people marked the 4th anniversary of one of the most horrific massacres in Syrian territory during Assad's war since 2011, when Russian fighter jets struck, with high-explosive missiles, al-Atareb market in west Aleppo countryside in an attacka that left 82 Syrians dead, including 5 children among them there were 4 siblings, 7 females, 7 prisoners in a prison of the 'free police' and 13 free police officers. The massacre also left dozens of people injured, some of them suffered permanent disabilities by the intensive Russian airstrikes, according to SOHR activists - 14 November 2021: Russian forces deployed a long-range air-defense system in al-Tabqah airbase in northeastern Raqqa governorate, where USA forces were deployed after expelling ISIS, according to SOHR - 14 November 2021: Iranian-backed militias and Syrian Assad regime seize nearly 1,100 units belonging to civilians in Deir Ezzor since early 2021 - 14 November 2021: Escalating violence in de-escalation zone, with fire bombardment and clashes it frontlines in Aleppo and Idlib countryside, rocket fire by Assad regime forces this evening in Sufohin, al-Fatera and Fulaifil villages in Jabal al-Zawiyah southern of Idlib, as Russian laser guided 'Krasnopol' shells hit a police station in Taftanaz town eastern of Idlib, leaving three police members injured, and as continuous Russian scouting drones were seen flying over the region
28 November 2021: 28 November 2021: SOHR documented the death of a civilian and the injury of another by Assad regime forces’ rocket attack on the village of Kafrtaal west of Aleppo, als reporting that regime forces continued their heavy bombardment, targeting the towns and villages of Majdaliya, Maarzaf, Mantaf, Kansafra, and other areas in Jabal al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib with nearly 50 rockets - 28 November 2021: Two women and a child, members of the same family, were killed and 5 others were injured in an attack Saturday in Minbej, a Kurdish-controlled city in northern Syria, according to local authorities - 28 November 2021: SOHR documented the death of two children in a grenade explosion while they were playing with it in Al-Halwanji village in the eastern countryside of Aleppo
3/4 December 2021: 3 December 2021: The body of a child was found in a bag in al-Haswiyah area in Homs, near a regime security checkpoint, while local sources said that the child was killed by Assad regime members for unknown reasons - 4 December 2021: SOHR documented the death of eight civilians under torture in Assad regime notorious prisons, after varying durations of detention, some of which reached ten years. The fatalities were from Daraa, Al-Hasakah, Idlib, Al-Suwaidaa, Rif Dimashq and Homs. - 4 December 2021: Assad regime forces shelled positions of opposition factions in towns in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in the southern countryside of Idlib - 4 December 2021: SOHR documented the death of ten workers in Al-Kharatah oil field and the injury of at least two others due to an IED explosion in their bus in the south-western countryside of Deir Ezzor where ISIS cells were prevalent
14 February 2022: 14 February 2022: Assad regime’s grip on aid agencies in Syria must be addressed, as resurgent Assad regime forces control distribution and one militia has contract to rebuild city it destroyed, and as manipulation of aid by Bashar al-Assad is a unique and persistent form of control that needs to be urgently addressed, according to a new CSIS report.
23 February 2022: 23 February 2022: SOHR monitored a Russian warplane that flew over Aleppo countryside in areas held by Turkish forces and their proxies, and dropped two thermal bombs in Birshaya village in Qabasin town in Aleppo countryside, as the Russian warplane also struck Al-Hadas village eastern of Tarhin - 23 February 2022: SOHR monitored Russian reconnaissance planes flying over Jabal Al-Zawiyah in south Idlib and Sahl Al-Ghab in north-west Hama, coming amid 'routine' attacks conducted in the region on daily basis as regime forces have fired projectile on Benin, Fulifil and the vicinity of Al-Futirah in south Idlib countryside - 23 February 2022: SOHR sources reported the death of a child of wounds he sustained, yesterday night, in an explosion of remnants of regime bombardment in Edwan village in west Idlib, also reporting the injury of two children in another bomb explosion in Bilyoun town in Jabk AL-Zawiyah in south Idlib countryside
5 March 2022: 5 March 2022: Syrians have been reacting to the painful events unfolding in Ukraine on social media, not only through an outpouring of sympathy but also with this message to the world that for now war decisive Putin regime's campaigns and aerial bombardements in Syria since 2015 were a prelude and a testing ground for Vladimir Putin’s war in Europe. 'The lack of accountability for these crimes against humanity is giving the green light to Putin and other authoritarian regimes to start new wars and spread chaos and instability' the American Coalition for Syria said in a statement of solidarity with Ukrainians, SOHR reports> - 5 March 2022: SOHR reports that Assad regime forces have fired dozens of shells on Kansafra town and its vicinity in Jabal AL-Zawiyah in the southern Idlib countryside, coinciding with flight of scouting drones in the region, as regime forces also shelled Fulaifil and Sofohun villages in Jabal Al-Zawiyah southern of Idlib, and Al-Ziyara village in Sahl Al-Ghab north western of Hama, also monitoring attacks with light weapons between regime forces and rebel factions on the frontlines of Al-Dawir in Idlib countryside and Maiznaz
12 March 2022: 12 March 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces shelled areas in the vicinity of Maarat Al-Naasan village in the northern countryside of Idlib on Saturday - 12 March 2022: SOHR reported that in Assad regime-held areas talks of sending fighters as 'mercenaries' to fight alongside the Russians in their war against Ukraine has become the most common talk as these areas are hit by poor living and economic conditions, and as members of Al-Baath party and former leaders of opposition factions, who have struck 'settlements and reconciliation deals' under Russian supervision during 2018 in areas south of the capital Damascus and Eastern Ghouta, have begun to openly promote fighting in Ukraine alongside Russian forces - 12 March 2022: In just 22 days, SOHR documented the killing of 1181 civilians, including 244 children under the age of 18, and 164 women on February 18, 2018, due to rockets and artillery shelling and barrel bombardment carried out by regime forces, their backed militias and Russians on separate areas of eastern Ghouta of Damascus. SOHR activists also documented massive destruction of civilian properties due to the intensive airstrikes executed by Russian fighter jets on various areas of Eastern Ghouta.
19 April 2022: 19 April 2022: Russian fighter jet bombarded an area between Ihsim and Al-Bara towns in Jabal Al-Zawiyah with four airstrikes, coming after cessation of Russian aerial operations in the 'de-escalation zone' for ten days - 19 April 2022: On Tuesday morning, Assad regime forces fired rockets on areas in Al-Sarmaniyah and Al-Ziyarah in faction-controlled areas in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-west Hama countryside and positions in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside - 19 April 2022: SOHR activists documented eight attacks and crimes in 26 hours, as Daraa province witnesses a dramatic escalation of rampant insecurity situation that prevails in various cities, towns, and villages which are under the control of Assad regime forces, Iranian and Russian-backed militias, while Syrian regime is totally incapable of putting an end to chaos and insecurity that poses a threat to people safety and lives and worsens the catastrophic situation and the very poor living condition
1 May 2022: 1 May 2022: The 'de-escalation zone', stretching from the north-eastern mountains of Latakia to the north-western suburbs of Aleppo city running through both Hama and Idlib, has been under an 'alleged' and in-name-only ceasefire agreed upon after a meeting between Russian war criminal Putin and his Turkey's Erdogan on 5 March 2020. However, that region has experienced a noticeable escalation of military operations by Russian and regime forces and their loyal militias, including daily bombardment with tens of rockets and artillery shells and Russian airstrikes, which all have caused significant human losses and material damage. Meanwhile, Turkey, the 'de-escalation' guarantor, seems satisfied with its 'timid' bombardment of regime positions, which has not restrained this alarming military escalation which is mainly concentrated in the southern countryside of Idlib, as well as affecting east Idlib countryside, towns and villages of Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama, Latakia mountains and western Aleppo countryside
30 May 2022: 30 May 2022: SOHR documented the death of a woman affected by the wounds she sustained on May 21, due to the explosion of an old landmine that hit her car, while she was harvesting in the vicinity of Al-Zarah town in the southern Hama countryside, as activists documented the death of an 11 year-old chil
3/4 June 2022: 3 June 2022: Demanding military operations against Russia, Turkey and Iranian militias, displaced civilians protest against demographic changes following Russian-Turkish agreements - 4 June 2022: SOHR reported that a member of 'Jayish Al-Sharqyyiah' faction died of wounds he sustained by 'police' bullets as they tried to disperse, as that killed man was from Deir Ezzor and did not carry weapons during the demonstration - 4 June 2022: Turkish-backed groups arrested and kidnapped 55 civilians in May, SOHR reported, as 17 people were released after paying ransoms, as 10 people were killed in Afrin, including six combatants in violent incidents - 4 June 2022: Russians, Assad regime's forces, and Iranians block entry of food and medical supplies for 'Al-Rukban' camp at Syria-Iraq-Jordan border
24/25 June 2022: 24 June 2022: Iranian-backed Afghan 'Fatimiyon' militia operating in Palmyra in the eastern countryside of Homs has taken the grain silos building, as its new headquarters, where the silos building is located near Palmyra-Deir Ezzor - 25 June 2022: An attack waged by Assad regime forces on Saturday morning on Al-Amqiyah and Al-Fatatrah frontlines in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama countryside was repelled by the factions operating in the area, as the area also witnessed an exchange of shelling between regime forces and the rebels - 25 June 2022: Nine people, including five civilians, killed in clashes among Ankara-backed factions in rural Al-Bab, east of Aleppo - 25 June 2022: Syrian refugees recount harassment, abuse in Turkey, as Syrian refugees in Turkey are living in constant fear among rising attacks, while the Turkish government increases restrictions on them
29 June 2022 young man dead 3 days after being summoned by Assad's torturers: 29 June 2022: SOHR documented the death of a young man from Palmyra under torture in desert’s Intelligence Branch in Palmyra in eastern Homs countryside, after the young man was summoned by members of Assad's Intelligence branch on June 20. Then the man’s family handed over the body of the young man from Basil Al-Assad national hospital in Palmyra three days after being summoned. - 26 June 2022: In an interview with Anadolu Agency on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture on 26 June, Turkmen Ismail Mustafa from Tal Abyad - who spent 13 years in the Tadmur prison after being detained by the forces of Hafez al-Assad regime in 1987 - said in 2022 '13 years of death, anxiety, and fear every day', recounting the torture and violence he had to endure during his 13-year incarceration.
6/7 July 2022: 6 July 2022: SOHR activists documented the injury of a woman and her four children in Aleppo province who are all displaced from Afrin, due to the explosion of an old landmine, causing the amputation of the mother’s leg and injury of her children severely, while they were trying to cross Turkish-Syrian borders from Ain Al-Arab (Kobani) side - 6 July 2022: SOHR activists reported that Turkish forces stationed in Jabal Al-Shaikh Okail at the outskirts of Al-Bab city in eastern Aleppo countryside, have fired extensive artillery shells and missiles on several villages in Aleppo countryside, as earlier today Syrian Assad regime forces targeted the vicinity of a Turkish base in the countryside of Aleppo, where four rockets hit areas near the Turkish base on the outskirts of Dabiq village near Akhtarin village in the northern countryside of Aleppo, 11 persons killed on July 6 across Syria - 7 July 2022: UN Security Council to vote on extending Syria cross-border aid
16 August 2022: 16 August 2022: Assad regime forces fired mortar shells and heavy machine guns on areas in Maarat Al-Naasan town in northern Idlib countryside, as this morning, regime shelling hit areas in Al-Bara, Al-Fatirah, Bayannin, Fulayfel and Safouhn in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, and other areas in Al-Ankawi in Sahl Al-Ghab in north-western Hama countryside - 16 August 2022: Turkish forces have carried out a rocket attack on areas in and west of Ain Al-Arab (Kobani) in eastern Aleppo countryside, amid flights by drones over areas in the villages of Al-Jat and Al-Masi north of Manbij, in northwestern countryside of Aleppo, SOHR activists reported, as Turkish shelling also hit areas in the villages of Al-Maaliq and Sayida in Ain Issa countryside, north of Al-Raqqah. It is worth noting that all the targeted areas are under the control of Autonomous Administration.
17 August 2022: 17 August 2022: Two children killed in eastern Aleppo’s neighbourhood - 17 August 2022: A Turkish air strike on a Syria border post run by Assad regime forces killed 11 on Tuesday, following an overnight flareup between Ankara’s forces and Kurdish fighters that control the area - 17 August 2022: SOHR activists reported rocket fire by Turkish forces and their proxy factions on areas around the villages of Harbil, Tel Rifaat, Al-Madiyounah, Tel Madiq and Hassia, which are controlled by Kurdish forces in the northern countryside of Aleppo - 17 August 2022: Assad regime forces have fired rockets, targeting areas in the vicinity of Kafr Amah village in the western countryside of Aleppo on Wednesday - 17 August 2022: USA-backed Maghaweir al-Thowra forces on Monday repelled multiple drones near the AT-Tanf base in Syria, as their troops managed to strike down all the drones except one - 17 August 2022: SOHR documented the death of a displaced child from Maarat Al-Numan town in Idlib countryside and the injury of another child in an explosion of unexploded ordnance in Bouzika village in Jendires district in Afrin countryside - 17 August 2022: Civilian found dead after eight months of kidnapping in Daraa countryside - 17 August 2022: SOHR reported that three new families left Al-Rukban camp at the Syria-Iraq-Jordan border triangle for Homs province, which is under the control of the regime forces, fleeing the disastrous humanitarian situation - 17 August 2022: SOHR reported that dozens of residents of Al-Muwailah village in Al-Sor town in northern Deir Ezzor countryside in SDF-held areas, have gone out on protests against the deteriorating living conditions and lack of services, in addition to the administrative corruption within the institutions of the 'Autonomous Administration' - 17 August 2022: SOHR reported that Turkish forces and their proxies have fired dozens of artillery shells on positions in Tatamirsh, Showargha and Qal’a Showargha villages with Kurdish-held areas in northern Aleppo countryside - 17 August 2022: SOHR documented the death of a civilian from Al-Masrib town in western Deir Ezzor countryside, under brutal torturing in Saydaniyah prison, four years after he was arrested - 17 August 2022: Eight persons killed on August 17 across Syria, as further details of fatalities are documented by SOHR
1 September 2022: 1 September 2022: SOHR reported that Assad regime forces and Al-Fath Al-Mubin have trade heavy machine-gun on Al-Amqiyah frontline in Sahl Al-Ghab, north-west of Hama, as regime forces have fired heavy artillery shells on the villages of Fulayfel and Al-Rayha in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in Idlib countryside, amid intensive flight by Russian reconnaissance aircraft over Jabal Al-Zawiyah, Jabal Al-Akrad, and Sahl Al-Ghab - 1 September 2022: SOHR documented the death of a 26-year-old woman by Turkish border guards 'Jandarma' after she was shot directly, while she was travelling in a taxi on Al-Domat road in Darkush area in the western Idlib countryside, as the number of civilians killed by Turkish 'Jandarma' in Syria-Turkey border area since early 2022 has risen to 16, including 3 children, while 24 other civilians were injured including 3 children
2 September 2022: 2 September 2022: Assad regime forces fired artillery shells on the surrounding areas of Sheikh Sandyan in the western countryside of Idlib and the faction supply line to frontlines of Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama and to positions in Jabal Al-Akrad and Kabana frontlines Latakia countryside - 2 September 2022: SOHR reported that Turkish forces stationed in Dawodiyah base in have fired artillery shells on SDF military positions in Al-Dirdara village, as Turkish forces and their proxies also fired artillery shells on Tel Tawel and Al-Ashorya (Assyrian) villages, which are highly populated, in Tel Tamr countryside northern of Al-Hasakah, amid displacement of civilians to neighbouring villlages. It is worth noting that SDF-held areas in north eastern of Syria are witnessing significant military escalation from Turkish forces and their proxies - 2 September 2022: 157 civilians among 291 people killed across Syria in August 2022, according to SOHR
8 September 2022: 8 September 2022: Russian fighter jets carried out airstrikes on areas in the vicinity of Hafsarja, Sejer and the vicinity of Al-Ghafar village in Sahl Al-Roj area in western Idlib countryside, the first aerial bombardment carried out by Russian fighter jets in this September - 8 September 2022: SOHR documented the death of a civilian and his son and the injury of others in Russian airstrikes on a house and industrial facility in Al-Sheikh Yusuf area in western Idlib countryside, as the number of airstrikes executed by Russian fighter jets has risen to 12, targeting areas hosting civilians - 8 September 2022: Assad regime forces shelled Bayannin village and the vicinity of Shanan village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah in southern Idlib countryside, and Maklbis village in western Aleppo countryside
13 September 2022: 13 September 2022: SOHR documented the death of a civilian affected by the wounds he sustained two days ago, due to the explosion of an old landmine of war remnants near Al-Tah village in southern Idlib countryside, which is held by regime forces
27 September 2022: 27 September 2022: Assad regime forces shell 12 towns and villages in Putin-Erdogan area, coinciding with an intensive flight of reconnaissance aircraft over the targeted areas - 27 September 2022: Russian fighter jets executed at least three airstrikes on areas in Bab Al-Hawa area and Sarmada perimeter north of Idlib, as the targeted areas are crowded with displaced person camps, and hosts headquarters of Jayish Al-Izzah faction. Russian aerial bombardment comes amid an intensive flight of reconnaissance aircraft over the area. - 27 September 2022: Assad regime forces bombard areas in western Aleppo countryside in 'Putin-Erdogan' area, coinciding with Russian airstrikes in the northwestern region of Syria - 27 September 2022: SOHR reported that Russian warplanes have executed airstrikes over 'Putin-Erdogan' area, with two of them being 'air-to-air' missile in an area where displacement camps are located in the vicinity of Al-Atareb area and Ma’arat Al-Na’san, and Taftanaz city in Idlib countryside
29 September 2022: 29 September 2022: Assad regime forces shell villages in Idlib countryside including the villages of Al-Fatirah, Fulayfel, Safouhn and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiyah, amid flight by three Russian jets
7 October 2022: 7 October 2022: Russian fighter jets have executed three airstrikes using vacuum missiles this morning, targeting an area hosting former military camps of opposition factions between Sheikh Bahr village and the vicinity of Armanaz town in northern Idlib, as Assad regime forces fired several artillery shells on the surrounding areas of Al-Sarmaniyah and Al-Ankawi villages in Sahl Al-Ghab in the north-western countryside of Hama and the villages of Sfuhen and Al-Fterah in Idlib countryside, according to SOHR - 7 October 2022: Assad regime forces shell villages in Idlib and Hama in 'De-Escalation Zone', as shells hit Karafish village in Latakia, killing little girl - 7 October 2022: Assad regime forces have fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Bahfis, Kafr Ta’al and Tadil villages in western Aleppo countryside, and Ma’arat Al-Na’asan north eastern of Idlib, SOHR reports
8 October 2022: 8 October 2022: Lebanese Hezbollah installs rocket launcher base west of Euphrates, according to SOHR - 8 October 2022: SOHR documented the injury of a young man after being shot by unidentified gunmen near Tafas hospital in western Daraa countryside, earlier documenting the death of a civilian from a Bedouin tribe in Al-Lajat area, where unknown assailants shot him on the main road in Al-Mulayha Al-Gharbiyah town - 8 October 2022: People go on general strike amid closure of shops over killing prominent corruption warrior in Al-Bab city, according to SOHR - 8 October 2022: Assad regime fired heavey artillery on Al-Sarmaniyah and Dweir Al-Akrad in Sahl Al-Ghab west of Hama, SOHR reported, as Assad regime forces and Al-Fath Al-Mubin factions traded fire in western Hama countryside
20 November 2022: 20 November 2022: SOHR documented the death of a child due to the explosion of a cluster grenade of war remnants in the agricultural lands at the outskirts of Jisr Al-Shughor city western of Idlib, while he was shepherding. Accordingly, SOHR has documented the death of 201 civilians, including ten women and 100 children, due to explosions of old landmines, unexploded shells and bombs across Syria since early 2022. - 20 November 2022: SOHR activists reported that a surface to surface missile was fired from Assad regime positions in the Defence Departments near Al-Safira eastern of Aleppo, where Iranian militias are stationed, where the missile hit the vicinity of Afis town near Taftanaz airport, which is used by Turkish forces as military base within 'Putin-Erdogan' area. Moreover, regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on Mantaf Marbalit and Ma’rat Al-Na’san towns in Idlib countryside. Earlier today, SOHR sources reported that Russian forces fired surface-to-surface missiles on Qalb Al-Louzah village in Jabal Al-Sammaq in Idlib countryside. - 20 November 2022: Turkey launched deadly airstrikes over northern regions of Syria and Iraq, targeting Kurdish groups that the Erdogan administration holds responsible for last week’s bomb attack in Istanbul. Warplanes attacked bases belonging to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ party PKK, and the Syrian People’s Protection Units, or YPG, the ministry said in a statement, which was accompanied by images of F-16 jets taking off and footage of a strike from an aerial drone, 'The Guardian' reports
21 November 2022: 21 November 2022: Russian fighter jets executed airstrikes, targeting areas on Kabbana frontline in Jabal Al-Akrad in northern countryside of Latakia. Meanwhile, Assad regime forces have bombed areas in Fulayfel, Al-Bara, Al-Fatirah and Bayannen forests in southern Idlib countryside. - 21 November 2022: SOHR activists reported that Assad regime forces have fired a guided missile on a civilian car in Qilidin village in Sahl Al-Ghab in the western Hama countryside, as a few hours ago, Russian fighter jets executed six airstrikes, targeting the perimeter of the Bab Al-Hawa crossing and hospital near Sarmada town on the border strip with Iskenderun, metres away from the Turkish crossing. It is worth noting that the area is crowded with camps for displaced persons, the majority of whom were displaced by the military operation of Russia and Assad regime forces on the areas and countryside of Aleppo, Idlib and Hama between 2019 and 2020.
22 November 2022: 22 November 2022: Turkey, Israel and Russia have all launched raids in recent days, reaffirming that a decade-long war remains a rumbling conflict with the potential to escalate on at least three fronts. But even as attention focuses on the escalating conflict in Ukraine, the unfinished 'business' of the Syrian war casts a growing pall across the rest of an incendiary region - 22 November 2022: SOHR activists monitored new series of Turkish ground shelling, where Turkish forces fired artillery shells on Kozlaih, Tel Al-Laban, Qobor Qarajna, Shaikh Ali, Tawela, Um Al-Kaif, Um Al-Khair and Tel Al-Ward villages and the Assyrian Abo Rasen town in Tel Tamr countryside north western of Al-Hasakah, comes amid an escalation of Turkish ground and aerial military activity on SDF-held areas in northern and eastern of Syria, including Turkish attacks on villages in north western Al-Hasakah causing a state of panic among civilians
27 November 2022: 27 November 2022: Turkish aircraft carried out intensive airstrikes on Sunday morning, targeting areas where Kurdish and regime forces are deployed in the northern countryside of Aleppo, as its airstrikes hit positions at Meng military airport, Shawargha, Maranaz and Malikiyah. No casualties have been reported yet. Since November 19 evening, Turkey has escalated its aerial bombardment, as Turkish drones have executed 50 airstrikes, targeting vehicles, positions, and areas in Aleppo, Al-Hasakah and Al-Raqqah. Turkish airstrikes left 45 people dead, and 34 others injured. - 27 November 2022: Turkish forces stationed at the scientific research base in Azaz city have fired heavy artillery shells on Ain Daqna village, Meng military airport and other areas where “Kurdish forces” and regime forces are deployed in the northern countryside of Aleppo - 27 November 2022: A 12-year-old girl was injured in Kani Kurdan neighbourhood on the eastern outskirts of Ain Al-Arab (Kobani), in the eastern countryside of Aleppo, when she was shot by Turkish forces while playing with other children in front of her house. The little girl was transferred to a hospital in Ain Al-Ara. - 27 November 2022: SDF and Turkish forces trade fire in Ain Issa and Ain Al-Arab (Kobani) countryside - 27 November 2022: Turkish troops and National Army factions shell ten villages in rural Tel Tamr and Abu Rasin - 27 November 2022: SOHR activists have reported that Turkish forces and their proxies fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Tel Refaat district in northern Aleppo countryside, Soghonaki, Al-Mayasa and Zarna’it villages in Shirawa district in Afrin countryside in northern Aleppo countryside - 27 November 2022: Many civilians in the border city of Al-Darbasiyah in the northern countryside of Al-Hasakah have participated in a mass demonstration to denounce the Turkish attacks and to demand that the international community and the Russians protect the residents of the area from Turkish airstrikes and stop the destruction of infrastructure and oil and gas facilities in north-eastern Syria. The protesters also stressed that they stood by the SDF in the face of Turkish military operation
30 June 2023: 30 June 2023: Russian intervention and Putin regime's dramatic escalation of aerial operations on 'de-escalation zone' leaves nearly 65 casualties
29 November 2023: 29 November 2023: Assad regime forces, with Russian approval, have continued their siege on areas in the northern countryside of Aleppo, since November 20, which has led to the region completely running out of fuel, despite repeated appeals from the residents to break the siege and remove the humanitarian file from the policies imposed by the regime, which are based on clamping down on the residents of the region and emptying it. Accordingly, most of schools are still closed to students in the villages and towns of the northern Aleppo countryside, which includes displaced people from Afrin region, while Avrin Hospital continues to limit its work for the fifth day in a row to receiving only emergency medical cases after the majority of the equipment stopped. - 29 November 2023: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells and high-explosive missiles on San village in the eastern countryside of Idlib and Al-Fatirah town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area. They also fired heavy artillery shells on Al-Fatirah and Safouhen towns, while Al-Ankawi village in Sahil Al-Ghab area in the western countryside of Hama was bombed with heavy machineguns by the regime forces stationed in neighbouring areas.
22 January 2024: 22 January 2024: Assad regime forces fired heavy artillery shells on the vicinity of Al-Fatirah village in the Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in the southern countryside of Idlib. They also fired Taftanaz town and the vicinity of Taoum town in the eastern countryside of Idlib, in addition to the villages of Kafar Taal, Al-Wasatah and Al-Qasr in the western countryside of Aleppo. - 22 January 2024: Four civilians including two children sustained various injuries due to rocket fire by Assad regime forces on Ariha town in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in southern Idlib countryside - 22 January 2024: Two civilians sustained various injuries due to artillery fire by Assad regime forces on Sarjah village in Jabal Al-Zawiyah area in southern Idlib countryside, where they were taken to the hospital for treatment
10 September 2024: 10 September 2024: A civilian died affected by the injury he sustained days ago due to an attack by drone on Kafr Nouran village in western Aleppo countryside within “Putin-Erdogan” area - 10 September 2024: Assad regime forces renewed their shelling of several villages within “Putin-Erdogan” area. The artillery and mortar shelling concentrated on the vicinity of the villages of Al-Sarmaniyah and Al-Mashik and Al-Ankawi in Sahil Al-Ghab area, north-west of Hama. Furthermore, Assad regime forces targeted Kafar Ammah village, west of Aleppo, which witnessed violent shelling with more than 20 artillery shells and mortar shells, causing extensive damage. Meanwhile, in northern Latakia, Assad regime forces targeted Al-Kabina hills with violent artillery shelling, in an attempt to control these strategic areas that oversee large areas of Latakia countryside.
16 October 2024: 16 October 2024: A 5-year-old girl was killed and five civilians were injured, as a result of intense artillery shelling carried out by Assad regime forces, targeting agricultural lands around the villages of Maarbalit and Maarzaf, south-east of Idlib, as the injured were taken to the hospital for treatment. The Assad regime forces also shelled the towns of Al-Nayrab, San Majdalia and Benin in the eastern countryside of Idlib, and a regime kamikaze drone targeted the vicinity of Deir Sunbul village in the southern countryside of Idlib. - 16 October 2024: Assad regime forces shelled Kafar Taal village in the western countryside of Aleppo with more than 40 artillery shells and heavy missiles, resulting in significant material damage to civilians’ properties and houses. In a related context, Russian aircraft launched attacks with vacuum missiles on Kabanah hills north of Latakia.

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